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Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Blizzyblinkzy(f): 9:54pm On Dec 09, 2014
I will not be that dumb 2 send my b/f my unclad photos... Even if i would dooo such tin he will send his own 1st... Guys aint ashamed dis days
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by RealAlfranco: 9:55pm On Dec 09, 2014
OP Bro! Start saying it from now till thy kingdom come,it won't stop... Dey'll even send videos sef!!! Me likey tho!!!
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by LyfeJennings(m): 9:58pm On Dec 09, 2014
Op is simply is nincoompop
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by adeoladrg(m): 9:58pm On Dec 09, 2014
OP why you wan spoil market for us na?
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by DuchessLily(f): 9:59pm On Dec 09, 2014
Why are many ladies so dumb? Why send a guy your unclad pictures? Do you even think before sending that guy your nude pix? Don't you know that he may display those pictures on the internet?
Ladies, stop sending guys your nude pictures. Even if he is your boyfriend or husband, don't do it because he might use it against you.

Please it is not advisable to send a guy your nude pix as a lady. Stop being naive or rather foolish. Don't allow love to wash away your senses. Be wise.
its not even only their boyfriends or husbands they send to. Some of them send to other ladies' husbands. Serious madness!
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Kenneth205(m): 10:02pm On Dec 09, 2014
abegi. any girl wen do that thing never get sense. or she nor dey use her brain.

Lol.... Okay. If u say so.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by ManTiger(m): 10:02pm On Dec 09, 2014
grin gospel singer indeed. that one when dey open her pucy anyhow so na gospel singer?
So you know her?
[size=20pt]See this OP oooooo.[/size]
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by holicalpha(m): 10:05pm On Dec 09, 2014
Why are some girls so dumb.? You dey mad....just because they send dudes their nude pictures doesn't mean that they are dumb.

Besides an only girls dey send nude pictures.?
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by JerryJude(m): 10:07pm On Dec 09, 2014
A family is at the dinner table. The son asks the father, “Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?” The father, surprised, [url=fcaradog..com]answers, “Well, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman’s breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s and 40s, they are like pears, still nice, hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions.” “Onions?” the son asks.[/url] “Yes. You see them and they make you cry.” This infuriated his wife and daughter. The daughter asks, “Mom, how many different kinds of willies are there?” The mother smiles and says, “Well, dear, a man goes through three phases.

Complete your story so funny

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Misogynist2014(m): 10:10pm On Dec 09, 2014
Why are many ladies so dumb? Why send a guy your unclad pictures? Do you even think before sending that guy your nude pix? Don't you know that he may display those pictures on the internet?
Ladies, stop sending guys your nude pictures. Even if he is your boyfriend or husband, don't do it because he might use it against you.

Please it is not advisable to send a guy your nude pix as a lady. Stop being naive or rather foolish. Don't allow love to wash away your senses. Be wise.
So I'm not the only one that knows that women are dumb! Don't think they will listen to you cos they are busy with packaging bwest, bootucks and painting nails. Smh.

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Emmafe(m): 10:14pm On Dec 09, 2014
Ladies please be wise, I saw this on Facebook and almost cried. For those of you saying it's not a big deal I pity your life. You should have no trust for someone who doesn't fear the Lord. Will you say a person that send/accept nude pics has the fear of God? Ladies please be wise! *Sobs* Please learn from this...

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Adinije(f): 10:18pm On Dec 09, 2014
Why would I snap unclad in the first place?

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Misogynist2014(m): 10:21pm On Dec 09, 2014
Guys aren't excluded.
If I want to punish them, i'll post their nude but i won't do that. It's sickening. Only foölish boys do it.

Even guys i knew not from nowhere would be sending their nude. Ewww.
Continue trivalizing every thread you view, dear 'feminist' cheesy. P.S. I love your signature! Men don't need women to succeed too e.g. Alan Tuning, Aristotle. Just make sure you keep to your signature by not collecting a dime from a man, it is very important. grin
On a more serious note, I really wonder what manliness has done to you to ensure such bitter statement, so sad and emotional cry

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by jahbiz: 10:26pm On Dec 09, 2014
Oga op Wetin b ya own? I see, una don catch ya sister 4 that kind thing ecom dey pain you?
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Nelsman(m): 10:30pm On Dec 09, 2014
Why are many ladies so dumb? Why send a guy your unclad pictures? Do you even think before sending that guy your nude pix? Don't you know that he may display those pictures on the internet?
Ladies, stop sending guys your nude pictures. Even if he is your boyfriend or husband, don't do it because he might use it against you.

Please it is not advisable to send a guy your nude pix as a lady. Stop being naive or rather foolish. Don't allow love to wash away your senses. Be wise.
WORD! I once dated a lady who had dz habit of sending me her unclad pix, though they were cool, i do delete them but not all, but d day we broke up was d day i deleted dem all and i did told her not to send such to any oda guy she is dating, coz he might not be like me. Mehn, some guys can be mean.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by kennethchidi(m): 10:30pm On Dec 09, 2014
What!. Why would a lady send her na!ked picture to a guy?.[i][/i]The only person permitted to see you na!kedness is your husband my ladies out there and this must be done in private and not online. Refrain from this if you're a culprit. Order!
And ur doctor too!

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Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by daddyiel(m): 10:46pm On Dec 09, 2014
For me I don't know if its Good or not,if for any reason u choose to send it mind who u are sending to and always snap without trace (face) I have plenty from people buh I'll never disclose it no matter what,I send mine to close ones buh without face.its only kids that abuse such.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by ManTiger(m): 10:46pm On Dec 09, 2014
Ladies please be wise, I saw this on Facebook and almost cried. For those of you saying it's not a big deal I pity your life. You should have no trust for someone who doesn't fear the Lord. Will you say a person that send/accept nude pics has the fear of God? Ladies please be wise! *Sobs* Please learn from this...
All i see is 3 matured student enjoying themselves... btw that doesnt give you reason to post unclad pic here/

[size=40pt]BAN BAN BAN[/size]
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Emodeee: 11:00pm On Dec 09, 2014
"true love" indeed. If you want to see her unclad, go her house make she strip for you

lie dat u've nvr send a guy ur UNclad picture b4.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Emodeee: 11:03pm On Dec 09, 2014
I will not be that dumb 2 send my
b/f my unclad photos... Even if i would dooo such tin he will send his
own 1st... Guys aint ashamed dis days

dn't mind her o. by the time her b.f brain washes her, she will send more dan 2photos without asking 4 his.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by ghost1718(m): 11:04pm On Dec 09, 2014
@op u get luck say the babe were won share her own this night no dey fellow me here on nairaland, if not .......... Na AMADIORA For visit u this nightundecidedundecided
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by fadamekus(m): 11:08pm On Dec 09, 2014
Op, mind your Unclad bizness
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by ghost1718(m): 11:11pm On Dec 09, 2014
Ladies please be wise, I saw this on Facebook and almost cried. For those of you saying it's not a big deal I pity your life. You should have no trust for someone who doesn't fear the Lord. Will you say a person that send/accept nude pics has the fear of God? Ladies please be wise! *Sobs* Please learn from this...
jesus chris of imo.......... Dude watin be that pix when u postgrin abeg i still be VIRGIN grin and whats that between that girl's leg??grin grin grin grin
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by wunmi590(m): 11:11pm On Dec 09, 2014
view and go.

Nairaland association of view and go (NAOVG) I hail thee
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Heymus(m): 11:33pm On Dec 09, 2014

they are smarter than you; they sent you photoshop !
smarter you said? Did you read what i wrote clearly? Remember i didn't ask them to send their nude pix and nothing attach to it (money, credit cards ). Finally my bro. The pictures are not photoshops besides am not a jjc on the internet surfing, so i knw when its scam.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by chigoizie7(m): 11:51pm On Dec 09, 2014
Guys aren't excluded.
If I want to punish them, i'll post their nude but i won't do that. It's sickening. Only foölish boys do it.

Even guys i knew not from nowhere would be sending their nude. Ewww.

dis gal go talk say why dis mumu boi de follow her bumper to fender,lolz, nne some bois dont give a hoot if u make their nude pix go viral on net oooh i dont just know why, but they dont attatch any importance to wether u see their dickson or not unlike our female folkz
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by ManTiger(m): 11:52pm On Dec 09, 2014

What are you looking for on naijauncut? Oloshi. Phucking hypocritical donkey.
Help me ask him o.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Nobody: 11:56pm On Dec 09, 2014
Guys aren't excluded.
If I want to punish them, i'll post their nude but i won't do that. It's sickening. Only foölish boys do it.

Even guys i knew not from nowhere would be sending their nude. Ewww.
They are showing you their chocolate...please send me one I won send am to my gf grin grin
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Nobody: 11:58pm On Dec 09, 2014
Seriously y do u guys like asking for unclad pishures?

Anyways is not my thing tho
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Nobody: 12:00am On Dec 10, 2014
@op, Truth, some ladies are really sick in the head, i got from two ladies on fb and one on whatsapp without even asking them to send.
Those ones are guys...bro wise up
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by klodike(m): 12:04am On Dec 10, 2014
Dat means u must be sharing too. Confess ooh, u knw diaris God ooh
Guys aren't excluded.
If I want to punish them, i'll post their nude but i won't do that. It's sickening. Only foölish boys do it.

Even guys i knew not from nowhere would be sending their nude. Ewww.
Re: Ladies, Stop Sending Guys Your Unclad Pictures by Nobody: 12:07am On Dec 10, 2014
what if we are far apart..huh?
God will bless you for me

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