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Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? - Religion (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:42pm On Mar 12
Tolu has caused a lot of trouble with this thread walahi talahi! cheesy

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 3:57pm On Mar 12
Tolu has caused a lot of trouble with this thread walahi talahi! cheesy

Gbas gbos for real.
grin grin

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 4:02pm On Mar 12

No! I don't.

Do you agree that without Jesus NOTHING was CREATED?

At least, it's settled that Micheal is a creature
That creature is ALWAYS Jesus.
Nah you Emusan bring evidence that Jesus is the first born meaning that Jesus is a creature.

Emusan evidence:
"Jesus is the first born in the sense of being the first to be born or created.
He is the beginning of all creation. Everything was created through him".

According to Emusan evidence: Born or created, is a creature. Jesus is NOT the Creator.

Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:08pm On Mar 12

Gbas gbos for real. grin grin
The funny thing here is how they keep on arguing yet there is no problem until they sight a JW all of them will pretend to agree as if only JW is not in agreement with them but just leave them for a minute and come back to see how they are bashing one another with insults and curses! cheesy

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 4:10pm On Mar 12

The funny thing here is how they keep on arguing yet there is no problem until they sight a JW all of them will pretend to agree as if only JW is not in agreement with them but just leave them for a minute and come back to see how they are bashing one another with insults and curses! cheesy
In fact,you understand how these churchians reason.
grin grin

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:10pm On Mar 12

That creature is ALWAYS Jesus.
Nah you Emusan bring evidence that Jesus is the first born meaning that Jesus is a creature.
Emusan evidence:
"Jesus is the first born in the sense of being the first to be born or created.
He is the beginning of all creation. Everything was created through him".

According to Emusan evidence: Born or created, is a creature. Jesus is NOT the Creator.[/b]
If you ask him intelligent question he will not respond but with his attitude he wants you to answer him as if you are into some kind of investigation.
That's why i keep teasing him to see what else he can do after all he's not here to learn but argue. wink
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:15pm On Mar 12

In fact,you understand how these churchians reason.
grin grin
The secret is that they are all rebellious Jesus has given us the faithful and discreet slave to teach us but if anyone doesn't want to learn from this group Iet us see how far they can go with their mission as Christians.
One thing is certain: they will gather their type and start extorting money from them until greed makes them stop supporting one another but as for those they gather there is no work they're just bench warmers nothing to do as service to Jesus the king who commanded his disciples to go preaching and teaching. smiley
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 4:23pm On Mar 12
That creature is ALWAYS Jesus.

He can never be Jesus Christ because Jesus created ALL THINGS! He created both Michael and you.

Nah you Emusan bring evidence that Jesus is the first born meaning that Jesus is a creature.

Olofo...you still couldn't grab the meaning of that screenshot in since all this while.

O ma se oooo

Emusan evidence:
"Jesus is the first born in the sense of being the first to be born or created.
He is the beginning of all creation. Everything was created through him".

According to Emusan evidence: Born or created, is a creature. Jesus is NOT the Creator.

That you are JaNosense is for a reason.

Read that screenshot again and see how it says Jesus is the SUPREME BEING OVER CREATURE.

Well, I don't expect you to understand that.

The screenshot says boldly "Jesus is the Creator and sustainer of all things" but as usual JaNosense will switch off his empty skull when getting to that part.

Or can a creature be both CREATOR & SUSTAINER of ALL THINGS?

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:28pm On Mar 12
Why is Christ the angel of the Lord?

Because he was an angel back in heaven where God dwells with angels!
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 4:33pm On Mar 12

He can never be Jesus Christ because Jesus created ALL THINGS! He created both Michael and you.

Emusan evidence:
"Jesus is the first born in the sense of being the first to be born or created.
He is the beginning of all creation. Everything was created through him".

Emusan allow your brain to function & see that your post is conflicting with your evidence.
MUMU WAILER, allow your brain to function.

grin grin
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 4:42pm On Mar 12

Olofo...you still couldn't grab the meaning of that screenshot in since all this while.

O ma se oooo

That you are JaNosense is for a reason.

Read that screenshot again and see how it says Jesus is the SUPREME BEING OVER CREATURE.

Emusan LYING miscreant, you know that Jesus is NOT Supreme Being nau.

Did Jesus teach Emusan that Jesus supreme to God his Father at John 14:28 ?
Did Paul converted by Jesus, teach Emusan LYING miscreant that Jesus is supreme @1 Corinthians 11:3 & Hebrew 6:13?

Emusan LYING miscreant, denying the holy scriptures please repent from your folly.
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 4:53pm On Mar 12

Well, I don't expect you to understand that.

The screenshot says boldly "Jesus is the Creator and sustainer of all things"
[s][s]but as usual JaNosense will switch off his empty skull when getting to that part.[/s][/s]

Or can a creature be both CREATOR & SUSTAINER of ALL THINGS?

Emusan evidence:
"Jesus is the first born in the sense of being the first to be born or created.
He is the beginning of all creation. Everything was created through him
- Colossians 1:15-16".

Emusan LYING miscreant, allow your empty skull to function.
Did you observe that your evidence is tied to Colossians 1:15-16?
Yes, it does.
Is Emusan post: "Jesus is the Creator and sustainer of all things" tied/linked to any Bible verse?

Definitely not. ZERO support from any Bible verse.
Emusan turned Hebrew 1:2 upside down.

Emusan LYING miscreant empty skull.
grin grin grin
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 4:59pm On Mar 12

Emusan LYING miscreant, you know that Jesus is NOT Supreme Being nau.

Did Jesus teach Emusan that Jesus supreme to God his Father at John 14:28 ?
Did Paul converted by Jesus, teach Emusan LYING miscreant that Jesus is supreme @1 Corinthians 11:3 & Hebrew 6:13?

Emusan LYING miscreant, denying the holy scriptures please repent from your folly.

JaNosense is so pained that he has to quote my post thrice with evidence of severe pain.

Now, it's whether Jesus teach me anything not about the screenshot again cheesy grin cheesy grin cheesy

Your evidence is based on the screenshot but you want to change mouth, definitely your empty skull can't grab what you're using as evidence

Oponu JaNosense


Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Janosky: 5:10pm On Mar 12

JaNosense is so pained that he has to quote my post thrice with evidence of severe pain.

Now, it's whether Jesus teach me anything not about the screenshot again
Your evidence is based on the screenshot but you want to change mouth, definitely your empty skull can't grab what you're using as evidence

Oponu JaNosense

Emusan LYING miscreant dubious attempt to divert attention.
His Trinity GIBBERISH straight to the dustbin wotowoto.


cheesy grin cheesy grin cheesy

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 5:49pm On Mar 12
Emusan LYING miscreant dubious attempt to divert attention.
His Trinity GIBBERISH straight to the dustbin wotowoto.

cheesy grin cheesy grin cheesy

Can you imagine this JaNosense...

You claimed the screenshot supported your point but it's evident that you're the one shutting down your brain cells to cherry pick that simple sentences.

Reason why I do call you JaNosense.

The screenshot says Jesus is the Creator and SUSTAINER OF ALL THINGS, true or false?

No wonder those your gods in Warwick always using your head to do Tic-toe-tar cheesy grin cheesy grin

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Gabrielshow24: 7:36pm On Mar 12
Why is Christ the angel of the Lord?

Because he was an angel back in heaven where God dwells with angels!
This is fallacious!!!
He was an "angel" because he was on an errand from his Father!!!

Not that he was part of a set of beings also coincidentally called "angels"đź‘€

Your false equivocation is just too much!!!
If you so claim he was an angel while not tell us whether he was a cherub!
Or Perhaps a seraph!!!
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Gabrielshow24: 7:37pm On Mar 12

Can you imagine this JaNosense...

You claimed the screenshot supported your point but it's evident that you're the one shutting down your brain cells to cherry pick that simple sentences.

Reason why I do call you JaNosense.

The screenshot says Jesus is the Creator and SUSTAINER OF ALL THINGS, true or false?

No wonder those your gods in Warwick always using your head to do Tic-toe-tar cheesy grin cheesy grin
Janonsense is an eternal fool.

Even if you reflect the truth into his eye, he will never see it!!!

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Gabrielshow24: 7:41pm On Mar 12
Why is Christ the angel of the Lord?

Because he was an angel back in heaven where God dwells with angels!
The conceptions of the era was very simple anything divine that comes from God was termed "an angel" alluding to its interpretation - messenger.

It doesn't differentiate whether the messenger is the word of God or a cherub, or a seraph or God the Father himself!!!

Hence your allusions to the word is very vague and that's why your partner in crime defined angels woefully.

He besmeared his intellect; now he is a laughing stock!!!


Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:03pm On Mar 12

It doesn't differentiate whether the messenger is the word of God or a cherub, or a seraph or God the Father himself

OK Sir! cheesy
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:04pm On Mar 12

This is fallacious!!!
He was an "angel" because he was on an errand from his Father!!!

Not that he was part of a set of beings also coincidentally called "angels"đź‘€

Your false equivocation is just too much!!!
If you so claim he was an angel while not tell us whether he was a cherub!
Or Perhaps a seraph!!!

OK Sir! cheesy

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 8:34pm On Mar 12

This is fallacious!!!
He was an "angel" because he was on an errand from his Father!!!

Not that he was part of a set of beings also coincidentally called "angels"đź‘€

Your false equivocation is just too much!!!
If you so claim he was an angel while not tell us whether he was a cherub!
Or Perhaps a seraph!!!

Christ is not even the Angel of the Lord.

Even though some have tried to ascribe that to Him when considering how Yahweh works in the Old Testament in which it was term Theophany.

But in Matt 1:20 while Mary conceived Jesus it was recorded that the same ANGEL OF THE LORD appeared to Joseph.

If you ask the champion of this Angel of the Lord as Jesus, why was Jesus in the womb and the Angel of the Lord also in action?

They'll go silent because to them, Jesus is a complete human which means when Jesus was human nothing DIVINE in him.

Or was Matthew wrong to have mentioned Angel of the Lord while Jesus was still in the womb?

This even favoured the people who argue in support of Jesus being human and divine on earth but against anyone who believes Jesus was never Divine one earth.

They want to eat their cake and also have it.

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by achorladey: 10:56pm On Mar 12

You're the one bothering yourself by going round in cycle.

He can't provide where I disrespected his beliefs

He can't provide where I INSULTED & ABUSED

He wants to chicken out, I understand!

As usual cheesy grin grin

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by achorladey: 11:00pm On Mar 12

JaNosense is so pained that he has to quote my post thrice with evidence of severe pain.

Now, it's whether Jesus teach me anything not about the screenshot again cheesy grin cheesy grin cheesy

Your evidence is based on the screenshot but you want to change mouth, definitely your empty skull can't grab what you're using as evidence

Oponu JaNosense

The trick of repeating lies to be accepted as truth na their way of life

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by achorladey: 11:07pm On Mar 12

Janonsense is an eternal fool.

Even if you reflect the truth into his eye, he will never see it!!!

grin cheesy grin cheesy

JaNosense for a reason with his usual no get sense peddling brains

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by achorladey: 11:14pm On Mar 12

Christ is not even the Angel of the Lord.

Even though some have tried to ascribe that to Him when considering how Yahweh works in the Old Testament in which it was term Theophany.

But in Matt 1:20 while Mary conceived Jesus it was recorded that the same ANGEL OF THE LORD appeared to Joseph.

If you ask the champion of this Angel of the Lord as Jesus, why was Jesus in the womb and the Angel of the Lord also in action?

They'll go silent because to them, Jesus is a complete human which means when Jesus was human nothing DIVINE in him.

Or was Matthew wrong to have mentioned Angel of the Lord while Jesus was still in the womb?

This even favoured the people who argue in support of Jesus being human and divine on earth but against anyone who believes Jesus was never Divine one earth.

They want to eat their cake and also have it.

In their publication titled imitate their faith...

The source of this “calm, low voice” may have been the same spirit who was used to deliver “Jehovah’s word” mentioned at 1 Kings 19:9. In verse 15, this spirit is referred to simply as “Jehovah.” We might be reminded of the spirit emissary whom Jehovah used to guide Israel in the wilderness and of whom God said: “My name is within him.” (Ex. 23:21) We cannot be dogmatic on this point, of course, but it is worth noting that in his prehuman existence, Jesus served as “the Word,” the special Spokesman to Jehovah’s servants.​—John 1:1.

Their lies and manipulations filled brains accepted the no get sense behind Jesus served as the Word in their religious publications cheesy grin cheesy cheesy when the Bible they carry says Jesus is the Word not serving as the Word.

Then the same Angel of the Lord they say and hammering is Jesus is equally Jehovah in their religious publications but they don't want to be dogmatic about it. You begin to wonder what is the basis of their fighting Jesus is angel of the lord cheesy grin cheesy

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Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 8:39am
In their publication titled imitate their faith...

Their lies and manipulations filled brains accepted the no get sense of Jesus served as the Word in their religious publications cheesy grin cheesy cheesy when the Bible they carry says Jesus is the Word not serving as the Word

Then the same Angel of the Lord they say and hammering is Jesus is equally Jehovah in their religious publications but they don't want to be dogmatic about it. You begin to wonder what is the basis of their fighting Jesus is angel of the lord cheesy grin cheesy

Well said!

Jesus has never SERVED as the word but He is THE WORD!
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:44am

Well said!
Jesus has never SERVED as the word but He is THE WORD!
Only one angel is God's spokesman in heaven: Archangel Michael the word of God!
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 8:56am

Only one angel is God's spokesman in heaven: Archangel Michael the word of God!

If you ask him intelligent question he will not respond but with his attitude he wants you to answer him as if you are into some kind of investigation.
That's why i keep teasing him to see what else he can do after all he's not here to learn but argue.

Despite the lie in this post

He's still looking for engagement by fire by force.

Continue to be restless!
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:57am

Despite the lie in this post
He's still looking for engagement by fire by force.
Continue to be restless!

Why is Christ the angel of the Lord?~OP wink
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 8:58am
Why is Christ the angel of the Lord?~OP wink

Christ is not the Angel of the Lord!

Do you believe that without Jesus NOTHING was CREATED?
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:01am

Christ is not the Angel of the Lord!
Do you believe that without Jesus NOTHING was CREATED?
Do you believe that without Michael the Archangel nothing was created? smiley
Re: Why Is Christ The Angel Of The Lord ? by Emusan(m): 9:28am

Do you believe that without Michael the Archangel nothing was created? smiley

No! I don't believe because Micheal is a creature which you also agreed with.

Is this your intelligent question you have been asking and I can't answer it?

Do you agree that without Jesus NOTHING was CREATED?

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