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Tag And Ask - Forum Games (598) - Nairaland

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Romance Game For Romancelanders....[ TAG AND ASK] / Tag And Describe. / Answer The Question Above U And Ask Yours (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 11:46pm On Jul 19, 2015
I don't have ya number bro. cool
Make I call you
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 11:46pm On Jul 19, 2015
Who takes the prayers of a woman like you seriously? Maybe the others but certainly not me .

Do have a nice time after reading this if you've got conscience like a human. wink
Just what I needed to hear. Many thanks.
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 11:49pm On Jul 19, 2015
Bro, you are more like my Twin and my bestfriend. I so cherish you and will never lose you for anything. I mean I will not leave our brotherhood for anything. I was surprised but permit me to talk to you in pĀ®ivate as my brother and friend
You should let him speak the truth he knows here pls. Truth never hurts anyone. It might be the change I need. You never can tell. Pls
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 11:56pm On Jul 19, 2015
What's harsh about the truth?

I thought we are friends and you know me better ?

I don't follow the herd mentality bro , you prolly got a wrong impression about my real personality.

Stand for equity, justice and unconditional love my brother and free yourself from the manipulations of mankind and be a free man of anything of this world even at the point of death.
Real men judge themselves first before judging others.
I hope you got the message? People like me won't come around all the time in your life.
I wish you'll be much more plain and direct about the truth you're referring to. Really. As it is you're speaking in parables to me. Thanks all the same for the little (or do I say much) you've let out. Hope I'll be privileged to get more. Interesting this is happening today and I'm awake too.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:00am On Jul 20, 2015

I wish you'll be much more plain and direct about the truth you're referring to. Really. As it is you're speaking in parables to me. Thanks all the same for the little (or do I say much) you've let out. Hope I'll be privileged to get more. Interesting this is happening today and I'm awake too.
Nothing ma'am, just speaking as my heart desires and nothing out of the ordinary.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:01am On Jul 20, 2015

Just what I needed to hear. Many thanks.
You're welcome my friend .
Do have a pleasant day.
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:01am On Jul 20, 2015

You should let him speak the truth he knows here pls. Truth never hurts anyone. It might be the change I need. You never can tell. Pls
He just spoke from his heart, I think we all should search our conscience and make amends where necessary. I love him so much and I respect all of his words.
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 12:04am On Jul 20, 2015
Nothing ma'am, just speaking as my heart desires and nothing out of the ordinary.
Only wish your heart would desire to let out much more because as it is I've not gotten you.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:05am On Jul 20, 2015

Only wish your heart would desire to let out much more because as it is I've not gotten you.
Use your tongue to count your teeth.
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:06am On Jul 20, 2015
Nothing ma'am, just speaking as my heart desires and nothing out of the ordinary.
I so love you more than just a friend and a brother. You have impacted so much into me since meeting you. You speak your mind in truth and in love. You are passionate for brotherhood and humanity. My love for you and attachment to you shall never cease. People like you are rare and I find myself lucky in you.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:07am On Jul 20, 2015
I so love you more than just a friend and a brother. You have impacted so much into me since meeting you. You speak your mind in truth and in love. You are passionate for brotherhood and humanity. My love for you and attachment to you shall never cease. People like you are rare and I find myself lucky in you.

Then do the right thing always and let God and the gods be the judge.
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 12:07am On Jul 20, 2015

He just spoke from his heart, I think we all should search our conscience and make amends where necessary. I love him so much and I respect all of his words.
I know you do. I only wish he'll be more explicit. Whatever it is, I suppose he's said all he has to say. Thanks too for the advise. It sure is timely. I'll do what I can.
Re: Tag And Ask by GIYAZZ(m): 12:08am On Jul 20, 2015
Alexpissu you sent me a mail. But I don't get mails from that address no more. It's complicated. Whassup though?
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 12:10am On Jul 20, 2015
Use your tongue to count your teeth.
It's okay. I'll push no further. Thanks again
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:12am On Jul 20, 2015

It's okay. I'll push no further. Thanks again
You're welcome ma'am even if I'm older than you . grin

Once again you're welcome , take care of your young family.
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 12:12am On Jul 20, 2015
I so love you more than just a friend and a brother. You have impacted so much into me since meeting you. You speak your mind in truth and in love. You are passionate for brotherhood and humanity. My love for you and attachment to you shall never cease. People like you are rare and I find myself lucky in you.
I'm suspecting you. I hope your call wasn't a bribe for him not to speak the truth as completely as his heart desired to.:-(
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:13am On Jul 20, 2015
Then do the right thing always and let God and the gods be the judge.
My brother and friend I wish you can see my heart and read my mind. Your words struck me and honestly, I hold them to high esteem. Please take my words for what they are... I respect your judgement and welcome your words.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:16am On Jul 20, 2015
My brother and friend I wish you can see my heart and read my mind. Your words struck me and honestly, I hold them to high esteem. Please take my words for what they are... I respect your judgement and welcome your words.
You're brother and more than a friend and I respect your nature but again we need to open our eyes, for the prize tomorrow is far more richer than what we see today.
Trust me , if I don't want the best for you I will never speak on your behalf no matter the circumstances .
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:16am On Jul 20, 2015

I'm suspecting you. I hope your call wasn't a bribe for him not to speak the truth as completely as his heart desired to.:-(
Truckpusher is someone that bare his mind. He has done it in the most appropriate manner. No need to push further let us just search ourselves and make amend where necessary. Words of rebuke are meant to make us grow and not get us down. This I love him for.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:18am On Jul 20, 2015

I'm suspecting you. I hope your call wasn't a bribe for him not to speak the truth as completely as his heart desired to.:-(
Ask him , no man can bribe me except with death on my sight when it comes to speaking the truth the way it is.

The truth defines every man anywhere and anytime .
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:27am On Jul 20, 2015
You're brother and more than a friend and I respect your nature but again we need to open our eyes, for the prize tomorrow is far more richer than what we see today.
Trust me , if I don't want the best for you I will never speak on your behalf no matter the circumstances .
One thing I love your wisdom and foresight in your words and advice. I have learnt a lot from you (including the grin grin). I wish I can transplant all the wisdom you have into my brain... I so appreciate your love and brotherhood. May we have many more ahead.
Re: Tag And Ask by Truckpusher(m): 12:29am On Jul 20, 2015
One thing I love your wisdom and foresight in your words and advice. I have learnt a lot from you (including the grin grin). I wish I can transplant all the wisdom you have into my brain... I so appreciate your love and brotherhood. May we have many more ahead.
Including what ? grin smh

No go there o. grin
Re: Tag And Ask by Nobody: 12:34am On Jul 20, 2015
Including what ? grin smh

No go there o. grin
Philips70 say you no go contribute money bail me IF DSS arrest and detain me? angry
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 12:41am On Jul 20, 2015
Re: Tag And Ask by MizMyColi(f): 2:01am On Jul 20, 2015
Re: Tag And Ask by Specialist900(m): 8:18am On Jul 20, 2015
People of this family,

Good morning to you all. Continue to enjoy the salah break but please remember work resumes tomorow gringringrin

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Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 9:47am On Jul 20, 2015
Good morning ma'am.
Re: Tag And Ask by MizMyColi(f): 9:49am On Jul 20, 2015

Good morning ma'am.

Good Morning HFOGsmiley
I saw you on the thread earlier, so I knew you'd read the epistle, then I thought to modify.

Ma'am if possible, just modify every post where you mentioned him or Barca.

It's not worth your headache I tell youkiss
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 9:50am On Jul 20, 2015
People of this family,

Good morning to you all. Continue to enjoy the salah break but please remember work resumes tomorow gringringrin
Those of us wey don start vacation nko? Do you guys run summer school? Are you participating?
Re: Tag And Ask by HFOG(f): 9:52am On Jul 20, 2015

Good Morning HFOGsmiley
I saw you on the thread earlier, so I knew you'd read the epistle, then I thought to modify.
Many thanks for your kindness. You know I appreciate you.

1 Like

Re: Tag And Ask by MizMyColi(f): 9:53am On Jul 20, 2015
People of this family,

Good morning to you all. Continue to enjoy the salah break but please remember work resumes tomorow gringringrin
Re: Tag And Ask by MizMyColi(f): 9:55am On Jul 20, 2015

Many thanks for your kindness. You know I appreciate you.

I appreciate you toosmiley
I actually added more to the post of earlier.
Treat the statement of last night like what it is.....NOTHINGgrin

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