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Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? - Business - Nairaland

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Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by pronto543(m): 8:34am On Feb 19, 2015
I want to go into recharge card printing biz but lack idea of how profitable it is? Pls,I need cogent advice from experts in the house.I need info on start up cost,materials & other cost I'm presently oblivious of...
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Tallesty1(m): 8:37am On Feb 19, 2015
It depends on the amount of money you are putting into it.
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by pronto543(m): 8:42am On Feb 19, 2015
It depends on the amount of money you are putting into it.
I have 30k. I have PC and printer tho'. Pls, tell more
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Tallesty1(m): 9:06am On Feb 19, 2015
I have 30k. I have PC and printer tho'. Pls, tell more
The business is not lucrative as people portray it online, you will be getting the pins @95 or 95.7 per pin(1 piece), that is 950-957 per bundle(10 pieces).

If the retail price in your area is ₦100 then you will be getting ₦50 or ₦43 per bundle(gain). This is for MTN, Airtel and others are way cheaper.

Think about ink and paper,

with 30k, I will advice to look for a distributor and start with printed ones, gradually you will get there.

I started with #8,500 back then in school in(I was staying with my brother then, so no expenses) and now I distribute.

It is a slow and steady business that guarantees gain but definitely won't make you a millionaire over night.

29 Likes 1 Share

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by meshacha1: 2:56pm On Feb 19, 2015
Very lucrative for those whose capital is btw 50k and 100k
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by j4sure(m): 2:56pm On Feb 19, 2015

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by teemanbastos(m): 2:56pm On Feb 19, 2015
i would have advised you to go into tiger and cheetah hunting undecided

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Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by omanifrank(m): 2:57pm On Feb 19, 2015
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by msmon(m): 2:57pm On Feb 19, 2015
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by kessluvall(f): 2:58pm On Feb 19, 2015
Am here to know too.

*cross leg eating my Masa and Sharing Coke with no one.


Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by ToyozzieTohBad(f): 2:58pm On Feb 19, 2015
No gain at all ooo...owo epo, owo ata, owo iyo.. cry

1 Like

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Abimloaded(m): 2:59pm On Feb 19, 2015
Recharge Card used to be Cheap during Yar' Adua's tenure. Since the emergence of this Otuoke man (Outgoing president) Recharge card prices has increased.

election is not an election between GEJ and GMB,
but is an election between GEJ vs all the millions
of unemployed graduates and youths, is an
election between GEJ vs all those innocent
graduates that were murdered during the last
immigration exam, is an election between GEJ and
all the relatives of the kidnap chibok girls, is an
election between GEJ and all the victims of
Iyanya, Kano and other bomb blast, is an election
between GEJ vs all the failed small business that
has been short down due to shortage of power
supply, is an election between GEJ and all those
who lost their love ones during health workers
strike, is also an election between GEJ and all
those university undergraduates who has spent
more than their stipulated years in school due to
strikes and hike in fees. Finally is an election
between GEJ and the general masses who are
suffering from the clueless decisions of this
government. As for me am supporting and voting
for BUHARI because I can't support a president
who fraudulently extort money from young
graduates all in the name of giving them jobs only
to end up killing lots of them. And this is a
government that has not in any way imparted
positively on the lives of our youths, rather they
steal in billions of dollars from the common public
treasury. Vote out corruption, insecurity and
unemployment on the 28th March 2015. Change
with # GMB#we need!

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Warlord3000(m): 2:59pm On Feb 19, 2015
Pretty low returns..

But beta than nothing Sha

1 Like

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Nobody: 2:59pm On Feb 19, 2015
The business is not lucrative as people portray it online, you will be getting the pins @95 or 95.7 per pin(1 piece), that is 950-957 per bundle(10 pieces).

If the retail price in your area is ₦100 then you will be getting ₦50 or ₦43 per bundle(gain).

So do the calculation.

Is it impossible for him to get the machine that does the "pin permutation"?

1 Like

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by klem93(m): 3:00pm On Feb 19, 2015
depends on the money you are putting into it and the way you handle it... all business is profitable
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by siegfried99(m): 3:00pm On Feb 19, 2015
Kk grin
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Tallesty1(m): 3:01pm On Feb 19, 2015

Is it impossible for him to get the machine that does the "pin permutation"?
consider the amount he has
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by koolet: 3:01pm On Feb 19, 2015
the worst part of it is when you have a bros like me, your buisness go wreck no be small
except you wont be paying shop rent
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Nobody: 3:02pm On Feb 19, 2015
send me #500 naira Mtn Card, then I would tell you how viable the business is. Deal ??
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by JideTheBlogger(m): 3:02pm On Feb 19, 2015
I have 30k. I have PC and printer tho'. Pls, tell more

30k ke ? Abeg, forget about PRINTING. Use the money to buy the printed ones and resell.

The funny thing about the business is that you can get pins lets say at the rate of N96 per pin and you might get the printed one at a lesser price.

Dealers that print vouchers get some extra incentives from the telekom coys. ..and mind you, it's not the profit per voucher that really matters but the volume you trade daily/weekly.

I print too.... wink wink wink

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Nobody: 3:02pm On Feb 19, 2015
I know it is not as viable as getting $60,000 for campaigning online fora political party . grin .
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by OCTAVO: 3:03pm On Feb 19, 2015
I'm awaiting interesting comments.
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by jmoore(m): 3:03pm On Feb 19, 2015
Bros, use that 30k for Akara business.

Recharge card printing is profitable if you have a large customer base. Also, you need to invest 250,000 - 300,000 Naira. If you can sell all your pins worth 250,000-300,000k in a week, then that's a good start.

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Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Nobody: 3:03pm On Feb 19, 2015
I have 30k. I have PC and printer tho'. Pls, tell more

Why not do a virtual recharge card sales instead.

That way you don't need to print out anything. So long as you have an internet connection you can dispense recharge pins on the go. You can even do it directly to your buyers phone.

And what's more, you don't need a dime to start. Just let me know if your are ready and I can set you up.

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Mentcee(m): 3:04pm On Feb 19, 2015
As unprofitable as a gmb government!

1 Like

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by tola9ja: 3:04pm On Feb 19, 2015

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Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Donvic4u(m): 3:04pm On Feb 19, 2015
Consider the demand in ur location first..

then ur capital
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Misogynist2014(m): 3:05pm On Feb 19, 2015
Wish I knew.
Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by Mentcee(m): 3:05pm On Feb 19, 2015
Recharge Card used to be Cheap during Yar' Adua's tenure. Since the emergence of this Otuoke man (Outgoing president) Recharge card prices has increased.

election is not an election between GEJ and GMB,
but is an election between GEJ vs all the millions
of unemployed graduates and youths, is an
election between GEJ vs all those innocent
graduates that were murdered during the last
immigration exam, is an election between GEJ and
all the relatives of the kidnap chibok girls, is an
election between GEJ and all the victims of
Iyanya, Kano and other bomb blast, is an election
between GEJ vs all the failed small business that
has been short down due to shortage of power
supply, is an election between GEJ and all those
who lost their love ones during health workers
strike, is also an election between GEJ and all
those university undergraduates who has spent
more than their stipulated years in school due to
strikes and hike in fees. Finally is an election
between GEJ and the general masses who are
suffering from the clueless decisions of this
government. As for me am supporting and voting
for BUHARI because I can't support a president
who fraudulently extort money from young
graduates all in the name of giving them jobs only
to end up killing lots of them. And this is a
government that has not in any way imparted
positively on the lives of our youths, rather they
steal in billions of dollars from the common public
treasury. Vote out corruption, insecurity and
unemployment on the 28th March 2015. Change
with # GMB#we need!

Iti bolibor!

13 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Recharge Card Printing Business; How Viable Is It? by alchemist(m): 3:06pm On Feb 19, 2015
I want to go into recharge card printing biz but lack idea of how profitable it is? Pls,I need cogent advice from experts in the house.I need info on start up cost,materials & other cost I'm presently oblivious of...

From the capital you have, there is not much gain in the business. From a friend's talk once upon a time, he and some colleagues of his came together and combine their capital to procure the machine which generates the code and print the voucher themselves and sell to end user to increase their profit.
Maybe you can try that also if you have trustworthy friends who want to venture into the business.

I am who i call myself. Alchemist

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