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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Please Help! My Dog Is Dying (3134 Views)
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Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 8:31am On Apr 21, 2015 |
Pls experienced dog owners and vet docs in the house, I need your advice. My dog Adolf is alsatian, 14 yrs old (but looks much younger). It just suddenly became lame on Friday. Could only get up with my assistance. It got worse by Saturday with almost complete loss of appetite (he only ate some chicken I boiled for him). Saturday he refused the chicken. So I tried beef and he ate it. But since Sunday to date it's complete loss of appetite. He won't eat anything even boiled fresh fish. He has only been drinking water. I tried adding glucose to the water but he won't touch it. He wants only plain water. And he can't get up at all, even with my assistance. I got a vet coming daily to treat but no improvement. I suspected hip dysplasia. Vet feels there is an infection in addition. He has been giving daily gentamicin injection and b-complex inj since Sunday,but no improvement. When it started Friday, he was urinating very frequently and indiscriminately probably from drinking a lot of water. I gave aspirin oral Saturday to ease pain and added omega 3 fish oil sunday. Vet started treatment Sunday and gave diclofenac inj in addition to antibiotic and b complex. Since monday urination reduced drastically. And he did not urinate Monday. I suspect the diclofenac has adversely affected his kidney. Vet has stopped it. He got only one dose of 75mg. Dog weighs about 40kg. Now he vomits (not frequently) after drinking water; probably because he can't urinate easily. My dog has been a great companion. He has lived a good life. Has hardly been sick. I would be very happy if there is anything I can do to help him. It really pains me to see him suffer. I miss walking him every morning. He always came to wake me up for early morning walk. He always looked forward to it. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Nobody: 8:50am On Apr 21, 2015 |
Prodegee Geraldsimi |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 11:57am On Apr 21, 2015 |
edozie04: Thanks bro. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by BOUNTYDOG(m): 12:07pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
Did you say 14yrs old? If so its ageing,he has really tried to live that long,just continue giving him water and probably indocid tabs. 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 7:02pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
BOUNTYDOG: He has really tried. I just feel sad that he can't get up and walk around. I want to see him go without much pain. He has been a great friend. I gave him tramadol today. The nsaids (which includes indocid) is causing him GI irritation. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by blasiangurl85(f): 7:11pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
Hi, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. But I think the best thing you can do for your dog is to put him to sleep. I had to make the same decision when my previous dog got old. He eventually became blind and even had a stroke. He became paralysed and I had to make that painful decision but I know it was the best rather than for him to live his remaining days in pain and as an invalid. 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by gangwolf(m): 9:19pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
blasiangurl85:That is a very hard and emotional decision to make, i know it would have been hard for you doing it. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by maxtum(m): 9:24pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
poseidon12: Boil Titus fish (due to aroma) and add with half boiled egg... appetite loss and do stop any form of antibiotic and b complex for a few days(2 days). then force omega 3 fish oil down his throat with Pet tabs and watch for 1 day. Remember to put water close by and use blanket to cover him up at night. Give me an update by this time tomorrow. Old age crippling in but doesn't have to react this way...too much drug down his system!. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 10:10pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
blasiangurl85:Thanks. I guess I will take that step eventually. I want to hold out a little to see if there is anything I can do to change the situation. How hard was it making the decision? |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 10:39pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
maxtum:Thanks a lot. I will try that right now. Just came back from work and happy he is still breathing. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Yush(m): 11:17pm On Apr 21, 2015 |
poseidon12: And I am sure he will still wag his tail knowing you're back.. It's a pity.. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 8:01am On Apr 22, 2015 |
Hi all. My beloved dog Adolf just passed away few minutes ago. He just stopped breathing. I am just devastated. I can't hold back tears. He passed away peacefully. But he was in pains for some days now. He was such an intelligent dog and very gentle. I will miss him greatly. Next step for me now is how to take care of his body. I would have loved cremation if it is offered in Nigeria. Please I need advice from those that have been through this situation. Thank you all for your support. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by blasiangurl85(f): 8:23am On Apr 22, 2015 |
So sorry, I know exactly how you feel. I don't know about cremation. When my dog passed the vets took care of the body. Maybe you can ask your vet if they know anything about cremation. 14 years is a long time and definitely he will be like part of your family. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by jeblerem: 8:34am On Apr 22, 2015 |
So sorry about the loss. I will advise you dig and bury the body securely. I must as well commend you on the dog. 14years is such a long time for the dog and the dog must have died naturally due to old age. Move on and get another dog, before you know it, you will get attached to that one too. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by maxtum(m): 8:46am On Apr 22, 2015 |
poseidon12: So Sorry Poseidon about the loss. So sorry. I see you have a deep passion for dogs! Reach me via mail...i will give you a Rottweiler Pup...i tend to want to trust you with a pup. Sorry again. 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Magpies(m): 8:52am On Apr 22, 2015 |
poseidon12:sorry bout DAT brother, I wouldn't advice cremation buh bury d remains in a secured area where u would remember cus he has been part and parcel of your life |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 8:57am On Apr 22, 2015 |
jeblerem: Thank you very much. Although I expected this as he was not eating for 2 days and I thought I had prepared my mind to accept losing him, I still can't hold back tears this morning. Even as it was time for him to go. He has really tried. I'll miss him very much. I and my nephew are thinking of burning the body. This might be better option since I live in rented flat. I am open to suggestions though. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 9:01am On Apr 23, 2015 |
maxtum: Thank you very much maxtum. You are right; I have a deep passion for dogs (and cats too). I have realised however, how difficult it can be to keep pet in Nigeria if you live in a block of flats in the city. At a point I even got a quit notice from my landlord because his wife doesn't like dogs although I informed him that I have a dog before moving in. It took the intervention of his son who also loves dogs (he owns 2 dogs in his house) to rescind the quit notice. So for now, I would take a breather until I move to a more convenient residence. Your trust in me is not misplaced though. I will do my best for any pet I own. It pains me when I see people keeping pets they can't take good care of. I really appreciate your support and offer. I will stay in touch. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by ceeteed(m): 6:50pm On Apr 25, 2015 |
Sorry about the death of Adolf,I know how it feel,as I was there too when we lost playful Scooby on the 15th of January 2015 after only 6 year.I pray God grant it eternal rest. Take heart. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by poseidon12: 2:34pm On Apr 26, 2015 |
ceeteed: Thank you very much. He is in a better place now; with no more pains. I miss him. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Eveezy(m): 12:43am On Apr 27, 2015 |
so sorry for your loss, i also know exactly what u going through now, i lost an adult dog that showed all of the symtoms u mentioned, worse part was that i wasnt even at home when she died, i traveled,when i was told she was gasping for air, i had to abandon what i was doing and travelled back, but she died before i got home, tears were not just enough, she was so gorgeous, a very deep bark, and a very awesome dog, i went through all d stages of grief, i didnt wana accept she was dead, i requested that she wasnt buried and hoped that she was only too weak to stand, untill i finally accepted she was dead when she began to swell nd i had to bury her, i was so desperate for some oda dog to fill that hole she left in my heart but still confused, infact am still desperate for a new dog to fill that hole, but i just cant think of replacing her even in death, if i could have anoda dog with so much energy and love for me,i sometimes refer to her as my guardian angel. well shez dead now and i have to accept that. all these apened 4 weeks ago, and i can assure u that am getting beta and assure u that u would heal, a new dog will help u sha to keep your mind from drifting back wit regrets, i wish i could get one too, but just thinking of d new one, me going to search for the perfect puppy, she growing up, getting old and dieing all just come running to my head, well i know tinz will definitely get beta, cos i actually feel better now,although d hole is still there but we will survive. we just need to accept that our dogs are in a better place now 1 Like |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Maximus85(m): 9:36pm On Apr 28, 2015 |
Wow! Even as I don't know Adolf. I felt pain. I had to read the post and was hit had when he died. Dogs are blessings to mankind. I've never own a dog, I wish I have one though. They are man's best friend. I've been in serious fight with those inhuman people that eat dogs. I feel anybody that can eat a dog will definitely eat a human. I've not gotten a dog because I can't buy with money, never. It can't be attached to money. Till I'm opportune to be entrusted with one..... I will wait. In fact, I have a name to name him already in my head. |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by DocAdray(f): 1:10pm On Apr 30, 2015 |
Sorry about your loss OP, it lived quite long and died a geriatric. All dogs go to heaven... |
Re: Please Help! My Dog Is Dying by Maximus85(m): 2:39pm On Apr 30, 2015 |
maxtum: Wish I could be entrusted with one. Words can't explain how badly I want to raise a puppy. |
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