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Thank You All.. - Family (14) - Nairaland

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Re: Thank You All.. by jaybee3(m): 8:43am On Jan 31, 2015
I lied so as to get my fees it doesn't mean i am not a student. You think i put that up to collect people's hard earned money?? ma'am nannymcphee i am really sorry, Sir Pickabeau i am sorry, to everyone who got hurt one way or the other i am very sorry i did this because i have nothing else to do and i needed to pay my fees
Listen dude, you are actually better off dropping out cos what exactly are you going to use botany for if we assume you manage to graduate?

You are already struggling to put yourself through school wasting money that could have been put to good use in the process.

Education does not guarantee you income and secured future. Hardwork does so you ought to think deep and reconsider for crying out loud

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Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 8:44am On Jan 31, 2015
I lied so as to get my fees it doesn't mean i am not a student. You think i put that up to collect people's hard earned money?? ma'am nannymcphee i am really sorry, Sir Pickabeau i am sorry, to everyone who got hurt one way or the other i am very sorry i did this because i have nothing else to do and i needed to pay my fees

See fucck up sad
Re: Thank You All.. by Ikanium(m): 8:48am On Jan 31, 2015

Listen dude, you are actually better off dropping out cos what exactly are you going to use botany for if we assume you manage to graduate?

You are already struggling to put yourself through school wasting money that could have been put to good use in the process.

Education does not guarantee you income and secured future. Hardwork does so you ought to think deep and reconsider for crying out loud
thank you sir
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 8:54am On Jan 31, 2015
So let's agree u r in biological science.
Still no time to hustle?
U r not serious.

There was a guy I know very well. He came from a wretched home. He was in vet. U know how busy they r,no time. Even on sundays.
He sleeps around from one rm to the other.
Once schl closes.(break is always short)he will rush home, enter their bush(it seems they hv plenty bushy area in his place. Do u know what he does? He sets trap for animals, then carry basket and will be going from one palm tree to d other picking palm kernels, d palm fruits and what hv u.
He sill sort d palm fruits and sell, then use stone and crutch d kernel and sell.
Any thing to lay hand on.

Once he get up to school fees,he will be so happy and by then school must hv started.

Till he graduated and was posted to d north for service. There he was giving a 3bedrm, a motor and one big farm to manage.

Do u know that after service,this guy came to school and distributed gifts to we females that always give him food to eat?
Not to talk of his fellow guys.

And he was blessed cos he has a clean heart.

U hvnt seen life yet.
So continue lying.


Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 8:56am On Jan 31, 2015

See fucck up sad
Which one is eyaaah?
Are you feeling sorry for him or what
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 8:58am On Jan 31, 2015

Which one is eyaaah?
Are you feeling sorry for him or what

Kind of.
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:02am On Jan 31, 2015
So let's agree u r in biological science.
Still no time to hustle?
U r not serious.
There was a guy I know very well. He came from a wretched home. He was in vet. U know how busy they r,no time. Even on sundays.
He sleeps around from one rm to the other.
Once schl closes.(break is always short)he will rush home, enter their bush(it seems they hv plenty bushy area in his place. Do u know what he does? He sets trap for animals, then carry basket and will be going from one palm tree to d other picking palm kernels, d palm fruits and what hv u.
He sill sort d palm fruits and sell, then use stone and crutch d kernel and sell.
Any thing to lay hand on.
Once he get up to school fees,he will be so happy and by then school must hv started.
Till he graduated and was posted to d north for service. There he was giving a 3bedrm, a motor and one big farm to manage.
Do u know that after service,this guy came to school and distributed gifts to we females that always give him food to eat?
Not to talk of his fellow guys.
And he was blessed cos he has a clean heart.
U hvnt seen life yet.
So continue lying.

Hustling is not in his plans he wants Nairalanders to see him through school and after imagine receiving 10k monthly allowance and claiming to have nothing and no one. Imagine he had his fees paid for him yet still sold a laptop given to him to work and make money
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:07am On Jan 31, 2015

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Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:09am On Jan 31, 2015
Bitchass nigga using peoples money to do big boy on campus is all I will say


Re: Thank You All.. by jaybee3(m): 9:12am On Jan 31, 2015

D guy is very dull. Simple.
Not smart at all. Opportunities r at every corner unless we r not looking.

I will enter 9th mile with my rugged bag and dressing, wait for luxury buses going to kano. I don't pay for seat. I stand.stand with all those suya guys breathing all over me.
By d time u reach in d morning,ur leg will be so stiff and swollen.
Until I started making enuf money, I will not go to enugu and pay for a seat(even select where to stay sef), still it didn't stop me from doing ajebo. My wares are always inside my rugged handbag and yep,i made money. So much to be able to take care of my ailing mum for yrs.
Feed her, cloth her. What didn't I do?
At times u will leave school and stay with her for months. Did I get favours along d line?
Yes cos God knows a clean heart.

D first time I went to kano, our motor reached kano around twelve midnight and we all alighted.i don't know come in hausa but I still made it.

Guy, u dey fall hand because of small small free money.
Exactly...... Hardwork Hardwork Hadwork

I actually hate feeling sorry for people with sob stories

If we accept that life is full of struggles so we should be ready to overcome those struggles when they come knocking

It's simply a mindset
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:14am On Jan 31, 2015

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Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:18am On Jan 31, 2015

Exactly...... Hardwork Hardwork Hadwork

I actually hate feeling sorry for people with sob stories

If we accept that life is full of struggles so we should be ready to overcome those struggles when they come knocking

It's simply a mindset
That's why if I see people begging yet they are hale and healthy, iespecially guys, I will simply be surprised.

Re: Thank You All.. by MizMyColi(f): 9:26am On Jan 31, 2015
I lied so as to get my fees it doesn't mean i am not a student. You think i put that up to collect people's hard earned money?? ma'am nannymcphee i am really sorry, Sir Pickabeau i am sorry, to everyone who got hurt one way or the other i am very sorry i did this because i have nothing else to do and i needed to pay my fees

Sorry to bust your bubble bro, but this is just the height of fvckery as far as charity cases go.

How dare you use the word "skip"? Is she in anyway obligated to you?

Despite my following this thread and not commenting, I was pretty amazed at the mobilization BY Nlers.

If I, Adannaya were in their shoes --- DOORS CLOSED!

You are not straightforward! esp, after bestowing such rare trust on you. It is in situations like this that my bad character shows effortlessly exiokwu angry


Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 9:30am On Jan 31, 2015

That's why if I see people begging yet they are hale and healthy, iespecially guys, I will simply be surprised.


We are not all created equal.
Re: Thank You All.. by pickabeau1: 9:35am On Jan 31, 2015

Sorry to bring our private discussion on line. All the other cases we discussed shebi I never doubted for one minute but this guys case I knew something was.wrong my spirit didn't agree with it at all. When I read his pleadings here I almost gave in but my spirit told me to face my front and use the money on a baby here.

Its even you Pickabeau am worried about, don't let cases like this through you off, in charitable giving even those who you see face to face can scam you talkless of the ones online its their loss not yours.

When I was in secondary school, I had this school son who lost his dad when.I graduated even as a poor student in university and as a poor corper I would struggle and send money so this boy could go through school without stress he would always call and cry he can't feed, he can't buy books, I will sacrifice my transport fare walk almost 3 kilometres to where I was serving just so this boy could eat till one day my friend whose brother was his friend called me, she asked why I was always sending money to him I told her he was a suffering orphan she said that was not true his fathers benefits had been paid, he had 3 different shops in school had a car and was boasting of his endless supply of cash from me. That was my first heart break in giving so many other cases followed but I didn't stop and won't stop these things happen to teach us to be careful and to see human nature not to change our own nature please keep being you.

As for you poster, you are wicked you even have the guts to threaten Ify, just pray curses will not come on your head, God who sees the hearts here will dully reward each according to their means. You are mean very very mean and deceptive also manipulative you think we don't have things to do with money or money grows on trees abi? No wahala

Well..its not an issue
Any help I rendered to him..I rendered to God

Its no issue

It is shameful that he had to lie
Even after I requested for a breakdown from initiation

He omitted the help by the kind lady poster

He does not know what he has done
I was even thinking of begging and sending a friend's old laptop as time went by if I saw how focused he was

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Re: Thank You All.. by voiceoftruth01: 10:32am On Jan 31, 2015

Waiting for you to respond to somebody.

1. Did she pay your year 1 and 2 fees?

2. Did she send you monthly allowance of N10,000?

You don't know that Ify hasn't walked in your shoes that we don't come and post our problems on nairaland doesn't mean we dont have any.Answer the questions

Why are you pming? Answer the questions here

Ikanium had hit a jackpot... grin.
Somebody paid year 1 and 2 fees.. plus 10k for 1 month.. that's like 220k
Plus laptop Which he sold..
Plus all the other money he made in year 1 and 2..
NOT to forget the 34k he made here..
No doubt he must have made nothing less than 500 to 600k in total...

No wonder he always have money for BIS..


Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:34am On Jan 31, 2015
i was online yes but couldn't say anything because i know you would say i have come back with another excuses... ''Don't criticize what you don't understand ma'am you never walked in my shoes''

Shut up right there or I will give you a huge e-slap
You are very stuuupid
And you have the effontry to want to insult anyone here
That is why some people never make it no matter hard they try
Someone paid your school fees and gave you 10K a month, but you never thought to mention it here . . you forgot abi?
You think you are being smart you little schemer
You think that lady doesnt have needy family members she can give to

Why am I so pissed off? because this twatt will put other people off helping genuine cases angry

Carry on shogbo
You think you are clever abi
When things dont click for you in the future you then start running from church to church, forgetting that you are only reaping what you have sown.
People blame our leaders everyday, but I say that many many Nigerians are always trying to play a fast one and the leaders are first Nigerians before they became leaders

From now on for me its better to give to a blind begger with her baby on the street.


Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:40am On Jan 31, 2015

Hustling is not in his plans he wants Nairalanders to see him through school and after imagine receiving 10k monthly allowance and claiming to have nothing and no one. Imagine he had his fees paid for him yet still sold a laptop given to him to work and make money

Dont mind him
Sales assistants earn less than that a month in some cities.
10K and he couldnt invest that and hustle to increase it
Alarm bells should have sounded when he refused sambarrys offer of food
No wonder he wants to go into importation
He is a campus big boy
Me and this my oju anu sef angry

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Re: Thank You All.. by pickabeau1: 10:43am On Jan 31, 2015
grin cheesy

While I should be angry..I guess I have to see the humour in voiceoftruth post

Campus big boi...lol
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:45am On Jan 31, 2015

Shut up right there or I will give you a huge e-slap
You are very stuuupid
And you have the effontry to want to insult anyone here
That is why some people never make it no matter hard they try
Someone paid your school fees and gave you 10K a month, but you never thought to mention it here . . you forgot abi?
You think you are being smart you little schemer
You think that lady doesnt have needy family members she can give to

Why am I so pissed off? because this twatt will put other people off helping genuine cases angry

Carry on shogbo
You think you are clever abi
When things dont click for you in the future you then start running from church to church, forgetting that you are only reaping what you have sown.
People blame our leaders everyday, but I say that many many Nigerians are always trying to play a fast one and the leaders are first Nigerians before they became leaders

From now on for me its better to give to a blind begger with her baby on the street.

Ha ha ha this is the first time I am seeing you angry. He is a wicked boy.
But please I beg you not to give up on others because of this boy, there are so many genuine cases please dont let this man block thier miracles.
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:47am On Jan 31, 2015

Dont mind him
Sales assistants earn less than that a month in some cities.
10K and he couldnt invest that and hustle to increase it
Alarm bells should have sounded when he refused sambarrys offer of food
No wonder he wants to go into importation
He is a campus big boy
Me and this my oju anu sef angry

Very big boy oh, how could he do minor business like barbing and recharge card when he could be an importer exporter courtesy of mugu Nairalanders he has caught. I hate lying with a passion
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:48am On Jan 31, 2015

From now on for me its better to give to a blind begger with her baby on the street.

Hmmmm, very deep.
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:48am On Jan 31, 2015
grin cheesy
While I should be angry..I guess I have to see the humour in voiceoftruth post
Campus big boi...lol

Its funny jare. Whats funnier is that he always has mb when its time to beg but no mb when its time to answer questions
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 10:50am On Jan 31, 2015

Well..its not an issue
Any help I rendered to him..I rendered to God

Its no issue

It is shameful that he had to lie
Even after I requested for a breakdown from initiation

He omitted the help by the kind lady poster

He does not know what he has done
I was even thinking of begging and sending a friend's old laptop as time went by if I saw how focused he was

Thank you, let him be with his lies. God will keep exposing those who think they are smart. God will never allow people like him block breakthrough for others

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Re: Thank You All.. by pickabeau1: 11:01am On Jan 31, 2015

Thank you, let him be with his lies. God will keep exposing those who think they are smart. God will never allow people like him block breakthrough for others

MB is on vacation when its time to answer

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Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 11:04am On Jan 31, 2015

Ha ha ha this is the first time I am seeing you angry. He is a wicked boy.
But please I beg you not to give up on others because of this boy, there are so many genuine cases please dont let this man block thier miracles.

It is well.
its not even about me; how much do I give sef

its others who will see stories like this and will then ignore when genuine needs come up becasue of what people like this boy have done.
Re: Thank You All.. by Urine: 11:07am On Jan 31, 2015
I would have been a disappointment to plenty by now especially ma'am somebody, she has done quiet a lot for me that i wonder a times if people like this exist.
I owe her every thing and where i am today. Ma'am Ifyalways you've always antagonised me since the first time I created this thread you have never said any good thing about me I don't how you where raised or where you where raised but I'll still tell you this ''never criticise what you don't understand ma'am you never walked in that person's shoes'' what i might say right now maybe to you like another ''excuse'' but I'll just go ahead and say it anyway.

I have truly tasted the bitter side of life right from primary schools i remember hawking pepper for mom from age six i hawk on the streets of kaduna till when i was sixteen. I loved education and what i do is i save 20 every day and registered myself in a school. Don't blame my parents this is because around us little send their kids to school, i was in afternoon section i put my school uniform in my pocket, hawk pepper till like 12:00pm dress up in corner and go the school, it went on even in secondary school, my vice principal hated me this is because am always the last to pay up the fees i am owing two terms before but in all this something kept me going i was a bright student and i was determined. My story is long can't tell you enough.

I have sacrificed a lot to be here, i have gone through a lot i am the only educated out of nine kids its just me and i possibly can't back out now that people look to, my siblings look up to me now my mom, nephews, niece, cousins they all look up to me and yes ma'am somebody sends me money but as complicated as this could seem i push the 10K home each time it comes you may not believe this but its the truth every thing stopped and i needed a way to pay up my fees i couldn't think of anything than this please people i am very sorry if i lied but it was on purpose. No one is happy when he or is in class at night and you receive a call that your mom is always crying at night this will destabilize anyone, i don't know how you look at me right now but, i would want everyone to put their self in my shoes i am very sorry for everything, for lies but am not in anyway a scammer I will give you any information you need about my academics ma'am ifyalways heaven bear my witness i never saw your PMs i even send you one but you never replied

Please just keep quiet for a second, what are you passing through that is new? If I tell you my story, you will hide your head in shame. Did it kill me? No! It has made me a stronger person and I'm eternally grateful to God for everything he has given me. You can't be dishonest and go far in life, and there's no excuse for dishonesty. You should also count yourself that I'm extremely busy these days, I would have loved to fish you out and make you a scapegoat.


Re: Thank You All.. by olu4life(m): 11:09am On Jan 31, 2015
Been following this thread stylishly. @OP u are a very foolish fellow. U want to import and u aren't even ready to sell recharge card? Do u know wat importation entails? U claim not to have time and u want to import? U claim to be in biological science and claiming not to have time? Even people in engineering still hustle talk less of a biological science student. U even see person send u 10k allowance and u sending it home. Are u d breadwinner? Or what sort of parent will collect money from a child knowing hes hustling through school except u have created an impression of been a big boy through collecting from NL. Funniest is that u had d guts to insult those who sends u stuff. E b like say ur case na village people follow u go school. Doubt if u in school sef. Dude get a life!!!


Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 11:12am On Jan 31, 2015
Some people r naturally lazy. U guys r talking,how about those he begged offline?

And he will equally tell them he has no shishi and nobody has ever helped him.

Siacova is angry! cheesy cheesy
I don die today! cheesy

1 Like

Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 11:17am On Jan 31, 2015

It is well.
its not even about me; how much do I give sef
its others who will see stories like this and will then ignore when genuine needs come up becasue of what people like this boy have done.

We can only continue to appeal to them while we do due diligence in investigating cases like this.

From the beginning the boy was lazy in providing the minor details only wanted people to release money because he has a sob story who doesn't? Does he know what I am going through myself? But each day I ignore my own pains and issues and focus on others not because I have it all but because its always better to give.

Anyway na him sabi. Others will help when help is needed God willing
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 11:32am On Jan 31, 2015
Aisha2, it seems d email is now working.
Abeg what's ur email again.
Make I try na. cheesy
Re: Thank You All.. by Nobody: 11:34am On Jan 31, 2015
Aisha2, it seems d email is now working.
Abeg what's ur email again.
Make I try na. cheesy


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