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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Single Ladies. (3066 Views)
7 Ways Some Nigerian Single Ladies Act When Desperately Looking For Boyfriends / EXPOSED: Reason For Increasing No Of Single Ladies In Nigeria & The Solution / Desperation Of Some Single Ladies( Hilarious Picture) (2) (3) (4)
Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 8:22pm On Feb 08, 2015 |
So what exactly is the craze behind publishing articles,telling single ladies how and why they need to act a certain way to get a man? There wouldn't be many single ladies if there were enough Husband materials. Since when is it a woman's job to find a man. It's a man's job to find a wife. These types of articles are ruining the mindset of women when it comes to dating. It's really annoying to see this type of foolishness,misleading women into believing that they are supposed to go out of their way to land a relationship. It's even more ironic that those women with the socalled 'silly attitudes' get married way before the decent home girls cos men say one thing and mean another. E.g Those kind of men that preach about natural beauty will happily jump into the arms of a dolled up lady. My advice to those overnight relationship/marriage counselor is to publish articles on how a man can find a good wife and how to be more appealing to women. Where are the articles advising men how to be marriage ready- to land and keep a good woman. We only see articles advising women on how to look,how to act,how to behave,how to be docile,how to be submissive and withhold opinions. Where are articles and guidelines and such that guide men to be good and responsible men. Enough of these media outlets constantly bombarding women with a list of things they need to do in order to find a husband or to be considered a wife material. The incessant promotion of this myopic idea of what a wife should look like is the type of propaganda that should be ridiculed not revered. Women deserve better. 12 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Single Ladies. by splashbaby(m): 5:00pm On Feb 17, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu:You try here ooo. Now I want to stalk you...don't be surprise when I start following you... I hardly follow people though. 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 7:36am On Feb 18, 2015 |
splashbaby:Lol,no p. |
Re: Single Ladies. by onyenro(m): 6:25am On Mar 20, 2015 |
was attracted by your monika. another name for nkeiruka... sort of. |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 4:00pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
onyenro:Lol,yes. I just saw this comment. 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 4:24pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Hmmmmmm, when i read threads about Tonto or Genevieve or any single celebrity for that matter, i pity them because they're always been murdered here on NL. Advise to Single Ladies, Love yourself, Serve God, live your life as a single lady that you are because once you're married you're married. Don't feel like a failure, learn from your mistakes and work out what you want for the future. Particularly for women who have been conditioned to be givers and not takers, its an opportunity to put yourself first. This is not an act of selfishness but selfhood. |
Re: Single Ladies. by Lisaflex(f): 5:09pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
Gbam!!! Wot exactly is d role of a man in mkin a r/ship work? Sick of hearing n readn abt all d stuff a woman shld do 2 mk a r/ship work...We sef be human being o! 3 Likes |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 9:02pm On Apr 09, 2015 |
eyah...... God go begin move una market only then you would stop seeing articles on how to get a man.... lol |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:16pm On May 03, 2015 |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:17pm On May 03, 2015 |
Lisaflex: Then kill yourself bi.ych |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 11:20pm On May 03, 2015 |
lordkrato:All igbo people are wawa? This site gives you the opportunity to say what you wouldn't say to people way above you. 3 Likes |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:24pm On May 03, 2015 |
. |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 11:31pm On May 03, 2015 |
lordkrato:Your English is terrible,pls. People in the 'East' are more literate than other Nigerians. No point insulting people you don't know. Which articles? Articles that supported polygamy in Nigeria? Are people not entitled to different opinions? You are probably a juvenile looking for whom to insult . 3 Likes |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:36pm On May 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: Shut the hell up dumbass.. Who are you to critique my oratory skills? They are more literate? Oh right.. You're e self deception is so terrible as it shows in your ramblings above.. Woe unto the guy that enters your one chance for it'll be one chance indeed... |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 11:42pm On May 03, 2015 |
lordkrato:Oratory skills on nairaland ![]() ![]() Haha...woe betide the person that considers this gibberish a skill. 3 Likes |
Re: Single Ladies. by Mhizkel(f): 11:51pm On May 03, 2015 |
Interesting! Women everytime, men too should contribute biko! 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:52pm On May 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: In not prepared to discuss with you any longer.. Before your start using that as an excuse to mix with the upper class.. Just stay where you are and wallow in your misery.. Adieu |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 11:56pm On May 03, 2015 |
Silence plssssss! |
Re: Single Ladies. by ayokellany: 11:57pm On May 03, 2015 |
VenusBetty:No man deserve to make you feel like a failure single or married. I know won't. |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 11:58pm On May 03, 2015 |
lordkrato: |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 12:01am On May 04, 2015 |
[quote author=jacksparrow1207 post=33394219][/quote] Hey..!!! A smart as.s is here.. Have you come to crosscheck my grammar before you sleep? Or are your mosquitoes not giving you any respite? Dude, No matter how much you try, your arse licking won't get you anywhere.. ![]() |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 12:02am On May 04, 2015 |
lordkrato: ![]()
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 12:05am On May 04, 2015 |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 12:09am On May 04, 2015 |
lordkrato: Ok. Goodnight |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 7:04am On May 04, 2015 |
lordkrato:Foolish troll. You have no business in this thread in the first place. 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by Lisaflex(f): 7:52pm On May 04, 2015 |
lordkrato:I've got jes 2 words 4 u... Grow up! 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by lordkrato(m): 11:59am On May 07, 2015 |
. 1 Like |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 10:34pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: men get told all the time to dress properly, to make all te money in the world in order to look more attractive to even undeserving women, to take it when a woman slaps him and not retaliate etc. The reason you feel the whole world is on your shoulder is because you deliberately chose not to see things from the man's view. No wonder you are tending towards feminism. |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 6:43am On Nov 07, 2015 |
craziebone:Yes,i'm a feminist. Do you have problems with that? You even had to check out my profile,lmao. Why does the average woman need to see through a man's perspective and a man need not do same,lol. I don't really have the time to lecture you about women and their male counter parts in 3rd world Nations. Never get into my mentions again! |
Re: Single Ladies. by Nobody: 11:27am On Nov 07, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: nooooo! I do not have a problem with you being feminist. I am a spook afterall. I specialize in fishing bad feminists. Don't get excited i did you the favour of checking your profile. Like i said, i am a spook, and checking your profile is a way i can get to know the right feminist to poach. The average man has always seen things from a woman's perspective, that's an established fact! Your asking that question in the first place, is the reason we have to watch out for you. Unfortunately for you, you do not have the power to stop me from appearing in your mentions. But don't worry; i do not live my life around your likes. I choose to respond to whatever i want to respond to, and on this particular issue, i want to discontinue talkin to you. Zaijian! |
Re: Single Ladies. by Ihuomadinihu: 4:50pm On Nov 07, 2015 |
craziebone:Specialized in trash! Like i said before,this thread is not for people like you. Keep it moving! |
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