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Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 4:15pm On May 16, 2015 |
Read the Bible Cover to Cover... Meh I just finished reading the Bible cover to cover, and aside from being terribly underwhelmed, I am at a loss to understand how anyone could regard this book as anything but a repository of silly myths, barbarous laws, and poorly written missives, much of it presented without any of the context that might make sense of it. Take the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). The Genesis stories are mildly entertaining, but it's hard to discern any redeeming moral message, except that you had better believe in God and do what He says, or else. After the myths comes a legal code disturbingly obsessed with dietary and sexual restrictions. Then come the historical books. Here's the takeaway. When the Hebrews adhered to the terms of their covenant with Yahweh, they are allowed to slaughter and enslave the inhabitants of the Promised Land. When they break the terms of the covenant, they are slaughtered and enslaved in turn. Obey God, or else! Then there's the wisdom books. What a misnomer! The Book of Proverbs should be called the Book of Platitudes. Again, absolute faith is the highest virtue. Why? Why are you asking, you infidel?! Then the prophecy books. A bunch of cranks yelling at the kids to get off their lawns. And all the references to false prophets makes me wonder what other books were out there at the time, and what they had to say about the "prophets" featured in the Bible. So much for the Old Testament. Moving on to the New. The Gospels: Let's just say, if you've gotten to know Jesus through Hollywood treatments, you're going to be disappointed. At least Hollywood writers know story structure. Then comes Acts. Yawn. Let's move on. The letters of Paul: Here is the real meat and potatoes of Christianity, and there's not much to recommend it. Wives be subordinate to your husbands. Women don't speak in public. Slaves obey your masters. The friend of the world is the enemy of God. Ugh! The only way these books make any sense is if you are expecting the world to end any minute - which the first generation Christians were - and so you don't see any point in improving the conditions of this world. Fast forwarding to today, in a world beset by terrorism, climate change, and mass poverty and hunger, the message of the New Testament is not only irrelevant, it's dangerous. And then there's Revelation. Apparently magic mushrooms grow on Patmos. Who knew? Why oh why does anyone think this is such a good book? Have they even read it? If they have, have they read anything else? Maybe more people should read the Bible. It seems to me it would be the best defense against becoming a Christian. Source: https://m./499436196770365?view=permalink&id=852692131444768&p=10&refid=18 14 Likes 3 Shares
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by davien(m): 4:42pm On May 16, 2015 |
Zealotry my dear's best could you take control of a nation unless you were the chosen lot of "god"? |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 4:56pm On May 16, 2015 |
davien: You use your brains my friend to control nations, the human race has conquered the world with power of the Brains... |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 6:53pm On May 16, 2015 |
The more you read the Bible with an open mind,the more you laugh at Christians. I was in a hotel the other day and found a Bible on the table. I went through it out of boredom and I couldn't help but laugh at the silly commandments meant for pigs in it. 10 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by freecocoa(f): 6:59pm On May 16, 2015 |
I seriously still wonder how any one with a right mind can believe let alone try to practice what's written in the bible. Can't believe I used to believe it. 4 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 9:42pm On May 16, 2015 |
freecocoa:. Its as easy as ABC. The carnal mind cannot FATHOM the things of the spirit. That why u dont understand and you might never get to understand..The THINGS of the spirit cannot be DISCERNED with the natural mind. DEUTERONOMY29:29:-"the secret things belong unto the LORD our GOD,but those things which are REVEALED belong unto US and OUR CHILDREN for ever,that we may do all the words of this law" 1coR2:14:-"But the natural man receives not the things of the SPIRIT OF GOD;FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS unto him,neither CAN HE KNOW THEN,because they are spiritually discerned" 2cor4:3:-"if our gospel br hid,IT IS HID to them that are LOST, 4In whom the god of this world(the devil) has blinded their minds who believe not,lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the Image of God,should shine unto them". So i aint suprised if you can read the whole bible and not gain anything from is simply because IT IS NOT FOR THE NATURAL mind and the ones who the devil has blinded thier minds 26 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 9:42pm On May 16, 2015 |
ifeness: Its as easy as ABC. The carnal mind cannot FATHOM the things of the spirit. That why u dont understand and you might never get to understand..The THINGS of the spirit cannot be DISCERNED with the natural mind. DEUTERONOMY29:29:-"the secret things belong unto the LORD our GOD,but those things which are REVEALED belong unto US and OUR CHILDREN for ever,that we may do all the words of this law" 1coR2:14:-"But the natural man receives not the things of the SPIRIT OF GOD;FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS unto him,neither CAN HE KNOW THEN,because they are spiritually discerned" 2cor4:3:-"if our gospel br hid,IT IS HID to them that are LOST, 4In whom the god of this world(the devil) has blinded their minds who believe not,lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the Image of God,should shine unto them". So i aint suprised if you can read the whole bible and not gain anything from is simply because IT IS NOT FOR THE NATURAL mind and the ones who the devil has blinded thier minds 1 Like |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 9:47pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer:Its as easy as ABC. The carnal mind cannot FATHOM the things of the spirit. That why u dont understand and you might never get to understand..The THINGS of the spirit cannot be DISCERNED with the natural mind. DEUTERONOMY29:29:-"the secret things belong unto the LORD our GOD,but those things which are REVEALED belong unto US and OUR CHILDREN for ever,that we may do all the words of this law" 1coR2:14:-"But the natural man receives not the things of the SPIRIT OF GOD;FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS unto him,neither CAN HE KNOW THEN,because they are spiritually discerned" 2cor4:3:-"if our gospel br hid,IT IS HID to them that are LOST, 4In whom the god of this world(the devil) has blinded their minds who believe not,lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the Image of God,should shine unto them". So i aint suprised if you can read the whole bible and not gain anything from is simply because IT IS NOT FOR THE NATURAL mind and the ones who the devil has blinded thier minds.. Even if you read line upon line,precept upon precept,you still cant get it, 1 Like |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 9:54pm On May 16, 2015 |
sportsmaster: If our uneducated forefathers and black slaves of the old believes all these gibrish written by myopic and primitive western men who at that point in time was clueless about the earth and the universe, then I don't expect an educated man of the 21st century to still believe all these jargons. 5 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 10:02pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer: i told you earlier,it is NOT FOR THE NATURAL MAN(MIND),it is for the SPIRITUAL MAN(MIND) 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 10:09pm On May 16, 2015 |
sportsmaster: Can you logically separate and differentiate these two factors you mentioned ? 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 10:16pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer:.. Even if i explain from now to tomorrow you still cannot FATHOM/UNDERSTAND the very bit/least of it..i told u earlier.the things of God are not for UNBELIEVERS(e.g YOU) 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 10:23pm On May 16, 2015 |
sportsmaster: Lol you are so funny you assume because you believe in all these gibberish written in ROM 10:9-10 you are any better than me, I could school you you know on this your belief, you will be amazed . I was deeper than you think you are now when I was still myopic believing this falsehood and western scam 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 10:34pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer:. The fact is that you never believed in the first place. The reason is simple,you have never experienced the POWER OF GOD By faith,i have ministered to the sick on several ocassions.People with fever and headaches.They were healed.. Ministered to a DEAF person only on one occassion. his hearing was restored. i have gotten few people filled the Holy Ghost... I have prayed on behalf of a relative that was pronounced DEAD and she came back to life.. The truth is when you see the Power of God at work,YOU will become much more grounded.. The fact that you can quote from Genesis to Revelation does not mean u have the DEPTH OF INSIGHT AND REVELATION THAT IS THEREIN... Still looking foward to open blind eyes and healing the crippled.I TRUST GOD IN ALL BOLDNESS AND FAITH for divers demonstration of the POWER OF GOD. 8 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 10:42pm On May 16, 2015 |
sportsmaster: Cool story.... Until you pray out a severed leg to grow back, until you pray back the damaged brains of little Whitney back to normalsy all these your so claimed miracles are all sham. I could do the same you know , the human mind works in a way that you can make any deluded mind believe anything. 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Nobody: 10:46pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer: like i said the things of God are not for you to understand.. i dont do show offs with the POWER OF GOD,the power of GOD is given to meet the needs of men.If that need is to be met by my very own hands..i will not hesitate to do it. And besides i will be going for village outreach this december..looking foward to healing all those that are oppressed of the devil.if you wanna see the power of God at work. You can come around..i will sponsor your feeding and accomodation. 5 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by tpiaT: 10:51pm On May 16, 2015 |
if you change your demonic user id, maybe your brain will be freed to comprehend what you saw there. |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by lastmessenger: 11:15pm On May 16, 2015 |
The bible is a good book. When you read a book, what you will see or understand will depend on who you are.As a boy,when I opened any book, I did not see beyond the pictures. I love watching the pictures and for me the book is all about the pictures but now things have changed. The op just red the bible to see what he actually wants to see and I don't blame him because it is meant to be so. The first time I red through the entire New Testament as a fourteen year old boy, I have to be sincere with you. I did not understand up to 10% of what is written in the New Testament but something deep happened to the core of being( a cleansing ). This goes on to confirm the words of our lord Jesus when he spoke and said" the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life". I contacted the spirit of the word of God and I was cleansed. The bible contains stories of righteous men, men who through faith did the impossible, men who went out of the way to live righteous, men who knew the real purpose of life and lived life to its fullest, men who achieved great things even though they were discouraged, fearful and ladden with so many challenges and lastly a man who died so that all will be saved.Op if after reading the bible and you did not see these men, all I can say is that u wasted your time and you need to read again. God will remain God and I love the fact that he is ever ready to listen to those who would humbly seek for his mercy. God shows mercy to the humble but the proud he will cast away. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 11:18pm On May 16, 2015 |
sportsmaster: Its not show off my brother, your bible super hero rightly said it in Acts 1 that you should do it in his name, so please you that money you were planning use for my welfare to fly to the States to heal little Whitney. I tell you the new testament is not only stale but dangerous. We are in our right frame of mind that's why we recognize religion, figure this out does a lunatic observes religion accordingly but that same lunatic will observe the total laws of nature. What I'm saying here is that religion is something we created and we were made to believe it through our predecessors if not, there would be no need for it to be taught or can you teach a new born how to pee ? 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 11:22pm On May 16, 2015 |
tpiaT: Dirty mind you have got there, don't you know that an ass is an animal , which is translated in Igbo language as " Ogbuefi" 4 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 11:28pm On May 16, 2015 |
lastmessenger: Of what benefit will it be to me to emphasis on what I have read about these primitive, illiterate and myopic blood shedding characters of the bible. I'm sure if these men were to be alive today they would have called us gods with our present sophistication |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by lastmessenger: 11:54pm On May 16, 2015 |
Assslayer:these men written in the bible would have been God fearing captains of industry, technocrats, scientists, great politicians and preachers if they are alive today. Look u have seen what u wanted to see in the bible. We see what we want to see. Is all about choice. |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 11:58pm On May 16, 2015 |
lastmessenger: And what stopped them from becoming one ? 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by tpiaT: 12:05am On May 17, 2015 |
Assslayer: Like I said, change your demonic user id so you can get wisdom. |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by lastmessenger: 12:07am On May 17, 2015 |
Assslayer:of course some of they became great people. For example Daniel was an advicer to king Nebuchadnezzar and his son.he was a visionary to the Jews taken captives in Babylon. Abraham was very good in animal husbandry and even Jacob understood genetics. Solomon was very wise that people came from afar in order to hear his wisdom.infact some of these men did what some us "the civilized people" can't do. Lastly what have you done to make sure that your little girl get well? |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 12:16am On May 17, 2015 |
lastmessenger: Of all these mythology characters you have mentioned any of them invented anything other than their written fables, about the poor girl science has pronounced her a hopeless case. That was why I was calling on the super miracle worker above to come proof to the world that his god is alive... 3 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 12:24am On May 17, 2015 |
tpiaT: Who needs wisdom more between you and I, what does demonic got to do with a ass or do you want me to also define to you what a slayer means too ? 2 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by lastmessenger: 12:25am On May 17, 2015 |
Assslayer:The problem here is that you want to see things before you will believe. Is only when the sun rises that you will believe there something called sun. Meanwhile here I am and its dark but I am sure that the sun will rise will rise in the next seven hours. How can you allow a mere mortal man to determine the fate of that little girl? If u don't do something to save that little girl, she has every reason not to forgive you. |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 5:06am On May 17, 2015 |
lastmessenger: For your information the sun never stop shining, it is due to the rotation and revolution of the earth that brought about day and night . There a thousand and one hopeless cases in every hospital you see, you can and start performing your magic there |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by lastmessenger: 6:40am On May 17, 2015 |
Assslayer:If you don't get out of your ways and natural thinking to get that little girl some hope then you are just a confused fellow. You love the girl right? Then is time to do the unthinkable, ask questions on healing ministeries, take your girl to that place for her healing. Pray for mercy and pray for your girls healing. You may be lucky to see your girl restored and healed. If you don't do this, you do not have any right whatsoever to come here and type nonsense about the bible. Many people are getting healed. Get out of your little pity chair and go do some positive thing for that little girl. Drop athiesm for a while for the sake of tat little girl and I will advice you to read the bible again without prejudice. |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by Assslayer: 6:55am On May 17, 2015 |
lastmessenger: Believe it or not the idea called religion is 100% man made and was initiated by myopic and primitive minds, do you think I have no in depth idea of your so called belief. I have been scammed countlessly before I got the real illumination, let we Africans embrace reality and stop floating in the air with these western scam that they themselves hardly practice anymore. 3 Likes |
Re: Shocking thoughts By One Who Completely Read The Bible by freecocoa(f): 7:02am On May 17, 2015 |
sportsmaster:Now the bible is not for the natural mind, seriously, how does someone with a functional brain write what you wrote? 4 Likes |
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