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A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... - Religion - Nairaland

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A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 7:17pm On Jan 11, 2015
Welcome ... Can u try to explain this :

" For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with hands .... But he entered into heavens itself, so that he now appears before God on our behalf ." !! Heb 9:24

Pls, Did christ appear before himself ??

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Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by flakesy01(f): 7:42pm On Jan 11, 2015
christians hve mixed paganism wiv d messages in d bible over the centuries. Jesus is not god nor d son of god rather he was a mere mortal like u nd i nd a loyal slave/ servant of d creator.

d question now is; did jesus categorically say he is god nd therefore b worshipped or he pronounced dat he is a three in one god (god d fada, son nd d holy spirit)? if ur ansa is positive den dat is ur own, truth but if afta reading d entire bible nd u cant find any tangible evidence dat supports dis claim den u must start askin more questions.

Note: truth is very key in life. only d truth can set u free nd hve peace of mind. truth is universal. within controversies lies deceit nd fat lies manufactured by satan who is ur greatest enemy nd is always there to deceive u but....

wud u rather deceive urself?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by elipheleh(m): 7:44pm On Jan 11, 2015
Welcome ... Can u try to explain this :

" For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with hands .... But he entered into heavens itself, so that he now appears before God on our behalf ." !! Heb 9:24

Pls, Did christ appear before himself ??

Another Islamic goat who doesn't understand the scriptures
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by espn(m): 7:56pm On Jan 11, 2015

Another Islamic goat who doesn't understand the scriptures
please explain


Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by BIBLESPEAKS(m): 10:13pm On Jan 11, 2015
Or rather, trinitarians should answer these questions:

If Jesus is Almighty God...

1. Then why is "God head of Christ just as Christ is head of man"? (1 Cor. 11:3)

2. Then why does Scripture consistently phrase Jesus as a separate person from God? (John 20:17; John 14:1; Mark 10:18; John 17:1-3; etc. Also in heaven, 1 Cor. 11:3; Luke 22:69; etc.)

3. Then how can Jesus have a God? Could Almighty God have a God? (Mic. 5:4; Ps. 45:6, 7; 89:26; John 20:17; Rom. 15:6; 2 Cor. 1:3; Eph 1:3; Col 1:3; Mark 15:34; John 17:1-3; Also in heaven, Rev. 1:6; 3:2, 12)

4. Then why does Scripture say he was born and is part of Creation? (Col. 1:15)

5. Then why does Rev. 3:14 say that Jesus is "the beginning of the creation of God"?

6. Then why is he subject to GOD, like we're subject to him? (1 Cor. 15:27, 28; Eph. 1:17)

7. Then why does Micah 5:2 say that Jesus' ORIGIN was “from early times”?

8. Then why does Jesus not know what God knows? (Matt. 24:36, Rev.1:1; Luke 8:45)

9. Then why is Jesus still subject to God when he is as high as he will ever be? (1 Cor. 15:27, 28)

10. Then why does Proverbs 8:22-31 show that the Messiah was CREATED / PRODUCED by God?

11. Then why is he not powerful enough to subject things to himself? (1 Cor. 15:27, Eph. 1:17, 22)

12. Then why would he have to be given any power and authority? (Mt. 28:18; 11:27; Jn. 5:22; 17:2; 3:35; 2 Pet. 1:17)

13. Then why did he have to learn anything? (Heb. 5:8; John 5:19; 8:28)

14. Then why is speaking against him not as bad as speaking against the Holy Spirit? (Mt. 12:31,32; Luke 12:10)

15. Then why did Jesus call the "Father...the only true God"? (John 17:3)

16. Then why did he need to be saved? (Heb. 5:7; John 12:27)

17. Then why did he have to be exalted to Leader and Savior? (Acts 5:31)

18. Then how could he be exalted and given a higher name than he had? (Phil. 2:9-11; Heb. 1:2-4)

19. Then why did he have to be given life in himself? (John 5:25,26)

20. Then how can the Father be greater than he? (John 14:28)

21. Then how could Jesus be tempted by Satan when God cannot be tempted with evil? (James 1:13)

22. Then why did he worship the Father? (John 4:22)

23. Then why can he not do anything on his own? (John 5:19; 6:38)

24. Then why would he pray to anybody? (Luke 22:44; John 17:1,2; Heb. 5:7)

25. Then why do John 1:18 and 1 John 4:9 say that Jesus is God's "only BEGOTTEN Son"? ASV

26. Then how can he be God's servant? (Acts 4:26,27,30)

27. Then how could he receive strength from an angel? (Luke 22:43)

28. Then how could he be a mediator between God and man? (1 Tim. 2:5)

29. Then how could he be with God (ton theon)? (John 1:1)

30. Then how can he be God's image? (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3)

31. Then why is he called the agency (dia) of creation and not the Originator (ek)? (1 Cor. 8:6; John 1:1-3; Prov. 8:30; Heb. 2:10; Col. 1:15,16)

32. Then why did Jesus say GOD was "good" in a way that Jesus was not? (Mark 10:18)

33. Then why does he have an archangel's voice instead of God's voice? (1 Thess. 4:16)

34. Then why is the only "worship" given to him the same given to humans? (Heb. 1:6, cf. Mt. 18:26; Rev. 3:9 - "Proskuneo"

35. Then why do many who believe this rely on a few selected, so-called 'proof-texts' instead of the context of the consistent teaching of the entire Bible?

36. Then how could he be commanded to do anything? (John 12:49; Deut. 18:18)

37. Then why did Steven see two separate entities, GOD and Jesus, and not just one God or three persons? (Acts 7:55)

38. Then how could he be seen at GOD's right hand? (Luke 22:69; Acts 7:55; Rom. 8:34)

39. Then how could Jesus be exalted (not to become God Himself, but) to the position of the "right hand OF God"? (Acts 2:33)

40. Then why would he have to receive a revelation from God? (Rev.1:1)

41. Then why is he called God's "begotten" Son before he came to earth? (John 3:16; Gal. 4:4; 1 John 4:9)

42. Then how could he have a Father? (John 20:17)

43. Then how could he come in flesh? (1 Kings 8:27; Acts 17:24,25)

44. Then why did he not come in his own name? (John 5:41-44)

45. Then why did Jesus "come down from heaven to do" God's will and not his own will? (Luke 22:42; John 6:38; John 5:30; John 8:42)

46. Then how could he appear before GOD? (Heb. 9:24)

47. Then how could he die? Can God die? Can part of God die? (Rom. 5:10; Acts 5:30; 1 Cor. 15:3; Hab.1:12; cf. 1 Tim. 6:16; Num. 23:19; Ps. 90:2; Dan. 6:25-26)

48. Then why is it that God resurrected Jesus? (Acts 2:32)

49. Then why can we see him if "no man has seen God at any time"? (John 1:18)

50. Then why is there not one clear Scripture where Jesus is called "God the Son," (equal to those declaring "God, the Father)?

51. How is it that the Jews rounded up some false witnesses to make up lies to obtain a death sentence for Jesus, but neither the Jewish officials nor even one of these false witnesses made a claim that he was God or equally God? (Matt. 26:59-67)

52. John summed up his whole Gospel by saying that it was written that we may believe "that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God." Why is there is no mention in that summary of the entire Gospel of what would be the most important thing of all - that Jesus is God? (John 20:31)

53. How could Jesus teach in the Jewish synagogues and the temple? This would never happen if any of the authorities believed he claimed to be God (or that his followers believed such a thing). - Matt. 26:55; John 7:14, 28. Matt. 4:23.

54. How could Jesus' followers teach in Jewish synagogues after Jesus' death and for the remainder of that first century (at least)? Again, this would not have been allowed if there were any suspicion that they believed Jesus to be God. Acts 9:20; 13:5, Acts 13:13-15.

If the Holy Spirit is Almighty God...

1. Then why do quotes from Trinitarians admit that the Holy Spirit is not God but rather is a force from God?

2. Then why would Jews instructed in the Old Testament scriptures and in the teachings of John the Baptist, NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS? (Acts 19:2)

3. Then why isn't the Holy Spirit given equal description in the Bible?

4. Then why didn't Jesus ever teach that the Holy Spirit was God along with the Father and Son?

5. Then why does the Bible describe the Holy Spirit as an "it"? (Is. 34:16 ASV, KJV; Numbers 11:17, 25 ASV, KJV, RSV, NRSV, AT, LB, NEB, REB, NAB, JB, NJB; and Romans 8:16, 26 in the KJV.)

6. Then why does the Bible describe the Holy Spirit as a thing that can be poured out into portions? (Acts 2:17, 18, 33; Numbers 11:17, 25)

7. Then why is the holy spirit nameless and indistinguishable from all of the other holy spirits?

8. Then why did the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD disregard the Holy Spirit as a member of the Godhead when they made Jesus 'God' in 325 AD? Why did they wait until the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD to include the Holy Spirit in the formula?

9. Then wouldn't the water and blood be persons too according to Trinitarian reasoning and 1 John 5:8?

10. Then why is the Holy Spirit sandwiched between a list of QUALITIES at 2 Cor. 6:6?

11. Then why does the NT Greek Lexicon describes the Holy Spirit as "this" at Acts 2:33?

12. Then why is it that nowhere in the Bible is the Holy Spirit ever said to be an equal member of a trinity?

13. Then why is it that nowhere is it mentioned in the Bible the words, "God, the Holy Spirit," or "The Holy Spirit is God"?

14. Then why is it that there is never mentioned a vision, dream or clear description in scripture wherein God and the Holy Spirit are shown as the same person?

If the Trinity Doctrine is a Bible teaching...

1. Then why do NUMEROUS encyclopedias agree that

"... the doctrine of the Trinity was of gradual and comparatively late formation; that it had its origin in a source entirely foreign from that of the Jewish and Christian scriptures; that it grew up, and was ingrafted on Christianity"? – p. 34, The Church of the First Three Centuries, Alvan Lamson, D.D.

2. Then why do many encyclopedias, dictionaries and other sources (including Sir Isaac Newton) agree that the "Trinity was a pagan corruption imposed on Christianity in the fourth century by Athanasius"?

3. Then why does the Bible consistently identify God by singular person pronouns: "I, "Me," "He, and "Him" instead of "We", "Us", "They" or "Them"?

4. Then why does 2 Cor. 13:14 say that the Lord Jesus Christ is one individual, the Holy Spirit is another individual (whether a person or a thing), and that "GOD" IS ANOTHER DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL?

5. Then why is there not even one Scripture which clearly defines the Trinity?

6. Then why is there not even one Scripture of a vision, dream, or CLEAR description wherein God is shown as three persons?

7. Then why is there not even one Scripture where God is described using the word "three"?


Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 8:09am On Jan 12, 2015
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 3:39pm On Jan 12, 2015

Another Islamic goat who doesn't understand the scriptures

Pls, Explain that scripture for us
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 4:01pm On Jan 12, 2015
Yes he did
Welcome ... Can u try to explain this :

" For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with hands .... But he entered into heavens itself, so that he now appears before God on our behalf ." !! Heb 9:24

Pls, Did christ appear before himself ??

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CANTICLES: 4:57pm On Jan 12, 2015
Yes he did

If Christ appears before Christ ....... Then we have 2 Jesus Christ , ?? Ur answer is faulty
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 6:31pm On Jan 12, 2015
Except Christ did not appear to Christ but to God (the Father), they are different persons
Puny brains, try harder

If Christ appears before Christ ....... Then we have 2 Jesus Christ , ?? Ur answer is faulty
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 7:51pm On Jan 12, 2015
Yes he did

This is serious .... Christ appear before Christ ?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 8:53pm On Jan 12, 2015
Yes, why not?


This is serious .... Christ appear before Christ ?

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Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 6:55pm On Jan 13, 2015
Yes, why not?

Explain to us how Christ appear to another Christ, since I know there is only 1 Christ ??
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 3:16am On Jan 14, 2015
How do I explain your hallucinations?

Explain to us how Christ appear to another Christ, since I know there is only 1 Christ ??

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Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by Mavrick2012: 10:55am On Jan 14, 2015

Another Islamic goat who doesn't understand the scriptures
dude said "explain" but you calling him "goat.
if you can,explain,if not,pls dust your feet and live in peace,as a true christian,YOU MUST NOT INSULT
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by paulGrundy(m): 11:02am On Jan 14, 2015

Another Islamic goat who doesn't understand the scriptures

He is not a muslim, he is a jehovahs witness. He also operates these monikers- BIBLESPEAKS, CANTICLES, BERNIMORE, truthislight, loveroftruth.

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 11:06am On Jan 14, 2015
Except Christ did not appear to Christ but to God (the Father), they are different persons

Good !! Clap for urself , uv now corrected ur error

Puny brains,

But why call d guy puny brain , pls dont insult anyone on this thread
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 11:20am On Jan 14, 2015

He is not a muslim, he is a jehovahs witness. He also operates these monikers- BIBLESPEAKS, CANTICLES, BERNIMORE, truthislight, loveroftruth.


IMPERSONATOR ! Good morning
A typical confused religious folk ! Ur lies have grown wings ...

Please explain dat scripture for the Op ??
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 12:17pm On Jan 14, 2015
who said Jesus is the Father? puny brains

Good !! Clap for urself , uv now corrected ur error

But why call d guy puny brain , pls dont insult anyone on this thread

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CAPTIVATOR: 12:28pm On Jan 14, 2015
who said Jesus is the Father? Puny brains

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 12:53pm On Jan 14, 2015
CAPTIVATOR is a primate
Vooks is a primate

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by dorox(m): 2:20pm On Jan 14, 2015
CAPTIVATOR is a primate
Vooks is a primate
Then there are two primates. Are there two Gods?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by Nobody: 2:50pm On Jan 14, 2015

Then there are two primates. Are there two Gods?
Is primate not an ORDER? Or didn't you understand taxonomy?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by dorox(m): 2:59pm On Jan 14, 2015
Is primate not an ORDER? Or didn't you understand taxonomy?
I do understand what taxonomy is very well, it is your understanding that should be questioned if you think my previous post is wrong.
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by vooks: 3:00pm On Jan 14, 2015
There are two primates but the mystery is there is ONE God
In Genesis you have 'Let us make' and then you have 'God made'

Who is 'us' of Genesis if I may aks? Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim,24 Elders, 4 Living Creatures? Or was God dissociative?
Tell me something about the 'plural of majesty' grin

Then there are two primates. Are there two Gods?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by Nobody: 3:02pm On Jan 14, 2015

I do understand what taxonomy is very well, it is your understanding that should be questioned if you think my previous post is wrong.
Care to explain your previous post about two God's?
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by dorox(m): 3:52pm On Jan 14, 2015
Care to explain your previous post about two God's?
It is what it is, no further explanation is needed.
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by CANTICLES: 4:09pm On Jan 14, 2015
@ Captivator .... Sorry Bro , None of them can explain ur scripture , imagine one telling me Christ appear before himself ( another Christ) , an hoax of delusion , No wonder they call their dogma a " mystery" ...... Infact, physics is a mystery to an art student , u know why ? He doesnt know or understand it , so also God is a mystery to trinitarians bcoz they dont know him.
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by Nobody: 4:56pm On Jan 14, 2015

It is what it is, no further explanation is needed.
Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by paulGrundy(m): 6:20pm On Jan 14, 2015



grin grin

Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by eternalifee: 9:17am On Jan 15, 2015
Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1), which the Qur'an in Surah 3 (I think verse 45 or 145 - My Qur'an is not at hand right now) testifies, calling Him the "Word of God from Allah". This means He came from within the Father, just as your words come from within you. John 1:18 explains as much when it states that Jesus came from "the BOSOM of the Father" (which is why He is also called "only begotten" Son - the only One born from inside God).

This Word of God then became flesh (John 1:12), in line with God's promise and resolve to redeem and ransom us from destruction Himself by providing a Lamb to take away our debt of sin (John 1:29). So the Word of God, coming from within God, therefore being God himself, came to pay the double price (Isaiah 40:2) for our sins. Acts 20:28 supports this when it states that God bought/redeemed the Church "with HIS OWN blood".

Moreover, John 12:39-41 tells us that it was Jesus the Prophet Isaiah saw as God in Isaiah 6:1-10, when "he saw His glory and spoke of Him". The same prophet calls Him "Mighty God" (Yes, Jesus is a MIGHTY God, not a small god) in Isaiah 9:6. On His own part, the Lord identifies Himself as "the Alpha and omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the last" (Revelations 22:13). These are titles that refer solely to God, as can be seen in Revelation 1:8.

On Jesus' appearing before God in heaven, it is because the work of salvation, atonement, redemption, propitiation of mankind before God still continues, since we (all humanity)are still in the process of accepting and being cleansed and justified by Christ's atoning work. So He still stands before God as the atonement for all who accept Him, and the still-open door for those who will repent to receive His salvation (2 John 2:1-2). But this will end when the kingdom of God fully comes (1 Corinthians 15:28). Then there shall be only "one LORD, and His name one" (Zechariah 14:9).

But let us know that we needn't understand everything about rocket science before we decide to become students of space science. So our limited knowledge of Christ's nature should not be used as a stumbling block to prevent us from opening our hearts to accept His salvation and cleansing programme. The offer is still open to us all, but it will end when we die ( Hebrews 9:27). Let us accept Him NOW, and then ask questions where we need clarifications, as we continue. Remember, you cannot boast of tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1, James 4:14,15), so you cannot spend all the day arguing over the truth, at the expense of your salvation (Deuteronomy 29:29).

Turn to Him, and he will receive you, cleanse you, and give you a new life, fit for his kingdom (Acts 2:38).

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Re: A TRINITARIAN Should Explain This Scripture .... by italo: 9:28am On Jan 15, 2015
Jehovah's Witnesses!

Jesus is God because the Bible says so.

No need to ask us questions.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God...

...and the word became flesh and lived amongst us."

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