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Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 - Romance - Nairaland

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Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by nsiazu: 9:06pm On Apr 25, 2015
[b]Zheijang province, China - a 13-year-old
runaway girl named experienced an
unfortunate series of events as she was sold by
her so-called boyfriend to a 40-year-old man
for a price of $3200. The 13-year old girl was
raped, starved and beaten reportedly by her
experienced these things as she
initially eloped with her boyfriend . It was
said that A-Wu convinced her to run away from
her parents’ home in order to
with him. A-Wu even added flowery words such
as making her believe that a
awaits them as soon as they get
together. The naive child fell to the trap as A-
Wu only wanted to make money out of her.
As soon as he convinced the child to go with
him, He immediately sold Xiao to 42-year-old
named . Xiao was forced to come with
the 42-year old man who only feeds her one
bowl of rice a day, if she answers him back,
Mr.Guo will beat her up while saying that she
already costed him too much money. The naive
girl tried to escape the hands of her captor for 9
times already. But the only problem is that she
was taken by Guo to the mountains and she
easily gets lost. She is more scared of dying in
the mountains than being abused by Mr. Guo.
There are also chances of Xiao being able to
contact her parents but she is too afraid to let
her voice be heard. She is scared because her
captor always threatens her that he will kill her
parents ift hey try to show up and get her back.
The threats to the 13-year old Xiao made her
feel helpless, she calls her parents but she will
only listen to her parents' voices and eventually
hangs up. Her parents in return, thinks that it
was only prank calls then.
Burt every suffering must come to an end and
every bad deeds needs to be paid with
punishment, Xiao's father decided to call the
police. The police were able to locate and
rescue the poor Xiao Zhao from the hands of
her ‘husband.' When the police found her, she
had lost so much weight. Her own father
almost did not recognize her due to a drastic
weight loss she attained from the abusive
hands of Mr.Guo. Xiao's suffering ended and
justice is anticipated to be served, as Mr. Guo
and A-Wu have been arrested already and were
charged with kidnapping, human trafficking,
child abuse, and rape. The prosecutor will be
adding more charges before the case goes to
court. Xiao and her family is hoping that justice
be served and the two evil men get punished
for luring Xiao with the thoughts of having a
"happily ever after" in order to make money out
of her innocent age.
Xiao Zhao
source: www.thecontroversialfiles.net/2015/02/boyfriend-sold-13-year-old-girlfriend.html?m=0
Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by Cutehector(m): 9:08pm On Apr 25, 2015
Dats d shii am talkn abt...

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Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by Pinkiedearie(f): 9:19pm On Apr 25, 2015
This story get K-leg jawe.

The parents didn't call police till it got to the stage she grew lean abi?..pranks ni franks kur..
Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by nsiazu: 9:36pm On Apr 25, 2015
This story get K-leg jawe.

The parents didn't call police till it got to the stage she grew lean abi?..pranks ni franks kur..
She might be an ophan.
Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by Pinkiedearie(f): 9:47pm On Apr 25, 2015
She might be an ophan.
yes..that's true
Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by asadike(f): 9:57pm On Apr 25, 2015
What? 13 yrs? Oh my God! Pls prosecutor, make it a 20 count charge,they deserve to be hung by d balls. Punish d parents too for not bringing up their daughter properly. The girl must have learnt a great lesson, so no need to punish her.

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Re: Boyfriend Sold 13 Year Old Girlfriend To A 42-year-old Man For Only $3200 by nsiazu: 10:10am On Apr 27, 2015
What? 13 yrs? Oh my God! Pls prosecutor, make it a 20 count charge,they deserve to be hung by d balls. Punish d parents too for not bringing up their daughter properly. The girl must have learnt a great lesson, so no need to punish her.

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