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Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Jega To Announce Presidential Election Results: Part 2 / I Won’t Go On Terminal Leave – Jega / INEC Denies Jega's Terminal Leave (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by patrick89(m): 5:46pm On Feb 26, 2015
APC and propaganda. People should begin to use their sense. How come APC is always telling every next action of PDP as Sharia reporters always do for Boko Haram. There is no spy anywhere. They knew this things are normal and that is what APC too would have done if not worse. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Thief na hin know thief.

There is anything anybody can do as it is lawful. I have a confirm news also that GMB will be disqualify this week or next also lawfully. Reason is perjury. As long as the law has covered it, anybody that makes any noise is a terrorist and the NA are on red alert to finish them with bullets.
believe me I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. And for us to have 89 at the end of our handles.
You got the idea, it is a manipulation, it works in the media, some Nigerian pastors are using it. They will see you as a student they will tell you that "this year you must get admission" or you pass your exams. Even when you are learning trade..or a lady is looking for a husband.. That's what APC is doing with many people's brain..
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by ckmayoca: 5:48pm On Feb 26, 2015
All dis boys wey dey support pdp ojoro, una 10k go finish next month ooo and when the hunger start ehn.... Jona go bone una and laugh una for eating ur tomorrow now.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by anigbajumo(m): 5:56pm On Feb 26, 2015
I love that jersey.

@Topic: If they couldn't remove Tambuwal as Speaker then how the bleeps are they going to be able to remove Jega? bleeping jokers!
na so dey no born dem well...make I gat u one?
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by Trunaijian: 5:57pm On Feb 26, 2015
Absolute nonsense! The FG isn't that stupid to ask Jega to leave. ...it wount happen people. Jonathan has said it wount happen, unless he is telling us not to trust anything he says. Card reader must happen!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by gabrol(m): 6:00pm On Feb 26, 2015
Let me appeal to the ppl behind this dagerious plan to stop it b4 its too late. DONT LET THIS NATION GO UP IN FLAMES AGAIN OOOOO
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by anigbajumo(m): 6:03pm On Feb 26, 2015
Maurice Iwu also went on Terminal leave
Jega must go on Terminal leave
Sai Jona
Teaching APC how politics is played
Jega going going going....GONE
Av seen wat u av done buh uno need 2do dat,Dnt quote me next tyme if u ar nt sure of yar self...Thumb up Nigga!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by cyril83(m): 6:18pm On Feb 26, 2015
National assembly did not decide when Iwu was relieved of his position to make way for him.

National assembly does not decide when a minister is sacked. Appointment of both go through the senate but sacking them does not have to go through the senate.

The president is unfortunately too powerful. The national conference was meant to whittle down his power but the North rejected it.

You have to live with it that is if this true.

Gather your fact right and stop comparing independent body to dependent, a president of a country has no sole power to remove inec chairman but has every power to sack any of his ministers. Maurice iwu decision was made on the floor of senate not president order.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by visalo: 6:22pm On Feb 26, 2015

The death of a cow will be well pronounce than when you die. Animal

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Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by visalo: 6:27pm On Feb 26, 2015

Gather your fact right and stop comparing independent body to dependent, a president of a country has no sole power to remove inec chairman but has every power to sack any of his ministers. Maurice iwu decision was made on the floor of senate not president order.

Was professor Iwu a minister? Because i can still remember he was sent on terminal leaves. What is the big deal of Jega going on terminal leaves. Well i know the deal will be done and nothing will happen
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by IYANGBALI: 6:28pm On Feb 26, 2015
I wasn't surprised to see this,some of us knew before now that this is one of the frauds that fool wants to use to get reelected not minding the afternath of his devilish action. Use your hands to tear the country apart,Nigerians are waiting and watching. May amadioha kill anyone that quotes me negatively,may he/she experience what Nigeria is experiencing right now{amin}
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by ollyruffy: 6:31pm On Feb 26, 2015
JonaThief done fail on this. He forgot to edit that section of the constitution when he arranged his last family meeting constitutional review.

Jega or Jega. We are ready to March4Buhari.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by IYANGBALI: 6:32pm On Feb 26, 2015
Let me appeal to the ppl behind this dagerious plan to stop it b4 its too late. DONT LET THIS NATION GO UP IN FLAMES AGAIN OOOOO
don't mind the foools that are supporting the pooo,they will all regret it

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Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by visalo: 6:34pm On Feb 26, 2015

Jega is not a civil servant that can be asked to go on leave. Jega has a tenure and his tenure ends on June 30th. INEC is an independent body that is funded by donation from democratic bodies mostly in Europe.

You are blind of information. Your knowledge is a mess. You are the worst clueless i have ever know. So inec is funded is by Europeans? Ewu
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by IYANGBALI: 6:36pm On Feb 26, 2015
Removing Jega now will discredit the credibility of GEJ's reelection if at all he wins,most people will say,he brought in the new INEC chairman to do the dirty work that Jega refused to do for him and PDP

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Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by IYANGBALI: 6:39pm On Feb 26, 2015
All dis boys wey dey support pdp ojoro, una 10k go finish next month ooo and when the hunger start ehn.... Jona go bone una and laugh una for eating ur tomorrow now.
no mind those foools
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by Abba999(f): 6:50pm On Feb 26, 2015

Wait there! The ogogoo man has already done it and you are one of those that will go down for GMB. HeGoat. cheesy grin cheesy
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by cyril83(m): 6:52pm On Feb 26, 2015

Was professor Iwu a minister? Because i can still remember he was sent on terminal leaves. What is the big deal of Jega going on terminal leaves. Well i know the deal will be done and nothing will happen

Maurice iwu was a chairman of inec and inec is an independent organization which mr president can't toy with, he can do whatever he likes with his ministers but certainly not inec chairman.

Yes, iwu went on terminal leave in line with the constitution, he was asked to leave by the national assembly not head of civil service nor mr president.

The deal will be done but i want you to know that the situation on ground is beyond your reasoning, many things will happen if mr president continues with this evil agenda.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by patrick89(m): 6:53pm On Feb 26, 2015
All dis boys wey dey support pdp ojoro, una 10k go finish next month ooo and when the hunger start ehn.... Jona go bone una and laugh una for eating ur tomorrow now.
its obvious that APC e-rats are the one collecting money. Because I do not know that people do collect money to write rubbish about a party.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by adonis89(m): 6:53pm On Feb 26, 2015

Was there any postponement then? Its high time Nigerians accepted the fact that our present goverment is a desperate one. We need to discourage desperation for the purpose of national development. If they have paying you at the moment, the money will varnish and after elections, you'll be forgotten either your pay masters win or lose. They know Nigerians don't want them again. Are you satisfied with the fact that things are getting worse in Nigeria?
Gerrout, nothing is getting worse in Nigeria

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Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by ludafrancis: 6:59pm On Feb 26, 2015
APC always complaining and crying..........dis has been applicable to oda inec chairman before jega....
GEJ till buhari export his 150 sacroscant cows to europe
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by wummyanthoy: 6:59pm On Feb 26, 2015
That is politics 4 u, it is not abt making noise all over d places but using brain dat is wat dey call politics o, if it is APC dat is in power dey 'll do d same n do worse! PDP r full of politician not co+perate empty heads !!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by inereunwa1(m): 7:01pm On Feb 26, 2015

his refereeing license has expired
say who abi you na fidifi governing body
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by inereunwa1(m): 7:03pm On Feb 26, 2015
Jonathan can't be that stupi.d.
but he is more stupid and clueless than i give him credit for!!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by afanide: 7:05pm On Feb 26, 2015

Can a sound & fit referee be change in the middle of a match?

Why shouldn't an Injured Referee be Changed in the Middle of the match
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by Akpan107(m): 7:09pm On Feb 26, 2015
PDP again!!!!

They just won't give up on trying to rig this election.
My brother, take am easy... Did you guys planed anything with Jega?

He just have to go! His time is up!!!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by BRAV0O(m): 7:12pm On Feb 26, 2015
PDP again!!!!

They just won't give up on trying to rig this election.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by Akpan107(m): 7:14pm On Feb 26, 2015
PDP has failed already. Dem no fit! Jega must finish what he started. Nigerians are wiser now and will vehemently resist GEJ's attempts to manipulate the upcoming elections.
1 Billion of you will never stop Jega from going... It seems you guys planed something with him.

Keep calm and watch as event unfold!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by ngmgeek(m): 7:18pm On Feb 26, 2015
Some people somewhere are not only desperate but playing with fire. I feel sorry for some clueless people.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by blackandbold: 7:19pm On Feb 26, 2015
FastShipping post=311073 :o95:
Jonathan can't be that stupi.d.
U cant be too sure about that...he has demonstarted stupidity as some instances.this present jega issue should ne expected.the presidency will push for it.edwin ckark already spoke for pdp even though pdp will deny it.tgats the way pdp does things.i still wonder why some crazy sons of bitches on this forum will just open their malformed mind and support jegas removal..why wud any one want to remove jega..what has he donw..just becos he wants to add credibility to election and limit electoral malpractices .some peoole may say he postponed election...yea not cos he was not ready but becos the military arm of pdp claimed they were mot ready.may God destroy all with evil intentions against the masses
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by Akpan107(m): 7:20pm On Feb 26, 2015

Jonathan will definitely fail if they force Jega out without finishing the work he started. The whole world is watching. There are people who have prepared to battle this despot of a president pretending to be and humble man. Jonathan knows he has no chance in a free and fair election.
Jega will go and nothing anybody can do about it!
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by ilebaami: 7:22pm On Feb 26, 2015
If Jega is sent on leave he will obey like a small boy. Then what will APC do? Just make noise and sulk. They cannot do more than Boko Haram.
Re: Jega To Receive Notice Of Terminal Leave Next Week- APC Senators by psalmsjob: 7:23pm On Feb 26, 2015
The man before jega was ask to go on a terminal leave and he did, there was no problem, so y is d case of jega different?
Jega benefitted from dat so if he is ask to proceed on a terminal leave, he should take it in good fate and leave

We are not clueless you know! So if he must proceed on leave it has to be less than 4 weeks to an election he has been planning for.

The honest and rational thing to do is to let Jega complete the job and the next President to appoint a new INEC chairman.

#VoteForChange #VoteForBuhari For a #BetterNigeria

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