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I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me - Travel (3) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by IYANGBALI: 1:01pm On Nov 14, 2014

7:30 am flight..

Make sure you are at the Airport on or before 6:30...

if possible he should carry his mat,pillow and blanket and sleep at the airport
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by criuze(m): 1:01pm On Nov 14, 2014
Don't be afraid when then plane takes elevation, it usually make noise like ' KPUKU KPUKU ' just know that the lord is your strength.

Secondly as a first timer, you may experience dizziness or turning stomach, don't be afraid its normal but you must carry your alligator pepper

Wish you the best.

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by tolutweety(m): 1:02pm On Nov 14, 2014
I saw tolutweety hovering this thread yesterday Hehe. See where it is smiley

cheesy cheesy
Twas actually this morning. was tryna help the guy, Alas, he missed the flight .
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by baski92(m): 1:03pm On Nov 14, 2014
Olamide Street OT..... If u never hear zoro joy.... Like seriously u are missing
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by MadCow1: 1:04pm On Nov 14, 2014
if possible he should carry his mat,pillow and blanket and sleep at the airport

Lol.. grin

Shey Airport people never do you strong thing before?! grin

Dem don bounce me 30mins to the flight.. I dey there dey bag wan small girl for the counter.. Na one Supervisor finally hear me where I dey try change my flight time come ask her why I no enter this plane when e still dey ground.

Mbok.. Make e go early o!! Plus Early flight check in line and security line too dey long.
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by thaoriginator: 1:05pm On Nov 14, 2014
Op smoke marijuana and get high so you and the plane will be on the same level

14 Likes 3 Shares

Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:05pm On Nov 14, 2014

Dunno, this made me just think of Danbaba Suntai undecided

You didn't have to write this to me, even if such morbid thoughts crossed your mind.

These noobs, maybe; you? Haba!?

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by IYANGBALI: 1:06pm On Nov 14, 2014
don't forget to open the window to collect fresh air
yes o
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by UjSizzle(f): 1:06pm On Nov 14, 2014
Op, just go with the flow. Before you leave though, bake some pancakes. Pay close attention:

1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/3 cup caster sugar
25g butter, melted
Whisk milk, egg and vanilla together in a jug. Sift flour and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Stir in sugar. Make a well in centre. Add milk mixture. Whisk until just combined.

Step 2

Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Brush pan with butter. Using 1/4 cup mixture per pancake, cook 2 pancakes for 3 to 4 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. Turn and cook for 3 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture, brushing pan with butter between batches. Serve.
Lmao grin Nairalanders eh! What will the op do with pancakes biko grin


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:06pm On Nov 14, 2014
The advice depends on where he is travelling to. If he is travelling from one state to the other in Nigeria,he should pray against crashing. If its to another country,he should plan on reseting his time and,sit back when takeoff and landing,and get ready for jetlag..

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Rapture4real(m): 1:07pm On Nov 14, 2014
What I really want to know is that when I get to the airport tomorrow, what should I do with the ticket REF number the person texted to me

As a first timer,get to the airport two hrs to beat hold up and other contingencies.Go and line up at the Arik stand with yo ref.number.they have d details in their computer if it is boarding time.you will see other fellow passengers,watch wat they and follow suit ,ask question for clarification.
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Elan83(m): 1:08pm On Nov 14, 2014
Mek sure u go wt a bible & chaplet, sef journey notin do u, but remember 2 say a brief prayer b4 embrkin on & off d flght ok? My regards 2 ur granny! Her baby boi is mekin his 1st voyage!


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by MadCow1: 1:08pm On Nov 14, 2014
Op smoke marijuana and get high so you and the plane will be on the same level



Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by LegatusGlaber(m): 1:09pm On Nov 14, 2014
and he should not try to open the windows to buy gala or shout driver o wa o,I wan drop. grin


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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Odinaka00(m): 1:09pm On Nov 14, 2014
Last flight to Abuja, have u seen that movie mbu? Gbalia to see that movie b4 unu apuo, thank me later

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by drnoel: 1:11pm On Nov 14, 2014
Please don't laugh at me, it's not like I can't afford it but I've just not been inside a plane before. I usually travel to other states in Nigeria by road. So this person has texted me tictet Ref Number for Arik Air to Abuja tomorrow, but I don't know what next to do. The time texted to me is 7:30am.
Pls if you have travelled by air, domestic flight before pls advise me. Didn't want to ask the person, so he doesn't feel embarrased. Pls this is urgent! When I get to the airport in the morning what shud I do? God bless.

Make sure u ogle all the ladies u see wearing short skirt.

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:12pm On Nov 14, 2014
I saw tolutweety hovering this thread yesterday Hehe. See where it is smiley



Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by zonax(m): 1:13pm On Nov 14, 2014
Go to the airport with an ID card, when you get there, ask of the domestic terminal and the Arik air flight going to Abuja at 7:30am. Show their attendant the reference number and collect a boarding pass from her/him, it has your seat number on it. Go in, check the seat number and seat down, that's all.

10 Likes 1 Share

Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:13pm On Nov 14, 2014
Go there ask questions, everyone has had a first time


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by destante(f): 1:14pm On Nov 14, 2014

cheesy cheesy
Twas actually this morning. was tryna help the guy, Alas, he missed the flight .
oh I remember. I woke up very early. It seemed like yesterday. lol
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by delishpot: 1:15pm On Nov 14, 2014
No big deal if you are a first timmer. Everyone in that plane had their first time moment too.
Listen for the aniuncement of your flight loading. A voice will anounce arrivals, and loadings of every airliner as they cone and prepare to leave so listen for when your plane/ flight will be called and then stand up and join others and head for the plane.
People will be willing to help if you ask for help and make it clear its your first time.
No need to say eh, I have money to buy ticket but I just dont like traveling by air. No one cares about that. It shows you have a complex.
Ask the person sitting near you or a hostess/ host for help with your seat belt. Some plabes sell refreshments some give it for free so be sure before you eat( not to worry though, those that sell will anounce that its for sale before they bring it out and also the list will show thr snaks or drinks and at what price they are sold)
Ask for direction on where to claim your bagage when the plane lands.
Generaly fellow passangers are willing to help if asked so dont be ashamed to ask for help.


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:15pm On Nov 14, 2014
Mek sure u go wt a bible & chaplet, sef journey notin do u, but remember 2 say a brief prayer b4 embrkin on & off d flght ok? My regards 2 ur granny! Her baby boi is mekin his 1st voyage!

It is his first time. He wants practical advice not what to go with or the length of the prayer to say. What is with the bible and chaplet BS?


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by IYANGBALI: 1:18pm On Nov 14, 2014
I had my very first flight on my way to Abuja from Lagos in september courtesy of a nairalander. cool
I was really scared and I kept asking everyone around me how the experience was. All I kept hearing was
"aaahh! You will vomit o!
Don't sit near the window.
Make sure you pray,
Buy enough chewing gum and tom tom
Bla bla bla!! "

My flight was slated for 1.30pm,Discovery Airline. I bought enough chewing gum to last me throughout the flight. I boarded the plane and I sat next to the window. Every other thing that happened next,I wasn't scared. I behaved like someone who was not a first timer. Coming back to Lagos,I boarded Aero Contractors. All the same,it was a nice journey.

cheesy cheesy
berem can lie grin


Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by tolutweety(m): 1:18pm On Nov 14, 2014
oh I remember. I woke up very early. It seemed like yesterday. lol

Hows ur day bn ?
can we not derail the thread, lets go our joint.
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:18pm On Nov 14, 2014
Go to the airport with an ID card, when you get there, ask of the domestic terminal and the Arik air flight going to Abuja at 7:30am. Show their attendant the reference number and collect a boarding pass from her/him, it has your seat number on it. Go in, check the seat number and seat down, that's all.
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by destante(f): 1:19pm On Nov 14, 2014

hiya dear smiley
Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by agedmanng: 1:19pm On Nov 14, 2014
OP, I love planes. I am going to someday, somehow fly one as an hobby of course.

There is nothing special in flying in a plane, IDK. The only somewhat quirky part is the take-off and descent/landing.

This was how I felt when I flew for the first time.

The plane has to taxi a little bit on the taxiway, moving from the terminal to the runway. You know, making all those boring bends and just moving at a slow pace for a while. I am always bored by this part. No excitement whatsoever! Speed was about, say, 20km/h.

Then it gets to the runway, it stops, the engines fire! and it becomes louder. Damn it, I love this part!!! cheesy It begins to move at blinding speed greater than 200Km/h. A force opposite the direction of motion of the plane pushes your head backwards...Ahhh adrenaline!!! cheesy

Just when you are about to cuum, it lifts off on you-- climbing. The tires get off the ground. It is at this stage that some bush people fomit tongue There is this momentary weightlessness, elevation. The tires leave the ground and the plane achieves altitude. There is a point here during ascent when it feels like the plane is falling, it is not, it is simply not climbing as steeply as before and/as there is "cutback" to reduce the thrust used to take-off. This part is a little fun too.

Cruise is boring, except if it is Amelica you are travelling to grin The plane changes altitude from time to time, the pilot as well will at some times tell you the altitude, speed, location and condition of the flight.

Descent and landing is not as exciting as take-off from the point of view of the passenger (I love watching planes land and take-off). The plane loses altitude gradually, gets on the runway with a screeching sound. The speed here too is WOW. You'll almost feel as if the plane is not gonna stop. It does stop, all the times I have flown lipsrsealed grin

Due to the time of your flight, you may have experienced some of these already. I wish you safe flight back.

The OP didnt make the flight. I feel like deleting my comment, mschewww.

You gave a concise detail of a flight experience. Thumbs up! But I wish you didn't forget the next to the window experience close to the wing. There's a lot of actions on how the wing parts overlap, interchange and finally come to a state of rest when the plane stabilises.

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Elan83(m): 1:20pm On Nov 14, 2014
It may not b easy,but try not 2 remember MH13, MH17, Dana, Governor suntai, but only remember Airforce1 of Mr. presidnt of US ok! God z wtchn d plane sha!

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:21pm On Nov 14, 2014
when u get in, don't just say a word and when asked why ur not talking, tell d person, this is ur first time to using a commercial flight. u got a private jet.
you wont kill me with laughter

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Re: I'm Travelling By Air For The First Time Tomorrow, Pls Advice Me by Nobody: 1:22pm On Nov 14, 2014
I had my very first flight on my way to Abuja from Lagos in september courtesy of a nairalander. cool
I was really scared and I kept asking everyone around me how the experience was. All I kept hearing was
"aaahh! You will vomit o!
Don't sit near the window.
Make sure you pray,
Buy enough chewing gum and tom tom
Bla bla bla!! "

My flight was slated for 1.30pm,Discovery Airline. I bought enough chewing gum to last me throughout the flight. I boarded the plane and I sat next to the window. Every other thing that happened next,I wasn't scared. I behaved like someone who was not a first timer. Coming back to Lagos,I boarded Aero Contractors. All the same,it was a nice journey.

cheesy cheesy
September ? Month before last. Jesu Christu, I don die.

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