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Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Lagos Guys Are Becoming Gold Diggers / Attitudes Guys Display When They Have Been Lured, Duped & Dumped By Gold Diggers / When Gold-diggers Strike...lol (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by UjSizzle(f): 9:17pm On Jan 10, 2014
@Ty shocked aren't you the analyst. Are you sure i don't know you? Thank you for understanding the whole point of this, not everyone is blessed with the rare gift of perception smiley

@Crackhaus, it isn't about who gains and who loses. It's about fixing it. If we all continue to point accusing fingers then the problem won't go away. If you see something as a vice, you should try to rid yourself and the society of it not encourage it.
Are you going to justify your actions/behaviour based on what you consider wrong, then go ahead to condemn said wrong?
If you encourage it, then you are part of the problem.
If you are part of the problem, then you can also be a part of the solution.

Sorry folks, if i made my stand straightforward then there would be no need for a discussion, would there? tongue

I think Ty has explained this well enough though. So go back and read again if ypu wish.

Now Ty, lets talk......
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by TyLannister: 9:23pm On Jan 10, 2014
uj_sizzle: @Ty shocked aren't you the analyst. Are you sure i don't know you? Thank you for understanding the whole point of this, not everyone is blessed with the rare gift of perception smiley
Lol. Do you? grin

Now Ty, lets talk......
grin Sure. Let's.
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Matthewbriggs(m): 9:51pm On Jan 10, 2014
@Ty your analysis no work... I really don't have the energy to start drafting a refutal... I know a satirical article when I see one.

@OP's piece is faaar from it... this can be seen in comments that op posted to back up her argument.
you are just trying to defend what can't be defended and I can help but cringe in awe..

Op is going on to sing a new tune after having been made to see how deeply flawed her logic or premise behind her case for gold digging was ...

#I rest my case...

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by princesa(f): 10:25pm On Jan 10, 2014
I really wish these men would take their money and shove it down their arses and lets breath fresh air in for once.

And while they are at it, someone should please tell this airheads musicians to stop promoting what the other airheads on nairaland are complaining about.

P-square... Chop my money
sound sultan... Maga for life
olamide, whiz kid, dbanj etc etc are all calling the ladies to come spend their money, because they are men of substance.

Only broke dudes that dominate nairaland complain and whine like babies. How much them get sef? angry

abeg make una let us hear word Jo, mtchew angry

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 11:48pm On May 17, 2015
my head hurts.. if it took that long to explain.. i am suspicious but heck. .that is my honest opinion

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by pantless(m): 11:49pm On May 17, 2015
i donbilivit...cudn't read thru tho
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Genius100: 11:52pm On May 17, 2015
Figured the title would get your attention tongue This is really more of my opinion than some fact, so I'm hoping we'll be able to discuss 'intelligently'. I'll keep this straight and simple though , so you don't need to worry about reading an epistle.

I'm a strong advocate for understanding why people act the way they do because it is truly the only way to tolerate and deal with them. So lets discuss the over flogged topic of Nigerian women and their supposed love of money cheesy .

Why are 'Nigerian women' money conscious?
Really the answer isn't far fetched: They are simply pursuing happiness.

Being happy is really the summary of all a woman wants, but happiness as we know is subject to individuals; what makes A happy maybe different from what makes B happy.

Now while some may say that a woman should be happy with a man who loves her, we might want to ask ourselves: Is love really enough? Can you trust an emotion that can be so easily extinguished just as quickly as it was sparked?
Money is the next best thing after love. Seriously, lets not deceive ourselves here, money makes the world go round. And who says it can't buy you happiness?
To people who are superficial(and that's not a crime), money is happiness. Even to the less superficial ones, it does have the same effect.

Now men, you really didn't think i was going to spare you, did you? grin
If you believe Nigerian women are gold diggers, it is because consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously you made them so.
I was having a discussion with a friend some months back, and she said she couldn't marry an Igbo man who grew up in Anambra(sorry my brothers). She had a really good reason for that if i may say. Men who go after money with such tenacity believe that it is the only way to please their woman. I don't know who taught you that you could substitute yourself with your wealth, but so far it's worked, and now that the women are following what will supposedly please them(make them happy) you complain. Aren't you the most confused beings alive? We'll leave your confusion for another discussion.

So in essence, every woman wants happiness. Some find it in self fulfilment, others find it in love, and yet others find it in materiality.
You can't really blame a person for what they believe will keep them happy, the best you can do is change their mindset. It is really about orientation, what they have been led to believe. Some believe their happiness is tied to someone(a man or woman) or something(possibly the good things of life that only money can buy), while others believe happiness comes from within. I say to each man his own smiley after all there are those who have trusted in love and your potentials and yet nothing good had come of it that they gradually start to resent you. You really can't blame a person for wanting substance, can you? undecided

If men really believe there is more to them than their money(for the few who have some faith in themselves) then it is time to start showing these women those hidden treasures that can make them happy. Until you can successfully do that, please chase after your money and let the women chase after you, and stop complaining smiley

Well sleeping with different beautiful women also make men very happy. Will you support it if married men relentlessly chose to pursue "happiness" by sleeping with all kinds of beautiful women without reservations?

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by visapayless: 11:58pm On May 17, 2015
I love your reply bro, but please its not LOVE PEDDLER they are called Ashawos grin grin grin grin grin grin grin useless lazy women
While I agree that what the OP is right and the mentality is that they are chasing, that same mentality has been known to be a colossal failure and has made Nigerian women to be seen as money hungry skanks. Look if you want to chase money why not do it the right way?

Go get a job, get a life and also get a new name while at it. Get money on your terms, get a job to do ask your FATHER for money and stop being a freaking parasite who depends on others for money and livelihood. The same way a man works for money, a woman can also work for it and guess what, she can then be happy.

If you date people or have sex with people for money, you are a what? A LOVE PEDDLER. You might as well get a room in a brothel and wait for customers or share your numbers in hotels around you. At least we know you take it as a job and not hide behind the lie that you want to be comfortable
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by chukied(m): 12:06am On May 18, 2015
All you posted may be correct, from your point of view. But what about the part that explains whether women deserve to be treated the way you explained? It goes beyond what they want, and crawls into a deserving personality or character that would make a man swiftly meet to their desires or what you intend to explain in your context. It's a complicated topic tho....so I'd say women should act like how they expect to be treated and men would do the needy.
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 12:06am On May 18, 2015
grin i thought this was a remix to Kanye's song... Sorry i commented
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by abbey621(m): 12:10am On May 18, 2015
Women by all means feel free to pursue happiness and if going after wealthy men makes you happy then be prepared for whatever comes with it. Forget about equality and all those feminist crap, wealthy men don't have time for negotiations, money speaks and women listen! Times without numbers we see women complaining about men not treating them fairly or as equals but how could we? When you women turn yourselves into leeches! If money equals happiness to women then wealthy couples wouldn't have problems but in reality women want it all: money, attention, fabulous sex, faithful guy, God fearing guy, good looking guy, freedom and so on, now tell me who's really confused, men or women?
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 12:25am On May 18, 2015
After more than a year (Jan 10, 2014) this is just making front page?

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by mrfrosh: 12:28am On May 18, 2015
Thumbz up@poster,u re on point, jxt lyk my saying goes"a man can only b succesful wen he makes more money dan a woman can spend"
money z gud en sweet
#jxt passing shaaa....#

You are way off with your saying,No amount of money is too small for a woman to spend except she is packo oriented,Michael shumacher's wife is selling off his 40milla dolls vacation mansion,Now can you spend that in your lifetime,If u can,let me know and I will ask you more questions
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by iykedare(m): 12:33am On May 18, 2015
Why is it so hard for you women to realise that you can also make money yourself with your damn brain. Your skulll wasn't created with no brain in it. Ohhh ohh is this the reason you women spend a lot of money to get the best hair cos your skulls are empty and probably worthless on it own? Just Asking

The men who cheat on their women are also chasing happiness since they can't be satisfied with just their wives' pucsseies all their lives. Afterall, they have the money and so can get the women they want.

You women always change the game but when we start to play the game, it wont favour you people.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by iykedare(m): 12:39am On May 18, 2015
I really wish these men would take their money and shove it down their arses and lets breath fresh air in for once.

And while they are at it, someone should please tell this airheads musicians to stop promoting what the other airheads on nairaland are complaining about.

P-square... Chop my money
sound sultan... Maga for life
olamide, whiz kid, dbanj etc etc are all calling the ladies to come spend their money, because they are men of substance.

Only broke dudes that dominate nairaland complain and whine like babies. How much them get sef? angry

abeg make una let us hear word Jo, mtchew angry

Sis,you can make money with your brain.
If you can't,you can make money with your body just like runx girls and pro$titutes.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Ologunjude(m): 12:56am On May 18, 2015
Really? So what do they dig? Diamond?
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 1:00am On May 18, 2015
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 1:05am On May 18, 2015
The more reason why we have a lot of overused single ladies roaming round all the singles conference. We don get sense tongue Very soon, you'll see ladies advertising on nairaland.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by steppin: 1:06am On May 18, 2015
Figured the title would get your attention tongue This is really more of my opinion than some fact, so I'm hoping we'll be able to discuss 'intelligently'. I'll keep this straight and simple though , so you don't need to worry about reading an epistle.

I'm a strong advocate for understanding why people act the way they do because it is truly the only way to tolerate and deal with them. So lets discuss the over flogged topic of Nigerian women and their supposed love of money cheesy .

Why are 'Nigerian women' money conscious?
Really the answer isn't far fetched: They are simply pursuing happiness.

Being happy is really the summary of all a woman wants, but happiness as we know is subject to individuals; what makes A happy maybe different from what makes B happy.

Now while some may say that a woman should be happy with a man who loves her, we might want to ask ourselves: Is love really enough? Can you trust an emotion that can be so easily extinguished just as quickly as it was sparked?
Money is the next best thing after love. Seriously, lets not deceive ourselves here, money makes the world go round. And who says it can't buy you happiness?
To people who are superficial(and that's not a crime), money is happiness. Even to the less superficial ones, it does have the same effect.

Now men, you really didn't think i was going to spare you, did you? grin
If you believe Nigerian women are gold diggers, it is because consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously you made them so.
I was having a discussion with a friend some months back, and she said she couldn't marry an Igbo man who grew up in Anambra(sorry my brothers). She had a really good reason for that if i may say. Men who go after money with such tenacity believe that it is the only way to please their woman. I don't know who taught you that you could substitute yourself with your wealth, but so far it's worked, and now that the women are following what will supposedly please them(make them happy) you complain. Aren't you the most confused beings alive? We'll leave your confusion for another discussion.

So in essence, every woman wants happiness. Some find it in self fulfilment, others find it in love, and yet others find it in materiality.
You can't really blame a person for what they believe will keep them happy, the best you can do is change their mindset. It is really about orientation, what they have been led to believe. Some believe their happiness is tied to someone(a man or woman) or something(possibly the good things of life that only money can buy), while others believe happiness comes from within. I say to each man his own smiley after all there are those who have trusted in love and your potentials and yet nothing good had come of it that they gradually start to resent you. You really can't blame a person for wanting substance, can you? undecided

If men really believe there is more to them than their money(for the few who have some faith in themselves) then it is time to start showing these women those hidden treasures that can make them happy. Until you can successfully do that, please chase after your money and let the women chase after you, and stop complaining smiley
As an emotion is easily extinguished, so is money.
Your logic/opinion doesn't make any sense.
It's not a good excuse. I understand the idea of getting married to someone capable, but not with your reasoning.
A man who is rich today can be a broke ass tomorrow.
So, anyone who marries solely because of what he/she stands to gain personally, will be disappointed.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by charlesucheh(m): 1:07am On May 18, 2015
What an Irony!!! Pursuing happiness you said? Like a popular bible verse goes; "what shall it profit a woman if she gains the whole world and looses her soul". Happiness do not weigh on riches!! They flow on the bedrock of internal peace, genuine love and an intelligent mind. Any lady that claims she's pursuing happiness with a rich man without possessing the aforementioned, is a high class golddiggermaniac!!!

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by charlesucheh(m): 1:25am On May 18, 2015
I really wish these men would take their money and shove it down their arses and lets breath fresh air in for once.

And while they are at it, someone should please tell this airheads musicians to stop promoting what the other airheads on nairaland are complaining about.

P-square... Chop my money
sound sultan... Maga for life
olamide, whiz kid, dbanj etc etc are all calling the ladies to come spend their money, because they are men of substance.

Only broke dudes that dominate nairaland complain and whine like babies. How much them get sef? angry

abeg make una let us hear word Jo, mtchew angry
don't let me think what i wouldn't want to. From your post, you sounded like a pro-golddigging activist. If your ways are like that, pls change or u just might end up like one of those gurls who get married to men tripple time their age just for the sole called HAPPINESS. NB: 90% of the truth comes from the poor.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by adorable29(f): 1:36am On May 18, 2015
This NL cry babies and thier propaganda against Nigerian women sef. Una no dey tire?

Nigerian women like money. Na Ghana women no like money.
Nigerian women are whores. Na American women no be whores.
Nigerian women are unfaithful wives. Na South African women no be unfaithful wives.
Nigerian women are gold diggers. Na cape Verde, abi Ethiopia women no be gold diggers. Lol
Nigerian women are vain. Na Brazilian women no vain. The list is endless.

How many RICH MEN are in Nigeria sef ( who has so much gold that requires uprooting) that you men complain our women are digging. I see a lot of POOR men around who still boast of dating multiple women even tho they don't have IRON ore, talkless of GOLD. The same Nigerian women marry and date ur broke arsses and even spend our money on some of you men.

Travel and you will see our women are angels and saints *wink*! No wonder our men in the diaspora still run back home to pick the so called Nigerian women they insult and call all sorts of names as wives.

All em broke niccurs should take a chill pill already and stop this unholy mission of castigation of the beautiful, intelligent, hardworking , decent and brave Nigerian woman.
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by yummylookintoks: 1:37am On May 18, 2015
All these Ashewos craving for attention......

They want equality but

They don't want to work

They don't want to go to war front

They expected the same men to go out there to hustle and make money to spend on their silly ass.

Few who are ready to work among these selfish beings want to keep their own wages while they descend on the unfortunate and happiness-doomed men who stupidly fall in love with them.

In my own marriage, my eyes are opened with one leg in and one leg out. I have built my own happiness before marriage and I ll continue to be happy either with a wife or not.

I only pity those sissy-like husbands and young shall grow who find their happiness in women.

NB: Marriage is d best institution on earth provided you are married to a right lady. If you are married to a right lady, she won't even give u any reason to think about gold digger and all that........

Chaiii!!!! If you marry a wrong babe, Chaiii!!! You are a living dead.....
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Bifwoli: 1:37am On May 18, 2015
Figured the title would get your attention tongue This is really more of my opinion than some fact, so I'm hoping we'll be able to discuss 'intelligently'. I'll keep this straight and simple though , so you don't need to worry about reading an epistle.

I'm a strong advocate for understanding why people act the way they do because it is truly the only way to tolerate and deal with them. So lets discuss the over flogged topic of Nigerian women and their supposed love of money cheesy .

Why are 'Nigerian women' money conscious?
Really the answer isn't far fetched: They are simply pursuing happiness.

Being happy is really the summary of all a woman wants, but happiness as we know is subject to individuals; what makes A happy maybe different from what makes B happy.

Now while some may say that a woman should be happy with a man who loves her, we might want to ask ourselves: Is love really enough? Can you trust an emotion that can be so easily extinguished just as quickly as it was sparked?
Money is the next best thing after love. Seriously, lets not deceive ourselves here, money makes the world go round. And who says it can't buy you happiness?
To people who are superficial(and that's not a crime), money is happiness. Even to the less superficial ones, it does have the same effect.

Now men, you really didn't think i was going to spare you, did you? grin
If you believe Nigerian women are gold diggers, it is because consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously you made them so.
I was having a discussion with a friend some months back, and she said she couldn't marry an Igbo man who grew up in Anambra(sorry my brothers). She had a really good reason for that if i may say. Men who go after money with such tenacity believe that it is the only way to please their woman. I don't know who taught you that you could substitute yourself with your wealth, but so far it's worked, and now that the women are following what will supposedly please them(make them happy) you complain. Aren't you the most confused beings alive? We'll leave your confusion for another discussion.

So in essence, every woman wants happiness. Some find it in self fulfilment, others find it in love, and yet others find it in materiality.
You can't really blame a person for what they believe will keep them happy, the best you can do is change their mindset. It is really about orientation, what they have been led to believe. Some believe their happiness is tied to someone(a man or woman) or something(possibly the good things of life that only money can buy), while others believe happiness comes from within. I say to each man his own smiley after all there are those who have trusted in love and your potentials and yet nothing good had come of it that they gradually start to resent you. You really can't blame a person for wanting substance, can you? undecided

If men really believe there is more to them than their money(for the few who have some faith in themselves) then it is time to start showing these women those hidden treasures that can make them happy. Until you can successfully do that, please chase after your money and let the women chase after you, and stop complaining smiley

Happiness is all about family that cares,lots of friends and faith in God.Money has never bought any happiness so you're very wrong trying to justify gold digging girls having "greedy hands".Look at Hollywood stars and other famous rich people who drown themselves in drugs,have multiple divorces and suicides.Surely their Hollywood tons of money hasn't bought them happiness.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by NobleG1(m): 1:50am On May 18, 2015
A gold digger is a gold digger, whether in Otueke village or New York city. If it's not in you, you ain't. Must another people's money make you happy? Why not make yours and be happier.

Here are 10 signs that your girlfriend is much more interested in spending quality time with your wallet than with you.

10. She wants expensive gifts
When you give her something sentimental that doesn't cost much but reminds you of a special time together, or you write her a heartfelt poem, she might give you a blank look or turn her nose up at the gift. She would've just preferred it if you bought her a pair of diamond earrings or those Jimmy Choo heels she pointed out the day before. The gold digger is eager for gifts that are caked with money instead of sentimental value.

9. Her friends are gold diggers
As the saying goes, you can tell a lot about someone from the company they keep. If your girlfriend spends time with other women who seem to show signs of being gold diggers, or you've heard gossip about their behavior, chances are she could well be influenced by their tendencies. It’s a good idea to keep your hand on your wallet.

8. She's curious about your financial status
Your girlfriend has been interested in hearing about your career and financial status from day one. Though you might mistake her curiosity for interest in your life, she’s probably sussing you out to ensure you will be able to pay her way through the relationship.

7. She never pays
When the bill arrives at the table, she pretends it doesn’t exist. It’s always up to you to settle it, and she never even offers to pay or go Dutch. Basically, a gold digger takes for granted that you’re a gentleman, and when it comes to shelling out money, you’re the one for the job.

6. She hates other women
Always dressed in the finest clothing and looking gorgeous, the gold digger flaunts the fact that she likes to take care of herself. But it’s with other people’s money, of course. Since she places emphasis on her looks, she is wary of and competitive with other desirable women and dislikes their company if they are just as gorgeous or as status-endowed as she is. Clearly, her behavior is caught up in insecurity.

5. She uses her looks for short-term gain
She has to get to the front of the line at clubs, so she pops open a button on her cleavage-exposing top. She wants her neighbor to change her car tire so she won’t be late for lunch with the girls, so she walks over to him in a figure-flattering dress to make him drool. The gold digger uses her looks for short-term gain, and she probably charmed you that way too. But she doesn’t use her looks for long-term goals, simply because she doesn’t have any.

4. She's status-obsessed
The gold digger craves high status, thinking that she can gain it by how she looks and dresses. She’ll regularly snub people whom she perceives as having a low status, like the homeless or those working in service jobs. On dates, she’s more likely to appear impressed if men tell her they own an Audi R8 than if they mention that they help out the homeless on Sundays.

3. She climbs boyfriends
Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, the gold digger uses boyfriends as stepping stones. In fact, looking back on her relationship history, you’re likely to find that each guy she’s dated has been richer than the last. You’re her promotion to a more fabulous, expensive life.

2. She's out of your league
Your ego is boosted when you consider that she’s so much hotter than you are, but bear in mind that this could be a bad sign. No offense, but if she’s miles better looking than you are, you have to wonder what she’s hoping to gain from the relationship. If you happen to have a fat wallet to accompany your great head of hair, it could be a sign that she’s hoping to increase her wealth by association.

1. She has a sense of entitlement
Since she craves status and doesn’t have long-term goals, the gold digger walks around feeling entitled to the good life without feeling any need to lift a diamond-encrusted finger to achieve it.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Tinkybabe(f): 1:51am On May 18, 2015
This is a very moot and pathetic argument to explain the greed of (most) Nigerian ladies.

If all they seek is "happiness", and money is what can bring them such happiness - why cant they work hard for their own money? Why should they risk their happiness on another human being - when they can easily get their own money and be нαρρү to Timbuktu as they wishes.

Is there a law against ladies earning their upkeep?

And further more, are the few independent ladies we have not нαρρү?

Now! I completely agree with this especially the bolded. (with the exception of the gross generalization- "many" may be a better word )

This applies to both gender(beyond money) . People have different source (s) of happiness and the moment your happiness is dependent on another person, you lose your identity, you lose yourself and you become a prisoner to the host.

Your need for a partner is to compliment (that means you have built yourself to a reasonable extent such that you are good in every standard and their presence is just the icing on the cake, you being the cake )

Be the boss of your happiness. One of the greatest fulfillments in life is your ability to create your own happiness.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by AreaFada2: 1:58am On May 18, 2015

Happiness is all about family that cares,lots of friends and faith in God.Money has never bought any happiness so you're very wrong trying to justify gold digging girls having "greedy hands".Look at Hollywood stars and other famous rich people who drown themselves in drugs,have multiple divorces and suicides.Surely their Hollywood tons of money hasn't bought them happiness.


OP seems to want to imply that money is all you need to be happy. And labourers and others who work very hard are in pursuit of sadness.

So those who push gbana and kidnap can be excused because they too are in pursuit of happiness.

Root causes I believe among others are:

(1) Poverty: some are genuinely poor and seek an easy way out of it. Men/guys seems to be it.

(2) Greed: Some are just greedy. They are not really poor but also not rich. But they want to live above their means, use latest gadget, etc.

(3) Sense of entitlement: Some just feel that as a woman, because guys desire you, you deserve all the good things from them.

(4)Love as a commodity: This is close to 3 above but a bit different. Love/companionship/sex are commodities that come with a pricetag. Like an iphone in a shop. You've to pay to get it. These people don't see themselves as call girls. The difference though is quite hard to decipher.

A lady walking around with any of these orientations or combinations thereof (even subconsciously), is likely to find OP's piece perfectly normal.

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by haibe(m): 2:02am On May 18, 2015
This has made front page b4 now.. What's wrong with these mods
Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by haibe(m): 2:06am On May 18, 2015
I really wish these men would take their money and shove it down their arses and lets breath fresh air in for once.

And while they are at it, someone should please tell this airheads musicians to stop promoting what the other airheads on nairaland are complaining about.

P-square... Chop my money
sound sultan... Maga for life
olamide, whiz kid, dbanj etc etc are all calling the ladies to come spend their money, because they are men of substance.

Only broke dudes that dominate nairaland complain and whine like babies. How much them get sef? angry

abeg make una let us hear word Jo, mtchew angry

The height of stiupidity is when u take those songs literally? How would u think an intelligent man will want a lady to be chopping his money.. u better wake up.. nigerian mucisians just sing what will attract people and not necessarily their life style. There are different people in the real world.

Meanwhile make your money!!

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by MrCork: 2:07am On May 18, 2015
Figured the title would get your attention tongue This is really more of my opinion than some fact, so I'm hoping we'll be able to discuss 'intelligently'. I'll keep this straight and simple though , so you don't need to worry about reading an epistle.

I'm a strong advocate for understanding why people act the way they do because it is truly the only way to tolerate and deal with them. So lets discuss the over flogged topic of Nigerian women and their supposed love of money cheesy .

Why are 'Nigerian women' money conscious?
Really the answer isn't far fetched: They are simply pursuing happiness.

Being happy is really the summary of all a woman wants, but happiness as we know is subject to individuals; what makes A happy maybe different from what makes B happy.

Now while some may say that a woman should be happy with a man who loves her, we might want to ask ourselves: Is love really enough? Can you trust an emotion that can be so easily extinguished just as quickly as it was sparked?
Money is the next best thing after love. Seriously, lets not deceive ourselves here, money makes the world go round. And who says it can't buy you happiness?
To people who are superficial(and that's not a crime), money is happiness. Even to the less superficial ones, it does have the same effect.

Now men, you really didn't think i was going to spare you, did you? grin
If you believe Nigerian women are gold diggers, it is because consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously you made them so.
I was having a discussion with a friend some months back, and she said she couldn't marry an Igbo man who grew up in Anambra(sorry my brothers). She had a really good reason for that if i may say. Men who go after money with such tenacity believe that it is the only way to please their woman. I don't know who taught you that you could substitute yourself with your wealth, but so far it's worked, and now that the women are following what will supposedly please them(make them happy) you complain. Aren't you the most confused beings alive? We'll leave your confusion for another discussion.

So in essence, every woman wants happiness. Some find it in self fulfilment, others find it in love, and yet others find it in materiality.
You can't really blame a person for what they believe will keep them happy, the best you can do is change their mindset. It is really about orientation, what they have been led to believe. Some believe their happiness is tied to someone(a man or woman) or something(possibly the good things of life that only money can buy), while others believe happiness comes from within. I say to each man his own smiley after all there are those who have trusted in love and your potentials and yet nothing good had come of it that they gradually start to resent you. You really can't blame a person for wanting substance, can you? undecided

If men really believe there is more to them than their money(for the few who have some faith in themselves) then it is time to start showing these women those hidden treasures that can make them happy. Until you can successfully do that, please chase after your money and let the women chase after you, and stop complaining smiley

^^^^ SAY WHAT??... THIS ONE CLEARLY FROM ANOTHER PLANNET!! (no ofeensse) angry

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by MrCork: 2:10am On May 18, 2015

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Re: Nigerian Women Aren't Gold-diggers, They Are Only Pursuing Happiness. by Nobody: 2:12am On May 18, 2015
only light skin girls are gold diggers

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