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Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) - Religion (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) (24494 Views)

Woman Arrested For Giving Fake Testimony About N300M Mansion At Ebuka Obi Church / Dunamis Church 'Fake Testimony': Anyim Vera Deserves An Apology / White Kids Boldly Preaching the Gospel In School And On The Streets (Video) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Samunique(m): 9:51am On Mar 03

Christianity is just a SCAM
Jesus still loves you, pls ask him to come into your life so the you can be saved!
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by yarimo(m): 9:52am On Mar 03
will he ever do that,when people like yarimo will be writing his bigotry messages against the people's of the East
you guys must continue what you have started una like am or not 😆
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by osuofia2(m): 9:52am On Mar 03
This is a set up.. but Ebuka too messed up for not questioning that testimony
Someone who is the creator of the scam. How gullible can you be. Even with this evidence
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by ikorodureporta: 9:55am On Mar 03
cheesy cheesy

Shameless abi shameful

Religion shit grin
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Dogalmighty17: 9:57am On Mar 03

The Mansion fit beThrowback angry sad shocked

Throw back to where? You didn't see clear evidence of professional video editing there?
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by tosyne2much(m): 10:00am On Mar 03
So who get mansion no fit hawk drinks for leisure again grin
Abi ooooo... Some billionaires still dey wear okrika cheesy
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Lamasta(m): 10:07am On Mar 03
That APC Woman for shiloh own still fresh in our memories
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Satazaa: 10:22am On Mar 03
I am f(u)cking angry. Not that the 'miracle' was staged, but that they put in such low effort behind it. If you want to decieve me, impress me while doing so. At least rate me well while lying to me. Put in effort!

That rubbish above is just sad. You want me to believe a woman selling phone accessories and clothes could have built such a classic house worth close to 300m? How? Everything she is wearing in her testimony is not even up to 15k. People in her locality who know her and watched that testimony, went to her shop. Notice that she couldn't put up any defense.

Why do some churches do this? Why? When Enenche was accused of faking testimonies, I came out in his defence. Enenche doesn't have the time for that shit. Person that is going to Pakistan for crusade, you will have to ask if he is normal. Yes among Enenche, Oyedepo and Adeboye, it is Enenche that follows a healing ministry and he still remains a licensed medical doctor.

There are drastic and easily verifiable testimonies under his ministry. One of them was a young boy with physically decomposing skin. Necrosis of the flesh so bad that his family abandoned him to die. That young man is healed today and Enenche is set to sponsor him to any level he desires to school. This testimony is verifiable.

Nigerian Christianity suffers from an absence of self policing. The genuine roll along side with charlatans. But what can be done? Nothing really. It is left for the people to engage their brains and parse out the fake from the real. But considering how lazy most of us are, how we have abdicated consciousness of thought to supposed men of God, charlatans can easily decieve us.
you are absolutely correct 💯 and best comment of the day
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by LZAA: 10:35am On Mar 03

You mean the over 30 bodies at Oriendu Community in Abia state?
I mean the trophies mined all over saaadwaaste grin
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Sleekfingers: 10:36am On Mar 03
Christianity is now in the dust

Christianity and Islam in Nigeria na scam..

I mean all.......
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Ttipsy(f): 10:38am On Mar 03
Christianity is now in the dust
ahhh God will forgive you
Even if Ebuka want to arrange testimony with her, will he use someone’s house

Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Sleekfingers: 10:39am On Mar 03
Instead for Nigerians to be worried about all the increase wey FG wan choke common man na person wer build mansion and they hawk for street be there problem...

Because of this nonsense that's why Government they do us anyhow because they no we will adapt.

Religion is also among the things destroying this country especially Christianity and Islam
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Sleekfingers: 10:41am On Mar 03
This is a set up.. but Ebuka too messed up for not questioning that testimony

Ebuka was aware . They both planned it..... believe any Nigerian pastors at your own foolishness

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Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Sleekfingers: 10:43am On Mar 03
I know a very close relative who go to churches to fake testimonies.
She even use one photo from Nairaland give our pastor...and the man is not aware of her evil acts.
Funny thing, even if we travel next thing she will get up and start lying that while she was here God healed her long term dislocated hand.
The pastor no need kw her sef she tire the whole family.
We had to call her to order and warned her B4 she stops.
Na since then I no blame pastors fr fake testimonies again

Majority of those pastors were aware ......they are together in their scamming business
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Prince001(m): 10:48am On Mar 03
I don't think that the two persons are one and same person..

Wowwwww religion wont let you think for urself!
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by kingxsamz(m): 10:54am On Mar 03
I would like the owners of this forum to take extreme tribal comments seriously. I personally lose interest on any topic once I see tribal comments.
If you cannot air your opinion without adding tribal sentiments, then you are not smart. It is beyond cruise and banter.


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Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by kingxsamz(m): 10:55am On Mar 03




Source: Sahara Reporters

Christians are a very delusional bunch.
Watch more people flock to his church even though this man's scam has been exposed.

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Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Prettychild(f): 10:59am On Mar 03
I don't think that the two persons are one and same person..
If they are not the same person, she will not be hiding her face when she was confronted, she would have outrightly denied it sef
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Guestmale: 11:11am On Mar 03
I would like the owners of this forum to take extreme tribal comments seriously. I personally lose interest on any topic once I see tribal comments.
If you cannot air your opinion without adding tribal sentiments, then you are not smart. It is beyond cruise and banter.

Is it only that what of abusive language and calling of name.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by TCF1980(m): 11:13am On Mar 03
Nice piece.

When any Church calls for testifiers, testifiers shares their testimonies first with the Church protocol (moderators) who then check if there is any prior prophecy associated with the testimony to be played to the congregation. The moderators will not inform EFCC, Police or other investigators to investigate the intending testifier to attest the originality of the testimony...

For people saying why didn't the Pastor notice that the testimony was false if it was not arranged. Why didn't Elisha know that the Shunamite had no son? It took Gehazi to tell the Elisha that he has never seen any child in the house...

The woman should be questioned to know her motive. Does she merely want the Pastor's attention or she was sponsored; by the Church or someone else to tarnish the Church image?

I am f(u)cking angry. Not that the 'miracle' was staged, but that they put in such low effort behind it. If you want to decieve me, impress me while doing so. At least rate me well while lying to me. Put in effort!

That rubbish above is just sad. You want me to believe a woman selling phone accessories and clothes could have built such a classic house worth close to 300m? How? Everything she is wearing in her testimony is not even up to 15k. People in her locality who know her and watched that testimony, went to her shop. Notice that she couldn't put up any defense.

Why do some churches do this? Why? When Enenche was accused of faking testimonies, I came out in his defence. Enenche doesn't have the time for that shit. Person that is going to Pakistan for crusade, you will have to ask if he is normal. Yes among Enenche, Oyedepo and Adeboye, it is Enenche that follows a healing ministry and he still remains a licensed medical doctor.

There are drastic and easily verifiable testimonies under his ministry. One of them was a young boy with physically decomposing skin. Necrosis of the flesh so bad that his family abandoned him to die. That young man is healed today and Enenche is set to sponsor him to any level he desires to school. This testimony is verifiable.

Nigerian Christianity suffers from an absence of self policing. The genuine roll along side with charlatans. But what can be done? Nothing really. It is left for the people to engage their brains and parse out the fake from the real. But considering how lazy most of us are, how we have abdicated consciousness of thought to supposed men of God, charlatans can easily decieve us.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by ufotunang: 11:26am On Mar 03
I don't think that the two persons are one and same person..
..so you are saying it's not the same person
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by chocolatelady(f): 11:30am On Mar 03
People can be funny at times. I have read all the comments on this issue and I want to make mine.
1) This testimony was never arranged by Zion ministry. Nothing like arranged miracle in Zion. Evang Ebuka is too big for that nonsense.
2) The lady in question claimed that her name was Loveth which Evang Ebuka mentioned in one of his prophesies in open heaven . She is not the only person that her name was mentioned in open heaven who later came for testimony. There are a lot of people their names were mentioned and later , they came for their testimonies.
3) She came from Enugu according to her to give the testimony,
4) Procedure for giving testimony is Zion is that ur testimony have to be vetted by a set of moderators before u can be allowed to proceed and give ur testimony.
5) This lady showed a video of her self inside the house showing every nook and cranny of the apartment to the moderators.
6) There is no way they can deny her from giving the testimony.
7) Free Evang Ebuka and Zion ministry from this because the lady lied at the altar of God and against the Holy Spirit and the consequences might be dangerous. Please be reminded that he prophesied about this on 4 February 2025, that some people are planning something against him which might look real but fake. He cannot be everywhere to make sure that the testimonies are ok before they give them. There are many departments responsible for certain things in Zion ministry.
cool Some people are behind this just to bring the man of God down.
9) The lady has sponsors which Zion ministry have already launch a manhunt to get the lady and get her sponsors.
10)U cannot lie against the Holy Spirit and go scout free.
11)Finally, Evang Ebuka Obi is a great prophet of the most High God whom God uses to perform so many miracles which a lot of people are testifying till date. He has a special gift which some men of God are not comfortable with because he never went to any school of Theology or Philosophy and God gave him that special gift of locating someone through the power of Holy Spirit who is in USA for example. Once the persons case is mentioned in open heaven, it is settled Some many men of God are amazed and cannot understand the gift and that’s why they are using everything within their power to pull him down. But I must say that whom God has blessed , no man can curse.
Yesterday the crowd in zion ministry was overwhelming. I thought that with this kind of propaganda, that people will not come again. U can hardly get a seat to sit down that yesterday.
The ministry is growing , Evang Ebuka is moving forward. Let them stay at the back and be practicing their pull him down syndrome which will never work. THEiR PROPAGANDA CAN NEVER WORK!
This case has not ended. Investigations are ongoing which will be made open once concluded.
Zion, we move; Zion, we fly !
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by OctavianAC(m): 11:31am On Mar 03
The ladies stories were not straight. Maybe she just wanted to show her face in the church through her testimony. She never bought a mansion anywhere. And perhaps Ebuka Obi did not confirm the testimony of the building.
Men of God are much more concerned with having a big crowd through the testimonies than teaching them about salvation in life hereafter.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by chocolatelady(f): 11:38am On Mar 03
The ladies stories were not straight. Maybe she just wanted to show her face in the church through her testimony. She never bought a mansion anywhere. And perhaps Ebuka Obi did not confirm the testimony of the building.
Men of God are much more concerned with having a big crowd through the testimonies than teaching them about salvation in life hereafter.
If there is any man of God that preached salvation more in this country. The person is Evang Ebuka. Please do not say what u don’t know. U can come to Zion and see for urself. Once he starts preaching about salvation, every where will be quiet and so many people will be crying endlessly. U can go online and watch some of Zion videos on prophetic adoration.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by samuelson06(m): 11:53am On Mar 03
I would like the owners of this forum to take extreme tribal comments seriously. I personally lose interest on any topic once I see tribal comments.
If you cannot air your opinion without adding tribal sentiments, then you are not smart. It is beyond cruise and banter.

The forum no make sense at all. Sometimes, I feel Seun is in support of it. Tribal fight is too much here.

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Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Honestey: 11:58am On Mar 03
Be like Christianity in Nigeria na Aba made o
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Jayhome24: 12:08pm On Mar 03
Honestly hints like this don't ally ved me at all. If she said or anyone says oh I git Billion in my account I will just say "oh congratultions" and that dies not mean I fall fir your prank but its none of my business so I don't really care.

Pls free her may be she is a dreamer or a liar or having mental issue that is her headache, seriously I font care.

And I'm not saying the GO of the church involved is fake because I'm not his fan, I'm not his church member and I won't be so I can't condemn him at all.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by easzypeaszy(m): 12:09pm On Mar 03

Majority of those pastors were aware ......they are together in their scamming business
I saw first hand fake testimonies done by someone close to me without Pastor been aware of it.
I have never experienced or been to church wer miracles or healings are done...na my cousin dey run the show herself.
So me can't judge what I don't kw but not saying dey don't exist.
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by tnerro1(m): 12:14pm On Mar 03
Are you making fun of her side hustle, I will report you all to Bayo onanuga
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Truvelisback(m): 12:15pm On Mar 03
Arangee things. grin
Re: Ebuka Obi: Fake Testimony Woman Caught On The Streets (Video) by Jayhome24: 12:17pm On Mar 03

The forum no make sense at all. Sometimes, I feel Seun is in support of it. Tribal fight is too much here.

Yea it's likely Seun is enjoying tribalism shit going on here. I have be very vocal against tribalism here on so many occasions an do you know the funniest thing Seun Mods who are mixture of both Yoruba and Igbo will colluded together to blocked my account for simply speaking against tribalism.

Untill one day Tutsi-Hutu scenario erupted in Nigeria everybody body go rest.

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