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Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day - Politics (5) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day (32446 Views)

Suicide Bomber Strikes At Dalori Quarters Mosque In Maiduguri. Graphic Photos / Explosion Rocks ECWA Church In Jos / BREAKING: Suicide Bomber Strikes In Gombe State On New Year’s Eve (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by kilokeys(m): 12:40pm On Jan 01, 2015
the suicide bomber is a fool...

im no even wan near 2015.. evn if its just for a minute.

these guys are really sadistic

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by salt1: 12:41pm On Jan 01, 2015
NL members una wicked ooo..despite everytin this dude wrote,nobody hit d like button..chai!! SMH

It wasn't written; it was copied and pasted.
And the intention wasn't to attract likes but for record purposes.
Aliyu Gwarzo said they are behind BH and will remain so until the presidency returns to the North

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by Ezemarcel(m): 12:41pm On Jan 01, 2015
let dem keep on supporting jonaTAN
abubakar in couple of minutes u will be arrested becos we belief u are a member of this sect.


Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by ellechrystal(f): 12:42pm On Jan 01, 2015
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by ellechrystal(f): 12:43pm On Jan 01, 2015
D comments indeed r hilarious. .
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by 2Cents: 12:44pm On Jan 01, 2015
let dem keep on supporting jonaTAN

there is fire on the mountain. this kid here can't be more than 18years, well schooled apparently, yet had fanatical tendencies with a suicide twist!

any hope for my country? does anyone is think there is hope for a united nigeria.? are this not the supposed future leaders

God help us!


Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by Nobody: 12:45pm On Jan 01, 2015
It is because of situations like this that we need buhari in power..Only someone with a strong mind can handle critical situations like this.GEJ is to weak to handle this high rate of terrorism....SAI BUHARI
how dare u politicise a terrorist attack? How dare u campaign for buhari wit the blood of innocent christians killed in their place of worship by islamic terrorists? this is pry 6 pupil way of thinking. Nigerians r more educated now, such weak permutation and wapped up analogy will only leave u guys (APC) at the loosin end of the polls.


Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by wunmi590(m): 12:48pm On Jan 01, 2015
I have promised not to comment of such news again......why did I book space sef? Arise Nigeria

Booking space in new year abi.. Dnt do dt again, sin no mre ur sins av been 4gven grin
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by bagudo777: 12:48pm On Jan 01, 2015
May Allah continue to protect us! Boko boys are enemies of Nigeria not only christians
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by chibwike(m): 12:48pm On Jan 01, 2015
They never get tired undecided

Fùck Gej Fùck GMB

Word......Dont push a loyal person to the extent that, they wont give a fùck...they ve pushed us to the wall...fúck both of them.

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by begwong: 12:49pm On Jan 01, 2015
let dem keep on supporting jonaTAN
pls u need to stop taking those weeds in 2015!!
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by Nobody: 12:49pm On Jan 01, 2015
Ya Allah please bring an end to this for us.

Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by SeverusSnape(m): 12:53pm On Jan 01, 2015

So it doesn't occur to you people that that comment could have been created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Just look at your self...


Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by saintopus(m): 12:53pm On Jan 01, 2015

This is too cheap. I strongly suspect that the insensitive comment was created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.

You mean my comment too cheap? Or the guys comment is too cheap? Whether it is for political reason or not, I feel it is highly condemnable to make a sensitive statement like that!

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by ronald4lif(m): 12:54pm On Jan 01, 2015
Too early for dis, this new yr.

Happy new year udara mmicha
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by ifemi001: 12:54pm On Jan 01, 2015
U guys re gettin him wrong,he's not happy wit the situation of pple dying.We can't say we have president and his cabinet,advisers and none of them ever think of a way to stop all this horrible tins,sincer how many years,as a president he has power to give command,and if pple surounding him re not trusted let him get the help of other countries.Mind u,not as if Buari is a saint,but jst to dance tune to another person,if there has bin another man aside frm Jonathan and Buari,I tell u people ll prefer the person but once no any other man,and no confidence to verge on this our so called president,what's the benefit of voting him,can't continue on this lawless and injustice of this country,I advice u need trying another hand and whom is on ground now is jst Buari tk it or leave it
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by bajosky: 12:56pm On Jan 01, 2015


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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by Chizzy20(f): 12:59pm On Jan 01, 2015

Happy new year udara mmicha
i wish u d same.

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by careersap: 1:01pm On Jan 01, 2015
let dem keep on supporting jonaTAN
this statement is satanic

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by M4gunners: 1:02pm On Jan 01, 2015

So it doesn't occur to you people that that comment could have been created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Who's this please? Are you new here? Do i owned you any explanation on this? I'm i not allowed to like or comment on someone's contribution which i feel has inspired me?Is it how you guys want to turn nigeria to in 2015?

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Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by BarrDuro: 1:02pm On Jan 01, 2015
[quote authorqy=SenatorM post=29390801] Another Islamic Boko Haram member[/quote]
It is sadden.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by sonogo(m): 1:07pm On Jan 01, 2015
They have started again this year. May God destroy mohammed for programming the minds of people to destroy a sacred thing "life"
. [b][/b]. Abeg which mohammed are you talking about? Hope not the GENERAL??
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by tjisadinoyi(m): 1:08pm On Jan 01, 2015
Is a very big mistake to jurdge any body with d actin of others, the prophet of Allah [Muhammad)does nt preach violence and killing of innocent souls. Who ever whish good for him or her self, should never ever insult the Prophet of Allah.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by buchichukwu69: 1:09pm On Jan 01, 2015
abubakar in couple of minutes u will be arrested becos we belief u are a member of this sect.

This is too cheap. I strongly suspect that the insensitive comment was created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by lacasa: 1:11pm On Jan 01, 2015
is it jonathan that sent the bombers? I dnt want to insult u this new year if not I would have call u a big fool. Boko haram will reduce there madness if u muslims start condemning there acts instead of fixing blame on GEJ. God bless Nigeria

Hey hey heeey!

Stop it there.

Wen BokoHaram killed over 2 worshipers in kano central mosque did Muslims call Christians to it?

Evil has no religion

So u better mind ur utterances.

RIP to d dead
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by buchichukwu69: 1:12pm On Jan 01, 2015

there is fire on the mountain. this kid here can't be more than 18years, well schooled apparently, yet had fanatical tendencies with a suicide twist!

any hope for my country? does anyone is think there is hope for a united nigeria.? are this not the supposed future leaders

God help us!

This is too cheap. I strongly suspect that the insensitive comment was created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by buchichukwu69: 1:12pm On Jan 01, 2015
let dem keep on supporting jonaTAN

This is too cheap. I strongly suspect that the insensitive comment was created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by labamo07(m): 1:14pm On Jan 01, 2015
They have started again this year. May God destroy mohammed for programming the minds of people to destroy a sacred thing "life"
You are the biggest fool of 21st century. What has Mohammed got to do with the bombing? Is your head to big for you to reason like an upright person?
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by buchichukwu69: 1:15pm On Jan 01, 2015


This is too cheap. I strongly suspect that the insensitive comment was created by PDP supporters just to create hatred for APC.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by Nobody: 1:16pm On Jan 01, 2015
Is this how they will achieve getting back the presidency? Will we be bombed into submission?

Read what one of their thinkers wrote:

When I say that the Presidency must come to the north next year I am referring to the Hausa-Fulani core north and not any northern christian or muslim minority tribe.

Well, while I am sure that there are certain Northern bigots who want nothing but Hausa rule forever....this quote is bogus for the following reasons

1.There is no prominent Northern Leader by name Aliyu Gwarzo. Infact,it is a generic name.Even the Aliyu Gwarzo it is attributed to was not contacted by the news site for comments (And if he was made aware of it....he could ahve a field day suing for libel....if it is a fake quote)

2.The original comment appeared in an obscure blog called Otedo News Update in 2014.....with no idea as to where it was sourced from, or who sourced it. It was repeated on Yahoo....in the yahoo groups site later on....with the same Ihuanedo/otedo News update as source.

Yahoo groups post

Otedo post Oct 2014

3.Whoever reprinted the post did not cite an original source, nor did he/she cite where the post was made....or when it was stated (Did not even say....This was a secret recording made at so and so).Infact...for all we know....either someone called Aliyu Gwarzo did say what was attributed to him...or someone who does not mean well for this country sat down in his room and concoted a lie to create confusion and disharmony in this country.

4.I am against Northern born to rule ideologies...indeed any tribal ''it is my right' ideology.....but I am also against promoting false rumors. If you have any proof as to where this your comment you posted came from....put it up. Or else....you may be promoting the wrong thing.
Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by otbliz(m): 1:19pm On Jan 01, 2015
is it jonathan that sent the bombers? I dnt want to insult u this new year if not I would have call u a big fool. Boko haram will reduce there madness if u muslims start condemning there acts instead of fixing blame on GEJ. God bless Nigeria
You insulted him.

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