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Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by gatiano(m): 3:27pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Where did the caucaziod come from? African did not migrate from Africa to the the middle east or whereever, The Black people migrated from the Middle east and Northern Africa into the rest of the world. '' EWE KAN KI JABO LEHIN OLODUMARE '' Which means: 'No leaf can fall from the tree without the authority, power and knowledge of God' We can not speak about the Yoruba belief, about God and the spiritual phenomena of our faith without tracing its origin. The whole composite of Yoruba culture, its language, the nations' identity, moral systems and beliefs came from the present middle-east. Our ancestors settled in the western part of Africa in areas that today are defined as Nigeria, Togo, Benin as well as parts of Ghana and Sierra Leone. From here the Yoruba spread to all of the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe. One account of origin tells us that the Yoruba people were a part of a pre-Jewish tradition in the middle-east. Through communal effort and cooperation the tradition dispersed all over the world. We can find great similarities in the tradition of circumcision, tribal markings and the whole body of knowledge concerning sacrifice, rituals, prayer, fasting, as well as its mysticism and traditional philosophy - all elements that form the foundation of classical Judaism can be found in the practice of Yoruba religiosity. All these components can in turn be traced back to the time of Adam and later Abraham. As we see, the Yoruba, with its culture, religion and language predated Christianity and Islam, as recorded in the research by Hamilton Bailey concerning the practice of circumcision amongst the Jews and Yoruba. We can also gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the term Yoruba by translating this into Hebrew. The word Yoruba is formed by yud, resh, vau, beth and aleph Yud - YO- referring to a divine order and being the spark of divinity Resh - R- referring to psychic union ns also being related to the Sun, the lifegiving male principle Heh - U- The gateway for the divine powers and its source Beth - B - The active motion of the divine spark within man as referring to the construction of man as a house for God. Aleph - A - The collective stabilizing power of the human being. Hence the word Yoruba then refers to a divine order born by the psychic union of life that resulted into the source of the everlasting providence as well as an active movement of divine power within man that are utilized to ensure the collective stability of humanity. This results in equilibrium and stability, the needed foundation for accomplishing effective communication between the physical and spiritual realm. We need Ifá as a tool for accomplishing this mediation between the physical and invisible world. Ifá as a tool for divination is a problem solving tool, with the aim of finding solutions to all of man's problems with the aid of the immortal beings and the ancestors. This is a cut from one of our elders revelation. There is no difference between Yoruba and Igbo, they are both different clans under the tribe. We do not know or have forgotten the tribe we really belonged to, but Our Elders know, and they keep record of each and every black person that was born on this earth. (Your european level education won't allow you believe this) The reason why we speak different languages is because of the geograhical location we are (that is the only thing that changes, due to the food, weather amongst few other things) and most importantly because of the air. speech is clusters of sounds, without air, there is no sound. The air that blows in Idumota is different from that which blows in Aba. a simple example is what we know as children when we speak or talk in front of a standing or table fan (do you remember?) try it at different speed, you would get different accent. And finally, No Black person has the same DNA as another Black person. Every Black person is a deity and unique on his/her own, He would have some traces of all of his/her biological Ancestors from the beginning of time, so are also the non-black races. The Blackman and the Blackwoman has what is called Ancestral Ancestors, Ancestral brothers and sisters, No other races has that. and that is what they pray so hard for labelling everybody by alphabets. Ihuomadinihu: |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 3:43pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
gatiano:Now,you are writing in metaphysical terms. Can we go back to dna stuff,pls. Dna study is based on the 'Out of Africa' study not the other way round. How can Africans originate else where when Khoisan and pygmies have the oldest dna known to man. We should be more concerned with the origin of non-Pygmie/San gene which seems to have an East African origin. The reason why we speak different languages can be traced to Niger Congo language differenciation in the Saharan/Nile region. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by gatiano(m): 4:39pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Languages is not a serious issue, It all just depends on the geographical location. Why don't the australian (whites) have the same accent as the british? within the next few hundred years, that accent will evolve into two seperate languages. You were talking about Africans migrating out of Africa, i told you it is the other way round, we came from the center of civilization which was the middle east and Egypt into the jungle of Africa and other regions of the world like in the americas, the pacific, europe and the sank civilization atlantis and lemuuria, before the fall of both lost civilization, those people there migrated into Africa... The question of using DNA kind of sound sophesticated and nice if Blacks can check it out themselves, which we have and know of. But a few of us just love the whiteman's fake lives and lies. physics, biology, chemistry, mathematic, psychology all came from metaphysic, science of the mind, before you ulter a word, it is first structured and pictured in your mind, anything you do, write, say or interprete from whatever it is to you see on regular basis is first initiated from the mind. The reason why we do not improve as a people, is because we try to see or perceive things from the non-blacks perception or view; The non-blacks tend to always divide, That is what they do, they can't survive without dividing things and classifying them into groups. the non-blacks divide life into subjects and fragments like biology, maths, linguistics, philosophy, cosmology, astronomy etc. giving one piece to one individual, considering the lightest skin first, and even if they consider the Blacks, it does not help us, it will never help us. As a matter of universal truth, We just need to learn evil from them, We do not care about their good, they don't have any (no hate, just hidden truth) The Black people on the other hand, see things and view things as ONE. We see life as ONE, Life is life. Cosmology, physics, maths, khemistry, astronomy, religion, politics, man , woman, anatomy, everything concievable, we saw as ONE, Thus, Every Black person before 50,000 years ago stood as GOD, even until 6000 years. You can see every subject can is always linked together, (we can talk about politics without religion and entering into philosophy into geography and into physics. all is ONE). There is nothing new to us, there is nothing within this universe that is new to the Black people, we just were not taught by our forefathers, and it was on purpose, not wickedness. They claim (the whites), that all humanbeings original from a Blackwoman called Lucy (did you see the movie lucy?), They pictured her closely to an ape, that was 200,000 years ago. Last week, they found foot prints dating back as far as 800,000 years ago to 1,000,000 years ago in england; well, where did that come from? They found evidence of human life that was older than the so called Lucy in the middle east, what can you say about that? Alien? video of the footprints in england When you begin to trust this white people's theory without questioning, They would put or drown you in the ocean of confusion. Ihuomadinihu: |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 5:04pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
@Gatiano,you are actually the one trying to introduce Confusion on this thread. We are discussing about Igbo relationship with Hebrews. And am suggesting that snice E dna is found in both West Africa and Middle East,we are the ones with the oldest and original genes. People with E dna predate people in the israel with J dna. If we go by your analogy,then all subsaharan Africans are hebrews. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by gatiano(m): 5:40pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Not all south saharan are Hebrew. However, a good number of Africans are Hebrews because of the intermarriage, and All of the Black people outside Africa, who were captured and Enslaved are all Hebrews, all of then till the very last baby born today. YA-BA-HWEHU means King of the light skinned people (not black light skinned people, the non-blacks). This non-blacks could not pronounce that name well, thus they shortened it to YAHWEHU and over time YAHWEH. "Let us make man in our own image" That was 59,999 Black people plus Yahweh making 60,000 People, Together they are called Eloheim. Permit me to continue a little later. Ihuomadinihu: |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 5:54pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
gatiano:It's still the same thing. Intermarriage means that gene flow is very present. The dna marker for most theorized 'Hebraic' ancestry is the E Haplogroup. This group is found all over Africa,parts of middle East and Europe. Therefore,all carries of E are hebrews? You see the problem? Especially when this E predates modern Jews. The least i can believe is that E group is not originally West African,snice experts have pointed to North African to East African origins. The E people moved into sub saharan Africa and displaced the indigenous carrriers of A and B. Following your analogy,these E people are hebrews that populated the rest of the continent? |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by ezeagu(m): 6:10pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
bigfrancis21: From my understanding, the beads were acquired through trade networks in the 9th century, if I'm not mistaken, from various areas well after the dynastic periods of Egypt. Igbo Ukwu dating comes way after any purported migrations out of Egypt. The DNA thing is news to me, all the Igbo people I've seen taken the DNA tests have come out 100% 'sub-Saharan'. bigfrancis21: I wan't challenging the blackness of whoever, I was criticising the propaganda of the British government. The Igbo language has nothing in common with Afro-Asiatic languages. There's just no solid evidence. 3 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 6:18pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
ezeagu:Just take your time and go through many articles on the E haplogroup and the L1mtdna. Both makeup Igbo dna. It seems like Whites want to condemn West Africans to that 'sub saharan term'. It's just a geographical term cos igbos share their dna with other Africans - east,central and north. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Nobody: 6:21pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
^ The claims about similarities in pottery baffled me as well. Ancient Egyptian pottery look nothing like the Igbo Ukwu pottery (which actually looks so much like the ritual pottery made by the Awgu people up till the 20th century - so much so that scholars think the pots were made by ancient Awgu potters and then sold to the Igbo Ukwu people.) And yes, you are right about the beads. They came from places as far as Venice, India...Egypt (? - never heard Egypt mentioned in connection with the beads to be quite frank. Will have to look into it) and reached Igboland via the trans-saharan trade route,passing through a chain of middlemen in North and Central Nigeria - all these after the Egypt of the Pharaohs had ceased to exist. 3 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by gatiano(m): 7:25pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Yes intermarriage can but only between Blacks. The Eloheim, 60,000 of them went to make this new people (mankind) on the island of Pelan on the Aegean sea, by delibrately grafting from their own body. Yahweh was only born about 6,700 years ago, but the process had begun 44,000 prior to when Yahweh was born. It began by the Black people moving away from the civilization. Do you know what happens when you move from civilization? You loose all knowledge with time. We did not move to loose knowledge of ourselves, We moved away to degenerate ourselves in order for the recessive genes to come to the surface, because our Dorminant genes covered the recessive genes completely. There was no albino, The difference between the black light skin person and a dark black person was not much at all. But after 44,000 years the hues of Blacks became visible having light skinned blacks and dark skinned and also a few Albinoes, all have both the dominant genes and the recessive genes. The degenerating of ourselves was the preparation for the works of Yahweh, It tooks 44,000 years without teachings or lessons from our forefathers to be so, yet, we never lost our minds. If you study a thing and you don't practice constantly, you would likely forget, and definitely your children would not have any knowledge of that thing. However, our Forefather raised some secretly from each tribes and the secret and history of the universe was passed on to them till today (that is where i tap from). Yahweh made the new people, by grafting a light skin blackmale into a light skinned blackwoman giving birth to probably a very light skinned black child or dark skinned black child. This process went on for 200 years. There are 7 generations before the blackness is completely washed out lacking Dorminant genes. Till the 6th generation all possess Both the dorminant and the recessive genes. This 6 generations of Black people are who are called HEBREWS, The children of Yahweh. Yahweh himself is a jet Black person from Arabia. The new people started giving problems to the HEBREWS, so much that they escaped Greece and settled in Jerusalem, Palestine. They were later pushed out, till they migrated into the heart of Africa, later captured and sold into slavery with the indigenous Africans too. Hebrews are the children of Yahweh with both the dorminant genes (black germs) and the recessive genes(brown). Anybody outside this is not black and can't be considered Hebrew. If a white or arab, or indian, or mongolian or latinoes marries a black person, They can not be called hebrew (they lack dorminant genes), but their child now is either Black or hebrew regardless of his/her skin colour, if this child marries a black person again on the 2nd generation, the grand child will be more black, thus the grandparent with the recessive gene can be called "BORN-AGAIN" with a promise of everlasting life is he/she is good. Dorminant gene/black germ is what makes one black or/and hebrew. If you want to trace the haploid dna, you will start from 6100 years ago. who was the first people that was grafted from the black? The latinoes and the spanish, the greeks (what is their haploid dna)? Ihuomadinihu: |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by macof(m): 7:58pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
bigfrancis21: Egyptian influence on Igbo Ukwu? And Egyptian pyramids in igboland? Seriously? I've never heard this You have images? And btw what's to say Igbo weren't the originators of such art design? Anyway am sure you have images right? I thought Igbo don't call themselves "ibo" Ibri/Ivri means the Traverse, referring to Hebrew ancestors coming from the other side of the Euphrates river ie. Mesopotamia What does Igbo mean? And according to Hebrew legends, all of the house of Jacob left Egypt with Moses, none stayed and went a separate way. So you must be mistaken 4 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by macof(m): 8:03pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Radoillo: It's a wonder They have no straight path to follow knowing all roads lead to a dead end on this Hebrew claim 3 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 8:04pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
macof:Don't be so hard bro! Both Igbos,Yorubas,Efiks and Akans are all in this together snice they share similar ancestry. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by macof(m): 8:13pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: You forgot Gbe speakers(Fon, Ewe, Aja), Igala, Idoma and Edoid people am not hard am only looking for answers, we can't just accept everything we read on the internet 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by absoluteSuccess: 9:39pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
bigfrancis21 : You never move without fixing your 'one and only problem', Yoruba. Is Yoruba your ultimate nightmare? I don't feel threatened or annoyed by Igbo, can't use silly, disparaging word in the same line with Igbo. If anyone engage you on deliberate need to fix-it for Yoruba, you start ricochetting like rhombus. How I miss Metaphysical on Euroasia. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 9:46pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
absoluteSuccess:What in the world are you talking about? This thread is in need of people that can make resonable contributions. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by bigfrancis21: 10:19pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
absoluteSuccess: It has come to my notice that you actually turn around your problems and redirect them at someone else as their problems in your bid to mask your insecurity. I would never do that to anyone. Grow a feather and face your fears. On the contrary, I was simply having a healthy discussion on DNA ancestries of Nigerian tribes. I see no 'yoruba problem' in my posts except you, who might actually have an 'Igbo problem' and it upsets you to read of giant strides and achievements of the Igbo, in the past and now, and often want to claim what isn't attributed to you. How has mentioning subsaharan origins of yoruba become 'disparaging' or a 'yoruba problem'? Or you want to tell me that you take no delight in being 'subsaharan african'?? 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by bigfrancis21: 10:20pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: He is still embellished in a hangover from a previous thread where I called him out on trying to claim what wasn't attributed to him. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by absoluteSuccess: 11:06pm On Apr 07, 2015 |
bigfrancis21:I don't care what you think of me, I know your tricks. My issue is, you know how to tell everything about Yoruba, so how does Yoruba 'foreign ancestors' come from 'godknowwhere'? disrespectful and classless language. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by bigfrancis21: 12:07am On Apr 08, 2015 |
absoluteSuccess: Please quote and unquote the part I mentioned 'godknowswhere'. Thank you. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by PabloAfricanus(m): 1:36am On Apr 09, 2015 |
Loooool! I find it ridiculous the lil consolation parties you guys are having over histories that will never concern you. A lil poser for u guys... 1) Name ur ethnic group and give me the names for "pyramid", "dynasty" 2)Prove to me that prior to the Europeans coming to enslave y'all, ur forefathers had a proven oral record of Egypt, Hebrews and the middle east in general. 3) If the Europeans had not arrived ur shores with their bibles and would you guys have been able to differentiate the names "Tokugawa","Amenhotep","Abraham" and "Marduk"? 4) Compare the level of social,political and cultural development of the Israelites/Hebrews as at the time the Romans took over as colonial rulers of Judea...and match it up against the state the colonial masters met your ancestors. 5) If say one of your ancestors back then had been taken on a tour by ship to the Giza pyramid @ Egypt and say pyramids @ Teotihuacan...would he have been able to say which continent each pyramid was in? That is if they had any idea what a continent was.... 6) If a hebrew scroll of the Torah was shown to ya forbears when they met with the europeans...could they have been able to tell it apart from say an egyptian or ethiopian scroll? I'm assuming you'll desist from ad hominem attacks and give me sensible answers. I believe you guys need to stop feeling inferior and accept the facts of historical reality. Other cultures and civilizations did their own thing...that's the way its your own thing and history will tell the story! Stop consoling yourselves with non existent links and conjectures. 3 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 8:07am On Apr 09, 2015 |
PabloAfricanus:How many Hebrews/Jews can answer those incoherent questions? Igbos are Igbos and jews and jews. But therein lies cultural similarities which cannot be explained. Experts have tried to identify the link all to no avail. The next solution is to go for dna results. And as far as i know Modern Jews,Egyptians,Ethiopians and tropical Africa(Igbo,Yoruba,Efik), share same genetic marking. If we can overlook the inability to identity torah words and pyramids,we can't overlook the dna similarity. The connection between Igbos and Modern jews exist in the E haplogroup, igbos and related groups have E3a while Modern Jews have E3b. As far as i know the origin of E group is still controversial. Experts insist that the E group is one of the founding lineages of the Jewish population. I still insist Igbos are older than Modern Jews. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by omototiadewa: 12:04pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
macof: Why is your body always hot? Too aggressive, if I were looking for yoruba history sure I know where to get it neither did I ask you for one. Well since you prefer to diverge, let it be. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by absoluteSuccess: 2:00pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: this is the answer you seek
What is food for the goose is food for the gander. Now at Bigfancis21, you picked a passing assumption from ezeagu, and you furnish a scientific explanation of this magnitude with the resource on Yoruba that is always at your disposal. Yours is a Greek gift, not an Africanist view. I thought you were recently juxtaposing Yoruba as having 90% and Igbo 80% of the outsiders dna? You must always use Yoruba to measure up your people. Why don't you track Hausa resources this much? If ezeagu's passing remark suddenly becomes a source of veritable fact in your hand, it adds another surprise to me on how you are always swift to 'pinned down' Yoruba 'here and there' to any of the fix-up of your choice. I don't have an issue with ezeagu's conclusion, he is an igbo-centric Africanist, he seldom talk about Yoruba or any other tribe other than he's, so he can feign less interested in how Yoruba got a foreign dna or make a detour. But as for you, we all know what your favour, so giving Yoruba to the Fulani is as good as intellectual assault of a jihadic-nature. What a scientist! Your sample of a population's dna is from a mix, and you ascribe that as representing the characteristics of the pure genus! How do you verify your claims or you just pluck whatever suits your purpose from passing remarks and all? Afopina toloun o pa fitila... the bee that is heading to the light. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 2:52pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
absoluteSuccess:Sorry,what is this about? Can you settle your issues with Bigfrancis in another thread. Hausa cannot be used in this study cos they are Afroasiatic blacks. Yoruba,Efik,Annang,Akan,Igbo,down to Cameroon and Gabon have similar derived ancestry and genes hence the comparison. The Eurasian genes in Yoruba might be traced to Fulanis and their history in the Yoruba kingdoms. 1 Like |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by absoluteSuccess: 3:26pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu:I know you to be fair, this is twice at quoting me, quote your brother and speak to him too. I am exited at Yoruba history to the same degree you are at yours, fairness demand your conclussions should center around your people, or I will assume your claim above as subtle tribal game shrouded with false humility. Identify two kings in Yoruba king list (outside Ilorin) fathered by the Fulani, if you can't, I stop taking you serious. |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Ihuomadinihu: 3:31pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
absoluteSuccess:You are only being sentimental! People are talking about the similar dna in Souther Nigeria and you only feel we are making a jest of Yoruba people. My goodness! Maybe the evil i committed was to mention the slight eurasia genes? Am sure you were not aware of that? Make reasonable contributions whenever you want to post your comments. Why don't you google and make your own research. The people that discovered it also pointed to a northern gene flow from Chadic/fulani regions and it's more of a Neanderthal gene. I thought you would be interested in your proto yoruba origins,alas,you are more interested in what i spent hours to research. This thread was not opened to spite yoruba people. You can make your own conclusions,everything i have posted is in line with academic findings done conducted by people that matter. If you are reasonable,you would join me to conduct further researches on the E haplogroup and the origin of Niger congo languages. Nobody cares if you are yoruba or not and i don't expect you to drop tribalistic comments henceforth! 2 Likes |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Nobody: 3:59pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Op when i read thru ur post i smiled becos not everyone will believe this story, many guys are going to make mockery of it becos they ve not been told either in school or in church...BUT IT'S THE TRUTH.... |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Johnnoo(m): 4:00pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Man forget this story... |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by Kanmyos(m): 4:01pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
... |
Re: Somebody Tell Benjamin Netanyahu That Igbo Are The Lost Tribe Of Gad! by OkikiOluwa1(m): 4:02pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Mortiple:Its like some Ibo people feel elated when they are associated with the Jews... As if theirs money attached to it. 1 Like |
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