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BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" - Religion (11) - Nairaland

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by pdrefurb: 11:19pm On Nov 08, 2014
Stupid churchgoers. Wicked Oyedepo
. Ɣ☺ΰ just cursed ur self by ur sef
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Olaone1: 11:20pm On Nov 08, 2014
. Ɣ☺ΰ just cursed ur self by ur sef
Your lineage is cursed. Oloriburuku churchgoer angry angry
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:21pm On Nov 08, 2014

Guy i will not slap her...i will run ooo grin
that na cause you fear her power , but if you feel say your power pass her own , you go woz am slap now .no be every pastor fit slap witch now.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Olaone1: 11:22pm On Nov 08, 2014
....I pity for Ɣ☺ΰ....just wait Ɣ☺ΰ hear that the same brit Ђαvξ approved the skool...and by then Ɣ☺ΰ will hang ur head in shame....Ɣ☺ΰ just sit in ur ivory tower and open ur mouth yakata sayn hez decieb nigs since 1980.....Haters.........sit down close to ur tv u go soon hear say dem don approve d skool!!!
Talking about schools. Neglecting salvation. Were!
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by kingilemona298(m): 11:23pm On Nov 08, 2014
I LOVE PAPA OYEDEPO!!! Your opinion is nonsense
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:23pm On Nov 08, 2014


You are MAD, trust me angry angry
yes , I am . thanks.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:25pm On Nov 08, 2014

Talking about schools. Neglecting salvation. Were!
yes , they neglecting salvation . what else ? connies are never to slow to criticize ... kai .criticise less ok.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:27pm On Nov 08, 2014
Thank God the greedy Pastorprenure is finally been made to pay for his sins..

Nah u knw, judge not! U talk loosed!
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Proffdada: 11:27pm On Nov 08, 2014
i will not use my mouth to criticize or judge a man of God....i just dey observe! undecided
ol'boy there's no such thing as MAN OF GOD O!!! every man for himself and God for us all through Christ the Saviour
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:27pm On Nov 08, 2014

Are you for real!!? Who brought the bible to you in the first place? cheesy But they have since evolved. Where they were a few centuries ago, that is where most third world countries (including Nigeria) presently are.
Good question & input.Some ppl are jst plain ignorant of our colonial/religious history.SMH.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Reference(m): 11:31pm On Nov 08, 2014

In a land where all is blind,the one-eyed man is king. This world sha. The poor man has no hope. No respite, no future, no relief, no hope. Even the church milks him dry to get richer. I respect Malala more as a girl crusading for children to go to school and that world leaders should assist than most Nigerian pastorpreneurs.

Oga. The Word of God is the hope of the poor man. Just lift your eyes to God. 'I have come that they have life and life in abundance'. There is no father on earth who can afford food and watch his children starve thoughtless of your Creator. If God can feed the animals in the forest how much more man that has a soul and a mouth to smile and say thank you God. Poverty was not made by God or the church but man wandered away from God's sufficiency to fend for himself as a sheep in a land of wild beasts. Return to God and see how He cares for His children.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by saintalone: 11:33pm On Nov 08, 2014
its like enjoy poverty. cant u think of being rich so u can afford rich schools. enjoy your poverty. no true believer in Winners is poor and they are not complaining.

Are you serious?
Now i understand... Anyone that is poor isnt a TRUE believer.
Im learning things...
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Proffdada: 11:35pm On Nov 08, 2014
was there jet during the time of jesus ... bro , if the bible were to document the whole of what happened in the old and new testament ... sure it would not be what we can carry to church. if you feel some one is taking advantage of another ... who do you think you should counsel .. the taker or the takee . does he slaps every other girl . you are entiltled to your opinion tho ... it changes nothing.
ode many ni eleyi! has he brainwashed u to the point that u assume Jesus would've cruised in jets. remember why Jesus was born in a manger and not 5 star hotel. even to pay temple tax was a miracle
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by DAVE5(m): 11:39pm On Nov 08, 2014
i will not use my mouth to criticize or judge a man of God....i just dey observe! undecided

but I guess u av judged inside ur heart already....

truth iz I somtymz wonder if wat we see in dis age is wat Jesus wld av done given same circumstances...

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by geraldineevi(f): 11:39pm On Nov 08, 2014

So if he's a conman u will not upgrade urself academically?
is it bad for him to build free skuls for people?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:41pm On Nov 08, 2014

ode many ni eleyi! has he brainwashed u to the point that u assume Jesus would've cruised in jets. remember why Jesus was born in a manger and not 5 star hotel. even to pay temple tax was a miracle
ok sir ... keep comparing jesus to pastors . why was peter and paul not born in a manger also . keep talking while he is getting richer . is not a fool that keeps doing same thing over and over without results. people have been criticising since the 80s yet the ministry is waxing stronger . dey dere
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 11:43pm On Nov 08, 2014

Must everything be viewed through the Nigerian lens. Most modern ministries have international mandates. The school I'm sure is to serve his congregation there. Or do you wish they send their kids to Nigeria in the morning and pick them up at the airport after lunch time school close.

Oyedepo and his shi.tty brainwashing schools are not needed nor wanted in the UK, don't you think your fake bishop has got his priorities screwed up? Why set up a school in a developed industrialised nation when poverty continues to ravage his own people in droves. shouldn't charity begin at home? Or does it begin in the land of your historical oppressors?

And please don't ever compare this theif to the likes of Messi, Peter and Paul Okoye and Bill Gates who actually relied on creativity and talent to become rich not lies and deceit.

Hell fire will be too good a place for Oyedepo when he finally kicks the bucket.


Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by hardywaltz(m): 11:46pm On Nov 08, 2014
....I pity for Ɣ☺ΰ....just wait Ɣ☺ΰ hear that the same brit Ђαvξ approved the skool...and by then Ɣ☺ΰ will hang ur head in shame....Ɣ☺ΰ just sit in ur ivory tower and open ur mouth yakata sayn hez decieb nigs since 1980.....Haters.........sit down close to ur tv u go soon hear say dem don approve d skool!!!
My friend go and sleep u think life is Nollywood.. tongue Oledepo is a conman

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:46pm On Nov 08, 2014

Oyedepo and his shi.tty brainwashing schools are not needed nor wanted in the UK, don't you think your fake bishop has got his priorities screwed up? Why set up a school in a developed industrialised nation when poverty continues to ravage his own people in droves. shouldn't charity begin at home? Or does it begin in the land of your historical oppressors?

And please don't ever compare this theif to the likes of Messi, Peter and Paul Okoye and Bill Gates who actually relied on creativity and talent to become rich not lies and deceit.

Hell fire will be too good a place for Oyedepo when he finally kicks the bucket.

how about when you and others kick the bucket ... so you believe in hell fire ... hehedheh
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Proffdada: 11:46pm On Nov 08, 2014
ok sir ... keep comparing jesus to pastors . why was peter and paul not born in a manger also . keep talking while he is getting richer . is not a fool that keeps doing same thing over and over without results. people have been criticising since the 80s yet the ministry is waxing stronger . dey dere

he's a camel that will never go thru d needle's eye
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:47pm On Nov 08, 2014
every one hs got a right to his belief ..... thats why a christain dont talk down an unbeliever but rather tries to counsel him to a right path . why dont you counsel " this gullible folks " out of their folly. condemning their leader only makes them want to follow him more.

It's a free world. And those who want to be perpetually gullible, hold tight to hope and faith, and let tricksters keep taking them for mugs are free to do whatever makes them happy. However, when tricksters now start getting too big for comfort, it's always nice to see people cut them back to size.

You and I know that God never anointed these folks. They anointed themselves, and rode the wave to where they're right now. The UK isn't Nigeria, and we can say Christianity as a religion started here, if we consider the fact that the rise of Constantine started in York. And he was the one who initiated the Council of Nicea that kick started everything. Then you have to look at King Henry, and then King James - so that should give you an insight into how much folks know about Christianity as a religion out here. Evidently, you can't sell your fraud to folks like that cos they'll always see through you. Hence they decided to cut him back to size.

This guy just need to stay in Nigeria...he doesn't contribute zilch to the black community out here. Rather he rips folks off their hard earned money.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:48pm On Nov 08, 2014
is it bad for him to build free skuls for people?
why do you want something free ... what will you be offering his ministry , if you will be offering something good , getting a scholarship will never be a problem.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:50pm On Nov 08, 2014

Are you serious?
Now i understand... Anyone that is poor isnt a TRUE believer.
Im learning things...
depends on your definition of poor ... Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 11:52pm On Nov 08, 2014
how about when you and others kick the bucket ... so you believe in hell fire ... hehedheh

Yes I believe in hell fire - do you have a problem with that?

Hell fire exists here on earth and it manifests itself in many forms, Oyedepo will definitely end up in hell fire because of his lies and deceit.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:52pm On Nov 08, 2014

he's a camel that will never go thru d needle's eye
and you are the horse that will pass through the needle's eye ... keep decieving yourself and keep judging. check yourself inwards man , live right and let God do as he pleases not you do and talk as you please for God.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by saintalone: 11:53pm On Nov 08, 2014
WHAT WOULD CHRIST HAVE DONE... in same situation


Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Reference(m): 11:55pm On Nov 08, 2014
He is a pastor ... his wife is a pastor ... his children are pastors .... 'God' called them all

sheer stupidity

So what do you want them to be, lawyers, auto mechanics or football administrators. The promise of God as contained in the covenant is to bless (enable) a man's seed after him for generations to come so I expect even his grand kids to be pastors. Or have you planted pawpaw seeds and when you slice the fruit open you see fowl egg inside. Won't you see pawpaw seed inside. Abeg dis one no be argument. In christianity God's plans are ultra long term across generations not just what are we having for lunch tomorrow.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:56pm On Nov 08, 2014

It's a free world. And those who want to be perpetually gullible, hold tight to hope and faith, and let tricksters keep taking them for mugs are free to do whatever makes them happy. However, when tricksters now start getting too big for comfort, it's always nice to see people cut them back to size.

You and I know that God never anointed these folks. They anointed themselves, and rode the wave to where they're right now. The UK isn't Nigeria, and we can say Christianity as a religion started here, if we consider the fact that the rise of Constantine started in York. And he was the one who initiated the Council of Nicea that kick started everything. Then you have to look at King Henry, and then King James - so that should give you an insight into how much folks know about Christianity as a religion out here. Evidently, you can't sell your fraud to folks like that cos they'll always see through you. Hence they decided to cut him back to size.

This guy just need to stay in Nigeria...he doesn't contribute zilch to the black community out here. Rather he rips folks off their hard earned money.
the folks aint complaining thats where I still find it hard to understand . why would someone complain because I choose to do something which is not against the law . dont be too sure the UK still practice what they sed to preach . if they do , we would not have gay marriages in churches.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Proffdada: 11:57pm On Nov 08, 2014
and you are the horse that will pass through the needle's eye ... keep decieving yourself and keep judging. check yourself inwards man , live right and let God do as he pleases not you do and talk as you please for God.
he's misleading a lot of block heads like u to materialism and hell
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 11:59pm On Nov 08, 2014

WHAT WOULD CHRIST HAVE DONE... in same situation
well no one can tell , but am sure he would not have smiled or embraced her ... that was blasphemy the girl proclaimed. what did jesus do when he found people selling in the temple?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 12:00am On Nov 09, 2014

he's misleading a lot of block heads like u to materialism and hell
thanks ... I hope to see you led to heaven . all the best.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 12:07am On Nov 09, 2014
the folks aint complaining thats where I still find it hard to understand . why would someone complain because I choose to do something which is not against the law . dont be too sure the UK still practice what they sed to preach . if they do , we would not have gay marriages in churches.

Well, an unprovoked attack on women is against the law out here. And the whole witchcraft thing is also against the law. A few African pastors have been deported for that.

Also, that's what they're complaining. And I'm sure they might be on his case for money laundering - don't sleep on Scotland Yard. grin

Anyway, the Church was created as part of the state to maintain order. That's the way it has been for over a thousand years. And as people evolve, you see the evolution of the Church, so as not to ostracise a certain demographic of the people. Hence you have the old testament and the new one, and the Church keeps evolving with every generation.

This is where the LGBT group comes in. They're now a big part of the society, and there's absolutely no way the Church can ostracise them, regardless of their lifestyle. What you lot need to understand is that: traditional Churches out here aren't just your mere Churches you build by the roadside, and lie that God anointed you. They're are part of the state. Once you understand that, you'll get a clearer picture.

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