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Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. - Religion - Nairaland

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Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by Swazoski(f): 4:20am On May 04, 2015
There is this friend of mine who told me he dream of seeing a green snake on a tree and communicating with each other but he rebuke the snake along the process and he later found that a woman appear and told him he should shut up, GOD will give him good things, initially the snake did not do anything to him just looking at him.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by laplace12(m): 4:28am On May 04, 2015
It is Just a dream.

What is that rubbish on your dp?
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by BeeBeeOoh(m): 5:04am On May 04, 2015
[size=48pt]makai call Joseph abeg..[/size]
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by jascon1(m): 5:09am On May 04, 2015
Ecclesiastes 5:3
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by Allureoftheseas(m): 5:38am On May 04, 2015
There is this friend of mine who told me he dream of seeing a green snake on a tree and communicating with each other but he rebuke the snake along the process and he later found that a woman appear and told him he should shut up, GOD will give him good things, initially the snake did not do anything to him just looking at him.

lmfao nigerians and rebuking

Generally, a snake featured in a dream means that
you’re dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling
emotions in your waking life. On the positive side of
this dream, dreaming of snakes could also
mean that healing and transformation are taking
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by pyyxxaro: 5:52am On May 04, 2015

lmfao nigerians and rebuking

Generally, a snake featured in a dream means that
you’re dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling
emotions in your waking life. On the positive side of
this dream, dreaming of snakes could also
mean that healing and transformation are taking

Ogbeni which Prophet you be , I like attend ur own o , my tithe is large grin
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by Allureoftheseas(m): 5:57am On May 04, 2015

Ogbeni which Prophet you be , I like attend ur own o , my tithe is large grin

worship lucifer.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by pyyxxaro: 6:01am On May 04, 2015

worship lucifer.

cry lucifer nor get level , I just finish beating again kiss
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by Babe2sure(f): 6:11am On May 04, 2015
Added to what Allureoftheseas said. Dreaming about snake could also mean, your enemy (someone attacking you spiritually or a betrayal) is within the room where you had the dream or around your neighbourhood.

But the snake being green and on a tree is what I cannot interpret. That may have another meaning entirely.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by wachakuta(m): 6:32am On May 04, 2015
it means u will soon plant grren grass in ur house thereby creating an avenue for the green snake to thrive
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by gemini35(m): 6:54am On May 04, 2015
I,dreamed were I,was drawing water from well,any interpretation on that house.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by Adekdammy: 7:33am On May 04, 2015
Beware of deceivers. The green snake blends with the grass to attack it can also blend with the leaves on the tree.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by enm(m): 1:23pm On May 04, 2015
Beware of deceivers. The green snake blends with the grass to attack it can also blend with the leaves on the tree.

In addition to the above post read Gen 3 and take note of verse 14 to 15

Your friend need to check his or her life and engage in serious fasting and prayer.

Don't let anyone deceive you that's a good dream. The bible is there as a point of reference or better still the holy spirit, ask him for help or interpretation.
Re: Green Snake Appear In My Friend's Dream..can Someone Interpret Please. by snakesmylove: 7:23pm On Apr 09, 2019
There is this friend of mine who told me he dream of seeing a green snake on a tree and communicating with each other but he rebuke the snake along the process and he later found that a woman appear and told him he should shut up, GOD will give him good things, initially the snake did not do anything to him just looking at him.

Dreaming of a Green Snake is a good Sign. It is a sign of something positive that is coming your way. For example upcoming health, wealth etc. Maybe you recover from a disease. Green color is connected to nature therefore it is a sign that something good will happen to your friend. Source - https://www.snakesindreams.com/green-snake-dream/

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