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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" (106368 Views)
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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:41pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
ChokolateBoss: 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:41pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Pyrrho:why did the early missionaries have to build schools ... aside the education . why ? |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:44pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Reference: In a land where all is blind,the one-eyed man is king. This world sha. The poor man has no hope. No respite, no future, no relief, no hope. Even the church milks him dry to get richer. I respect Malala more as a girl crusading for children to go to school and that world leaders should assist than most Nigerian pastorpreneurs. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:44pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Wisedata:what percentage of nigerian population is on NL and what age group ? |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:47pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
SirShymex:every one hs got a right to his belief ..... thats why a christain dont talk down an unbeliever but rather tries to counsel him to a right path . why dont you counsel " this gullible folks " out of their folly. condemning their leader only makes them want to follow him more. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 10:49pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
ChokolateBoss: They brought Christianity to you and they used it to keep majority of you in mental bondage, come to the west and you will marvel at how nobody bothers with going to church here. Only Africans and carribean people go to church (enslaved people with enslaved minds) in huge numbers because majorify of Africans are downtrodden and poverty stricken, many are looking for a fictititious God in heaven to come down and solve their problems. Japan is a great and powerful nation but guess what? they expelled Christian missionaries from their country in the 19th century because they knew that foreign religions mean only one thing - mental enslavement of the indigenous people, the majority of Africans are mentally enslaved to their white European oppressors. 2 Likes |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:50pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Reading through comments on this thread will make you understand why Nigeria is still backward...the words from the minds of the people who are supposed to be the productive crop of its citizenry says it all...Despite am not in support of everything Bishop Oyedepo does, one thing I know for sure is that "the right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously" - Therefore let sleeping dogs lie. 1 Like
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by troy20(m): 10:50pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:you are one of the major tumor holding this continent down that dark pit of poverty, ignorance,illiteracy...well just to only let you know i might not be the only one holding that view of you. 2 Likes |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:52pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:because they were on mission to uneducated people who can't read the bible. Neither do they av any means of writing or passing these teaching on to others through writing. Teaching them to read and write wld be the right thing to do. This wld make teaching the Bible easier, they spent years teaching people so they could teach themselves. I can't imagine how hard it must av been. Now, answer my question. How does building universities in Nigeria, UK, relate to preaching the gospel?! 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:52pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
AdeCisco:are you a member of his church .. do you know what activities and engagements they have for the needy. you should research all this before you judge. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 10:53pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2: shut your fckg trap you dumb follower of a white man's religion. Oyedepo has scammed the shi.t out of you id.iots and you are too busy licking his anus that you cant even see it. Who in their right mind would follow a theif and con artist like Oyedepo - let me guess a brain dead imb.ecile like you. I work and earn my money honestly not like your Commander in thief Oyedepo who spins you fairy stories about reaping your reward in a non existent heaven. This is why you will remain under the foot of the white man for life. 5 Likes |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by chamboy(m): 10:54pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Reference:misquoters 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Reference(m): 10:55pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
sharpchap: Must everything be viewed through the Nigerian lens. Most modern ministries have international mandates. The school I'm sure is to serve his congregation there. Or do you wish they send their kids to Nigeria in the morning and pick them up at the airport after lunch time school close. For those who criticise his wealth viz the poor I will dare say this. Criticise Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Aliko Dangote, Lionel Messi, Peter and Paul Okoye because their wealth came out of 'the poor' is it....yes and no. Yes, poor people buy their wares but their wealth comes from the rich not the poor. To be candid, it is the wealth of 'experience' created by their products that brings out great financial reward. For example Microsoft made many companies and individuals around the world more productive and thus wealthy. They in turn made Bill Gates. It is exactly the same with faith matters. The poor do give but the wealth you see really comes from people who's faith has been enhanced thus their financial status. It works exactly the same. Wealth will always move from a position of lower value to that of higher value. The bible says the poor will always be around. They will always play their part. If someone has something I find valuable money will obviously flow from me to him irrespective of our status. Why in the world should anyone be angry or envious about this. 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:57pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Pyrrho:was there jet during the time of jesus ... bro , if the bible were to document the whole of what happened in the old and new testament ... sure it would not be what we can carry to church. if you feel some one is taking advantage of another ... who do you think you should counsel .. the taker or the takee . does he slaps every other girl . you are entiltled to your opinion tho ... it changes nothing. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:58pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
okeke00:have you bothered to ask yourself why they have no churches or why you have not seen their churches on screens. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Olaone1: 11:03pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Stupid churchgoers. Wicked Oyedepo 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Reference(m): 11:04pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
cap28: Sorry. But his 'satanic ch urch' is already in the UK. Been there a few years. 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 11:05pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Another fake Nigerian pastor exposed by a black british journalist. This fake id.iot is made to look like the lying thief that he is courtesy of this brilliant documentary , but brain dead Nigerians continue to give this theif their paltry tithes, enabling him to live a life of luxury while they continue to wallow in abject poverty: 2 Likes |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:06pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:Bro, "the taker" is the one who stands in the name of someone who gave all. "The taker" is followed cos he is believed to represent sometin better. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by swagwu(m): 11:07pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:Guy i will not slap her...i will run ooo ![]() 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:07pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
troy20:oh thanks , say whatever to make you feel good . am in poverty , ignorance and I am a grown illiterate , infact you made yourself feel better by letting me know you are not the only one who have got this opinion about me .... so who cares , do I know you and your likes . you are irrelevant , what you have just put up now will not change my economic status in anyway ... you should do your research on that . oh , I see , you are one of those that blame people for yor woes..... you believe your definition of my " economic status " is a problem to you . you need a mental check up really. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Olaone1: 11:10pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
He is a pastor ... his wife is a pastor ... his children are pastors .... 'God' called them all sheer stupidity 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by router123(m): 11:10pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
ikeugbo: D above is d only logical comment I v ever read on dis thread. 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Charles4075(m): 11:10pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
May God have mercy on us all and forgive us our trespasses and slanders... Amen. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by pdrefurb: 11:11pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
hardywaltz:....I pity for Ɣ☺ΰ....just wait Ɣ☺ΰ hear that the same brit Ђαvξ approved the skool...and by then Ɣ☺ΰ will hang ur head in shame....Ɣ☺ΰ just sit in ur ivory tower and open ur mouth yakata sayn hez decieb nigs since 1980.....Haters.........sit down close to ur tv u go soon hear say dem don approve d skool!!! |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Olaone1: 11:11pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:Whaaaat? ![]() ![]() ![]() You are MAD, trust me ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:12pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Pyrrho:different religious leader with differet approaches . it is unto you according to your belief . leave their believers to that. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:14pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
cap28:oh thank you , am happy licking his ass . and thanks , I know you earn your money honestly now . thanks for that info too , some readers on here have seen you earn your money honestly . so what else have you to say to oyedepo and to me. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 11:15pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Reference: Who are you saying sorry to - sorry for muthafckrs like you who patronise such cess pits looking for "prosperity healing" don't go and hustle like your mates, stay waiting for one pulpit to help you reap where you did not sew. 1 Like |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by mecussey(m): 11:15pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
omenka: you just said is not just neccessary. Note the two ( justs ) but a spoken word is dangerous. |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:16pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
majekdom2:I've left their believers but their 'gods'... |
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:19pm On Nov 08, 2014 |
Pyrrho:you just said " believe" .... the bible said it believe in your prophet and you shall be establshed . leave everyone to his belief . its as simple as this. |
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