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Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by justlove91(m): 7:35am On Mar 07, 2015 |
ARE YOU A MUSLIM? Empire asked me yesterday. I was born into a moderate Muslim family. When I was younger, my mum used to tell me that if I don't pray (kirun) she wouldn't give me food(which I like so much), she knows my weak point (that is why they're called mothers) so basically then, I was being forced to observe prayers. When I was around 14, I went to one of my Muslim friend's house and they were watching this video by an Alfa about the punishment in hell. The explicit description of hell was so horrifying to my innocent mind and I vowed from that day to observe my prayers to avoid this gruesome place called hell. I then became a very practicing Muslim even more than my parents that they're even sometimes worried about me. In my quest to move more closer to God, I joined a sect called Sufism (WIRIDI) under the umbrella of Maolana Sheik Ibrahim Niyas (TIJANIYAT). Because of this I do LASIMI in my morning and 4pm prayers, at 7pm WASIFAT and every friday evening goes to KUBURA. I was also given prayers (ASKARU) by my WASILAT Sheik Ismail which I usually wake up to do every night (TAJUUD), I make sure I finished reading at least one round of koran during ramadan(am a slow reader). Because of all these, I was much respected by my family and friends and they usually called me Alfa. Then one day, I just felt like typing "Fallibility of the Koran" on the Google search, what I saw shocked me to my bones, I read so many articles on read debates on which Ali Sina(owner of the website, an ex muslim) had with muslim apologists etc. The Koran I so much revere is now being painted in this grotesque way. To mitigate my shock and console myself, I searched for refutations written by Muslim apologists, but I was not satisfied with them, the errors are just overwhelming and plane. Don't think this period of my life is easy for me, the fear of hell was paramount on my mind (don't forget this same fear pushed me to be a practicing Muslim in the first place)I practically went through most of the stages listed here (maybe the reason I liked the testimony). I usually console myself with the thought that their must be rational explanations for all the errors and atrocities committed by Mohammed but alas! their was none(at least that make sense to me, you can sense Al Taqiyah and twisting of verses everywhere). I even threw some of my questions to my sheik and fellow muridi but they always want to interpret the Koran in esoteric ways (BATINI), so I gave up on them. Summarily, I finally gathered the courage to acknowledge the fact that Mohammed WROTE THE KORAN(Mohammed = Allah ), no Gabriel bringing verses, Koran was and remains figment of Mohammed's imagination, he's depiction and conception of God. But the problem remains MY PARENT MUSTN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS, at least 4 now. So to my parents and friends am still to this very moment 07/03/2015 an ALFA, but i must say I left sufism also since it is claimed to be built on koranic injunctions, and the bitter truth is KORAN IS A FRAUD (Oro pesi je!). I'm a 300L student now, so can't wait to graduate, get a job, be independent of anyone then give everyone the shock of their life. So when you hear me say am in mosque, I have no other choice, I have to pray (kirun), fast, go to jumat etc at home but in school, am free like a bird. So, empire to answer your question: am still a Muslim to my parents and friends but to me an EX MUSLIM. SO I CAN'T WAIT TO BE FINALLY COMPLETELY FREE(Though free internally but not externally yet). Their are more of me out theree, that have seen the fallacy and lie Islam is truely is but don't have the means yet to make their apostasy known. Islam is decaying from within watch out for it's fall or do you think I will bring up my children in an Islamic way NEVER!!!!!!!! Because I want my children to be good and it is IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A GOOD MUSLIM AND AT THE SAME TIME A GOOD PERSON. To Muslims out their, you just have to look at the evidence everywhere objectively, I know is pretty difficult to have your precious belief shattered, to immediately realise that all the praying, fasting, tajuud, tilawa al quran have all been for nothing, that you wasted your hard earned money when you went for Hajj in Mecca. Some of you are very vigilant and talented at spotting errors and mistakes in other religious books but when the ones in the Koran are presented to you, is like your brain hibernates or something, you can't reason logically again, you can't see. Only a stage of denial can make this possible, take the bold step beyond this and taste what it feels like to be free, to really LIVE! Will leave you with this quote: "The mind of a bigot /fanatic is like the Iris of the eyes, the more light you shed on it the more it shrinks" 8 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 8:50am On Mar 07, 2015 |
[size=20] Very Good you have decided to unshackle yourself from the chains of religion, all this religions are all the same. . . thats the same way i untangled myself my the christian religion, they are all fraud and some guys mythical fabrications... learn to think for yourself, and much more happiness and peace of mind will follow.. [/size] 3 Likes |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by justlove91(m): 10:40am On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22:Thanks |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 12:11pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
justlove91: Let me start by saying I admire ur bravery. . It takes guts. One statement u made readily got me thinking IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A GOOD MUSLIM AND AT THE SAME TIME A GOOD PERSON. I hope u make more posts and keep us updated on ur journey.. It might interest u to know johnydon22 is a newbie to atheism ^^^^^^^^^^ That's him just in October last year defending his Catholic faith..some of us have walked that skeptic path and left it. anyway justlove91 before u turn ur back on all religions I invite u to study more about christainity but where do u start.. lots of fake pastors out there and greedy churches ... Please start with this book written by an ex atheist "mere christainity "..I got the audio tape on YouTube and listen to it.. It discusses several religions atheism theism and of focuses on christainity . .also get a bible.. Have a nice weekend. Tartar9 tola9ja rilwanye001 empiree 9jaforlife mrolai yourmain mathematical yazach usermane this is a great read. I invite u to read this. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by PastorKun(m): 12:28pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
@justlove91 Congratulations on emancipating yourself and I wish you the best in your search of the truth. However I would like you to study the teachings of Jesus Christ and his gospel which is based on pure love. Kindly note that I am not asking you to become a christian(the decision is purely yours) I just want you to take your time to learn more about the teachings of Jesus from the gospels and get to know his message. 2 Likes |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 1:02pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Please i beg you, keep my name out of your posts, make your points but don't bring me into it... please... Even if i turned atheistic yesterday its none of your business... stop this your unwarranted poke nosing.... Just keep it between you and your fellow muslim brethren. I mentioned to him that i just emancipated myself from all this religious shiit and christianity cus it's all fraud and mythical fabrications.. i made my own point to the op and did not mention or drag you into it, please next time make your points without dragging or mentioning me in it... |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 1:15pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Oh now u getting worked up ... I had to make it clear to him that u are new to atheism. .so he doesn't get the impression u have done much studying on these issues... My apologies if u feel offended... I won't mention u in future.. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 1:23pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Very good..we are clear on it.. @bolded as fallacious and rediculous as it is, i will just ignore it... |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by 9jaforlife: 1:28pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Johnny kindly be informed that Ifeann is NOT a Muslim. Thank you! 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 1:30pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: I think u meant ridiculous... anyway Look johnydon22 it's okay..when u have done extensive studying on these issues u will be taken serious., Peace. . |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 1:33pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
9jaforlife: I know, Just needed her to go back to her anti-islam agenda and leave me out of it.. 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 1:34pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Thanks for the correction... I am sure i know far more than you can ever think of knowing about christianity.. but let me not bring myself that low ... Am done with you. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by 9jaforlife: 1:44pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Ifeann aka parisbookaddict, you and cheap hypocricy! You couldn't wait to call attention to someone who decides to renounce Islam, but you jumped the post of the next poster, who commented in conspicuous bold letters below him, declaring that he unshackled himself from the chains of christianity! You're delusional beyond redemption!! 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 1:46pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Lol.. I will be interested in seeing evidence for this ur knowledge about christainity. . Making statements that are not evidence based Says a lot about you. .. OK. .i am done with run along and stop pretending to be the well studied "agonostic atheist humanist" u portray urself as. Come to think of it u are the only person I know that calls himself an agnostic atheist. ...and if u attack christianity I will be there to call u to order as I do to the muslims. .. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by 9jaforlife: 1:47pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Lol |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 1:59pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: hahahahahahaha he doesnt even know what agnostic atheist means.... How can i possibly argue with this guy... I don't have time to start any baseless personal talk with you.. Latest news #WeFuckingLoveAtheism ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 2:33pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Apparently this newbie needs to be told that agnostic and atheist means 2 different's an oxymoron to use the words in a way to claim u are both... 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 2:53pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Agnostic atheism wikipedia encyclopedia Agnostic atheism, also called atheistic agnosticism , is a philosophical position that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism . Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact. ... smh... Now you see how ridiculous and ignorant you sound.. Now am done correcting you in this forum again.. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by justlove91(m): 2:59pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
@all Thanks for the advice but I must say I just want to stay off religion, I don't think I need it and don't worry, I can NEVER be an atheist or agnostic. @Ifeann Thanks for the info about Johny, really was surprised 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Nobody: 2:59pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann:ifeann dearie, I just finished reading dis guyz story, so happy for him. I know d decision is kind of tough for u to take buh its d best. U can never be a good person at d same time be a good muslim. Being a good muslim and a good person are inversely related. I only pray d likes of Empiree Rilwayne001 9jaforlife Tartar9 tola9ja and co instead of mocking ya, reflect abt dem lives and see dat dey all ve bin living a life of false. Ma bro, I won't force ya to be a christian, buh ya nid to be rooted in Christ, try attend a fellowship on campus, and makke it low key. Ifeann, we nid to kip educating people on d nid to challenge dem religious leaders abt dem religion. Once muslims re able to ask dem religious leaders questions dey begin to see d false in islam! On behalf of dis section we say thanks ifeann, why I left dis forum was wen ya said ya were going to de_activate dis moniker, was really sad. And I hope u not going to do dat! Thanks in advance dearie. To d OP, once again I salute thy courage and I pray ya be bold to stand anytin dat come ya way. Using a mobile fone, pardon ma errors! #shalom 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 3:00pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Yes "Wikipedia " is an "excellent" source.. u think I made my statement without googling frist. ..just like the term "new atheist" agnostic atheism is a recent nonsensical term invented by the godless to make sense of their ideology and distance themselves from old school atheism. There are a lot of terms in the spectrum of the atheist ideology. . 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 3:04pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
justlove91: U are welcome.. I am very interested in ur journey..would love updates..I know other ex muslims . .plus ur writing skills and comments is refreshing. .. Stay happy |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by justlove91(m): 3:12pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann:I will sure update you guys if there is any need. Thanks again for your warm replies. 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 3:14pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Lol end word I am an atheist... now move on ![]() |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 3:17pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
OREMUSSANCTUS: Thanks oremussanctus. .I told the mods I will delete my account if my topics are not returned from the Islamic section.. In order to keep my word I deleted my first nairaland account created in 2011...Ifeann is staying... ![]() |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Ifeann(f): 3:21pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: Hey buddy..we have had several friendly exchanges on nairaland. It doesn't have to change.. u made an offensive remark about christainity and I had to call u to order..I respect ur right to chose what u see fit for ur life. Unlike the muslims who are commanded to slay pagans and athesits i have nothing but love for u man... Have a nice weekend. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Nobody: 4:08pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
Ifeann: Lol I completely disagree. Id like to think I'm a good person and I'm also a good muslim. 2 Likes |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 4:20pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
YourMain: Belief/unbelief doesnt make anyone good or bad dear.. your behaviour and action towards others makes you good. Muslim, Christian, atheist, pegan anybody can be good... |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Nobody: 4:46pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
johnydon22: I completely agree. I Dont think religion and goodness have much correlation. So what ifeann mentioned me for... Is complete nonsense. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by justlove91(m): 4:48pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
YourMain:Haha! If you're truly a good person then I can emphatically tell you that you're not a good Muslim. You don't know what being a good Muslim entails. 1 Like |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by johnydon22(m): 4:50pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
YourMain: Yes dear, we do not need religion to determine what is right from wrong, if one cannot distinguish between right from wrong, then that person lacks empathy not religion. Morality is not christian neither is it islamic, morality is human it belongs to no ism. and does not depend for foundation upon the supernatural or any book or creed, because morality itself is a foundation.. |
Re: Can't Wait To Be Free!! (my Story) by Nobody: 4:54pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
I actually agree with the hypocrite. You can't be a good muslims/ christian and be a good person at the same time. Simply put, if you follow the laws of the holy books(the koran and the bible ), you'll end up in jail. It doesn't mean someone who identifies as a muslim/ christian can't be good. Just depends on what you value more. 1 Like |
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