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Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live - Foreign Affairs (2747) - Nairaland

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Video Of A Congolese Soldier’s Final Moments On The Battlefield Surfaces Online / World News! Events Happening Around The World / Russia - Ukraine War Tension: Live Updates (Pictures) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by nigeriansamurai(m): 7:33am On Nov 26, 2024

Will you shut up your rotten mouth? You see why I said people like you never knew the genesis of the insults and counter insults on this thread? You just joined this thread in the last six months and you start taking sides. It's really stupid of you.
For your info, the word "putard" and "NAFO" have been in use on this thread for more than 2 years by the opposing factions of pro Russia and pro Ukraine.
When you don't know the genesis of something, it would be better to just keep quiet, shut up and be a spectator. Don't come and start pitying anybody because they insulted another. You hear? 🧏🧏🧏

Others might be exceptions but you particularly don't have manners. And among all here alot of people respect your broke ass the least.

You are the "genesis" of a lot of insults here.

The annoying thing with this guy is that he's just here to insult people doing better than himself.

Very ugly broke and mannerless human being 😂. That's why he never finished law school 😂😂😂😂

9 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by WrriterNg: 7:35am On Nov 26, 2024
⚡Russia's Security Council Chief Sergei Shoigu arrives in Kabul, Afghanistan for talks with the Taliban.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by nigeriansamurai(m): 7:36am On Nov 26, 2024

It is not by chest beating. That was the same way Japan learned the hard way. It's really baffling for you to think that out of the several nations that raced towards nuclear arms, the first nation to achieve and successfully test it would now in the 21st century be lacking hypersonic missiles. It is really baffling for you to think that a nation that has placed satellites moving at incredible speeds of 38,000 miles per hour and at over 150 million kilometres away from earth, a feat achieved since the 1970s will be lacking in hypersonic missiles.

You will never get a pretty girl on your bed, with those scary looking tribal scars on your face😢. You parents are wicked ooo😭

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:38am On Nov 26, 2024
The F-35 design was broken at the requirements level, because it was required to be too many things to too many people.

This made it an expensive & complex jack of all trades, master of none. Success was never in the set of possible outcomes.

And manned fighter jets are obsolete in the age of drones anyway. Will just get pilots killed.

Elon Musk
Well, this is a really poor one from Elon and it only points out that his accusations are merely political bias. While drones are important, it is a fact that drones cannot carry the kind of missiles carried by fighter jets, drones always have to be re engineered almost all times because of jamming and counter jamming.
Anyone taking Elon serious on this one is really not smart.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:41am On Nov 26, 2024

You will never get a pretty girl on your bed, with those scary looking tribal scars on your face😢. You parents are wicked ooo😭
Who cares? As long as i have a mother for my children. Your pretty girl remains a useless one that keeps draining your finances, lacks everything from basic house cleaning to proper upbringing of children. I guess your mother was also "pretty" no wonder you are brought up the way you are and remain the nuisance you are on nairaland.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Botragelad: 7:41am On Nov 26, 2024
⚡Russia's Security Council Chief Sergei Shoigu arrives in Kabul, Afghanistan for talks with the Taliban.

is Russia now a proper pariah state or what? They're either meeting or making deals with failed states and organizations. I mean, who would've thought that Mother Russia, once the so called big guys, would be begging for scraps from tiny countries and nations that nobody takes seriously? It's like, the ultimate gathering of losers!😂

Russia's lost its mojo, and it's showing in their desperate attempts to cling to relevance. They're getting snubbed by the international community, and their only friends are the likes of North korea, Iran,etc. They have similar traits in common.🤦🏼
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:42am On Nov 26, 2024

Others might be exceptions but you particularly don't have manners. And among all here alot of people respect your broke ass the least.

You are the "genesis" of a lot of insults here.

The annoying thing with this guy is that he's just here to insult people doing better than himself.

Very ugly broke and mannerless human being 😂. That's why he never finished law school 😂😂😂😂
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by obedience4(m): 7:43am On Nov 26, 2024

You go just dey float ego wey you no get...
Who here do you think (apart from your fellow pro-west supporters), Do you think does not know how an an ICBM operates...

Has there ever been any use of America hypersonic missiles even in Ukraine?

before now on Wikipedia, the article on the Long Range hypersonic weapon, clearly stated it was experimental.
Only after the latest ballistic missiles strike news, all of a sudden it was shown that it had been in service since 2023...
Why haven't we seen such in Israeli and Ukrainian arsenal.

Get me a real life event record of an American missile reaching mach 24. I have been studying weapons since before you entered primary school. If you think such a weapon actually exists and is ready for use...
Then your still a new to the American scam weapons industry.

Is American at war in Ukraine or in the middle-east??
Why will certain US weapons be used in Ukraine or in Gaza?? A US army ATACMS first inducted into service in the early 1990s is what giving your darling Russia headaches it has to start threatening nuclear war.

Ukraine and Israel US military aids are tailored according to its peculiar military needs. Is like saying the US should give Ukraine subs.

China DF-41 and Russia ICBMs goes more than Mach 20 plus during its earth re-entry. That is fact. When the Russians tested the Avangard missiles. Yury Borisov the deputy prime minister of Russia stated that the missile flew 27 times the speed of sound. Mr weapons expert 27 times the speed of sound is Mach what??

Keep deceiving yourself. That was how people doubted until the FATMAN landed in japan
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by ariesbull: 7:44am On Nov 26, 2024

Well, this is a really poor one from Elon and it only points out that his accusations are merely political bias. While drones are important, it is a fact that drones cannot carry the kind of missiles carried by fighter jets, drones always have to be re engineered almost all times because of jamming and counter jamming.
Anyone taking Elon serious on this one is really not smart.

Here are some of the largest combat drones:
Predator C Avenger

This drone has the highest maximum takeoff weight of any drone at 8,255 kilograms.
RQ-4 Global Hawk

This drone can capture detailed images from 12 miles up and track 12 moving targets at the same time.

This drone can carry a wide range of weapons, including bombs that can weigh up to 500 lbs and are equipped with GPS guidance systems. It also has artificial intelligence on board.
Israeli Defense Force drone
This drone can carry a rhinoceros that weighs 2,700 kilograms. It can fly for more than 30 hours and has a maximum speed of 220 knots.

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:45am On Nov 26, 2024

Others might be exceptions but you particularly don't have manners. And among all here alot of people respect your broke ass the least.

You are the "genesis" of a lot of insults here.

The annoying thing with this guy is that he's just here to insult people doing better than himself.

Very ugly broke and mannerless human being 😂. That's why he never finished law school 😂😂😂😂
There are no exceptions. You should simply say I am the one that gives you the one that pains you the most. When you start something you are not competent in, don't expect to walk away with a high head. I will decimate you beyond redemption if you every cross my path. There is no how you bring it that you won't find me at home.

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by ariesbull: 7:46am On Nov 26, 2024

Will you shut up your rotten mouth? You see why I said people like you never knew the genesis of the insults and counter insults on this thread? You just joined this thread in the last six months and you start taking sides. It's really stupid of you.
For your info, the word "putard" and "NAFO" have been in use on this thread for more than 2 years by the opposing factions of pro Russia and pro Ukraine.
When you don't know the genesis of something, it would be better to just keep quiet, shut up and be a spectator. Don't come and start condemning anybody because they insulted another. You hear? 🧏🧏🧏

Very insulting and shallow ...please with all due respect...can you please avoid my mention...yous too dense for a decent conversation

Have a blessed day

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:47am On Nov 26, 2024

Here are some of the largest combat drones:
Predator C Avenger

This drone has the highest maximum takeoff weight of any drone at 8,255 kilograms.
RQ-4 Global Hawk

This drone can capture detailed images from 12 miles up and track 12 moving targets at the same time.

This drone can carry a wide range of weapons, including bombs that can weigh up to 500 lbs and are equipped with GPS guidance systems. It also has artificial intelligence on board.
Israeli Defense Force drone
This drone can carry a rhinoceros that weighs 2,700 kilograms. It can fly for more than 30 hours and has a maximum speed of 220 knots.
Still, what they carry is still low. For instance, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were carried by Fighter jets. And you didn't point out whether they are susceptible to jamming or not.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by nigeriansamurai(m): 7:49am On Nov 26, 2024

Who cares? As long as i have a mother for my children. Your pretty girl remains a useless one that keeps draining your finances, lacks everything from basic house cleaning to proper upbringing of children. I guess your mother was also "pretty" no wonder you are brought up the way you are and remain the nuisance you are on nairaland.
Only a man with low self esteem think every pretty lady is a gold digger or from a poor family...

Now na morning if you like no hustle. I can stay on Nairaland all day and I will not lose a dime, how about you... Wait you don't make SHIT😂...

You want insults right stay here and keep on insulting me let's see who is losing.

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:49am On Nov 26, 2024

Very insulting and shallow ...please with all due respect...can you please avoid my mention...yous too dense for a decent conversation

Have a blessed day
Anyhow you want it. Start it, get bombarded.
Am a no nonsense person.

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 7:52am On Nov 26, 2024

Only a man with low self esteem think every pretty lady is a gold digger or from a poor family...

Now na morning if you like no hustle. I can stay on Nairaland all day and I will not lose a dime, how about you... Wait you don't make SHIT😂...

You want insults right stay here and keep on insulting me let's see who is losing.
Are you getting tired already? I was expecting a barrage from you. Don't tell me you've run out so fast. grin

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by ariesbull: 7:54am On Nov 26, 2024
STOPPING WORLD WAR III: President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. call for the immediate De-escalation and cease fire between Russia and Ukraine demanding world peace. This war will lead America and the world into a Nuclear Armageddon killing 5.8 Billion people within 73 minutes.

We have never been closer to World War III than we are today under Joe Biden. A global conflict between nuclear-armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear Armageddon. NOTHING is more important than avoiding that nightmare. We will avoid it. But we need new leadership.

Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to IMMEDIATELY have a total cessation of hostilities. All shooting has to stop. This is the central issue. We need PEACE without delay.

In addition, there must also be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neo-con establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home. The State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the Deep Staters and put America First. We have to put America First.

Finally, we have to finish the process we began under my Administration of fundamentally reevaluating NATO's purpose and NATO's mission. Our foreign policy establishment keeps trying to pull the world into conflict with a nuclear-armed Russia based on the lie that Russia represents our greatest threat. But the greatest threat to Western Civilization today is not Russia. It's probably, more than anything else, ourselves and some of the horrible, U.S.A. hating people that represent us. It's the abolition of our national borders. It’s the failure to police our own cities. It’s the destruction of the rule of law from within. It's the collapse of the nuclear family and fertility rates, like nobody can believe is happening. It's the Marxists who would have us become a Godless nation worshipping at the altar of race, and gender, and environment. And it's the globalist class that has made us totally dependent on China and other foreign countries that basically hate us.

These globalists want to squander all of America's strength, blood and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas, while keeping us distracted from the havoc they're creating right here at home. These forces are doing more damage to America than Russia and China could ever have dreamed. Evicting the sick and corrupt establishment is the monumental task for the next president. And I'm the only one who can do it. I'm the only one that can get the job done. I know exactly what has to be done.

President Trump Announces Plan to Stop the America Last Warmongers and Globalists:

World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.

One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s Generals, bureaucrats, and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.

For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III.

Here in America we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades, and that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars. We have to replace them with people who support American interests.

Over our 4 years in the White House, we made incredible progress in putting the America-Last contingent aside and bringing the world to peace and now, we’re going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon, and National Security Establishment will be a very different place by the end of my administration. In fact, just into my administration it’ll be a very different place, and it’ll get things done just like I did four years ago. We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs, getting paid millions and millions of dollars.

Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the President who delivers peace, and it’s peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict, there was a reason we didn’t get into wars, because other countries respected us. I entirely built all right from the beginning, rebuilt our military. It’s a big reason for that. They didn’t want to mess around with the United States, and now they’re laughing at us. We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, and frauds, and failures in the senior ranks of our government will all be gone, and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.

The conflict in Ukraine is very dangerous, explosive, and escalating by the day. Biden's weakness and incompetence have brought us to the brink of nuclear war. It's far past the time for all parties involved to pursue a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine before this horrific catastrophe spirals out of control and leads to World War III. We must end this ridiculous war and demand peace in Ukraine now before it gets worse.

Truth Justice


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by ariesbull: 7:55am On Nov 26, 2024

Anyhow you want it. Start it, get bombarded.
Am a no nonsense person.
you are notorious here for insults ....so I will not indulge you ... I can't assist you to derail this thread

Have a blessed day ! Mind you, insult doesn't pay bills


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by shoodboi2: 7:56am On Nov 26, 2024

You are really funny to be replying that guy. A person suffering from Attention disorder. He will comment before properly understanding. It is a psychological problem. Better to let him roam like the mad dog he is.

Coming from someone who was expelled from school for stealing. Why don't you tell us the truth about why you cannot go to law school? Thief.

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by shoodboi2: 8:00am On Nov 26, 2024

Why do you guys always start conversation with insults especially you Lagos crowd...why call Putards? Where you people raised in abusive environment that everything is abused and insults...why can't you make your point nicely and decently without the insult...just like the other guy Gbadebo, you Lanre is also insulting

Why are you guys always like this ..insulting people that don't see things your way? Why ? Was it the way your parents raise you guys ?

That's how they were raised. On this thread, you can easily tell those who are not loved at home. Many of them are the perfect example of what happens when you raise a child in an abusive environment.

Funny thing is that they only cap on the Internet. In real life, they'll be very calm, because they know they will receive one or two slaps when they insult people anyhow.

1 Like

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by nigeriansamurai(m): 8:00am On Nov 26, 2024

Are you getting tired already? I was expecting a barrage from you. Don't tell me you've run out so fast. grin
I am not insulting you, boy😂
Everything I said about you is the truth😂
You have low self esteem, you are broke, ugly and are not a lawyer😂
These above reasons are why you seek validation by insulting people here, cause that's the only way a wankers feel they are part of something bigger.


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:05am On Nov 26, 2024

Coming from someone who was expelled from school for stealing. Why don't you tell us the truth about why you cannot go to law school? Thief.
This is the new path you want to follow.
First, I didn't graduate
Second, I didn't go to law school
Third, I was expelled from law school
Fourth, I did not do NYSC.
I will just leave you to your guesses

By the way, just tell Haybeeque, ( I have decided to redact his name, cos I am not the street lunatic that you are) your informant that I know everything. If you think I never knew he was the one feeding you all the while, you really don't know who you are dealing with. I have your own picture as well but I won't be as stupid as you.
When I am on a job, I do clean ones. No mistakes, no excuses. You yourself will be the one, with your own leg, to walk into my trap. Just wait and see what I am planning for you. The funny thing is that I am never in a hurry. Maybe 10 years time, maybe tomorrow, who knows.
But e be like say this ADHD matter dey pain you. I even read that your psychological disease can be genetic. Is this how your father also roams about like a mad dog? Woof woof on the streets 🐶🐕🐶🐕
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by shoodboi2: 8:10am On Nov 26, 2024

Still, what they carry is still low. For instance, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were carried by Fighter jets. And you didn't point out whether they are susceptible to jamming or not.

Historian. You have started lying about history again. Even without being told, can't your commonsense tell you that a fighter jet is too small to carry a nuclear weapon?

The nuclear bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were carried by bombers, specifically the B-29 bomber.

You don't know law and still don't know history. So, what do you know? Even a squirrel displays more intelligence than you do.


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:11am On Nov 26, 2024

I am not insulting you, boy😂
Everything I said about you is the truth😂
You have low self esteem, you are broke, ugly and are not a lawyer😂
These above reasons are why you seek validation by insulting people here, cause that's the only way a wankers feel they are part of something bigger.
Shosho media has dented your brains beyond repair. Whoever sent you to school would be turning in his grave right now.
Does your validation pay my bills? Did I finish school by using your so called validation to pay my fees? Maybe it is your validation I will even eat this morning. grin
All these rubbish so called validation, attention seeking and so on that do not exist can only be used to whitewash illiterates like you.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Lawag3: 8:11am On Nov 26, 2024

It is an Hezbollah victory!

Israel is Hezbollah's regular customer.
10/10 times, they'll lose.

The IDF is only set up for quick wars.
Positional, dynamic, drawn-out warfare that extends for months is their kryptonite.

They are scared of Iran for the same reason.
Sure they would successfully strike targets in Iran. Heck, they could even get some high-profile assassinations under their belt.
But the scale of destruction that'll be meted on them after a year-long war with Iran will drive them to capitulation.


How is this a Hezbollahs victory?

It isn't even a stalemate like in 2006.

There are lands under Israeli control in Lebanon right now.

Hezbollah lost more men than the Israelis.

Lost more influential people in authority than the Israelis

Most of Hezbollah's strong holds are in shambles due to Israeli airstrikes.

Now if they agree to the ceasefire agreement they will move beyond the litany river and Lebanese army will then be in control of Southern Lebanon.

Israel's northern residents will return home.

Lastly Hezbollah should have some pride what happened to unless a ceasefire deal is made in Gaza we won't agree to anything.

So on what merit is this a Hezbollah's victory my dear Lord.
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:14am On Nov 26, 2024

Historian. You have started lying about history again. Even without being told, can't your commonsense tell you that a fighter jet is too small to carry a nuclear weapon?

The nuclear bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were carried by bombers, specifically the B-29 bomber.

You don't know law and still don't know history. So, what do you know? Even a squirrel displays more intelligence than you do.

Woof woof!! That was a mistake, thanks for the correction. Can you now go to the hospital and get treated before you go blind?
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by shoodboi2: 8:15am On Nov 26, 2024

This is the new path you want to follow.
First, I didn't graduate
Second, I didn't go to law school
Third, I was expelled from law school
Fourth, I did not do NYSC.
I will just leave you to your guesses...

You are a noisemaker. Cap for those who think you have sense. You did not go to law school and you did not serve. Why you no go law school?


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:30am On Nov 26, 2024

You are a noisemaker. Cap for those who think you have sense. You did not go to law school and you did not serve. Why you no go law school?
Woof woof 🐶🐕
Shoodboi2 the mad dog.
Me I don't know why you deleted the part where mentioned your informant oo. grin
Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 8:42am On Nov 26, 2024

You wise men are so funny. So you think only Russia has the monopoly of ICBM to deploy? Like no other nation in Europe or North America cannot return fire for fire for him?

It's unfortunate that Ukraine gave up all their nuclear weapons in 1991 after independence. Otherwise, we would talking different thing today.

Ukraine never had their own nuke in it history that nuke belongs to the Russian Federation and Russia took it when they got independence

Uk placed heavy weapons in Nigeria in the colonial era and took it when we got independence

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Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by BoldBrainz(m): 8:42am On Nov 26, 2024


is Russia now a proper pariah state or what? They're either meeting or making deals with failed states and organizations. I mean, who would've thought that Mother Russia, once the so called big guys, would be begging for scraps from tiny countries and nations that nobody takes seriously? It's like, the ultimate gathering of losers!😂

Russia's lost its mojo, and it's showing in their desperate attempts to cling to relevance. They're getting snubbed by the international community, and their only friends are the likes of North korea, Iran,etc. They have similar traits in common.🤦🏼

Of all the regular pro-West fanatics who routinely weigh-in on issues in this thread, your idiocy is the most offensive.

It's like your brain runs counter clock-wise to the rest of humanity. Your understanding of very basic things is offensive. To say you dey reason like fish na actual offense to fishes.


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 8:44am On Nov 26, 2024

Why do you guys always start conversation with insults especially you Lagos crowd...why call Putards? Where you people raised in abusive environment that everything is abused and insults...why can't you make your point nicely and decently without the insult...just like the other guy Gbadebo, you Lanre is also insulting

Why are you guys always like this ..insulting people that don't see things your way? Why ? Was it the way your parents raise you guys ?

They grew up in face me I face you homes so abuse is the morning greetings in those places

That how they greet and interact in those environments


Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Kingsnairaland(m): 8:46am On Nov 26, 2024
The F-35 design was broken at the requirements level, because it was required to be too many things to too many people.

This made it an expensive & complex jack of all trades, master of none. Success was never in the set of possible outcomes.

And manned fighter jets are obsolete in the age of drones anyway. Will just get pilots killed.

Elon Musk

Pure truth

He just killed the next USA game changer because without this Biden the Satan associate will be saying let give Ukraine f35

Re: Russia-Ukraine War: World News, Weapons & Battlefield Discussions - Live by Gbadebo19(m): 8:46am On Nov 26, 2024

Of all the regular pro-West fanatics who routinely weigh-in on issues in this thread, your idiocy is the most offensive.

It's like your brain runs counter clock-wise to the rest of humanity. Your understanding of very basic things is offensive. To say you dey reason like fish na actual offense to fishes.
Should I help you cut this woof woof 🐶🐕 to size?

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