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Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by naptu2: 6:08pm On Feb 09
Note: The speech in the video was made in 2018. It was at an election rally and Malema was saying that the Mayor of Port Elizabeth (a South African city) was white. He said that they would still go after some black politicians, but first they must go after the mayor. He said that they must cut the throat of whiteness before going after the black politicians.


Elon Musk @elonmusk

Why do you allow this, @CyrilRamaphosa?

This is a major political party in the South African parliament and their leader is calling for genocide of white people.


Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal


Julius Malema:

β€œThese people, when you want to hit them hard, go after a white man. They feel terrible pain because you have touched a white man.

We're cutting the throat of whiteness. We will kill white women, children, and their pets.”

Source: @davincentjames


(Note: It's a different politician, not Julius Malema, that said "kill white women, their children and their pets"

That is Andile Mngxitama who was expelled from the EFF years ago. He then created the Black First Land First political party.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfdZhl_In2c?si=nbUF5-mIIgJygdEb )

Elon Musk @elonmusk

Immediate sanctions for Malema and declaration of him as an international criminal!


Julius Sello Malema @Julius_S_Malema

I really think you have entirely lost your left brain: a typical spoiled brat and direct beneficiary of Apartheid whiteness. I know black people look the same to you, typical racist. Look closer, and you will realise those are two different people. America is exposing us to its stupidity. I don't care about your sanctions; I will never stop fighting for black people to be equal to white people, and if that makes me an international criminal, I am proud to be one.


Economic Freedom Fighters @EFFSouthAfrica

EFF Statement On Elon Musk’s Call For CIC, Julius Malema To Be Declared An International Criminal.

The EFF will not be cowed into submission, retreat nor capitulation from its principled and unwavering commitment to confront imperialism and its surrogates like Elon Musk anywhere and everywhere it rises its ugly head.


Photo 1) Julius Malema

Photo 2) Elon Musk

Photos 3 and 4) EFF statement

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by naptu2: 6:09pm On Feb 09
Julius Sello Malema was the youth leader of the African National Congress (ANC). He is a very radical (aluta) person and he helped Jacob Zuma to oust Thabo Mbeki as president of South Africa.

Julius Malema believes that whites deprived black South Africans of economic benefits during the apartheid era and therefore it is time for black people to take back those economic rights. He believes that black people should control the land, mines and major companies of South Africa. This has made him very popular with some people.

He was a major supporter of President Jacob Zuma, but they fell out because Malema felt that the ANC was not radical enough, while the ANC was embarrassed by some of his comments.

He once told the BBC's Jonah Fisher (a white journalist) who interrupted him during a press conference that the building (ANC building) was a revolutionary building, not a newsroom and that when he says jump, the journalist must jump. He said that the journalist should not come to the revolutionary building with the white tendency of undermining black people. He got security to escort Mr Fisher out of the building.


The ANC expelled Julius Malema from the party in 2012, because of his radical views. He then formed his own political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and they often provide me with great entertainment in the South African Parliament.

The EFF members wear all red in Parliament and they often cause commotion. On one occasion they said that they would not allow President Zuma to speak because he was a criminal. They have been thrown out of Parliament many times and policemen have had to enter the chamber to physically drag them out.


Members of the EFF have also staged several walkouts of Parliament.

In this clip a member of another party called the EFF "anarchists". A member of the EFF asked the Speaker to take action against the person, but the Speaker said that the person has the right to speak during debates (freedom of speech). Therefore, the EFF member then said that the Speaker was an anarchist, but the speaker asked her to withdraw the statement immediately.



Julius Malema has a lot of support among poor South Africans, but he lost some of that support because he supported Nigerians during the xenophobia debate.

Malema said that Nigeria assisted black South Africans during the fight against apartheid, so it is wrong for black South Africans to turn against Nigeria now. He said that the stereotype about Nigerians being drug dealers is wrong and he mentioned many hard working Nigerians and said that black South Africans should emulate them.

This made some South Africans to turn against Julius Malema.

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by naptu2: 6:09pm On Feb 09
Previous threads.

South Africa's Julius Malema Is Back !

South African Politician 'julius Malema' Defends Nigerians From Xenophobia In Po

Xenophobia: "Please Forgive Us, We Come From A Terrible Past" β€”Julius Malema

Julius Malema Defends Chidimma Adetshina

Julius Malema Is In Nigeria.

Controversial Julius Malema Blames White People For Xenophobic Attacks

Trump Threatens To End Aid To South Africa Over Land Policy, Ramaphosa Responds

South African President Fires Back At Trump: 'stay Out Of Our Issues!' (Pix/Vid)

Trump Halts Aid Funding For S/Africa, Plans To Resettle White S/Africans

White Afrikaners Turn Down Trump's US Resettlement Offer (Pictures)

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by TemplarLandry: 6:28pm On Feb 09
Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by God1000(m): 6:30pm On Feb 09
As much as I dislike south Africans for the way and manner they treat their fellow blacks, I will never chose or support white supremacists over them

Both Elon musk and Donald trump are known racists, they should mind their business in America and allow south Africa to mind theirs

83 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by God1000(m): 6:30pm On Feb 09
In what capacity is Elon musk calling for sanctions against Julius Malema?

I so much like the courage of south African politicians, especially Julius Malema, they don't fear or worship any white man

Is it not hypocrisy for trump and his billionaire friend to deport people from America and then turn around to lecture other countries how and what to do

The same trump that is going after the land in Gaza is accusing south Africa of confiscating lands from whites, White minority in south Africa allocated lands to themselves during apartheid rule in south Africa, south African government is trying to correct the injustice

78 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by brain54(m): 6:55pm On Feb 09
Molema's statements are indeed inciting...

And wrong. No matter his cause. No justification whatsoever.

Elon musk is a citizen of South Africa by birth. He has the right to his comment on internal politics there.

Sometimes it's necessary to pay attention to the message and ignore the messenger!

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by naptu2: 7:28pm On Feb 09
Note: It's a different politician, not Julius Malema, that said "kill white people, their children and their pets".

That is Andile Mngxitama who was expelled from the EFF years ago. He then created the Black First Land First political party.


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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by malali: 9:05pm On Feb 09
Its high time we start having black nationalists too......

No one has monopoly of crazy talk......

If the whites continue to talk crazy and disregard other peoples civil rights to coexist peacefully.......

The blacks should even talk crazier.........

That way everybody will start respecting each other.

47 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by NothingDoMe: 10:49pm On Feb 09
As much as I dislike south Africans for the way and manner they treat their fellow blacks, I will never chose or support white supremacists over them

Both Elon musk and Donald trump are known racists, they should mind their business in America and allow south Africa to mind theirs
So Malema is right for saying they should split the throats of the whites?

You would have condemned it but because you hear say America dey interested in this matter, your preak don stand attention.

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by NothingDoMe: 11:11pm On Feb 09
Its high time we start having black nationalists too......

No one has monopoly of crazy talk......

If the whites continue to talk crazy and disregard other peoples civil rights to coexist peacefully.......

The blacks should even talk crazier.........

That way everybody will start respecting each other.

Can blacks not outsmart the whites? When will blacks start using a reasonable percentage of their brains to advance this region? Retrogressive policies all over Africa. Utter nonsense!

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Mynd44: 6:15am On Feb 10
So Malema is right for saying they should split the throats of the whites?

You would have condemned it but because you hear say America dey interested in this matter, your preak don stand attention.
Julius Malema has never said anyone should split the throats of white people. What he said was to cut the throat of "whiteness".

Whiteness is a corrupt system in which white people in South Africa enjoy more socio-economic advantage than everyone else(not just blacks) it is a system that was inherited from the Apartheid government and saying the throat of the system must be split is not a bad thing.

The person that called for the killing of whites is Andile Mngxitama and even Malema's EFF has expelled him so he is not affiliated with Malema in anyway.

This is what Andile Mngxitama said
"You kill one of us, we will kill five of you. We will kill their children, we will kill their women, we will kill anything that we find on our way,"

I am not saying what Andile Mngxitama said was right or wrong, just providing context.

Evidently Elon Musk has mixed the two of them and probably has something against Malema (can't blame him cos Malema has his own wahala) but on this case, Malema is innocent.

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Mynd44: 6:19am On Feb 10
America is exposing us to its stupidity
- Julius Malema, 2025


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by largeman4u(m): 6:23am On Feb 10
Na wah

Check my signature for clean Tokunbo Cars in Lagos
IG: Largeman_motors
Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Tzar(m): 6:30am On Feb 10
Are you normal? Didn’t you read the part where the poster said it was ANOTHER POLITICIAN who made that comment? Why are some Nigerians so DUMB?! Gosh!
So Malema is right for saying they should split the throats of the whites?

You would have condemned it but because you hear say America dey interested in this matter, your preak don stand attention.

34 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by IpobAntidote: 6:30am On Feb 10
Trump and Musk are on a mission to make white people slave owners again.
If you don't see race in their agenda, then you are blind.

68 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Tightpussy2024(f): 6:31am On Feb 10
Obviously that is hate speech! But people like Melon should be the last to speak. His platform cuddles perpetual racists,imperialists, neo narcissiticsand misogynists under the banner of free speech.

What did he do to nick Fuentes when he said women should be burnt alive?

This people cunningly single out reverse racism to "balance" things out.

Just like a man that views a fellow man being raped by a woman and instead of running to his help or giving the woman preparator an uppercut but starts shouting "feminists,come watch this. Women also have blood on their hands,you see"


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by RandDigital: 6:31am On Feb 10
Malema said 'Kill white ideology', not white people.

White Afrikaners rejected Trump's offer to be resettled in the USA. Do Trump and Musk claims of a white genocide then make sense?

Elon Musk has white supremacists childhood issues from growing up in SA. He's upset apartheid ended.

Trump and Musk are utter RACISTS and hypocrites.

19 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by MadamExcellency: 6:32am On Feb 10
Nigerians should stay out of this fight.


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Saao(m): 6:33am On Feb 10
They hate white, hate fellow blacks African. SA full of hates. Hates will destroy that beautiful country. They have forgotten that white built and developed that country


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Everrise1: 6:34am On Feb 10
Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by olatade(m): 6:34am On Feb 10
So malema used Elon musk platform (x) to tell Elon to "go to hell"

Malema 1 - 0 Musk grin grin


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by doggedfighter(f): 6:34am On Feb 10
So Malema is right for saying they should split the throats of the whites?

You would have condemned it but because you hear say America dey interested in this matter, your preak don stand attention.

Read, maybe slowly and then comment.


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by lebron7(m): 6:34am On Feb 10
So Malema is right for saying they should split the throats of the whites?

You would have condemned it but because you hear say America dey interested in this matter, your preak don stand attention.
Read before you comment nonsense


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by tellsblinks(m): 6:35am On Feb 10
A good man
Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by gasparpisciotta: 6:36am On Feb 10
Any black South African that grew up during apartheid can never like the boers-white South Africans.

Meanwhile there are no white indigenous South Africans, they came, they settled and took over all the best places in another mans land

Now they are afraid of some one reminding them of their heritage.

Mandela was once called a terrorist trying to liberate his people


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by ddippset(m): 6:36am On Feb 10
Julius Malema na confirmed katakata man.

He nor dey fear face.


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by 4tomandchi: 6:37am On Feb 10
Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by jubrilELsudan: 6:37am On Feb 10








Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by Blue3k(m): 6:37am On Feb 10
Lol people are ok with hating whiteness now. Just like they're ok with hating blackness or Jewishness. What's good goose is good for the gander. Everyone continue slicing metaphorical throats.


Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by naptu2: 6:38am On Feb 10
"We will share... but failure to share means you will be forced to share "

- Julius Malema (referring to economic prosperity in South Africa).

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Re: Hate Speech: Elon Musk And Julius Malema Exchange Words On Social Media by RealLordZeus(m): 6:40am On Feb 10
In this clip a member of another party called the EFF "anarchists". A member of the EFF asked the Speaker to take action against the person, but the Speaker said that the person has the right to speak during debates (freedom of speech). Therefore, the EFF member then said that the Speaker was an anarchist, but the speaker asked her to withdraw the statement immediately.
I almost lost a rib watching this, too hilarious.
I stan' the woman totally


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