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BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" - Religion (13) - Nairaland

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Women Working At Church Children's Chapel (Photos) / EFF Accuse Zuma Of Witchcraft After Two Mermaids Where Found In Nkandla’s “fire / Bishop Oyedepo's Winners' Chapel Accused Of Exploiting British Worshippers (2) (3) (4)

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Mcowubaba: 6:50am On Nov 09, 2014

This is d part I still don't get wen all these accusations come up.Rev King was also "a man of God",many pastors and bishops found wanting in many areas were "men of god",yet dey were found guilty,tried and many are rotting in d jails dey deserve.Who appointed dese pple as men of god?Many are self appointed,or attended one ragatag theological sch or d other,yet some pple claim dey shudnt b asked to account for their deeds;I hate to belong to such sch of thought.
u are Right in a way...but it is better to keep Quiet/keep fingers crossed..than to talk/criticize...we never knw WHO is REAL...we just gat to keep believing in GOD only ..nt humans
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Skyblings(m): 6:55am On Nov 09, 2014
nawaoo....witch church! undecided undecided
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Mcowubaba: 6:56am On Nov 09, 2014
come to think of it, what made you think that its d poor that made them rich, how much do think a jet is worth and how much is spent on running the place: water light, roads, salaries, food and so on. Do you think its surely the poor that makes ministries rich. On the contrary its the rich and wealthy those who can easily give 10k offering in a single sunday if the poor made them rich calculate the offering at an average of N50 x 130k people in a sine sunday that N6.5m then you would need almost 500weeks to buy a jet not to talk of 4 jets. This is exculsive of running costs and other things. I say this because i have seen the offering baskets of churches made,up of N10 and so on this is not chiding those people but letting you know that God makes men rich and not common man. The rich hardly give except yoi offer them something and for them to give him willingly they see what people outside just sit down and gossip about. Moreoever the days of little beginnings yoi dont know what sacrifices were made to get to where they are. So its seriously opposite and 130k people would not be foolish for 30yrs to follow him its only those jealous that would murmur outside seeing they cannot do what people like him do daily
are u in Dia financial Department...mehn some Church don turn into business o... see calculation..lol!!...
...did nt mention any Church in particular
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Ebidave001(m): 7:09am On Nov 09, 2014
pls, mind what u say, we all shall give account on the last day.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by jayAjoku(m): 7:12am On Nov 09, 2014
come to think of it, what made you think that its d poor that made them rich, how much do think a jet is worth and how much is spent on running the place: water light, roads, salaries, food and so on. Do you think its surely the poor that makes ministries rich. On the contrary its the rich and wealthy those who can easily give 10k offering in a single sunday if the poor made them rich calculate the offering at an average of N50 x 130k people in a sine sunday that N6.5m then you would need almost 500weeks to buy a jet not to talk of 4 jets. This is exculsive of running costs and other things. I say this because i have seen the offering baskets of churches made,up of N10 and so on this is not chiding those people but letting you know that God makes men rich and not common man. The rich hardly give except yoi offer them something and for them to give him willingly they see what people outside just sit down and gossip about. Moreoever the days of little beginnings yoi dont know what sacrifices were made to get to where they are. So its seriously opposite and 130k people would not be foolish for 30yrs to follow him its only those jealous that would murmur outside seeing they cannot do what people like him do daily
thank You jare you deserve a jet for this ... Dumb people don't know that God is not a poor man and he xpects his kids to be rich ... So for as many that think being rich like oyedepo is a sin then me sef I wan follow dey sin that sin afterall the streets of heaven are paved with Gold... People should ask why Witches are not super rich ...
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by okeke00(m): 7:17am On Nov 09, 2014
European witches are afraid of the presence of winners opening school to reorientate the children they have initiated into witch craft.

Winners will establish the school and all powers of witches in that region of the world will vanish in Jesus name.

Those people talking are witches.
"are you mad" is it a question or an insult?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by samobaba(m): 7:33am On Nov 09, 2014
Thank God the greedy Pastorprenure is finally been made to pay for his sins..
am ashamed 105 Nigerian clicked liked for this statement. Why are we jealous when our brother is trying to be successful. This is a new ground breaking achievement from a Nigerian. Forget this idiocy of the white people who are scared of the success of a black man. Why should blacks also be the one rejoicing in the fall of the success of a black man. The young man David Oyedepo Jnr is not his father. He only strive to make a mark in life just like his father. So if you think its the father you are attacking read the article again.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by popcykaylah(m): 7:56am On Nov 09, 2014
this is simply the mentality of a sick assylum seeker. its people like you that crave to enter uk ... not every nigerian . it is people like you that sees a white man as better than him , thats why you can do dishes for him . when you are deligent in your business you will stand tall . when the same westerner you are praising sees you got something upstairs , he will leanr from you .... change ur mentality.
oga abeg park well..how many Nigerians have you helped in recent times? an average Nigerian man is greedy and self-centered ...as if them give you visa ..you two weeks visa..you no go sit down there turn am to two years.. hypocrites hian..
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Tallesty1(m): 8:05am On Nov 09, 2014
best diary on nl
Thanks ma
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 8:07am On Nov 09, 2014
whats your definition of commonner,I attended his educational institututions and yes am the son of a common man , the reason poor people remain poor overtime is because they are always waitng to be helped and talk down whatever the rich does in envy. how much do they pay in igbinedion or afe babalola university . you should take a look on the resources those students have access too . the best things in life are never free.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 8:23am On Nov 09, 2014
well no one can tell , but am sure he would not have smiled or embraced her ... that was blasphemy the girl proclaimed. what did jesus do when he found people selling in the temple?

If you go with the concept of 'witches', you then think an evil spirit dwells in d girl. So when your pastor slaps her, he is merely harming the body, not the evil spirit, by your thinking. Second, the aim of her coming to the church was to receive cure, not like the moneychangers in Jesus' days that were in their trade. So i ask you, how many demons did Jesus cure with a slap, blow, push, or sometimes tae-kwondo?


Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 8:25am On Nov 09, 2014
well no one can tell , but am sure he would not have smiled or embraced her ... that was blasphemy the girl proclaimed. what did jesus do when he found people selling in the temple?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 8:27am On Nov 09, 2014
Thanks ma
u welcome bro an a happy sunday to you
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Proffdada: 8:33am On Nov 09, 2014

If you go with the concept of 'witches', you then think an evil spirit dwells in d girl. So when your pastor slaps her, he is merely harming the body, not the evil spirit, by your thinking. Second, the aim of her coming to the church was to receive cure, not like the moneychangers in Jesus' days that were in their trade. So i ask you, how many demons did Jesus cure with a slap, blow, push, or sometimes tae-kwondo?
Abi I tire o! they now follow their 'man of God ' instead of Jesus. Jesus Christ teachings now sounds like old testament to them

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Carlmax(m): 8:36am On Nov 09, 2014

So what do you want them to be, lawyers, auto mechanics or football administrators. The promise of God as contained in the covenant is to bless (enable) a man's seed after him for generations to come so I expect even his grand kids to be pastors. Or have you planted pawpaw seeds and when you slice the fruit open you see fowl egg inside. Won't you see pawpaw seed inside. Abeg dis one no be argument. In christianity God's plans are ultra long term across generations not just what are we having for lunch tomorrow.

His father was a pastor too, I guess
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by spankyflex(m): 8:46am On Nov 09, 2014
the same way the west wants to manipulate countries into gay marriages in the name of human right and when this is not working they put sanctions ... which is worst ? slapping someone and punishing someone because he wished to hold his law.
what happened to praying for her salvation if actually she is a witch
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Ikpewe: 8:46am On Nov 09, 2014

Abeg make I hear word isn't he a greedy fellow? go and threaten the Brits that have given him a persona non garanta status in UK.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by rhymz(m): 8:47am On Nov 09, 2014
If Oyedepo is not a greedy fellow then what is his motive of wanting to build school models in the UK of all places. He is more into investment than the so-called gospel he uses to expand his business. If he was truthful to himself, he would realize that if really he is all about the gospel and it's reach, Nigeria and other African countries should be considered not an already developed clime with a well developed education system. It is all about profit for this greedy Nigerian Pastors.

Which of his faith schools is affordable to an average Nigerian, the answer is none. He likes to pride himself as an astute business man but fail to emphasize how to strike a balance between personal investment and God's work, everything the man does is for business, so annoying. His attempt to set up these schools is nothing but profit driven, he knows they can afford to pay his exorbitant school fees, he already has a market in the congregation.

People like Oyedepo made me realize that religion in general is a scam, the type that even when you realize it, you are in awe and are ready to be used and be scammed more times. The type that makes you numb in the head and feel your guts with fear of the supernatural anger if you dare question the godlike MOG who is assumed to be more than human and can't possibly be as greedy as a Dangote or a Nigerian Politician.
Oyedepo is the greatest lie ever sold. And with the rate the man is going, he is possibly going to be the wealthiest preacher that ever lived.

It is like the man is in a competition with his ego and the fact that he wants to be seen as the prosperity preacher that pushed it to another level and commercialize the gospel to its full potential. No longer are these investments tied to the church, they are strictly Oyedepo's and family. He might have no problem stepping down early as the leader of winners and giving the leadership to somebody else that is not necessarily family. He has already set his son up for life and has succeeded in exploiting the church to building his own personal empire..... Notice how they are beginning to exist in different names other than faith schools as they are known here in Nigeria, now it is Kingdom schools.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by limamintruth: 8:57am On Nov 09, 2014
The news dedicated to winners chapel int'l and its plans to establish school in the UK, the BBC introduced under the headline "Nigerian witchcraft Church in bid to open Kent school"

What exactly have Nigeria done wrong to deserve this accolade of embarrassments from the int'l media.


But that is harsh sha.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by DOYEN003: 9:00am On Nov 09, 2014
He slapped that poor girl........ Because she is just " a witch for Jesus"....... sad


Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by slimfit1(m): 9:05am On Nov 09, 2014

U are a very phoolish person. U think oyedepo is hypocritic like other men of God that puts every giving they render to the poor on t.v? Hav any poor come to u to tell u that he or she went to seek help from oyedepo and it was not granted to him or her? U are a very phoolish and wicked person. Change now!!!

Did I mention any once name here please ?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by FLAWLES(f): 9:14am On Nov 09, 2014
BAD BELLY CO-OPeRATION,,,,,,,who cares?
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by FLAWLES(f): 9:21am On Nov 09, 2014
what u pple ought to knw is that this SO-called BBC waheva is nt bent on only accusing oyedepo bt NiGerian as a whole,,,they 8t us but we 8t them more

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by hardywaltz(m): 9:22am On Nov 09, 2014
am ashamed 105 Nigerian clicked liked for this statement. Why are we jealous when our brother is trying to be successful. This is a new ground breaking achievement from a Nigerian. Forget this idiocy of the white people who are scared of the success of a black man. Why should blacks also be the one rejoicing in the fall of the success of a black man. The young man David Oyedepo Jnr is not his father. He only strive to make a mark in life just like his father. So if you think its the father you are attacking read the article again.
cöřk & bull story
A family of thieves..

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by telad(m): 9:34am On Nov 09, 2014

This is d part I still don't get wen all these accusations come up.Rev King was also "a man of God",many pastors and bishops found wanting in many areas were "men of god",yet dey were found guilty,tried and many are rotting in d jails dey deserve.Who appointed dese pple as men of god?Many are self appointed,or attended one ragatag theological sch or d other,yet some pple claim dey shudnt b asked to account for their deeds;I hate to belong to such sch of thought.

Men of God not gods of God. As such (being men(human)), they are liable to make mistakes.
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by adebasket97: 9:37am On Nov 09, 2014
I no wan talk here before but when someone was calculating 50 x 130k #funny

Citing my Local govt as an example.....Akure South

The LGA has almost 50 WCI Church.

Each of this Church has at least 200members (Based on 9ja condition, make we talk am say 100 members dy pay)

100 x 50....That's 5000 members.

Ondo State is Made up of 18 LGAs

18 x 5000 = 90,000 members paying #50 per sunday as tithe

90k x 50 = 4.5million per sunday.

4.5million x 36 states = 162million per Sunday


This is Just an Estimation (Sorry I didn't use "British English", e no go Sweet me)

Am not Judging any Pastor, or any MOG or any GO......Peace out.

>Not All LGAs have 50 branches....but the summation of All the branches of WCI in 9ja can as well give something close to 50 per LGA

Last Comment : Me I be parole boy o...Don't judge anyone, if you sef think say e easy to gather ppl and collect cash from them, then try it out and let's see how far you will go. Am not supporting or against these GOs but 9ja get as e be....let us all pray to be successful in all our endeavours...

#Peace out. Abeg if you say I no hear English, go do ielts or toefl and Post your Score here o........lol

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by ThoniaSlim(f): 9:55am On Nov 09, 2014
Please why are they preventing this man from opening a school in the UK? They should allow him open one, so he can show himself. Then we would really know who he is. grin
Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by cap28: 10:01am On Nov 09, 2014
Goodluck Jonathan visits Bishop Oyedepo for prayers and receives a dirty slap:

Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Faun(m): 10:06am On Nov 09, 2014
From the number of pages this topic has managed to generate, it's safe to say Mr. Oyedepo's magas are really huge in number.

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Barisvilla(m): 10:09am On Nov 09, 2014
Church Of God is moving Forward and the Gate of Hell shall not prevail

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Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Ilaje44(m): 10:11am On Nov 09, 2014
what u pple ought to knw is that this SO-called BBC waheva is nt bent on only accusing oyedepo bt NiGerian as a whole,,,they 8t us but we 8t them more

And what does the Bible teaches you about HATE? As a matter of fact, the BBC doesn't hate you, it's only exposing the dumb nature of a lot of ye religious slaves.


Re: BBC Calls Winners Chapel "Witchcraft Church" by Nobody: 10:14am On Nov 09, 2014
Oyedepo deserves this ill treatment. When he slapped the girl his followers defended him as if he was above the law. Now let his followers go and attack the UK govt na. In same environment Oyedepo would pay heavily for that silly act. Come to think of it do you think Oyedepo can slap a so called witch in America or UK? He dare not. His sorry ass would be cooling off in Jail.

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