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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Was Eve Really A Woman? (6069 Views)
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Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 3:11pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
"And the lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man" Genesis:2:21-23. I came across this and was wondering, because I know that the DNA in the rib when used in creating a clone, will give a replica of the original rib owner, so how come a woman was created out of a man's rib? Please Bible people help me out here. 8 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Hero10001: 3:16pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Mutation occured. |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by angieberry(f): 3:23pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
This is what happens when you try to use science to explain religion. 38 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freeDR(m): 3:23pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Someone will soon tell you that the ways of God are not the ways of man. That some spiritual things are too deep to understand ![]() 13 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Tolexander: 3:25pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa:the bible people will end up confusing you the more, giving you unhelpful answers. 4 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by dalaman: 3:32pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Magic. 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Antoinne: 3:32pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
If eve wasn't a woman, how did she beget Cain and Abel? I don't believe bible stories though ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 3:34pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Hero10001:Please explain how, for better understanding. |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 3:35pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Tolexander:So I should leave them be, abi. ![]() |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Weah96: 3:43pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa: The same way Moses split the whole ocean using a walking stick, the same way Mohammed heard his food talk to him in his native language. 11 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by deuce7(m): 3:46pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Sweery what do you hope to achieve with this type of thread? 2 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 3:51pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
deuce7:I want to learn na. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Juxtified(m): 3:57pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
What do u need explanation for? 1. You were explicitly told its a woman that was created. 2. You know fully well Eve gave birth to children - a man cannot do this. 3. Obviously you're not aware that gender determination (male or female) depends purely on the MAN, the genes for bearing both male and female offsprings are present in the man 14 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by ayoku777(m): 4:11pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa: You see, when you bring the God factor into an act, you must be willing to think outside the box of the scientific to understand how He does what He does. God is a spirit, and a supernatural being. And even though He created scientific laws to govern and order His physical creation; He himself is not bound by them. You don't demand a scientific explanation for all the actions of a supernatural being who can suspend, by-pass and modify scientific laws at will to do what He wants to do. You want us to explain the acts of a supernatural God for you, but you're not willing to think outside the box of the scienific. That's like asking someone to calculate the area of a circle for you, but you insist he must use L x B (lenght x breadth) -the formula for the area of a rectangle. How do you explain how God made grown adults at the Tower of Babel learn, understand and immediately begin to communicate in a new language in a split second, when He confused their languages? You can't explain it without thinking outside the small box of the scientific. As long as you cocoon your mind to believe only the physical realm exists and is governed only by scientific laws; you will have more questions than answers about the acts of a supernatural God. And your questions will seem smart to you. But they are actually as ignorant as asking someone to calculate the area of a cirlce for you but he must use the formula for the area of a rectangle. Shalom! 40 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by deuce7(m): 4:13pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa:Everyone here knows what this is. Let me just tell you that anyone who have had personal experience with God can not change his/her mind because of what they read here. Stop making mockery of people's believe even if it's within your right and all. Your reasonable so just think about it. It's just like when you read threads created to mock feminism. What comes to your mind? I just couldn't hold myself from saying this. 6 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by tpiander: 4:14pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Juxtified: 1 Like |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by tpiander: 4:15pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Yes, eve was a woman. You can debate gay marriage elsewhere. 5 Likes |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:15pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Juxtified:1. A woman created by taking the rib off a man and inserting into a moulded structure, I'd like to know how this happened, as it is still biologically impossible. 2.I don't know that she gave birth to kids. 3. How is that relevant in the discourse? To make a baby, you need egg and sperm, so? 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:16pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
tpiander:Tpia go play yourself somewhere else please, thank you. 1 Like |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:21pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
deuce7:You first have to understand that am not trying to change anyone's mind, I am merely asking questions. When I see threads mocking feminism(which is on per second billing here) I try to explain or debate to help for a better understanding, in the end I respect everyone's choice to be here or not, I certainly don't tell anyone not to open any threads on the topic. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by tpiander: 4:21pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa: You don't know that she gave birth to kids? |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by tpiander: 4:23pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
May I ask why a particular _________ is at the forefront of both satanism and gay marriage agenda for nigerians? ![]() Na una obama consult before pushing the bill? |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Juxtified(m): 4:26pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
tpiander:Just leave HIM alone. I think HE's one of those who create threads just to gain attention. 1 Like |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by deuce7(m): 4:30pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa: Am not telling you not to open threads about such matters, your very free to. If it's that you really want to learn, then no problem. If it's about sarcasm, then think more about it as your a very reasonable person. |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:36pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
ayoku777:You talk about ignorance yet came up with the analogy of circle and rectangle,when you are actually the one wanting to calculate the area of a circle with the formula for area of rectangle. You do have to realise that I don't have the same religious beliefs as you, therefore you don't have to expect me to think like you, if you want to educate me, then you certainly have to give ears patiently and answer my questions and convincingly too. How hard can that be to understand? 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:39pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
deuce7:It can be about anything but the end point is to educate us all. |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Nobody: 4:40pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
I think the bible has done much psychological trauma to our people than any other novel or book written. With so many incosistences 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by deuce7(m): 4:47pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
freecocoa: This can not 'educate' any real Christian (there are fake xtians) just like no preaching will ever make you change your mind (just like you always say). |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by freecocoa(f): 4:49pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
deuce7:You are not sure any preaching can't change my mind, unless you have concluded that there's no convincing proof for me of his existence. 1 Like |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by Jozzy4: 4:54pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
krattoss: Bro kratoss , the bible didnt do any harm . The harm is the modern day p..astors and preacher.s . How do u think the world will be if the laws of the bible is followed by everyone ? If so, then you wont panic when u forget ur phone in the taxi coz everyone knew the law says " dont steal" , then no man will seduce your wife since they know the law says " adultery is bad" Thats just the fact . 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by whugo(m): 4:55pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
![]() |
Re: Was Eve Really A Woman? by whugo(m): 4:56pm On Aug 07, 2015 |
Hero10001:Pls more light |
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