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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? (4652290 Views)
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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by FighterPilot(m): 9:33pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
EVarn: Deep into insurgency |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 9:33pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
EVarn: its very bad to jump into moving gautrain without knowing its destination..mine was to crush those empty claims somebody was making that a 100% black nation is doing things by itself...i like the point you are making that the Chinese are financing your power plant for the benefit of now can we agree that Nigeria was poorly built by the whites(British),your new masters (Chinese) are rebuilding has got nothing to do with the 100 % black nation |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by EVarn(m): 9:51pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA:nigeria is china's biggest strategic partner south of the atlantic.this year alone,trade export from nigeria to china has risen well over $30 billion and trade import from china is skyrocketing to hundreds of billions of it isnt a "wow!" that china is investing heavily in every sector of nigeria's i said earlier,china and nigeria are in partnership to fund and develop projects across the country,so it isnt china who is funding and building everything,infact they do not fund even half. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by EVarn(m): 9:56pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
FighterPilot:insurgency is contained within a part of the north east,do you think it is a bowl of pap to contain the violent spread of islamic radicalist within a target area?. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 9:56pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
EVarn: my man evarn,I expect you to say more,am in a jubilant team Bhakajuju has just demolished another team,bring your insults,am prepared to counter them. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 9:58pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
EVarn: well said my man... |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by EVarn(m): 10:04pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA:what is bhakajuju?....sounds like a dance style.anyways,i now understand why you're posting lies tonight,but dont let me spoil your good mood by pummeling your skinny 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 10:05pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
ActivateKruger: all these Nigerians on this forum live in |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by EVarn(m): 10:06pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA:indeed. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 10:06pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
EVarn: good night...dont forget to switch off your generator 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by EVarn(m): 10:13pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA:LOL.we've got power,thank you very much. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by ActivateKruger: 10:24pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA: Nah.... Agububu lives in a village somewhere in the jungles of Nigeria.... probably his father is a governor of some stage that's how he affords the internet. 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by GreenandGold: 10:36pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
Agububu, I haven't forgotten about your post, I have waited for months agaugust: Then I said:
Google me facts to counter my facts and paste links.... if not, I will haunt you with this list till the end of 2014. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 10:52pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 10:56pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
jln115: Subject matter was air to sea warfare. Do you know the meaning of 'context' or 'subject matter' ? |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:00pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
FighterPilot: Emotions don't win you a war. It's a game of mutual death, war is kill and get killed in return. Your navy Umkhonto SAM's weakness are it's range, ceiling, speed, and easy to counter guidance system. SAN does NOT have a weapon we cannot defeat, we have 'liquefying' solutions to all your 'solids' We Nigerians will continue to teach you war history from 1914 to 2014......Learn my boy !!! Argentine air force showed the world how obsolete aircraft like Skyhawk jets and Daggers/Nesher jets including ordinary trainers like MBB-339 light jets can sink navy ships without guided missiles, old warplanes with ordinary free fall bombs and gun fire from cannon destroyed British Royal navy warships that has anti-aircraft missile defenses. A pity Argentina has old and expired bombs that the air force pilots dropped on target but did not explode, they landed right inside the British warships ! Imagine if the Argentines had 3.5 generation or 4th generation jets with chaff-flares self defense and rocket pods with 6km range which are freely available today, Britain would have lost almost all her warships. Naval History Homepage and Site Search Part of the PRICE PAID (Parts 50-55) Part 52. BRITISH SHIPS LOST & DAMAGED Note: If the frequent unexploded bombs (1-13) had detonated on striking some of the ships listed below, the Royal Navy's additional losses might quite possibly have put the eventual success of the British Task Force in doubt. Saturday 1st May HMS Alacrity - slightly damaged by bomb near misses HMS Arrow - slightly damaged by cannon fire HMS Glamorgan - slightly damaged by bomb near misses, all off Stanley by Daggers of FAA Grupo 6. Wednesday 12th May HMS Glasgow - moderately damaged off Stanley by unexploded bomb (1) dropped by A-4B Skyhawks of FAA Grupo 5. Bomb passed through hull but damage took some days to repair and she shortly returned to UK. Friday 21st May HMS Antrim - seriously damaged in Falkland Sound outside San Carlos Water by unexploded bomb (2) dropped by Daggers of FAA Grupo 6. UXB removed but damage took some days to repair. HMS Broadsword - slightly damaged outside San Carlos Water by cannon fire from Daggers of Grupo 6. HMS Argonaut - slightly damaged outside San Carlos Water by rockets and cannon fire from Aermacchi MB.339A of CANA 1 Esc, and then seriously damaged by two unexploded bombs (3/4) dropped by A-4B Skyhawks of FAA Grupo 5. Removing the UXB's and carrying out repairs took a number of days and although declared operational, she soon sailed for the UK. HMS Brilliant - slightly damaged outside San Carlos Water by cannon fire from Daggers of Grupo 6. (Different attack from "Broadsword"wink HMS ARDENT - badly damaged in Grantham Sound by bombs - hits, UXB's (5+) and near misses - dropped by Daggers of Grupo 6, then mortally damaged by bombs from A-4Q Skyhawks of CANA 3 Esc off North West Island. Sank the following evening. Sunday 23rd May HMS ANTELOPE - damaged in San Carlos Water by two unexploded bombs (6/7) dropped by A-4B Skyhawks of Grupo 5. One of the bombs exploded that evening while being defused and she caught fire and sank next day. Monday 24th May RFA Sir Galahad - damaged by unexploded bomb (cool and out of action for some days, RFA Sir Lancelot - damaged by unexploded bomb (9) and not fully operational for almost three weeks, RFA Sir Bedivere - slightly damaged by glancing bomb, all in San Carlos Water probably by A-4C Skyhawks of FAA Grupo 4. Tuesday 25th May HMS Broadsword - damaged north of Pebble Island by bomb from A-4B Skyhawk of Grupo 5 bouncing up through her stern and out again to land in the sea. HMS COVENTRY - sunk north of Pebble Island in same attack by three bombs. ATLANTIC CONVEYOR - mortally damaged north east of Falklands by Exocet missile fired by Super Etendard of CANA 2 Esc. Burnt out and later sank in tow. Saturday 29th May British Wye - hit north of South Georgia by bomb dropped by C-130 Hercules of FAA Grupo 1 which bounced into the sea without exploding Tuesday 8th June HMS Plymouth - damaged in Falkland Sound off San Carlos Water by four unexploded bombs (10-13) from Daggers of FAA Grupo 6. RFA SIR GALAHAD - mortally damaged off Fitzroy by bombs from A-4B Skyhawks of Grupo 5 and burnt out. Later in June towed out to sea and sunk as a war grave. RFA Sir Tristram - badly damaged off Fitzroy in same attack and abandoned, but later returned to UK and repaired. LCU F4, HMS Fearless - sunk in Choiseul Sound by bomb from A-4B Skyhawk of Grupo 5. History warns you not to sail frigates into war against an air force that has jet fighters like Nigeria . We will tactically fly out of your missile defense range and ceiling while we employ long range rockets in pod salvos from safe distance. NAF is the most experienced air to ground attacking force in Africa today 2014, even Egypt cannot match NAF in such skill and experiance . 1 Like 2 Shares
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:03pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
GreenandGold: Keep waiting till you grow grey hairs. I have over 6,500 posts on this thread, go find answers there. I am not a recycling machine. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:04pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA: 15 million out of 50 million South Africans have ZERO access to electricity and TOO POOR to buy generator ![]() ![]() . |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:09pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
ActivateKruger: I am not a push button recycling machine to repead sources 20 times for 20 different South Africans on demand, it does not add any dollar to my pocket, it's just a waste of time. Rather, I will watch TV. I have said it 3 times today, if you are in for a honest debate, Google Nigerian alr force wikipedia, aircraft inventory. Hey, seems you are not worth replying the way I see it, I get pissed of by open dishonesty and deliberate insincerity. Enjoy your trolling troll ! You are NOT worth my time... |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:11pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
jln115: I live where blacks get killed by whites just because they are blacks. Not all whites are racist, I have a very nice and fatherly white boss, he built my career and made me what I am today. Just different strokes for different folks. White cops are the worst offenders. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 11:13pm On Dec 13, 2014 |
MduZA: You want me to post photo of how your Soweto rats Inkatha/Buthelezi and Mandela/ANC mass killed and mass murdered one another like chicken after the white man handed over power to you? Buthelezi dia ris God o ! You blacks messed up South Africa and the whites are running away to Europe, America, Australia You live in a glass house don't throw stones. [img][/img] |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by FighterPilot(m): 4:59am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: Photoshopped picture. If you would have known that whites who have left SA some while ago are coming back in large numbers and some white immigrants even relocate in SA. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by FighterPilot(m): 5:07am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: Nope, you are still stuck in 100% black country where you see black everywhere you go. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by FighterPilot(m): 5:24am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: Operational range 12 km (7.5 mi )(Umkhonto-IR Bl [1] 15 km (9.3 mi) (Umkhonto-IR Bl 20 km (12 mi)(Umkhonto-IR Bl 30 km (19 mi ) (Umkhonto-E 60 km (37 mi)(Umkhonto-R) You are lunatic by quoting incidences out of context without having full details of what went wrong. Modern warships are well equipped against aerial attacks. Umkhonto will crash F7 beyond recognition. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 6:03am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: compare that to 160 million out of 170 million Nigerians... |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by MduZA: 6:22am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: another Nigerian friend of mine once told me , Nigerians wish their country had white citizens just like SA..colonel Augububu your wishful thinking on this comment of yours is noted 2 Likes |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by KLEINBASS: 7:32am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: read the real story b4 u post rubish they will always be peace between blacks an white. It looks like nigerians are realy bothered by the peace between blacks an white in south africa. Dnt worry 1 days they will also be peace in nigeria..south africa belongs to all black an whites an it realy bothers me to see this south africans entertaining the comparism between naija an zuid-afrika because is realy an insult comparing zuid-afrika an any west africa nation..south africa is a rainbow nation developed by both blacks ,indians and whites who live in it. Deal with the fact or go back to africa an leav us in peace with our crime.afrikaner is n african man not a european 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Centrifude(m): 7:44am On Dec 14, 2014 |
FighterPilot: Yep they come back running and crying to S.A European and Australian life isn't made for everyone sometimes including White people. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by GreenandGold: 8:14am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: You simply have no answers you tree. |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 8:37am On Dec 14, 2014 |
agaugust: So, the man who was killed had his skull crushed? This means that the bump is not natural but rather the result of the shifting of bone Hence confirming what we have saying Well done on helping us prove it 1 Like |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 8:38am On Dec 14, 2014 |
Henry120: Lol, so hurt and emotional |
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 8:40am On Dec 14, 2014 |
AugustineAgain: why are you avoiding the question Show us a source that says the Roland can target PGM's and other small falling munitions You yourself have said that wiki is not a valid source, so show us some And btw, you fell into my trap that day - i spent the next week exposing the web of fraud you spun on wikipedia, it caused you to run away from here for 2 weeks. So yes, I remember that day with great fondness. |
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