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Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) - Pets - Nairaland

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I Need A Male Or Female Gsd Pup Or Adult In Exchange For A Dell Laptop! / Who Wants To Buy Puppy? White, Brown Or Black? For Sale Now! / When To Deworm Your Puppy Or Dog (2) (3) (4)

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Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by Mckandre(m): 12:04am On Apr 19, 2015
Help me out guys. M contemplating between buying diamond puppy or premium adult for my gsd,she will be a year in a week time. I have this notion that the puppy formular will make her grow bigger cos she's a bit lean due to her low appetite but the vet advised me otherwise that its not proper considering she's a female; that too much fat will hinder her from entering heat. This got me worried cos she hasn't entered her first heat ever since I got her. On the other hand he also advised that I should take the premium adult for nursing dame and sporting dogs;its better off due to the fact that it has better metabolism that will aid her into entering heat on time. My problem now is which one is going to provide my gsd with enough essentials to aid her a better growth...

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Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by arcbay(m): 9:02am On Apr 19, 2015
Hi there, do u realise your dog is still a pup, what some Nigerians would call "young adult"... Do the needful and stop paying attention to some excuses given by ur vet. Follow her up with vit tabs and supplements. I've not heard of any case where a particular brand of processed dog food was reported to delay heat. Your dog is not just ready to come on heat, so don't sweat over it, and even if she comes on heat, u can't mate on her first heat, not advisable.

This case can be likened to the life of two twin sisters... One of them hit her menstrual cycle at age 10 while the other didn't hit hers until 15...

So bro, take ur mind off it and feed ur dog what u think is right for her age.

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Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by kuzee(m): 9:20am On Apr 19, 2015
Hi there, do u realise your dog is still a pup, what some Nigerians would call "young adult"... Do the needful and stop paying attention to some excuses given by ur vet. Follow her up with vit tabs and supplements. I've not heard of any case where a particular brand of processed dog food was reported to delay heat. Your dog is not just ready to come on heat, so don't sweat over it, and even if she comes on heat, u can't mate on her first heat, not advisable.

This case can be likened to the life of two twin sisters... One of them hit her menstrual cycle at age 10 while the other didn't hit hers until 15...

So bro, take ur mind off it and feed ur dog what u think is right for her age.
seconded..you just almost said my mind,
just like they say a lean dog is an healthy dog..
Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by Mckandre(m): 4:07pm On Apr 19, 2015
Hi there, do u realise your dog is still a pup, what some Nigerians would call "young adult"... Do the needful and stop paying attention to some excuses given by ur vet. Follow her up with vit tabs and supplements. I've not heard of any case where a particular brand of processed dog food was reported to delay heat. Your dog is not just ready to come on heat, so don't sweat over it, and even if she comes on heat, u can't mate on her first heat, not advisable.

This case can be likened to the life of two twin sisters... One of them hit her menstrual cycle at age 10 while the other didn't hit hers until 15...

So bro, take ur mind off it and feed ur dog what u think is right for her age.
thanks for the heads up bro. I myself is pretty much aware that my gsd is still a pup but hearing such from a professional side really got me wondering. despite being wrong,I wouldn't counter him on his statement. if you're to choose between jojo and diamond puppy, which one would u go for?
Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by chucky234(m): 6:11pm On Apr 19, 2015
thanks for the heads up bro. I myself is pretty much aware that my gsd is still a pup but hearing such from a professional side really got me wondering. despite being wrong,I wouldn't counter him on his statement. if you're to choose between jojo and diamond puppy, which one would u go for?
Get Jojo premium , if you can afford Royal Canin then go for it.
Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by arcbay(m): 7:39pm On Apr 19, 2015
thanks for the heads up bro. I myself is pretty much aware that my gsd is still a pup but hearing such from a professional side really got me wondering. despite being wrong,I wouldn't counter him on his statement. if you're to choose between jojo and diamond puppy, which one would u go for?

Depending on how much you're willing to spare, u can do royal canin, it costs 19,800, or u can settle for Arion puppy which costs 8,000...Thats for the dry feed, follow up with Jojo canned food... Don't forget multivitamin tabs too...
Re: Need An Advice ASAP( Whether To Buy Puppy Or Adult Formulae) by Mckandre(m): 9:24pm On Apr 19, 2015

Depending on how much you're willing to spare, u can do royal canin, it costs 19,800, or u can settle for Arion puppy which costs 8,000...Thats for the dry feed, follow up with Jojo canned food... Don't forget multivitamin tabs too...
notbad. Any idea on their kg size?

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BONAVITA, Captain Jack * Actor (1916-1917). The Greatest Animal Trainer / Top Quality Caucasian Puppies For Sale. Both Sex Available / Why I Prefer Vicious Dogs

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