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A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) - Politics - Nairaland

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A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:29pm On Apr 15, 2015
PLEASE READ before commenting.

Pre-1967, the people of South South and Igbo dominated South East had lived harmoniously within the entity called Nigeria under the "Eastern Region" nomenclature. Permit me to use the nomenclature "Easterners" rather than SS/SE as a symbol of our unity.

Two Events That Soiled The Relationship
23, February 1966:
The Niger Deltans led by late Isaac Boro led were dissatisfied with the system called Nigeria because of the marginalisation of the people in the region declared an independent "Niger Delta Republic". This republic was short-lived and crushed by then Nigeria leader Lt Gen Aguiyi Ironsi and Lt Col Odumegwu Ojukwu. Because they had believed in one Nigeria.

30 May 1967:
Col Ojukwu declared Biafra Republic after the collapse of Aburi Accord between himself and Gowon. Though the Niger Deltans was part of the republic as declared, people from the region were divided in loyalty with majority aligning to remain in Nigeria rather than Biafra. In fact, Boro was recruited to fight against the Biafra republic.

These two events led to bad blood, distrust, feelings of betrayals, and others amongst the "old" Easterners. We even went as far as denying relationships, rewriting history to suit our individual ethnic groups and tribes and create negative perception against each other.

The March 28, 2015 Event
The Presidential election presented us opportunity to test our collective unity as a sub-group within the Nigeria state. It was worthy to note that though the President is of Ijaw ethnic stock, virtually everyone from within the "old" Eastern region stock irrespective of tribe rallied round to support him and showed it through the ballot. The defeat of Jonathan brought tears to many and created emotional reaction. A message was passed. The message was a message of "We Are Emotionally United".

Important Points From These Events
1. A second look at the event of 1966 and 1967-1970 will tell that what motivated the two events were feelings of marginalisation and loss of confidence within Nigeria state to address the issue both sociopolitically and economically.

2. We all recognise injustice in the system and have been used against each other. While an Igbo Leader and Governor worked against the Niger Delta in 1966 to preserve the Nigeria state, the Niger Delta majority led by an Ijaw soldier fought against the Biafra movement to preserve the Nigeria state between 1967 and 1970.

3. We all realise our emotional unity and the strength in a united front and expressed it on March 28 via the ballot.

4. We have no choice but to form a common bloc as "easterners" to press home our demand and be a major player within the Nigeria state...just like our Northern and Western brothers have been doing.

5. We have to let go of whatever grievances of the past(1966 and 1967-70) and forge a common front as brethren for the benefit of all irrespective of tribe.

6. In unity we have an avenue to press home our demands by engaging local, states and federal leaders for the good of all by exploiting every legitimate means. We also will become major political bloc and will no longer be at the mercy of any region. Our socio-political relationship with other region will be symbiotic and not one-way.

Finally, there is strength in unity...Let's exploit it.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:30pm On Apr 15, 2015
Very Important:
1. If you are an Igbo Supremacist, Ijaw Supremacist, Urhobo Supremacist, Efik Supremacist, Ikwerre Supremacist, Ibibio Supremacist or any other tribal supremacist, this thread is NOT for you. Though we will be glad to see everyone drop their supremacist ideology.

2. We don't need to be violent to get what we want. If you are a promoter of violence, please drop the idea and embrace strategic and non violent means. The West(Yorubas) is a typical example of pursuing an interest without firing a single bullet. It is not cowardice to be strategic, it is not bravery to be violent.

3. To people of non-eastern origin, this thread is neither an Eastern supremacist thread nor a racist thread. It is a thread that is aimed at promoting the socio-political and economic interests of the "easterners" within the Nigeria State(similar to Afenifere Renewal Group and Northern Groups).

4. The term "easterners" include our brother in the defunct Mid-western region I.e Present day Edo and Delta States. It does not exclude those with "eastern" origin in diaspora.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:32pm On Apr 15, 2015
musing2 wrote

"Me and my idealistic self.

Personally I see a politically unified Eastern region as one which can best protect the cultural values of the people therein, and secure their economic future.

What else do I want....nothing.


Culture -Language: A union that supports people like the guy responsible for this script, GIN, which can be used for languages such as Efik, Ibibio, Ejagham, Igbo, etc. China and Japan have shown how unifying a writing system understood by different language groups can be, and what unity as a people can achieve.

Economy - Laws: An Eastern union is obviously best placed to demand for fair laws at the national level that promote it's economic growth, such as laws regarding resource control over resources like oil, natural gas, coal, limestone, uranium, and iron ore (how wonderful..we have in the SS/SE the Major resources needed for an industrialized economy). Those for power, concrete, steel, chemicals etc.)

Economy - Economic security:
An Eastern union is best placed to compete with other regions of West Africa and secure it's economic future, because as a political block it can pool together it's resources to create a highly needed "sane space" in the West Africa sub-region. Better than that which attains in Lagos or Accra, where transportation, affordable power, security, housing, and education would not be an issue. Already we have IPPs in Abia, Rivers state, and Akwa Ibom, capable of powering their surrounding cities, yet there is little political will to bring them fully online.

All this while in Nigeria, big yes. Still, the Eastern region as a block has comparative advantage in major economic goods over almost any other place in the West African sub region, and one Nigeria should not stop it from competing fairly. So i'm all for UNITY."

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Truckpusher(m): 12:34pm On Apr 15, 2015
Barcanista, I think the awareness has been created and at this point you can create a new nairaland moniker where we can use as a medium to reach out to people that are interested and we go offline.

The thread is beginning to look like a normal nairaland market women thread. grin

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by dunkem21(m): 12:34pm On Apr 15, 2015
..typing grin

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by raumdeuter: 12:35pm On Apr 15, 2015
I guess this would exclude Delta and Edo states since they were not in the old Eastern region


Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by kestolove95(m): 12:37pm On Apr 15, 2015
Remove south south from South East we don't have any bizness with you people just like we don't have bizness with d north and west...d igbos think we fools stop bringing the south south into ur biafra..

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:39pm On Apr 15, 2015
I guess this would exclude Delta and Edo states since they were not in the old Eastern region
My bad... I'm including all SS and SE states. Sorry, I will modify to reflect them.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:40pm On Apr 15, 2015
Calling on:
Truckpusher Eurobomber Dearpreye Whynotthetruth Biafranqueen Mizmycoli Ikengawo Ishilove Mogidi altwireless obiagelli

Present Sir!


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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:40pm On Apr 15, 2015
@Barcanista, God will bless you abundantly for this thread. Thank you for taking your time to highlight what caused disharmony between us in 1966/67 and also highlighting what has brought us together. The 2015 general elections has no doubt, opened our eyes to so many things in Nigeria. Let us stay united and form a common power bloc-the Eastern bloc. I have always said that the division of SE/SS was politically done to weaken the East and continue to keep us under. You are correct in saying that no one should call for violence as this is not a sign of bravery or strength. We can demand what we want from Nigeria if you stay united as one.

I am very happy and proud of my people for standing with the minority president till the last minute. Let us stay together and play the opposition while we continue to watch Nigeria. People of the SE/SS, do not be deceived anymore, there are groups in this country trying very hard to see that we remain disunited but we must not allow them. A word is enough for the wise.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:40pm On Apr 15, 2015




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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by raumdeuter: 12:44pm On Apr 15, 2015
My bad... I'm including all SS and SE states. Sorry, I will modify to reflect them.

Has there been anything that bound SS and SE together historically?

All these fake marriages. That was how before election it was SE, SS and MB

Now Middle Belt have been dropped from the equation to SS and SE.

How is an Oba of Bini related to an Eze from Afikpo. Thats what we call a marriage of strange bedfellows

34 Likes 1 Share

Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by ellechrystal(f): 12:44pm On Apr 15, 2015
Well said bro, u ve really enlightened us on d rift between some tribes,

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by ozoigbondu: 12:44pm On Apr 15, 2015
Make i register my presence before reading barca post cheesy

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Ishilove: 12:44pm On Apr 15, 2015
Calling on:
Truckpusher Eurobomber Dearpreye Whynotthetruth Biafranqueen Mizmycoli Ikengawo Ishilove Mogidi altwireless obiagelli

Okay...you try in your write up... undecided

I'm just here to ban any one who starts any tribal mudslinging bullshit and ethnic bashing angry

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:45pm On Apr 15, 2015
Thread to unify Nigeria and Nigerians against our common enemy (poverty and corruption) or thread to unify a region against the others? The later am not part of.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:47pm On Apr 15, 2015



Exactly the idea. It is for a permanent unification and not just a temporary idea. The term SS and SE itself project "disunity" hence, I use the term eastern region. You know look at our Northern Neighbours hardly refer to NE or NW. Those are just political terms. We have no choice but to be united. By the grace of God we will achieve that.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Jdbrasco2: 12:49pm On Apr 15, 2015
Gud piece nd datz d way to go. Its now clear dat d SS/ SE needs to embrace each other following current events. We hv been terribly exploited by other regions. The goose dat lay d golden eggs shld wake up

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:51pm On Apr 15, 2015
Thread to unify Nigeria and Nigerians against our common enemy (poverty and corruption) or thread to unify a region against the others? The later am not part of.
I know people like you. Take your time to read the Original write-up. You don't fault regional integration. Why do you think there exist groups like ACF, Odua, Afenifere, YCA, INC etc? Plse stop acting like ignorantly. Ignore thread if you aren't interested. Thanks

36 Likes 5 Shares

Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:55pm On Apr 15, 2015

Has there been anything that bound SS and SE together historically?

All these fake marriages. That was how before election it was SE, SS and MB

Now Middle Belt have been dropped from the equation to SS and SE.

How is an Oba of Bini related to an Eze from Afikpo. Thats what we call a marriage of strange bedfellows
Oga, what binds the Kanuris and the Beroms? These two tribes are represented in a united Northern Group. And what binds the Francophone Mali and the Anglophone Ghana? tell me? There lies your answer!

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:56pm On Apr 15, 2015

Okay...you try in your write up... undecided

I'm just here to ban any one who starts any tribal mudslinging bullshit and ethnic bashing angry
We all know quite well what threads like this one breeds.


Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 12:59pm On Apr 15, 2015
I know people like you. Take your time to read the Original write-up. You don't fault regional integration. Why do you think there exist groups like ACF, Odua, Afenifere, YCA, INC etc? Plse stop acting like ignorantly. Ignore thread if you aren't interested. Thanks
Those idiotic groups are the genesis of our problems, go and check their leaders, they are the bitter old cargos that have benefited from trying to divide the people and not the country itself. It is sad to see brilliant youths following that silly path.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 1:00pm On Apr 15, 2015
Oh well...

If one becomes irrelevant politically, he sinks into being a tribal champion!

Kontinu, hireling, in your new found ignoble path.

Very sad.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by atlwireles: 1:02pm On Apr 15, 2015
The election of 2015 changed Nigeria fundamentally. Goodluck losing was not good, but the voting pattern in my opinion has done the SS/SE lots of good. Many people mainly from the SS understand Nigeria better than ever before. I see a bright future for both regions.

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Nobody: 1:03pm On Apr 15, 2015
Well said bro, u ve really enlightened us on d rift between some tribes,
Well, its a pleasure dear. I wish we can have more people here. Because we are just getting started.


Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by Rose2014: 1:03pm On Apr 15, 2015
Exactly the idea. It is for a permanent unification and not just a temporary idea. The term SS and SE itself project "disunity" hence, I use the term eastern region. You know look at our Northern Neighbours hardly refer to NE or NW. Those are just political terms. We have no choice but to be united. By the grace of God we will achieve that.


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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by collynzo2(m): 1:03pm On Apr 15, 2015
Being in the opposition will be the best thing for both regions especially the South South which is responsible for most of Nigeria's revenue.
The clamour for resource control is no longer left in the hands of militants but will now be championed by elected officials of the highest level. No more party solidarity to silence them.
Someone like Governor Wike will be in the fore front.


Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by kheart(m): 1:04pm On Apr 15, 2015
No matter how many articles u write here, south south ll never see south east as their brothers and vice versa.

The only thing that makes d ibos vote overwhemly for gej was because of the azikwe and dey see south south as lesser evils than North.

Imagine a colleuge of mine here (a calabar) who is married to an ibo woman and still disses and hate ibo pple. Smh

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Re: A Political Thread For "Old" Eastern Region (south East And South South) by collynzo2(m): 1:06pm On Apr 15, 2015
Well said bro, u ve really enlightened us on d rift between some tribes,
That is the truth o, the northerners have always found a way to use divide and rule tactics to achieve their aims.


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