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Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed - Education - Nairaland

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I Scored 260 In Jamb But I'm Very Sure I Deserved More / deleted / Unical Mba (lagos Centre)- I'm Very Much Interested In It (2) (3) (4)

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Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 7:26pm On Dec 05, 2014
I want to fill my jamb form, but confused on the university to take. Have written jamb before, and i dnt want another simple mistake to keep me stranded again. i've always admired these two schools. "UNN and UI". i wanted to go for UNN-medicine, but someone advised me, to go for UI-physiology because of UI's transparent admission processes and no-catchment stuff, with the hope of crossing to medicine. i'm from Abia. pls help me before i make anoda mistake. thanks!
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 7:29pm On Dec 05, 2014
And which university did you choose initially?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 7:35pm On Dec 05, 2014
And which university did you choose initially?
none amongst them, becoz of family choice. but nw i wanna do my thing.
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 7:43pm On Dec 05, 2014
none amongst them, becoz of family choice. but nw i wanna do my thing.
I asked which university you chose.
Anyhoo, you want to study Medicine, yea?
Someone asked you to go for physiology or whatsit.
Would you want to go along that line of advice?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 7:49pm On Dec 05, 2014

I asked which university you chose.
Anyhoo, you want to study Medicine, yea?
Someone asked you to go for physiology or whatsit.
Would you want to go along that line of advice?
i choosed mouau mcb. i dnt knw, that's why i posted. Yes and later cross to medicine
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 8:18pm On Dec 05, 2014
i choosed mouau mcb. i dnt knw, that's why i posted. Yes and later cross to medicine
Why don't you do it the straightforward way? Don't you have faith in you?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 8:28pm On Dec 05, 2014

Why don't you do it the straightforward way? Don't you have faith in you?
sure i do, bt the thing is that UI doesnt make use of jamb score for admission, only p.jamb. and 2014 cut for medicine was 80%. meaning, one must get a min. of 80% in p.jamb to qualify for medicine
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 8:32pm On Dec 05, 2014
sure i do, bt the thing is that UI doesnt make use of jamb score for admission, only p.jamb. and 2014 cut for medicine was 80%. meaning, one must get a min. of 80% in p.jamb to qualify for medicine
Is it impossible to get 80%?
If you go for physiology, you'll be wasting TWO SOLID YEARS, shey you know?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 8:45pm On Dec 05, 2014

Is it impossible to get 80%?
If you go for physiology, you'll be wasting TWO SOLID YEARS, shey you know?
Two? i thought it's from physiology 100l to medicine 200l
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 8:46pm On Dec 05, 2014
Two? i thought it's from physiology 100l to medicine 200l
Chai. You THOUGHT? angry
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 8:50pm On Dec 05, 2014

Chai. You THOUGHT? angry
Pls explain to me
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Icudkill: 10:04pm On Dec 05, 2014
I want to fill my jamb form, but confused on the university to take. Have written jamb before, and i dnt want another simple mistake to keep me stranded again. i've always admired these two schools. "UNN and UI". i wanted to go for UNN-medicine, but someone advised me, to go for UI-physiology because of UI's transparent admission processes and no-catchment stuff, with the hope of crossing to medicine. i'm from Abia. pls help me before i make anoda mistake. thanks!
Wats ur state of origin and last jamb score
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 10:21pm On Dec 05, 2014

Wats ur state of origin and last jamb score
Abia 190 ppt
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Icudkill: 10:40pm On Dec 05, 2014
Abia 190 ppt
You're ibo.. Why don't u put in one of the Souths numerous universities
And wit that jamb score I don't think u should be applying for medicine except you are ready to work really hard and upgrade dat. 190 is veryyy poor for med
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 10:50pm On Dec 05, 2014
Pls explain to me
You'll waste two years. Make up your mind. I suggest you find out more about this, tho.
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 11:04pm On Dec 05, 2014

You're ibo.. Why don't u put in one of the Souths numerous universities
And wit that jamb score I don't think u should be applying for medicine except you are ready to work really hard and upgrade dat. 190 is veryyy poor for med
As a matter of fact, that score isnt what i studied and wrote for. ppt dis year was de-marked. and of cos i'm ready to upgrade
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 11:05pm On Dec 05, 2014

You'll waste two years. Make up your mind. I suggest you find out more about this, tho.
Ok thanks, was hoping u wud explain it to me. But all d same, thanks a bunch!
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Icudkill: 11:39pm On Dec 05, 2014
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Icudkill: 11:39pm On Dec 05, 2014
As a matter of fact, that score isnt what i studied and wrote for. ppt dis year was de-marked. and of cos i'm ready to upgrade

Well then, from d two u mentioned I'll advice u to pick UI.
Buh why aren't u considering skools like uniben?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 11:43pm On Dec 05, 2014
Ok thanks, was hoping u wud explain it to me. But all d same, thanks a bunch!
Oh....I'm a learner too. embarassed Meet a pro

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Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by kozaic(f): 4:36am On Dec 06, 2014
Y is no body telling op the truth?

Op..if u wish to gain admission this year
Don't apply medicine and don't apply those aforementioned schools..

And changing department..you think is d@ easy?
You must be exceptionally intellingent above 4.5
It means,you must be a first class student in 100l and be a good pal with your HOD b4 u can be moved...

If u don't above 250 in jamb and no connection..
Apply for abia state uni..

This is buh the naked truth.

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Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 6:02am On Dec 06, 2014
Y is no body telling op the truth?

Op..if u wish to gain admission this year
Don't apply medicine and don't apply those aforementioned schools..

And changing department..you think is d@ easy?
You must be exceptionally intellingent above 4.5
It means,you must be a first class student in 100l and be a good pal with your HOD b4 u can be moved...

If u don't above 250 in jamb and no connection..
Apply for abia state uni..

This is buh the naked truth.

I disagree with this advice ma..

He can get medicine and get admission next year, if he works for it.
He's just super confused on what to choose.

Op, I just got admission into UI for dentistry.
And am from Anambra State, the truth is that

I've kept wondering why people write jamb for many years and don't get admitted.

My own advice, if you want to study medicine that bad, apply for it in UI.

It is that easy, if you work hard and God in control too.

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Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by kozaic(f): 6:16am On Dec 06, 2014

I disagree with this advice ma..

He can get medicine and get admission next year, if he works for it.
He's just super confused on what to choose.

Op, I just got admission into UI for dentistry.
And am from Anambra State, the truth is that

I've kept wondering why people write jamb for many years and don't get admitted.

My own advice, if you want to study medicine that bad, apply for it in UI.

It is that easy, if you work hard and God in control too.

Considering the fact he had 190 last year?

Haba bros? The truth hurt anyways
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 6:24am On Dec 06, 2014
Y is no body telling op the truth?

Op..if u wish to gain admission this year
Don't apply medicine and don't apply those aforementioned schools..

And changing department..you think is d@ easy?
You must be exceptionally intellingent above 4.5
It means,you must be a first class student in 100l and be a good pal with your HOD b4 u can be moved...

If u don't above 250 in jamb and no connection..
Apply for abia state uni..

This is buh the naked truth.
Thank you v. much. and if i should scale up to 250, what happens next?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 6:27am On Dec 06, 2014

I disagree with this advice ma..

He can get medicine and get admission next year, if he works for it.
He's just super confused on what to choose.

Op, I just got admission into UI for dentistry.
And am from Anambra State, the truth is that

I've kept wondering why people write jamb for many years and don't get admitted.

My own advice, if you want to study medicine that bad, apply for it in UI.

It is that easy, if you work hard and God in control too.
It seems you pretty understood. thanks a lot, really appreciate
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 6:30am On Dec 06, 2014

Considering the fact he had 190 last year?

Haba bros? The truth hurt anyways

That was months ago, I believe he has improved and gotten better.
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 6:30am On Dec 06, 2014
It seems you pretty understood. thanks a lot, really appreciate

You're welcome brother.

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Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 6:32am On Dec 06, 2014

Considering the fact he had 190 last year?

Haba bros? The truth hurt anyways
ummm. let me just febble in. I'd appreciate you advise without the "past score thing" its in the past, i'm more ready to "do the needful". Only confused on what to do next. Thank for your advise, pls keep 'em coming.
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 6:36am On Dec 06, 2014

You're welcome brother.
Jst one more thing sir. what exactly did you score in p.jamb that ushered u dentistry?
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by Nobody: 6:41am On Dec 06, 2014
Jst one more thing sir. what exactly did you score in p.jamb that ushered u dentistry?

I got 80.
Re: Pls Nairalanders Help Me, I'm Very Perplexed by simba1: 6:42am On Dec 06, 2014

I got 80.
Thank u bro.

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