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Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Elusive001: 8:17am On Dec 28, 2024

Now you are celebrating and singing praises to Yemen instead of condemning them but when Israel responds you cry about genocide, tagging me all over the place or did Houthis not just fire a missile into an airport full of civilians(according to your post)?

Aren't you the same person condemning Israel for firing at civilians. Do you realize what would happen if the IAF carpet bomb Yemen indiscriminately. There will be no single Muslim to tell the tale!

Islamists can never take what they dish out.

You dey reason that head slammer? The demons that control them are senior demons. Their reasoning is madness.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Elusive001: 8:22am On Dec 28, 2024

Yemen has 45 million population.
Isreal has 6 million population.

And yet all muslims wey be 1.2b never fit exterminate them.

Israel is around 9.4m people. Muslims, around 1.9b, yet Israel dey teach them lessons.

Listen to this. 1.9b or even 100b Muslims will never ever, I repeat, never ever do anything to Jacob (Israel). Never!!!!! The only being that will harm Israel will be the antichrist, the son of perdition, whom una call the 12th imam.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Elusive001: 8:29am On Dec 28, 2024

Armchair General,

Yemen's terrain does not favor ground invasion. Its mountainous, desert and the 40 million dollar reaper drones that were used before were just wasted. Imaging losing a 40 million dollar drone and not killing a single person.
Donald trump will not put any boots on the ground anywhere there is no Oil. Americans are not stupid. Americans only give freedom to Oil countries.
Israel has 170k active service soldiers
Yemen has 8.9 million people fit for active service.

There is a reason air fight is chosen over ground invasion.

Sit back and watch.

Please prepare your "free Yemen" campaign fast because it must happen. Shebi all una hope for annihilation of Israel don evaporate. When we tell una say na GOD Almighty establish Jacob, una dey para.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by hopedey: 9:04am On Dec 28, 2024
Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world

Ok o.... We will see the results in coming weeks.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Elidrisy20: 9:09am On Dec 28, 2024
Do me
I do you
Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by DLifeless1: 9:10am On Dec 28, 2024


Na like this Una dey push all these Una islamic terrorists 🤬,
Hamas, Hezbollah and now houthi, shey you guys were crying their airport was hit.
When Israel will stop listening to those holding them back and do this people dirty, of course we go dey here hear Una bleat in high tone again and again.

Since that Una pig prophet exchanged Una brain for en scrotal sack🤫I trust Israel.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Thedon12(m): 9:12am On Dec 28, 2024
have you seen where someone conquer by hauling missiles from many miles aways? Compare to isrealis that will fly jets straight to Yemen. Reason this before you have any false hope.

Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by PHIPEX(m): 9:13am On Dec 28, 2024
Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world
You will soon change mouth to "pray for Yemen" "Isreal is committing genocide in Yemen". Continue. The dogs will soon see the fight they are dreaming of


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Mandate1: 9:13am On Dec 28, 2024

Yemen has 45 million population.
Isreal has 6 million population.
Iran has 89.17m people, this did not deter Isreal. Chill bro


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by LeeSmart: 9:13am On Dec 28, 2024
This OP is a terrorist nothing una fit tell me😆😆


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by DLifeless1: 9:14am On Dec 28, 2024
[quote author=malali post=133470686][/quote]
Why do you Muslims enjoy lying, which Christians are in Yemen🤬
The yemeni Jews nko, what happened to them, you Mohammadans have cleared them and now crying genocide.

I trust IAFs response, it will be mind touching.

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by drstranged: 9:14am On Dec 28, 2024
My question is, why would Israel launch an attack on an airport, where you have nationals of so many countries and innocent travellers? The Israelis are just drawing more enemies to themselves. It's unacceptable. Go after the terrorists but don't attack universal facilities like airport where over 90% of people there are innocent travellers

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by DLifeless1: 9:17am On Dec 28, 2024

Yemen has 45 million population.
Isreal has 6 million population.

So you think if there is invasion that it is Israel that will do it, it is just the west to cook up one story, you see those ships Yemen is attacking it will be their undoing🤬, Muslims should not cry later, Yemen is strong abi🤬🧐, please let it keep being that way.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by tolexy007(m): 9:17am On Dec 28, 2024
UN will not say anything now

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by SaLongs1(m): 9:17am On Dec 28, 2024
Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world
The problem of living with Islamic extremism supporters such as yourself is the fact that you fail to factor in retaliation after provocation.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by DLifeless1: 9:20am On Dec 28, 2024

Via Saudi Arabia or the Red Sea?

Their best bet are airstrikes

Saudi will freely open their borders for any invasion, you see that their attacking of ships in the red sea will be their undoing.
The west will just cook up one story and have the reason to do the needful, nothing concerns Israel.

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Guestmale: 9:20am On Dec 28, 2024
Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world

This was how Hezbollah was been gaslight until they are served breakfast.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by SaLongs1(m): 9:21am On Dec 28, 2024

Now you are celebrating and singing praises to Yemen instead of condemning them but when Israel responds you cry about genocide, tagging me all over the place or did Houthis not just fire a missile into an airport full of civilians(according to your post)?

Aren't you the same person condemning Israel for firing at civilians. Do you realize what would happen if the IAF carpet bomb Yemen indiscriminately. There will be no single Muslim to tell the tale!

Islamists can never take what they dish out.
I always wonder how Islamic extremism lovers think the whole world will fold it's arms and watch their kin destroy global trade just because they want to impose a religion that is much more of a murderous cult on the whole world.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by DLifeless1: 9:22am On Dec 28, 2024
Saudi Arabia can't be used in fact it won't even be part of the inversion, because the shouthis need hit to make them back out

Just imagine what you are saying😡
Hope you no dey use this brain cross main road.


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by BondRiv: 9:22am On Dec 28, 2024
Israel, the only so-called sovereign country that needs and gets help from the U.S. in shooting down missiles aimed at it, even though it voluntarily entered the conflict.
Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Phyde: 9:23am On Dec 28, 2024
Other nations will not call these guys to order now. Soon they will start calling for another Benjamin arrest when the matter get out of hand.

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by MaziObinnaokija: 9:24am On Dec 28, 2024
grin GOD punish Allah and MuhamMAad
Yemen, fights back,attacked by Israel now but previously by USA, France,UK, and even Saudi. Israel has always seen Yemen like a walkover. Sometimes its not the Dog in the fight but the fight in the Dog.

Yemen has protested that Israel should stop murdering and genocidal act,against the Palestinians, as the UN remained helpless and all the European countries and other countries in the world look on.

Small Yemen have refused to be bullied and have continued to stand up to Israel's terrorist criminal act of genocide and murdering babies.
Yemen has no distinct connection with the palestinians but they have just refused to standby and continue to watch the injustice.

David conquered Goliath.....The Yemeni's might humble the Israelis as they have refused to listen to the whole world

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Mathewrichard99: 9:24am On Dec 28, 2024
Nope, Israel wouldn't do that. I guess you said that cos of the ground invasion in Lebanon against Hezebollah. Hezebollah are more sophisticated terrorists organization than Yemen Houthis. Hezebollah were sponsored by Iran and supplied sophisticated weapons which among were alleged nuclear weapons. I said alleged cos Hezebollah threatened Israel with it and even chemical weapons. That was one of the motive of the ground invasion, however, there wasn't anything like that discovered during the invasion by Israel.......

In this present Houthis self destruction, Israel will definitely bombard them with drones, fighters jets and their long range destructive missiles.

Yemen, Houthis might be another Wrecked Gaza we would experience next year.

Soon, people will be shouting genocide, mass killing by Israel etc.......

bequote author=Kenneth4u205 post=133470825]There will be a ground invasion of Yemen come January/February 2025[/quote]


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by SaLongs1(m): 9:25am On Dec 28, 2024

Invasion by who? NATO? Because Israel doesn't have that capacity to invade up to thousand miles away
Israel is a nuclear armed state with global outreach. I hope you know that.
Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Guestmale: 9:25am On Dec 28, 2024
There must be a grand plan by some powerful forces to destroy Yemen. Because these houthis are definitely biting more than they can chew

The worst UN will talk now until Israel begin to hammer them.

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by ruggedtimi(m): 9:29am On Dec 28, 2024
Houthi's own don finish be that...na fullscale israel go attack now
Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by basilico: 9:33am On Dec 28, 2024


Arabs are pathetic They gloat like the a boy who has just discovered ejaculation when Israel is targeted They lie about their prowess in war. When they are stung they start crying , exaggerating the extent of the attack. Yesterday RT kept airing a Houthi spox decrying IDF attack on the airport saying it was a civilian target.
Hamas has never lost a fighter. Only women and children. We all know how true that is
When the US army rolled into Baghdad, Iraq spokesperson was on air saying they had inflicted heavy casualties. In the background one could hear gunfire and an Abrams tank appeared.
Arab armies are just like babies The most fearsome Arab arny was ISIS, ruthless and drugged up. They took territory.
The rest like Taliban are just shit. They hide in the bushes and holes to ambush. Or they raid a small base in overwhelming numbers.
ISIS and other terrorists are just disgusting. They mutilate bodies of dead combatants.
They also stage scenes Pallywood style using ketchup . Sometimes dead bodies twitch and turn .

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Iweakbro: 9:33am On Dec 28, 2024

Invasion by who? NATO? Because Israel doesn't have that capacity to invade up to thousand miles away

Lol. So you guys said for Hezbollah

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Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by HelipsTech: 9:34am On Dec 28, 2024
Islamic terrorist can never learn.
Can you all see how God has hardened their heart, sending them a stubborn spirit as the one sent to Ahab, so as to decimate them all.
Otherwise, tell me why they can't learn from the experiences of Gaza, Lebanon Iran etc. Tell me, they want to turn their country into rubbles, I doubt if they have any air defense system and they are playing with fire.

I hope terrorist sympathizers don't cry genocide when bombs begin to rain


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by Ten06(m): 9:36am On Dec 28, 2024
Now that these miscreants are bombing Isreal no one is talking. When Isreal will begin to treat their fvck up, hypocrites will start accusing Isreal of human right violation as if Isreal do not have human rights


Re: Houthis Target Israel's Ben Gurion Airport In Overnight Ballistic Missile Attack by basilico: 9:41am On Dec 28, 2024
My question is, why would Israel launch an attack on an airport, where you have nationals of so many countries and innocent travellers? The Israelis are just drawing more enemies to themselves. It's unacceptable. Go after the terrorists but don't attack universal facilities like airport where over 90% of people there are innocent travellers

There were mass casualties? No, they targeted the military facility within the airport.
Don't forget Israel has long range ballistic missiles that they can launch too
Saudis have been bombing the Houthi. They should be very glad the IDF destroys the Houthi . The Houthi used Iran drones to attack Aramco facilities, that resulted n a truce.
You are just another terrorist sympathiser.

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