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Diary of my Dog Cooper. - Pets (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 11:25am On Mar 13, 2015
Well done on the potty training. I did potty train a couple of pups in the past but I started from an area away from the resting and play space of the dog. It did both major and minor ones in that area. Then I moved to a grassy area away outside the compound and it took along the major and minor business to that spot also. I agree Cooper is still a puppy so may not yet hold pee but what you can also do is to take it out to that same spot to pee after a drink of water. It may now begin to attempt not to pee within its play area and start giving you signals it wants to go out to the spot. This may be winces or unecessary movements or to and fro movements to the exit point. If these signs go unoticed it will lead to that circular spiral movement that leads to a pee session. Great work you're doing though.

Thanks for the contribution.
The problem on the pee is timing,i ensure i leave water for him when going out and so he cannot hold for too long till i return but for the Poo he is doing very fine.. I have also come to understand that dog`s also loves clean environment but like humans it all depends on how there brought up or trained... The Caucasian that is 7 months old will never Poo or Wee on her crate, she can take it straight 8hrs till you let her out to ease herself.

When i have time to stay with Cooper all day like the weekend i will go with your suggestion.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 1:33pm On Mar 14, 2015
Coopers lounge has been fixed, he now has an entire room to himself.. What he loves most in his space is the tile that is cold saving him from the scorching heat..Wish we had constant power supply like our Oyinbo counterparts, sure an air condition will not be bad for Cooper's comfort.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by kolokolobi(m): 2:37pm On Mar 14, 2015
This dog is an ajebo dog. Confirmed. Pls don't forget to add humidity controllers, UHD curve tv set in tow. I forgot .....a bell it can tug on to summon a maid wouldn't be a bad idea too. Just joking. Thumbs up. This dog will fly over a mountain for you.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by remmyagun: 6:12pm On Mar 14, 2015
Ow many months is he today? Wanna compare his size my my GSD. Thx
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 8:11pm On Mar 14, 2015
Ow many months is he today? Wanna compare his size my my GSD. Thx
Cooper is 3 months now.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 8:16pm On Mar 14, 2015
@kolokolobi All what Cooper needs now is a radio set that will be playing when no one is around... Then good toys,unfortunately all the dog toys i see around are of very low quality especially the toy bones i bought for him. Hope i can get recommendation on where to buy good and quality dog toys.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by oluomoadebayo: 12:40am On Mar 15, 2015
@kolokolobi All what Cooper needs now is a radio set that will be playing when no one is around... Then good toys,unfortunately all the dog toys i see around are of very low quality especially the toy bones i bought for him. Hope i can get recommendation on where to buy good and quality dog toys.

eBay or Aliexpress .
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 6:03am On Mar 15, 2015

eBay or Aliexpress .
@oluomoadebayo Thanks. I have never tried buying stuff from ebay or Aliexpress, i am allergic to Scammers so i stay off online transactions except for those i know to be trusted like buying books from Amazon. I will need your further information on it from you.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by kolokolobi(m): 8:23am On Mar 15, 2015
@deeptesting I'm afraid I don't have any help on doggy toys. I just pick off what's available at any store. I'm sure Olu will give us more insight on what's available online.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 10:53am On Mar 15, 2015
@deeptesting I'm afraid I don't have any help on doggy toys. I just pick off what's available at any store. I'm sure Olu will give us more insight on what's available online.

Thanks i got a contact.
Will update when i try it out.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by XBLadez: 1:17pm On Mar 15, 2015
Wow! All this for Cooper? The Caucasian will get jealous, don't you think?
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by Omololu007(m): 1:40pm On Mar 15, 2015

Thanks i got a contact.
Will update when i try it out.
y are u not treatin d caucasian d same way u r treatin d GSD
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by XBLadez: 2:04pm On Mar 15, 2015
y are u not treatin d caucasian d same way u r treatin d GSD
That has been bothering me too. And some people don't know dogs are very sensitive, even though they can't talk
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 2:51pm On Mar 15, 2015
y are u not treatin d caucasian d same way u r treatin d GSD

You are very very correct and sometimes i feel some guilt about it but i acquired the Caucasian as a rescue dog,she came down with jaundice and everyone gave up on her except the Vet. I love Pure breeds dogs and if i have my way will start a group working against backyard breeders with no knowledge of breeding.

The Caucasian is doing very well at 7 months and such a lovely dog. I treat him with much respect and love unfortunately i decided to give Cooper more ONLINE attention to draw awareness to pure breed dogs. Ok with no intention to derail the thread i will post few of her pictures if others following this thread will approve of it. Thank you.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by cotzywitzy(m): 2:59pm On Mar 15, 2015
Awwwww... You should be given an award ...you know how to treat a dog right ... I might send my dog over for holiday but he must be in coopers room oooo....lol... kudos bro.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 8:00pm On Mar 15, 2015
Awwwww... You should be given an award ...you know how to treat a dog right ... I might send my dog over for holiday but he must be in coopers room oooo....lol... kudos bro.

Thanks Bro..
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 11:49am On Mar 16, 2015
Taking care of Coopers space. Coopers space must be mopped every morning and kept dried for his comfort.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by remmyagun: 12:06pm On Mar 16, 2015
Cab I pls see a recent pix of Cooper standing? Guess u imported him or u bought him here in nigeria?
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by MockinJay(m): 6:22pm On Mar 16, 2015
Cab I pls see a recent pix of Cooper standing? Guess u imported him or u bought him here in nigeria?

He had him it imported..
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by Seun(m): 6:24pm On Mar 16, 2015
Perhaps the reason Cooper soils his space is that it's too big. A dog is less likely to soil a small enclosure cos the smell would be too close.


Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 10:53pm On Mar 16, 2015
Cab I pls see a recent pix of Cooper standing? Guess u imported him or u bought him here in nigeria?

Ok will try and get a pix of him, have lots of stuff running for me now,so i spend less time with Cooper.
Hopefully, we will get back to our Garden and more pictures next week.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 10:57pm On Mar 16, 2015
Perhaps the reason Cooper soils his space is that it's too big. A dog is less likely to soil a small enclosure cos the smell would be too close.

You are right but Cooper has being nice for a few days,i created a back door for him where he can Poo and pee,spent a little time with him after his meal then took him to the corner,Cooper has followed the procedure.. I hope he does not deviate.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by braindamage(m): 11:19pm On Mar 16, 2015
The chilling Cooper. I never potty trained, so I mopped daily grin. Bet Jeff understands every spoken word now. Nice thread, nice dedication and thanks for the knowledge Mr deeptesting and every contributor.

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Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 6:13am On Mar 17, 2015
The chilling Cooper. I never potty trained, so I mopped daily grin. Bet Jeff understands every spoken word now. Nice thread, nice dedication and thanks for the knowledge Mr deeptesting and every contributor.

Thanks Bro.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by kolokolobi(m): 8:53am On Mar 17, 2015
Cooper will not deviate. Though you need to reinforce the behaviour by praise praising it and letting it know you are pleased with the behaviour. They love to please.


Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 4:44pm On Mar 17, 2015
Cooper is doing fine and is going through his obedience class. We are on the sit command at the moment,hopefully will get some pics tomorrow since i will be spending time with him.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by Nobody: 4:54pm On Mar 17, 2015
Perhaps the reason Cooper soils his space is that it's too big. A dog is less likely to soil a small enclosure cos the smell would be too close.
Hello, seun.

How's this amount of shares possible in such a short while?

Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by Mckandre(m): 7:24pm On Mar 17, 2015
mtchw... i done vex tire, where the little boy nA?
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 11:06am On Mar 18, 2015
We were out this morning to water the garden,Cooper loves to chase water from the water host..It was fun,now he is tired.


Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by XBLadez: 11:52am On Mar 18, 2015
See how he's lying there. Kiddo grin grin grin
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by deeptesting(m): 1:07pm On Mar 18, 2015
See how he's lying there. Kiddo grin grin grin

Yeah he got tired chasing.
Re: Diary of my Dog Cooper. by tranxo(m): 1:26pm On Mar 18, 2015

Yeah he got tired chasing.
No picture, no flavour. Why have you reduced the frequency of pics?

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