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He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) - Agriculture - Nairaland

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He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by RabbitGuy: 3:54pm On Feb 14


Meet Mr Silas, a visionary entrepreneur who left Ghana for Nigeria with a dream—to build a thriving agricultural empire. Today, he owns a multi-million farm, proving that farming in Africa is a goldmine when done right!

In this video, he shares:
✅ Why he moved to Nigeria
✅ The challenges he faced and how he overcame them
✅ How he built a profitable farm from the ground up
✅ Tips for anyone looking to start a successful farm in Africa

If you’re interested in agribusiness, entrepreneurship, or making millions through farming, this story will inspire you!

20 Likes 6 Shares

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by RabbitGuy: 4:03pm On Feb 14


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by DUBZ17(m): 5:33pm On Feb 14
Nice one


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by hopedey: 5:33pm On Feb 14


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Seunomobo: 5:33pm On Feb 14
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Padipadi: 5:33pm On Feb 14
This is applaudable

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by HawkTuahGirl: 5:35pm On Feb 14
He for established the farm in Ghana. In Nigeria, herdsmen can destroy the investment under one day. He can loose his life in the process.

I wish him good luck

30 Likes 5 Shares

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by lexyman(m): 5:35pm On Feb 14
a lot od people have burnt their fingers in the same venture ... he is lucky


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Discountsempai: 5:35pm On Feb 14
Nigerians meanwhile look down on farming.

Nigerian banks won't even lend money for farming self..even if the collateral is right

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Emeskhalifa(m): 5:38pm On Feb 14
It's not entirely a bad move, had it been Nigeria does not have security issues, Infact it'd be the best move ever


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by phemmyfour: 5:38pm On Feb 14


Meet Mr Silas, a visionary entrepreneur who left Ghana for Nigeria with a dream—to build a thriving agricultural empire. Today, he owns a multi-million farm, proving that farming in Africa is a goldmine when done right!

In this video, he shares:
✅ Why he moved to Nigeria
✅ The challenges he faced and how he overcame them
✅ How he built a profitable farm from the ground up
✅ Tips for anyone looking to start a successful farm in Africa

If you’re interested in agribusiness, entrepreneurship, or making millions through farming, this story will inspire you!
You can't go wrong with farming...farming is the oldest profession


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by NOETHNICITY(m): 5:38pm On Feb 14
Thine people from the other side who hate Nigeria will come and attack this man now

Just watch

Edited; they are already here.

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Chucks13: 5:42pm On Feb 14
God bless you bro. Last month it was Kenya guy who came here to do mechanised Agriculture but those lazy motherfucker obidient are here wailing day and night, una see una useless lives?

I spit on obidient tuehhhhhh!!!


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Felabrity: 5:43pm On Feb 14
Ghana no get land?
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by temmyyem: 5:44pm On Feb 14
Information like this should not be on social media in an era of GMO, this man is unknowingly inviting government/NGO sponsored Fulani herdsmen.

You are delusional if you think boko haram/Fulani herdsmen attacks on farmers are not sponsored.


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by blowjohn(m): 5:45pm On Feb 14
I know it can never be a South African.

Those people are cursed with laziness.

They can't even make complete meaningful lyrics for their hit songs
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by DeltaBachelor(m): 5:45pm On Feb 14
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Basicend: 5:47pm On Feb 14
Nigerians meanwhile look down on farming.

Nigerian banks won't even lend money for farming self..even if the collateral is right

High risk.

It's too prone to Fulani Herdsmen and other natural factors.


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Binidefender: 5:48pm On Feb 14
to hustle and make it you gotta keep pride aside
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by merits(m): 5:50pm On Feb 14


Meet Mr Silas, a visionary entrepreneur who left Ghana for Nigeria with a dream—to build a thriving agricultural empire. Today, he owns a multi-million farm, proving that farming in Africa is a goldmine when done right!

In this video, he shares:
✅ Why he moved to Nigeria
✅ The challenges he faced and how he overcame them
✅ How he built a profitable farm from the ground up
✅ Tips for anyone looking to start a successful farm in Africa

If you’re interested in agribusiness, entrepreneurship, or making millions through farming, this story will inspire you!

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Difrent: 5:51pm On Feb 14
He for established the farm in Ghana. In Nigeria, herdsmen can destroy the investment under one day. He can loose his life in the process.

I wish him good luck

Didn't you see that the farm is thriving and successful?
What else does he need your useless good luck for
Just no wan see people succeed if it's not them, such a toxic people

Abegiii gerrarahia

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by gabbytabby: 5:51pm On Feb 14
Nigerians are sitting on Goldmine and shouting about hunger.

With the land we have, Nobody should go hungry in that country but they will sit online and be cyber trolling or go to church and mosque looking for manner from heaven.

Foreigners who see the opportunity of the large market and large opportunities that Nigeria represents are raking in the money. A lot of the poultry farmers in Epe axis are from Benin Republic.



Meet Mr Silas, a visionary entrepreneur who left Ghana for Nigeria with a dream—to build a thriving agricultural empire. Today, he owns a multi-million farm, proving that farming in Africa is a goldmine when done right!

In this video, he shares:
✅ Why he moved to Nigeria
✅ The challenges he faced and how he overcame them
✅ How he built a profitable farm from the ground up
✅ Tips for anyone looking to start a successful farm in Africa

If you’re interested in agribusiness, entrepreneurship, or making millions through farming, this story will inspire you!

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by PexinPikin(m): 5:53pm On Feb 14
Which one is 'a Ghananian? ?


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Angelfrost(m): 5:57pm On Feb 14

Didn't you see that the farm is thriving and successful?
What else does he need your useless good luck for
Just no wan see people succeed if it's not them, such a toxic people

Abegiii gerrarahia

So, the hundreds of farmers being maimed, killed and their farms destroyed by herdsmen all over Nigeria are failures?!!

As in... Their farms were not thriving prior to being happened upon by those terrorists being pampered by your leaders?!!

Abi you are saying herdsmen issue in Nigeria is not a big deal?!!


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by PexinPikin(m): 5:58pm On Feb 14
Am a certified Agrochemical dealer
Contact📞 me for any agrochemical products
We sell in wholesale and retail, with a very good prize
We also waybill nationwide.
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by nedekid: 5:58pm On Feb 14
Nigerians meanwhile look down on farming.

Nigerian banks won't even lend money for farming self..even if the collateral is right
Even if Nigerian banks lend you money for farming will you take it? Can you pay the interest? Of course we know it will end up in default, in that case assuming you own or manage a bank will you give a farmer loan you know he cannot pay?
Very few businesses in Nigeria can take and service loans, heck even obiagbena of thisday is having issues with loans he took from Nigerian bank to use for crude oil business, not to talk of farmer planting cabbage and cucumber or chicken.

1 Like

Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by bassdow: 5:58pm On Feb 14
Where is the MULTi ?

Where is the Million ?
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by bassdow: 5:59pm On Feb 14
Where is the MULTi ?

Where is the Million ?
Una go just dey abuse & misUse words
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by jaxxy(m): 6:00pm On Feb 14
Smart guy
Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by gabbytabby: 6:01pm On Feb 14
So fold your hands and do nothing.That is what you tell yourselves so that you can continue to justify a lack of ambition.

Fulani herdsmen in Lagos, Rivers, and so many others.


High risk.

It's too prone to Fulani Herdsmen and other natural factors.


Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by ScamDemicEra: 6:03pm On Feb 14

Didn't you see that the farm is thriving and successful?
What else does he need your useless good luck for
Just no wan see people succeed if it's not them, such a toxic people

Abegiii gerrarahia
.... you're so deluded if you think herdsmen threat is not real !!!

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Re: He Left Ghana To Establish A Multi-million Farm In Nigeria (Video) by Difrent: 6:07pm On Feb 14

.... you're so deluded if you think herdsmen threat is not real !!!

Its real
But its not everywhere
And that doesn't mean people aren't succeeding in Agriculture.
Your assertion is too blanket


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