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The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 1:42pm On Mar 07
The Christ Myth theory asserts that Jesus of Nazareth, as described in the New Testament, was not a historical figure but a mythological construct derived from earlier religious traditions. While some mainstream scholars claim Jesus existed, growing undeniable textual historical and archeological evidences suggests his story is largely, if not entirely, fabricated...

Read more at https://infoblog.africa/the-christ-myth/

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Re: The Christ Myth by Everyday247: 1:46pm On Mar 07
Dude was real or based on a real person.

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Re: The Christ Myth by RealityKings1: 1:53pm On Mar 07
Dude was real or based on a real person.

Dude was real and took life seriously.
That's why he ascended at 33
Re: The Christ Myth by Everyday247: 1:54pm On Mar 07

Dude was real and took life seriously.
That's why he ascended at 33
Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 2:02pm On Mar 07
There is not evidence for the existence of Jesus. He wasnt real but a creation of the Roman Empire from redacted, misrepresented and misinterpreted Judaistic prophecies and Greco-Roman mythology
Dude was real or based on a real person.

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Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 2:04pm On Mar 07
There is no evidence to your assumption. Jesus never existed, there is no evidence whatsoever. The Bible stories were all made up from existing Jewish misrepresented prophecies and ancient mythology, like walking on water was made up from the sun rising of the sea. In ancient times, they believed the sun walked on water...
Re: The Christ Myth by Truthseeker10: 2:10pm On Mar 07
The Christ Myth theory asserts that Jesus of Nazareth, as described in the New Testament, was not a historical figure but a mythological construct derived from earlier religious traditions. While some mainstream scholars claim Jesus existed, growing undeniable textual historical and archeological evidences suggests his story is largely, if not entirely, fabricated...

Read more at https://infoblog.africa/the-christ-myth/
Do you agree that a God exist?
Re: The Christ Myth by delkuf(m): 2:11pm On Mar 07
There is no evidence to your assumption. Jesus never existed, there is no evidence whatsoever. The Bible stories were all made up from existing Jewish misrepresented prophecies and ancient mythology, like walking on water was made up from the sun rising of the sea. In ancient times, they believed the sun walked on water...
they have told you he is real, if like continue with you unbelieve. Continue allowing the devil blind your mind
Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 2:13pm On Mar 07
There is no God. What you believe as God is a Jewish Idol called Yahweh...

Do you agree that a God exist?
Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 2:15pm On Mar 07
hahahaha, dude, open your eyes... blind belief is a major problem in Africa. Jesus never existed, devil, angels etc are all mythical figures that dont exist. The Bible is a fictional book...
they have told you he is real, if like continue with you unbelieve. Continue allowing the devil blind your mind
Re: The Christ Myth by Truthseeker10: 2:18pm On Mar 07
There is no God. What you believe as God is a Jewish Idol called Yahweh...
Ok....so how did the universe and life come into existence?
Re: The Christ Myth by Everyday247: 2:18pm On Mar 07
There is not evidence for the existence of Jesus. He wasnt real but a creation of the Roman Empire from redacted, misrepresented and misinterpreted Judaistic prophecies and Greco-Roman mythology
The ancients weren't smart enough to have come up with a very detailed narration of the guy's life so he had to have been real.

Also there are mentions of the guy by non Jewish sources from the time he lived.
Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 2:25pm On Mar 07
Read This https://infoblog.africa/the-satan-myth/
they have told you he is real, if like continue with you unbelieve. Continue allowing the devil blind your mind

Re: The Christ Myth by delkuf(m): 2:25pm On Mar 07
hahahaha, dude, open your eyes... blind belief is a major problem in Africa. Jesus never existed, devil, angels etc are all mythical figures that dont exist. The Bible is a fictional book...
if that is what you believe no problem but me, i believe there is a God and that God loves us so much that when we where going astray, he sent his beloved son Jesus to come and die for us. And through his death and resurrection in the flesh, we are saved. That is my believe. And my whole existence depends on it. I believe solely on this
Re: The Christ Myth by delkuf(m): 2:31pm On Mar 07
Read This https://infoblog.africa/the-satan-myth/
see all infoblog are written by people. People that can be inspire by the devil. So I don't believe in all this blogs. The devil can easily mastermind other to write something about the Lord Jesus and Christianity. So I can't go and read things that will pull me out of the truth. I know the truth and the truth has set me free
Re: The Christ Myth by mariovito(m): 2:59pm On Mar 07
I ask Christians why the Jews found it hard to accept the story of Jesus from the Romans.

Because they do not relate with the made up story

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Re: The Christ Myth by infoblogafrica: 3:17pm On Mar 07
Dude you are saying what you dont even know. Define the devil? Lets start from there
see all infoblog are written by people. People that can be inspire by the devil. So I don't believe in all this blogs. The devil can easily mastermind other to write something about the Lord Jesus and Christianity. So I can't go and read things that will pull me out of the truth. I know the truth and the truth has set me free
Re: The Christ Myth by gohf: 5:17pm On Mar 07
There is not evidence for the existence of Jesus. He wasnt real but a creation of the Roman Empire from redacted, misrepresented and misinterpreted Judaistic prophecies and Greco-Roman mythology

Answer two questions which should be simple enough for you

what evidence were you looking for?

Why would Romans create Jesus?
Re: The Christ Myth by gohf: 5:18pm On Mar 07
I ask Christians why the Jews found it hard to accept the story of Jesus from the Romans.

Because they do not relate with the made up story
you asked Christians but didn't write the answer they gave you, why?

Now you wrote, "they do not relate with the made up story" who gave you this reason?
Re: The Christ Myth by gohf: 5:19pm On Mar 07
see all infoblog are written by people. People that can be inspire by the devil. So I don't believe in all this blogs. The devil can easily mastermind other to write something about the Lord Jesus and Christianity. So I can't go and read things that will pull me out of the truth. I know the truth and the truth has set me free
who masterminded your response to my post the other day?
Re: The Christ Myth by Kobojunkie: 5:45pm On Mar 07
✓ Dude was real and took life seriously. That's why he ascended at 33
Huh? undecided
Re: The Christ Myth by Everyday247: 6:00pm On Mar 07
Huh? undecided
It's a deep quote.
Don't attempt to make too much sense of it or your brain will fry. tongue

Be warned! grin
Re: The Christ Myth by RealityKings1: 6:02pm On Mar 07
Huh? undecided

He went to heaven at 33 smiley
Re: The Christ Myth by Kobojunkie: 7:00pm On Mar 07
✓ He went to heaven at 33 smiley
It's the took life seriously phrase that I do not understand. undecided
Re: The Christ Myth by Kobojunkie: 7:00pm On Mar 07
It's a deep quote.
Don't attempt to make too much sense of it or your brain will fry. tongue Be warned! grin
Shoo, fly! undecided

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Re: The Christ Myth by RealityKings1: 7:37pm On Mar 07
It's the took life seriously phrase that I do not understand. undecided

What's the point trying to save the world?
Re: The Christ Myth by Kobojunkie: 8:44pm On Mar 07
➜What's the point trying to save the world?
Save which world and in what sense?
Re: The Christ Myth by RealityKings1: 9:13pm On Mar 07
Save which world and in what sense?

The same way you understood his purpose here below

Contrary to what many out there teach, Salvation through Jesus Christ is not free... there is indeed a cost as specified by Jesus Christ in the following Passage, and it does not take a simple prayer to obtain the benefit in question...
Re: The Christ Myth by Kobojunkie: 9:29pm On Mar 07
➜The same way you understood his purpose here below
It is not the same at all given that I never attempted to relate Salvation in that case to taking life seriously, as you did. So, again, save which world, and what do you mean by save in this case? undecided

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