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Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by IamforGod: 12:21pm On May 22, 2015
1.it depends on how hygienic she is wen. Around him some ladies have heavy flow which results in getting stained all the time.

2. Some ladies get aggressive and annoying during their period.so it's better they stay away.

Last bullet:try as much as possible to be neat during ur period.

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by afanide: 1:07pm On May 22, 2015
I bath 2geda with my boo even when she's menstrating, i hug her at night and we sleep off, i go get her 'Always Altra' myself.

I boil water and prepare Lipton for her, we go out 2geda, i even sit aand watch her burn the used Pads.

YES! I do all that for the Lady i Love.

I dont see any big deal in that.

My fellow Guys, the ealier to start doing all this, the better for you because you will definitely encounter such moments in life. Unless u're not planning about gettin married.

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by MrsChima(f): 1:17pm On May 22, 2015
If my man told me to only visit him when I am blood free...I would drop his number goodbye.

What's kind of bullshit is that?


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by donJ2(m): 2:36pm On May 22, 2015
learn to spell correctly.
Well, such a guy is just in for sex, he's not really interested in her company. I advise such a lady to dump him asap and find a man that isn't all about sex.

Dump him ke?.. if d girl has somthing else to offer dat guy other than sex, I bet u d guy will b craving for her company.

D probl with most 9ja bebs z dat d only thing dy hv to offer a guy is sex...

...I bet yuh dat girl cant evn dumb dat guy...cuz a guy dat trts a lady lik dat dnt gv an issh 'bout dt lady

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Skillfullulu(m): 5:03pm On May 22, 2015
#iranu grin
trust, it aint abasha
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by omoelu1(m): 7:44pm On May 22, 2015
I think they are awesome
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Omotayor123(f): 8:14pm On May 22, 2015
Well, i havent had such an experience. I came to read comments formerly but let me comment.

My boyfriend cleans of d mess if there are any around, prepares d meals if my stomach aches, drags me to d bathroom and even sex on periods are okay cos i feel sexy atimes.

Dat is y i love him so much. He will like my comment

He wi

hmmmm. I don't knw what to say to dat But I think it's nice.
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Omotayor123(f): 8:18pm On May 22, 2015
Well, from my perspective, I never really had much interaction with ladies. I knw what menses is but I only talk about it on phone with my distant love. It could be heart rending at times, u know? The incessant stomach ache and some attendant pains. The least I could do is try to comfort her as best I could.

But m scared I might hate her if it really comes down to having body contact with her when she is going tru dz natural ritual. The reason being that about few months ago, I got friendly with this girl and on one of her visits, we were just having one of those harmless plays and I smelled blood. Oh! U surprised? My nose is very sensitive. Instantaneously, I withdraw myself cos it kinda was repulsive and since then, I reclined and refrained from getting close. She noticed a change in my attitude and did all that she could (cajoled, teased, begged, coerced) to know what her offence was... But how would I tell her, wait! What would I tell her.

The problem now is, I can't even see any girl now without having to recall that repelling and unwelcoming incident. And to think all girls go through that? Gosh!

So, reaction of some guys could stem from one or more of some actions, events, experiences and what have you.

OK. your point noted. But it's either the girl is not neat enough or your nose na wah!!!!


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Omotayor123(f): 8:20pm On May 22, 2015
If my man told me to only visit him when I am blood free...I would drop his number goodbye.

What's kind of bullshit is that?
I tire oooo my sister.


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by anigbajumo(m): 8:21pm On May 22, 2015
Ez nfin buh I wnt av sex wif her til 6daes fter she vnish.
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Philo101(m): 8:25pm On May 22, 2015

Tnx. But no word as menstruating in the dictionary.
U are wrong dude.. it is just like you are expecting to see "mentruates, or menstruated" in the dictionary defined independently. When you look up "menstruate", you will see other forms or tenses of the word (verb)


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Philo101(m): 8:35pm On May 22, 2015
Some girls can't handle their period properly.. that's what we fear. I hate to remember my bad experience with a girl on her period.. but I know say na she no sabi handle d tin. Some girls will be on their period and live with a guy, and he won't even know until when it is time to go down there cool grin but some girls, Chai (remembers the experience again)

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Omotayor123(f): 8:42pm On May 22, 2015

U are wrong dude.. it is just like you are expecting to see "mentruates, or menstruated" in the dictionary defined independently. When you look up "menstruate", you will see other forms or tenses of the word (verb)
OK. tnx
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Omotayor123(f): 8:44pm On May 22, 2015
Some girls can't handle their period properly.. that's what we fear. I hate to remember my bad experience with a girl on her period.. but I know say na she no sabi handle d tin. Some girls will be on their period and live with a guy, and he won't even know until when it is time to go down there cool grin but some girls, Chai (remembers the experience again)

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Nobody: 9:28pm On May 22, 2015
It is a sign that she can bear children. I love it.


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Osyxcel(m): 11:24pm On May 22, 2015
I think they are going through nature.

Maybe the guys don't have sisters


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Dandeedadrunk(m): 11:27pm On May 22, 2015
"Menstral", huh? Pray tell, what exactly is that?
how I wish you benefitted from free education.


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Nobody: 11:27pm On May 22, 2015
Very common with guys using 'okombor' aka juju things.
They say it spoils their acquired powers.

I talk am

ph girls don tear eyes

dey wan know everything

meanwhile which part of ph are u

am in Wimpey
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Nobody: 11:27pm On May 22, 2015
we guys are very sensitive, we always want a clean chick depending on the level you operate,but this its something you must get used to...#no choice in this regard


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Nobody: 11:27pm On May 22, 2015
as long as she has good hygiene, it is usually no big deal for most guys.


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Kennedyiheme: 11:28pm On May 22, 2015

So you are one of them The question is WHY?
Don't you think it's injustice of the highest order?
no its not injustice, lol I dnt just like when a girl tells me "I'm on my mense
s" automatically I'll jst feel disgusted, its nt dt I hate her,bt I don't like hearing dt word. My gf alrady kn
ows, so when its her time of the month and we w
do anytin she jst tells me "its my time" now tht sounds more fresh and relievin

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Stellaenefa(f): 11:28pm On May 22, 2015
Its nt fair tho wen guys act lyk dat 2 ladies.
As 4 me,its nt ha fault she's menstrating,it does nt last 4eva(couple of days) n wat som guys dnt knw most girls hate d fact dae menstrate.

I hate it. Very painful

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by redvektor(m): 11:29pm On May 22, 2015
Very common with guys using 'okombor' aka juju things.
They say it spoils their acquired powers.
bad gul how u take no okombor next time jos use O.K.B.
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Spydamannn(m): 11:30pm On May 22, 2015
Well, i havent had such an experience. I came to read comments formerly but let me comment.

My boyfriend cleans of d mess if there are any around, prepares d meals if my stomach aches, drags me to d bathroom and even sex on periods are okay cos i feel sexy atimes.

Dat is y i love him so much. He will like my comment

He wi

who are you

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Dandeedadrunk(m): 11:30pm On May 22, 2015
INEC OBSERVER....guess you're low on MB grin
INEC OBSERVER....guess you're low on MB


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by 50calibre(m): 11:31pm On May 22, 2015
I think it's disgusting! Being someone with a slight phobia for blood, the sight of a bloody tampon gives me nightmares.

And to think I'm expected to go down on that region makes it even worse.

I think women should handle that business very very discretely.
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by ijiini(m): 11:31pm On May 22, 2015
....i love her more those times...its real womanhood


Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Nobody: 11:32pm On May 22, 2015
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by Kennedyiheme: 11:32pm On May 22, 2015
I bath 2geda with my boo even when she's menstrating, i hug her at night and we sleep off, i go get her 'Always Altra' myself.

I boil water and prepare Lipton for her, we go out 2geda, i even sit aand watch her burn the used Pads.

YES! I do all that for the Lady i Love.

I dont see any big deal in that.

My fellow Guys, the ealier to start doing all this, the better for you because you will definitely encounter such moments in life. Unless u're not planning about gettin married.

eeeew, yuck, guy were are u from, I understand u love ur gf, bt pls don't say dis outside, lol d thought alone is anoda tin

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Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by kells77(m): 11:36pm On May 22, 2015
I don't see anything bad in being around a lady on period. But mind you it depend on how neet the babe is, there are some when they are in this period they smells a a lot, and there are some clean one out there. So it depends.
Re: Guys, What Do You Think About Ladies on period??? by skytreader(m): 11:36pm On May 22, 2015
how I wish you benefitted from free education.

Oh, I'm educated. Not freely, though. And if you don't understand the rationale behind me writing that, even with the wrong spelling I reproduced from the OP and quoted, then your free education is obviously doing a lot to help you.

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