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I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband - Family (5) - Nairaland

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by bennyrazz: 11:11am On Jan 07, 2015

Theres no point forming saint here. Its a fact but, its sad the woman helped their coming together. The man would still have done it if the wife didn't bring in the young girl. The wife only made it easier for the man.

The woman should not blame herself. Shes a warm, compassionate and good woman.

God bless me and other men that are not falling for those devilish temptations
you are right @bolded

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Medinat20(f): 11:12am On Jan 07, 2015
[quote author=Yomieluv post=29557138]Eighteth.[/quote

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by andyanders: 11:27am On Jan 07, 2015
Men and their foolishness..

Not men but women and their ignorance/foolishness.

Would not know why a married woman should be helping a full blown adult young and vibrant lady who maybe should be more beautiful than herself to her matrimonial home and expect that devil will not play a role to destroy that home. Same thing goes with most ladies who like hanging around or out with single friends and bring them home when you know your husband is loaded with cash.

When you see most of any single lady having an accommodation problem, be careful because something is wrong somewhere for her to be in that situation.

Most women love bring in single ladies home because of gossiping. You will regret your action one day if you loose your husband to their cold hands because women love seeing a caring man and if their friends has one, they would go any length to have a taste of that man and if the man is weak in controlling his lustful mind, he would end up in hands of those ladies.

Married women should understand that when you bring any young lady to your house and she starts to flaunt her body within your home, be ready to bear the consequences if anything goes wrong.


Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Anglovel: 11:32am On Jan 07, 2015
wats done is done,

save ur energy n move on.

most men no get NO for their dictionary

FACT!!! sad sad
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by smsdigito: 11:35am On Jan 07, 2015
Men and their foolishness..
grin no be small thing my sister

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by holatin(m): 11:45am On Jan 07, 2015
[quote author=gbeseun post=29568946][/quote]baddest boss.
I hail thee
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by badmuspeace(m): 11:56am On Jan 07, 2015
it as happened to a prophet before........................ story for the gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by holatin(m): 11:58am On Jan 07, 2015

Seventeth tongue

Sixted grin







use both for ritual

all of you no serious ooooo
for sharing my opinion you Ve to buy two non alcoholics origin for me.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by hahn(m): 12:01pm On Jan 07, 2015
If you no dey drink alchohol den forget it


all of you no serious ooooo
for sharing my opinion you Ve to buy two non alcoholics origin for me.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by SAMBARRY: 12:02pm On Jan 07, 2015
People do not 'snatch spouses', your spouse decide to cheat on you.

If you mean jack shìt to your husband, he wont cheat on you no matter how much anyone flaunts their backside and boóbs
you don't mean it? shocked including this tongue grin

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by SAMBARRY: 12:06pm On Jan 07, 2015
@ myndd you mean you will say NO to this tongue grin

if I hear tongue

abi the power house is no longer functioning ni? tongue

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by holatin(m): 12:06pm On Jan 07, 2015
If you no dey drink alchohol den forget it

buy d non alcoholics
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by SAMBARRY: 12:09pm On Jan 07, 2015
oya take this one tongue

all of you no serious ooooo
for sharing my opinion you Ve to buy two non alcoholics origin for me.

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by holatin(m): 12:16pm On Jan 07, 2015
[quote author=SAMBARRY post=29570761][/quote]na origin dey her breast
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by SAMBARRY: 12:19pm On Jan 07, 2015
na origin dey her breast
na baba dudu dey dia tongue
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by arosteph: 12:28pm On Jan 07, 2015
Be mindful of the kind of friends that comes to your home.
Never take in a house maid, friends or sisters that exposes their curves.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Nobody: 12:29pm On Jan 07, 2015
you don't mean it? shocked including this tongue grin

All i can see is a lady with overblown chester and bakasi, it still doesnt justify cheating. Learn to control ur mind. Everything happens in the mind
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Sookul: 12:33pm On Jan 07, 2015
God Please give me my choice wife and i promise never to cheat on her
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by mizkeleke(f): 12:52pm On Jan 07, 2015
Some peeps can do sha.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by ElFenomeno1: 12:54pm On Jan 07, 2015
Sh/it happens.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by dikeigbo2(m): 12:55pm On Jan 07, 2015
Same story since 1914
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by delishpot: 1:22pm On Jan 07, 2015
That's how 2days ago a friends younger sis asked if she can stay in my house till month end. My eyes shine. I'm 1 who learns from people's exp. Although hubby isn't easily carry away, but meeehhhhnnnnn no taking chances. I stay in a two bedroom which is quite big, I just had my 2nd child who is 3months my mom is still around for omugwo, this girl says she doesn't mind sleeping on the floor. Na their my eyes over shine, I told you my mom is around & no space or even extra bed she say she go stay for floor. I just ignored. Alakoba.

Ha, ha, prevention is better than panadol my sister. You did well keeping her far from your man. Make she go meet her single friends for help.

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by miqos02(m): 2:10pm On Jan 07, 2015
use both for ritual
haba, on top wetin?

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by bosun11(m): 2:39pm On Jan 07, 2015
If there's any guy you v been crushing on......bang him seriouly.....you will feel beta after wards....then try to save ur marriage but if ur hubby continues t see d oda woman....den continue too until you both r tired.........

Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by bosun11(m): 2:40pm On Jan 07, 2015
That's how 2days ago a friends younger sis asked if she can stay in my house till month end. My eyes shine. I'm 1 who learns from people's exp. Although hubby isn't easily carry away, but meeehhhhnnnnn no taking chances. I stay in a two bedroom which is quite big, I just had my 2nd child who is 3months my mom is still around for omugwo, this girl says she doesn't mind sleeping on the floor. Na their my eyes over shine, I told you my mom is around & no space or even extra bed she say she go stay for floor. I just ignored. Alakoba.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by krystal101(f): 3:03pm On Jan 07, 2015

Ha, ha, prevention is better than panadol my sister. You did well keeping her far from your man. Make she go meet her single friends for help.

My sister, see me ooooo. As big as lagos is, no relative or friend to stay with.

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by STARSHYNE(f): 3:38pm On Jan 07, 2015

I don catch you angry
where u catch me
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Reference(m): 3:47pm On Jan 07, 2015
you don't trust your husband?

No. I dey wia seatbelt because gofmet say make I wia am. What kind of question is this.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Reference(m): 3:52pm On Jan 07, 2015
The truth is dat most men can't Control their labido so it might nt b dat she really seduced him. If dey can hav sex wit their daughters, sisters, nephew n cousins, an outsider na jara na. Wht makes me more angry is dat women dnt hav another choice dan to forgive their husband, bt if its d wife dat cheat, 99.8% men wil divorce their wife. Only God wil judge dem

My dear as long as it is not rape both the man and the woman are equally liable before God and most right thinking, unbiased folks. Stop castigating only men for sexual sins.
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by holatin(m): 3:54pm On Jan 07, 2015
haba, on top wetin?
yarn me how you put pics for your signature
Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Reference(m): 4:03pm On Jan 07, 2015

this summation is very very very valid

It is not valid oh. America continues to blame Colombia for producing narcotics not itself as well for consuming it. Nigerians continue to blame government for collecting bribes not themselves as well for giving it. Women continue to blame men for not looking away even when they shove their naked bodies right into their faces. The world deceiving itself. Is is a surprise then that none of these issues can ever be solved. If men are to tone it down, women should as well. Truth.

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Re: I Took Her In And She Seduced My Husband by Reference(m): 4:19pm On Jan 07, 2015

Lools! Buh what's ur definition of fresh! An overused kpomo that is being drilled by like 30 guys at the moment or your wifey's (just an assumption) which is being drilled by YOU ONLY!

The question is rhetorical by the way!

Apart from the language of presentation, this is a fact. What makes a man leave his automobile and joins a bus to work....what makes a man leave home cooked meals for the health risks of bukka chow....what makes a man leave his airconditioned living room with DSTV on match day to the sweaty, smoke filled, noisy chelsea fan infested (oops!) atmosphere of a viewing centre....how can a seductress be 'fresher' than your wife....men! men!! men!!!....okay oh..

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