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Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) - Politics - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) (4399 Views)

Great Encounter With The President Of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, Here In Abu Dha / Check out the History Of Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile / Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan Profile-BBC (2) (3) (4)

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Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:04am On Dec 14, 2014
Mr Buhari has continued to defend his military coup of 31 December 1983.

As part of his "War Against Indiscipline", he ordered Nigerians to form neat queues at bus stops, under the sharp eyes of whip-wielding soldiers.

Civil servants who were late for work were publicly humiliated by being forced to do frog jumps.

He also introduced a notorious decree to restrict press freedom, under which two journalists were jailed.

However, his attempts to re-balance public finances by curbing imports led to many job losses and the closure of businesses.

As part of anti-corruption measures, he also ordered that the currency be replaced - the colour of the naira notes were changed - forcing all holders of old notes to exchange them at banks within a limited period.

Prices rose while living standards fell, leading to a palace coup by Gen Ibrahim Babangida on 27 August 1985. Mr Buhari was imprisoned for 40 months.

Mr Babangida wanted to speed up the restoration of civilian rule, which Mr Buhari did not see as a priority.
Quotes by The General:
"It is up to the people. If you choose correct leadership, there won't be any need for the military regime.

"The military came in when it was absolutely necessary and the elected people had failed the country," he said in October 2005.

See the full article below


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Nobody: 10:06am On Dec 14, 2014

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by simplemach(m): 10:07am On Dec 14, 2014
U c?

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Firefire(m): 10:08am On Dec 14, 2014
So terrible blood staining profile undecided


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:22am On Dec 14, 2014
Let us not forget the three young men that were executed without a trial.
Lawal Ojuolape (30)
Bartholomew Owoh (26)
Bernard Ogedengbe

As Commissioner (Minister) of Petroleum and at another time the chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) he could not manage his staff at all continuous scandals and fraudulent accounting was rampant. His hands seem to be clean but his management style has proven to be "clueless" ad the foundation of corruption was built on his mismanagement.

Who is sponsoring hundreds of millions for Buhari's campaigns every election since 1999, he has no money of his, it takes real money, hundreds of millions of it, to run for president?


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:23am On Dec 14, 2014
Yes we must be students of history.


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:24am On Dec 14, 2014
So terrible blood staining profile undecided
His human rights record is an atrocity how soon people forget!


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:27am On Dec 14, 2014
U c?
Wettin dey worry you so you don't want soldiers in the street caning you

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Horlawoomey(m): 10:30am On Dec 14, 2014

1. Buhari was governor of Borno state under Obasanjo regime and later minister of petroleum.

2. Buhari birthed and supervised the establishment of the existing refineries in NIGERIA.

3. He was head of state between 1983-1985 (a period of 20 months).
 There was no religious crisis while he was head of state.

4. He reduced inflation from 23% to 4% by fiscal discipline and home grown economic team (not achieved under any other era).

5. J.J. Rawlings of Ghana took over 2 years before him and killed all the corrupt leaders, while Buhari only sentenced the corrupt leaders in Nigeria to prison.

6. Under his watch as PTF chairman, what he did in road construction in that short period hasn’t been matched by 12 years of the PDP. Hospitals and universities around the country never witnessed as much benefits as they got from the PTF from any government after or before his time.

7. He refused to collect allowance while serving as chairman of the PTF because he said he was already drawing a pension from government, his conscience would not allow him to draw another salary from the purse of same government.

8. He returned excess money spent to purse of government on his return from oversea training as a military officer

9. He is the only former head of state that does not own property or land in Abuja.

10. Buhari personally recommended late Dora Akunyili to OBJ because of her diligence during PTF interaction.
 Every attempt to rubbish him through probes in time past ended up vindicating him! The man who was asked by OBJ to take over PTF before it was scrapped with the aim of indicting Buhari ended up being prosecuted for misappropriating $100 million of PTF funds!

11. His personal driver and cook of many years are christians
 He has OPENLY challenged those who accuse him of religious fundamentalism to come out and show proof. No one has till today taken up the challenge.

12. He is the ONLY politician in northern Nigeria today who fills rallies without renting a crowd!
 People who know him (including pastor Bakare) have said of him……” All I need from Buhari is his word, I can take it to the bank”.

If honesty and probity are the things you want for Nigeria, now is the time to choose right.
 ”Conscience is an opened wound, only truth can heal it”
 Spread the message to the uninformed, misinformed and all Nigerians home and abroad. Carry Go Buhari ( the people's General)

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by chamboy(m): 10:35am On Dec 14, 2014
The delusionist Biafranqueen
Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by ItsMeAboki(m): 12:11pm On Dec 14, 2014
BEWARE OF PROPAGANDA, some ppl have perfected it to an art, they take false information and twist it to give it a negative interpretation against perceived enemies - in this case against the emergence of GMB as APC flagbearer and the next potential president.

This thread was obviously intended to create division along ethnic/regional lines in order to influence potential voters against GMB.

Unfortunately for the OP; many Nigerians have moved on beyond such shallow way of thinking; they know their real enemy is not religion or tribe but corruption and are consequently united in demanding for change.

Pls ignore the OP and her sentiments of bigotry.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by PassingShot(m): 12:27pm On Dec 14, 2014
Having read the profile, I still hold my belief that Buhari remains the only man Nigeria needs at this time.

We are bleeding and we require urgent surgery to rescue ourselves from the low we have sunken.

The fact that GMB is coming as a democrat allays all the fears that mischief makers want us to believe.


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by simplemach(m): 3:37pm On Dec 14, 2014
quote author=Horlawoomey post=28867622]

1. Buhari was governor of Borno state under Obasanjo regime and later minister of petroleum.

2. Buhari birthed and supervised the establishment of the existing refineries in NIGERIA.

3. He was head of state between 1983-1985 (a period of 20 months).
 There was no religious crisis while he was head of state.

4. He reduced inflation from 23% to 4% by fiscal discipline and home grown economic team (not achieved under any other era).

5. J.J. Rawlings of Ghana took over 2 years before him and killed all the corrupt leaders, while Buhari only sentenced the corrupt leaders in Nigeria to prison.

6. Under his watch as PTF chairman, what he did in road construction in that short period hasn’t been matched by 12 years of the PDP. Hospitals and universities around the country never witnessed as much benefits as they got from the PTF from any government after or before his time.

7. He refused to collect allowance while serving as chairman of the PTF because he said he was already drawing a pension from government, his conscience would not allow him to draw another salary from the purse of same government.

8. He returned excess money spent to purse of government on his return from oversea training as a military officer

9. He is the only former head of state that does not own property or land in Abuja.

10. Buhari personally recommended late Dora Akunyili to OBJ because of her diligence during PTF interaction.
 Every attempt to rubbish him through probes in time past ended up vindicating him! The man who was asked by OBJ to take over PTF before it was scrapped with the aim of indicting Buhari ended up being prosecuted for misappropriating $100 million of PTF funds!

11. His personal driver and cook of many years are christians
 He has OPENLY challenged those who accuse him of religious fundamentalism to come out and show proof. No one has till today taken up the challenge.

12. He is the ONLY politician in northern Nigeria today who fills rallies without renting a crowd!
 People who know him (including pastor Bakare) have said of him……” All I need from Buhari is his word, I can take it to the bank”.

If honesty and probity are the things you want for Nigeria, now is the time to choose right.
 ”Conscience is an opened wound, only truth can heal it”
 Spread the message to the uninformed, misinformed and all Nigerians home and abroad. Carry Go Buhari ( the people's General)[/quote]Ignorance

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Nobody: 3:48pm On Dec 14, 2014
The delusionist Biafranqueen
Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 6:12pm On Dec 14, 2014
BEWARE OF PROPAGANDA, some ppl have perfected it to an art, they take false information and twist it to give it a negative interpretation against perceived enemies - in this case against the emergence of GMB as APC flagbearer and the next potential president.

This thread was obviously intended to create division along ethnic/regional lines in order to influence potential voters against GMB.

Unfortunately for the OP; many Nigerians have moved on beyond such shallow way of thinking; they know their real enemy is not religion or tribe but corruption and are consequently united in demanding for change.

Pls ignore the OP and her sentiments of bigotry.
Name calling is all you people can do without debating the issue.Refute what BBC printed, if your father was a prominent business man and Buhari closed down imports just to effect a certain group of people, you would not be here spewing and vomiting rubbish. Keep peddling for an expired Warlord shame on you!

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 6:15pm On Dec 14, 2014
1. Buhari was governor of Borno state under Obasanjo regime and later minister of petroleum.

Yes this man was all this in his early 30's and head of State in his 40's while young Nigerians can not even find employment because he refuses to help out the younger generation. So are you telling me out of 8 children he has no son he could have raised to carry on his legacy? He has failed as a father and this has once again shown us that he is not a good manager of affairs even in his own house or community.

He was the first to support and defend Yerima of Zamfara when Yerima started his campaign of sharia across northern Nigeria least I forget.

After leaving these positions why is Borno the Boko Harem main hot spot from the start?
Minister of Petroleum yes he did not enrich himself but others under him and over him did. He has great character but lacks creative management skills. Corporal punishment is not a management skill undecided

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 6:16pm On Dec 14, 2014
3. He was head of state between 1983-1985 (a period of 20 months).
 There was no religious crisis while he was head of state.

The treatment of Alex Ekwueme in maximum-security incarceration in Kirikiri as opposed to the benevolent treatment of Shehu Shag was on his vacation house arrest, reflects a systematic contempt for all breeds of politicians that lacked a northern backgroundi.

Have you ever asked yourself why did Muhammad Buhari accept to serve under one of the accomplices – Sani Abacha that removed him with ignominy from power?

Religious crisis in Nigeria is a Northern invention. During this time all the Northern Elite terrorists were squabbling for power. The deadly callous liaison and the nature of cash and power relationships that bind the elites of Northern Nigeria regardless of party is definitely more than meets the eye in the profitable symbiotic relationship found between the civilian moneybags and the military gunslingers.
Buhari was a weak leader who hid behind General Tunde Idaigbon. Buhari had no serious following in the army. That was why as soon as Idiagbon went on Hajj, he was kicked out so easily. The coup detat that ousted him was the easiest in Nigerian history. There was no resistance. The rank and file did not even stand up for him.

When Buhari took over, he showed his northern Islamic agenda when he put Shagari under house arrest and Ekueme in kirikiri prison. He was a true bigot. The worst kind. The same thing he showed in the last 2011 election when he disdainly and disrespectfully refused to campaign in the south east, south south and south west. He only visited Lagos and rode with some okada riders. He arrogantly expected to win the election without reaching to the south of Nigeria. That is the born to rule mentality of the hausa-fulani of Nigeria.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 6:17pm On Dec 14, 2014
4. He reduced inflation from 23% to 4% by fiscal discipline and home grown economic team (not achieved under any other era).

Because of his non strategic ban on importation of many products it sent the prices of bread(my families bread factory was shut down because we could not import Golden Penny and no flour was available).
In 1983, Nigeria was not in any economic mess. Nigeria was doing very very very very fine. There was nothing that Buhari was supposed to salvage. It was 1 naira to 1 dollar. A ticket to London was N500. A brand new Volkswagen beatle car was N4000.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Nobody: 6:17pm On Dec 14, 2014
We need this here too


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by mcfynest(m): 7:26pm On Dec 14, 2014
I would reply your post tommorow biafranqueen, please stop this ethno arguments, atleast the kalu brothers are there, why not start by talking about them. True, GMB is not a saint, but who is?
Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 9:25pm On Dec 14, 2014
I would reply your post tommorow biafranqueen, please stop this ethno arguments, atleast the kalu brothers are there, why not start by talking about them. True, GMB is not a saint, but who is?
Did you know that GMB was 33 with his major post? Are you not honest enough to deserve Government positions, as he enjoyed in his 30's? Do you know what my family suffered when he ceased the importation of flour and we were not processing it in Nigeriam. This is part of the mismanagement I am talking about. You will not feel it if you did not get hurt by his ideas with not strategy or outcome analysis.


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by biafranqueen: 10:19pm On Dec 14, 2014
As self-imposed Head of State, Buhari had no regard for human rights. Immediately he seized power, he announced that he would “tamper with” the press. Soon, the infamous Decree Number 4 was promulgated which made even the publication of the truth a punishable offence. Under this cover, Buhari jailed innocent journalists, including Tunde Thompson and Nduka Irabor. He abolished civil liberties, promulgated retroactive decrees enabling him to kill Nigerians through jungle justice, proscribed civil society organizations and professional groups and exercised “absolute” power.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by Ojiofor: 11:08pm On Dec 14, 2014
What buhari did was unpardonable by kicking out performing governors like Dee Sam Mbakwe who was developing the old Imo state rapidly in 4 years with little money available to his government and yet no governor has been able to match his achievements in 30 years.

welll,me and my family will vote for buhari if only he can bring Dee Mbakwe back to us.


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by deji68: 11:29pm On Dec 14, 2014
Abio....Essential commodities were Rationed,..Looted warehouses,Factories were shut because of raw material, even his anti corruption crusade mostly the opposition party politicians were put in jail.I dont really know why some are deluded by his Candidacy ...anyway sha Feb don nearly reach cool cool

4. He reduced inflation from 23% to 4% by fiscal discipline and home grown economic team (not achieved under any other era).

Because of his non strategic ban on importation of many products it sent the prices of bread(my families bread factory was shut down because we could not import Golden Penny and no flour was available).
In 1983, Nigeria was not in any economic mess. Nigeria was doing very very very very fine. There was nothing that Buhari was supposed to salvage. It was 1 naira to 1 dollar. A ticket to London was N500. A brand new Volkswagen beatle car was N4000.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by horlus(m): 4:19am On Dec 15, 2014
1. Buhari was governor of Borno state under Obasanjo regime and later minister of petroleum.

Yes this man was all this in his early 30's and head of State in his 40's while young Nigerians can not even find employment because he refuses to help out the younger generation. So are you telling me out of 8 children he has no son he could have raised to carry on his legacy? He has failed as a father and this has once again shown us that he is not a good manager of affairs even in his own house or community.

He was the first to support and defend Yerima of Zamfara when Yerima started his campaign of sharia across northern Nigeria least I forget.

After leaving these positions why is Borno the Boko Harem main hot spot from the start?
Minister of Petroleum yes he did not enrich himself but others under him and over him did. He has great character but lacks creative management skills. Corporal punishment is not a management skill undecided

Are you saying johnatan has proper management skills? Coz if you're judging management skills based on people who stole funds under your watch that means that Mr johnatan is a worse manager.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by eaglechild: 4:40am On Dec 15, 2014
However, his attempts to re-balance public finances by curbing imports led to many job losses and the closure of businesses.

Prices rose while living standards fell, leading to a palace coup by Gen Ibrahim Babangida on 27 August 1985. Mr Buhari was imprisoned for 40 months

Yet he wants to return. sad

When he should be smarting in regret for toppling a democracy and messing up the economy.


Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by azimibraun: 4:51am On Dec 15, 2014
If buhari is all thst they say he is, how come ppl still like him this much? I am confused. Infact more admirers than haters.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by tit(f): 4:58am On Dec 15, 2014
If buhari is all thst they say he is, how come ppl still like him this much? I am confused. Infact more admirers than haters.

you know now.
a sucker is born every minute.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by GBTYO: 4:59am On Dec 15, 2014
Mr Babangida wanted to speed up the restoration of civilian rule, which Mr Buhari did not see as a priority.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by GBTYO: 5:01am On Dec 15, 2014
If buhari is all thst they say he is, how come ppl still like him this much? I am confused. Infact more admirers than haters.

Sugar and candy are what kids want but their parent's know better.

You have been deceived by an elaborate propaganda scam to believe that this man is a saint.

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by GBTYO: 5:03am On Dec 15, 2014
However, his attempts to re-balance public finances by curbing imports led to many job losses and the closure of businesses.

Prices rose while living standards fell, leading to a palace coup by Gen Ibrahim Babangida on 27 August 1985. Mr Buhari was imprisoned for 40 months

Yet he wants to return. sad

When he should be smarting in regret for toppling a democracy and messing up the economy.

He will stabilize international oil price and everything will be fine like the way the Saudis have it.

yeye dey smell

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Re: Summary: Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari In Profile (BBC) by GBTYO: 5:08am On Dec 15, 2014
Abio....Essential commodities were Rationed,..Looted warehouses,Factories were shut because of raw material, even his anti corruption crusade mostly the opposition party politicians were put in jail.I dont really know why some are deluded by his Candidacy ...anyway sha Feb don nearly reach cool cool

The Buhari regime is by far the most confused and clueless Nigerians have had to live with.

The dunces here do not know their history.

Sometimes I wonder if they don't have parents or elder ones that they would have consulted to know first hand how it was living under a Buhari regime since doing a simple research and cross checking facts about this man is beyond their lazy brains.

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NIGERIA Told To KEEP Quite at Last Minute at the Security Council this evening / Breaking News: Leaders Call For Jega's Arrest / Buhari Ordered Me To Dismiss 48 Errant Cadets In NDA,32 Of Them Muslims-Gen Paul

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