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JW 008 The Year 1914 - Religion (65) - Nairaland

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Ministry To Jws, Part 2 - The 1914 Theology / Who Told Jehovah Witness That Jesus Returned In 1914? / Sharon Oyakhilome And Natasha Hinn Start Perspective 008 TV Show (Video) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by cornelboy(f): 7:55pm On Feb 18

Emusan is inside your lying and manipulated brains saying Achorladey = Emusan grin cheesy cheesy

One attribute of Jehovah's Witnesses is to project their failings, failures, lies and manipulations on others.

You are looking for what to debunk being one of the worst fool on nairaland
You're the wisest person on NL

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by cornelboy(f): 7:56pm On Feb 18

false jw cornyboy

u loving to join other false jw's paranoia and lies, of course,
your paranoia is fear:
rev 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.
Lol na you get this moniker too
It wouldnt be a surprise if you manage this moniker too

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 8:18pm On Feb 18

You're the wisest person on NL

If any man thinks he is a worshipper of God but does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he is deceiving his own heart, and his worship is futile.  

I cannot afford to go back to your previous post and the many remarks about me that has nothing to do with being the wisest on NL of which you and your committee of worst fools keep peddling cheesy grin cheesy grin
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 8:21pm On Feb 18

Lol na you get this moniker too
It wouldnt be a surprise if you manage this moniker too

In your brains of the personality that ended as a worst fool following MaxInDHouse cheesy grin cheesy grin
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:34pm On Feb 18

You're the wisest person on NL
Na my name he dey carry for hin head o! cheesy

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 9:43pm On Feb 18
Lol na you get this moniker too
It wouldnt be a surprise if you manage this moniker too

lost false jw cornyboy

you satan's mob love to show off your lies and paranoia
which is fear, dont you:

rev 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 9:52pm On Feb 18

If not for his madness and insanities peddling brains laced with lies. The very same thing he accuses others is what he does and champions the most.

The madness and insanities peddling brains says we are only after Jehovah’s witnesses. Yet his own ways on Nairaland is just about those not Jehovah’s witnesses that's why all his years on nairaland is just in religion section cheesy grin cheesy cheesy

smiley very true if there wasn't Christians on nairaland forums
for mad max to chase after he wouldn't have a life

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 9:59pm On Feb 18

smiley very true if there wasn't Christians on nairaland forums
for mad max to chase after he wouldn't have a life

The one Max loves to call false Christians grin grin cheesy cheesy cheesy

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 10:00pm On Feb 18

Na my name he dey carry for hin head o! cheesy

That won't remove the madness and insanities peddling brains from your head cheesy grin cheesy cheesy
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:05pm On Feb 18
With the name "MaxInDHouse"

Apostates are no longer at ease! smiley
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 10:24pm On Feb 18
With the name "MaxInDHouse"
Apostates are no longer at ease! smiley

puffed up/proud in heart false jw mad max, you are an abomination to Jehovah

Pro 16:5 Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD;

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by cornelboy(f): 5:37pm On Feb 19

In your brains of the personality that ended as a worst fool following MaxInDHouse cheesy grin cheesy grin
I no say na you
The wisest

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by cornelboy(f): 5:40pm On Feb 19

If any man thinks he is a worshipper of God but does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he is deceiving his own heart, and his worship is futile.  

I cannot afford to go back to your previous post and the many remarks about me that has nothing to do with being the wisest on NL of which you and your committee of worst fools keep peddling cheesy grin cheesy grin
You're now the wisest dude on NL
Sorry I didn't realize that earlier

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:45pm On Feb 19

I no say na you
The wisest


You're now the wisest dude on NL
Sorry I didn't realize that earlier

You like trouble sha! smiley

Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 8:52pm On Feb 19

You're now the wisest dude on NL
Sorry I didn't realize that earlier

Still does not change the below....

If any man thinks he is a worshipper of God but does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he is deceiving his own heart, and his worship is futile.  

I cannot afford to go back to your previous post and the many remarks about me that has nothing to do with being the wisest on NL of which you and your committee of worst fools keep peddling grin cheesy grin grin
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 8:57pm On Feb 19
With the name "MaxInDHouse"

Apostates are no longer at ease! smiley

That's why the madness and insanities peddling brains always wants those he calls apostates to avoid him completely. He lamented to the extent he said he will avoid apostates completely only to come back repeatedly to peddle more lies and manipulations packed into his madness and insanities peddling brains grin cheesy cheesy cheesy

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 9:00pm On Feb 19

I no say na you
The wisest

"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing

cheesy grin grin grin

Attributes of following the madness and insanities peddling brains manifesting....

Tongue of the wise": Represents the ability to speak with wisdom and discernment.
"Mouth of the fool": Represents careless and foolish speech.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 9:02pm On Feb 19

puffed up/proud in heart false jw mad max, you are an abomination to Jehovah

Pro 16:5 Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD;

He looks for who to bully on platforms like this with his corrupted knowledge of scriptures the puffed up and proud heart of being in that concocted Jehovah's organization set up by man like him grin cheesy cheesy

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 12:18am On Feb 20
With the name "MaxInDHouse"
Apostates are no longer at ease! smiley

lost false jw mad max

just like when you said that you were a member of military intelligence, and you could
defeat 6 fully armed military combatants single handed, < so funny if it wasn't so pathetic

you puffed up/proud in heart false jw's are an abomination to Jehovah:

Pro 16:5 Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD

false jw, you live a life of puffed up delusions and paranoia
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 2:21am On Feb 21
matthew 24, the first sign of Jesus coming, and of the end of the age:

Mat 24:4  And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you. 
Mat 24:5  "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.

many will claim to be Christians saying Jesus is the Christ, but they will mislead with false teachings that don't match the Bible,
we know many so called christian churches are like that

Luk 21:8  And He said, "See to it that you are not misled; for many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not go after them. 

the time is near = prophecy is about to be fullfilled

so called Jehovah's witnesses claim to be Christians saying Jesus is the Christ,
and they have said many times that the time is near, that prophecy is about to be fulfilled
they even gave certain years for things like armageddon to take place, and when the prophecy's fail,
they give another year and then another, and on and on they go, and all their prophecy's are proven false,
they are of course false prophets:

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Mat 7:15  Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

^^ in the streets and at your door co called Jehovah's witnesses appear to be like sheep/christians,
and we see at these forums what ravenous wolves they are:
sewer mouths

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by Emusan(m): 10:34am On Feb 25

Emusan is still at the gate of 2024
He's waiting to come and shock everyone 😂

What do you mean?

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by Emusan(m): 11:04am On Feb 25

Where is Emusan
You don tire to run both monikers at the same time

Just like your deluded brother noticed, I haven't been online since late last year.

I'm even happy as he noticed that.

Now, that you're still believing the lie you were told from your deluded brother who claimed Holy Spirit to him that Emusan being the same person as @olaadegbu, @achorladey & @johnw47 I have good news for you.

I've challenged all of you before about proving this your self delusional lie even when I was in Abuja.

Now, I'm currently in Lagos State, and I'm putting it to you again another challenge (ALL JWS who also believe the same I assume you people are in South West).

If any of you refuse to take this challenge up this time, then it means you people agreed that you're FALSELY ACCUSING ME and I'll take it personal this time and make sure I get the location of just one of you to teach a lesson by taking a legal action against such person.

If any of you like, try to start deleting your post on this false accusations, I'm glad to tell you I've already taken my time to screenshot & screen recording them all.

The challenge is:
The person should choose any convenient place either in this same Lagos State (in case the person reside in Lagos) and for those outside Lagos, choose any convenient place even in the state you reside.

I'll spend my money and resources on this course. As long as to clear this false accusation.

Note: I'm giving you people just one month, which means from now till 25th of March. Failure on this means I'll start my own action.

Don't think you're anonymous on Internet.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by Emusan(m): 11:12am On Feb 25

He didn't
I figured

I like this.

So come and proof it how you figure it out.

At least you shouldn't be afraid of your instinct

Well, I know you believed your deluded brother because he even added HOLY SPIRIT to his own.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by Emusan(m): 11:14am On Feb 25
Your repetition of hurtful words won't do anything so calmly address the issue! smiley


Now you realize he is using hurtful words but when your deluded brother do it, it won't bother you and you will even endorse their hurtful words.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 11:20am On Feb 25

Just like your deluded brother noticed, I haven't been online since late last year.

I'm even happy as he noticed that.

Now, that you're still believing the lie you were told from your deluded brother who claimed Holy Spirit to him that Emusan being the same person as @olaadegbu, @achorladey & @johnw47 I have good news for you.

I've challenged all of you before about proving this your self delusional lie even when I was in Abuja.

Now, I'm currently in Lagos State, and I'm putting it to you again another challenge (ALL JWS who also believe the same I assume you people are in South West).

If any of you refuse to take this challenge up this time, then it means you people agreed that you're FALSELY ACCUSING ME and I'll take it personal this time and make sure I get the location of just one of you to teach a lesson by taking a legal action against such person.

If any of you like, try to start deleting your post on this false accusations, I'm glad to tell you I've already taken my time to screenshot & screen recording them all.

The challenge is:
The person should choose any convenient place either in this same Lagos State (in case the person reside in Lagos) and for those outside Lagos, choose any convenient place even in the state you reside.

I'll spend my money and resources on this course. As long as to clear this false accusation.

Note: I'm giving you people just one month, which means from now till 25th of March. Failure on this means I'll start my own action.

Don't think you're anonymous on Internet.

emusan, don't bother about those satan's disciples, they can never stop lying just like the devil cannot,
Jesus Himself said liars are off the devil:
Joh 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. WHENEVER HE SPEAKS A LIE, THAT IS HIS NATURAL WAY OF SPEAKING, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by Emusan(m): 11:30am On Feb 25

emusan, don't bother about those satan's disciples, they can never stop lying just like the devil cannot,
Jesus Himself said liars are off the devil:
Joh 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. WHENEVER HE SPEAKS A LIE, THAT IS HIS NATURAL WAY OF SPEAKING, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

I understand you but when a liar keep repeating him/herself it may be assumed to be true.

Remember they have been on this for more than THREE YEARS NOW which means it's not a joke to them but what they want to be BECOME TRUE and those posts are on Internet which never forgets.

So, it's better to clarify it and expose the liar here, either me behind all these monikers or they lie against God's Holy Spirit and their instinct is wrong.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by johnw47: 11:40am On Feb 25

I understand you but when a liar keep repeating him/herself it may be assumed to be true.

Remember they have been on this for more than THREE YEARS NOW which means it's not a joke to them but what they want to be BECOME TRUE and those posts are on Internet which never forgets.

So, it's better to clarify it and expose the liar here, either me behind all these monikers or they lie against God's Holy Spirit and their instinct is wrong.

they don't care about lying and blaspheming against the Holy Spirit,
some of those false jw's here are lost from doing just that, and they carry on as if all is ok,
it's because they don't really believe God's word, they believe watchtower etc.

Pro 14:5  A trustworthy witness will not lie, But a false witness utters lies.


Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:49am On Feb 25
God's organized people! smiley
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 1:35pm On Feb 25

emusan, don't bother about those satan's disciples, they can never stop lying just like the devil cannot,
Jesus Himself said liars are off the devil:
Joh 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. WHENEVER HE SPEAKS A LIE, THAT IS HIS NATURAL WAY OF SPEAKING, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

They will just come and project their insecurities l, lies and manipulations on others just to look good and even with others yet state they are different

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 1:37pm On Feb 25

they don't care about lying and blaspheming against the Holy Spirit,
some of those false jw's here are lost from doing just that, and they carry on as if all is ok,
it's because they don't really believe God's word, they believe watchtower etc.

Pro 14:5  A trustworthy witness will not lie, But a false witness utters lies.

They don't care because all what matters to them is just be part of the so called Jehovah’s organization following their GODS of men housed in USA.

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Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:38pm On Feb 25
God's organized people worshiping as one! John 17:22smiley
Re: JW 008 The Year 1914 by achorladey: 1:38pm On Feb 25

I understand you but when a liar keep repeating him/herself it may be assumed to be true.

Remember they have been on this for more than THREE YEARS NOW which means it's not a joke to them but what they want to be BECOME TRUE and those posts are on Internet which never forgets.

So, it's better to clarify it and expose the liar here, either me behind all these monikers or they lie against God's Holy Spirit and their instinct is wrong.

One of their mode of operation is to repeat lies and manipulations until it is accepted as truth indeed.

That cornelboy came back after hibernation to keep peddling the lies and manipulations packed into his wandering brains


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