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Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk - Health (663) - Nairaland

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by twingirls: 8:23pm On Aug 22, 2015

If I hear say u no cum luth, na to flog u cum back. I go don resume mat leave den, so cum make I start omugwo for u from hosp bed.. one love

Waow! So you work in Luth? Great great, I must find you o

I actually love and trust Luth, my only but is dis strike! I risked my 1st and 2nd wout registering in a private, but I was favoured enough to give birth wen they weren't on strike, just want to be more prepared dis time around!


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by firsttymum(f): 8:30pm On Aug 22, 2015
@ firsttymum, is the holding of Window part of the kpeku style or just preggy exercise?
it's using one stone to kill two birds... It's kpekusing + exercising.... wink grin
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nkkystel(f): 8:40pm On Aug 22, 2015
@ nkkystel Pele.does ur nose hurt & is d bleeding much? I have limited knowledge on dis one.but I think u should call ur Dr ASAP and explain d symptoms he will b in a better position u help u out.other experienced mamas wil ansa u.u will b fine IJN. sad
Thanks dearie, my nose doesn't hurt o and the bleeding isn't much. Will try and see my doc by Monday.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by twingirls: 8:43pm On Aug 22, 2015

Teammate 5 times a week? shocked Ewo see energy. I doff hat for u jor grin I dey learn 4 wer u dey.I kpekus once or twice a week.im even tinkin of reducing it pending wen i find a more comfortable style cos my smal bump is already obstructing tinx.if u don't hv any issues den no probs.
@ Blessedtwins we need am na abi.e suppose b part of d package

My dear na sooo, till my 12th week, I know allow dh more dn 3 times, and I feel for the man o, since after my 12th week scan, it's been rushing level

My piece for your friend is to find a way to meet her man half way! My hubby's sex drive is also quite high, nothing else apart from sex has ever been the cause of our argument, he turns to a child wen it comes to sex, he can go for days not talking to me if I refuse him, wen we were TTC, he wanted to do it daily, and for d 2wks break, I begged him to reduce to every other day. He kept on reminding me dat we had no 2w break for our 1st and 2nd baby. I finally found a way out by meeting him halfway, I deliberately ginger my sex drive, that way I won't hurt, though mine was not painful, just irritating, I neva had tear but sometimes sore after end of period rushing, I tell him and he let me be.
She should do her part by meeting him halfway to make him happy ( my dh goes about smilling and in great mood after continuos kpekus, and will give me anything at dat moment), then, she shld engage her hubby how it hurts and dat reduction of frequency will make it better, it is to be enjoyed, not forced, and it can't stop him from cheating, a man dat will cheat will cheat!

Sorry for d long post, I was once in a similar shoe


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by twingirls: 8:48pm On Aug 22, 2015
Just entering 3rd trimester and I woke up this morning with a slight blood stain on my wipes! cry plus increased vaginal discharge! And a numbing ache on my right leg for the past week cry

My bump seems to be resting on my lungs coz I can barely breath! My nipples itch too cry plus I have been purging like someone left my bowel taps open cry cry cry

I feel like going in for a cs at week 30 because I don't think I can bare all this anymore!!!! I have suddenly turned into a nagging wife and my poor husband seems to be my worst enemy at the moment, i blame him for everything! Oh God please please please help me .

Still team November.

My dear, God is your muscle o, neva confess negative. Meanwhile, go see ur doc to your placenter/ cervix. Low lying placenter sometimes causes bleeding. Bed rest is sometimes prescribed or doc may just tell you to take it easy wt kpekus and anything stressfull.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by tatacherie: 8:53pm On Aug 22, 2015
@ Twingirls thanks a lot ma'am I appreciate ur response.I will communicate ur suggestions to her.Godbless
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by viviparity: 8:54pm On Aug 22, 2015
My ppl hw una dey hope pushing,vigilantee is moving well. Pls can somebody help me with that list of baby things to buy let me cross check pls.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by twingirls: 8:54pm On Aug 22, 2015

Thanks dearie, my nose doesn't hurt o and the bleeding isn't much. Will try and see my doc by Monday.

Kpele dear,n it's part of d package, it show d level of blood passing tru ur body @ dis time! It's not unusual, if it happens frequently though, see your doc for reassurance.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by soonest(f): 9:32pm On Aug 22, 2015
Anyone dealt with low lying placenta.
No bleeding or discharge.
Third pregnancy, 2 normal live births.
Pelvic pain and leg cramps
On restrictions, complete pelvic rest, no lifting nor strenuous activities
All test came out ok except for low lying placenta although it could move with expansion of the uterus as pregnancy progresses.
Just want to know how to deal with the pain.
Currently on Tylenol.
Exactly in same shoes with you except d pelvic pain n leg cramp. Praying d placenta moves up by 3rd trimester. Tylenol is d safest analgesic for now, just take things easy and the Lord will see you through
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by soonest(f): 9:37pm On Aug 22, 2015

Ok dear!
I'm doing great with my lo, but since Tuesday night av been bleeding thru my nose (after replying your post that night) though it stopped after placing my head backwards.
This morning, I noticed the bleeding again. Donna, is this anoda sign of pregnancy.
Nosebleed is common in pregnancy. I had it in my first pregnancy. Doo! This will pass too
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nkkystel(f): 9:55pm On Aug 22, 2015

Kpele dear,n it's part of d package, it show d level of blood passing tru ur body @ dis time! It's not unusual, if it happens frequently though, see your doc for reassurance.
Thanks dearie!
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nkkystel(f): 9:57pm On Aug 22, 2015

Nosebleed is common in pregnancy. I had it in my first pregnancy. Doo! This will pass too
Thanks Soonest!
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by ozycy: 9:31am On Aug 23, 2015
Lolz@ozycy,na part of preggyy exercise.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kaffy4bill(f): 10:05am On Aug 23, 2015

Waow! So you work in Luth? Great great, I must find you o

I actually love and trust Luth, my only but is dis strike! I risked my 1st and 2nd wout registering in a private, but I was favoured enough to give birth wen they weren't on strike, just want to be more prepared dis time around!

Yes ooo I do.. Wil b looking forward to see u sis.. do let me knw so we can hook up...
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by gocare: 11:53am On Aug 23, 2015
Good afternoon mamas. Pls, I've been having catarrh and sore throat for some dayz now, pls what can I use? I don't know if I can use d normal cold & catarrh drugs. I'm 26wks preg

Actually I used honey and lemon in hot water, you know like tea. It worked well. It was very nice, I actually enjoyed the tea. Just honey and lemon not lime.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by fosterkid: 12:48pm On Aug 23, 2015
undecided embarassed @ FINA4804 read diazepam can cause malformation in first trimester,that is scary.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Fabmummy: 1:31pm On Aug 23, 2015
I gave birth to my very first LO last week and God has been really faithful. I was so scared of CS and God gave it to me naturally though I was induced during Labour and it was quite painful. the only problem I have now is passing stool. it's even more painful than the Labour pain and I'm still unable to pass the stool. is anyone here in my shoes and how to ease this pain.

Congrats on the birth of ur LO. May God ease ur pain
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Deezou(f): 1:58pm On Aug 23, 2015
Pls modath and other sabi mamas help me with d brand of baby set(oil,powder,soap etc) dats d best for baby's tender skin.plus d best brand of diaper.TIA
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Jennifer89(f): 2:03pm On Aug 23, 2015
last week i read on this thread that pineapple induces labour and i was surprise. well it's very true. i just read this online and wanna shear.

fun trying to bring on labour
If you want to try and avoid being induced once
your due date has come and gone, there are a few
natural things you could try to get your
contractions started. There are no guarantees
they will work of course – but some of them
might be fun trying!
At a glance
To avoid an induction, there are some natural
ways to try and kick start your contractions
Semen contains the same chemicals hospitals
use for inductions so give sex a go if you feel
up for it!

Eating curry or pineapple are yummy ways to
try and get your contractions going

OK, if you are 40 weeks plus, are feeling huge,
tired and uncomfortable, nooky might be the last
thing on your mind – but it COULD help! Perhaps
TMI, but semen is rich in prostaglandins, which
are the chemicals that are used in hospital
inductions to kick-start labour, so sex could ripen
and soften your cervix and get things going.
Could be worth a go if you're up for it!

Nipple stimulation
When your nipples are stimulated, your body
produces Oxytocin – the same hormone that
causes contractions in labour. You'd probably
have to do a whole lot of twiddling for it to be
effective, but perhaps if done in conjunction with
other methods, it could work!

Some mums swear by having a hot curry to start
off labour – the belief being that having spicy
food in your tum could stimulate your uterus. If
you enjoy a curry generally, it could be a nice way
of attempting to get things going – probably best
avoided if you hate anything hot and spicy

Pineapple is not only yummy and healthy, but it
also contains an enzyme called Bromelain that
could bring on labour (in fact, other tropical fruits
like kiwi, mango and papaya do, too). Pineapple
is very rich in Bromelain though, so eating it
could have a softening and ripening effect on the
cervix. Bear in mind it could also give you a dose
of the trots if you scoff too much though!

Massage, reflexology and acupuncture
Chat with your midwife if you want to go the
complementary therapy route to bring on labour –
some practitioners will offer treatments
specifically for overdue mums, but it is obviously
very important that you go to a fully qualified
therapist, and that your treatment is 100 per cent
suitable for a mum-to-be.
#Team September#

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 2:12pm On Aug 23, 2015
Thanks twingirls!
Congrats pwettytemmy! Try and see your doctor so he/she can prescribe somthing to soften the hard stool, sabi mamas that have experienced such will also have suggestions.

I am feeling a whole lot better today smiley
Wore a fitted dress to church and everyone was shocked!!! They didn't know we have conceived as my bump was very obvious in the dress cool
My church choir turned todays service into a thanksgiving one on our behalf, those that new how long we've been waiting kept raising worship songs to God Almighty!!!
I feel so blessed and I know God will visit my ttc sisters here soon in Jesus name amen!!!!


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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by goldmine(f): 2:35pm On Aug 23, 2015
Pls modath and other sabi mamas help me with d brand of baby set(oil,powder,soap etc) dats d best for baby's tender skin.plus d best brand of diaper.TIA

For skin care range, i'll recommend ASDA little angels. It's very good.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Mzora(f): 2:55pm On Aug 23, 2015
@deezou,you can start with ori(shea butter)or coconut oil from birth till like 6 months before switching to a skin care range. boots products is good thou in case u wanna try. for diapers Huggies and dry love are very good.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by modath(f): 4:12pm On Aug 23, 2015
Pls modath and other sabi mamas help me with d brand of baby set(oil,powder,soap etc) dats d best for baby's tender skin.plus d best brand of diaper.TIA

Sis how are you doing? How borry? smiley...

Best is relative, but the very good ones are Aveeno, Johnson, Sebamed, Cussons & mother's choice.. I use pure coconut oil & sebamed for LBK, will add Agnesia powder if I can lay my hands on the original.

For diaper, "Little snugglers" is way ahead of snug & dry huggies brand but seems snug & dry is readily available... Prince & princess I heard from a very reliable source is quite good... I intend to test it out...
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Deezou(f): 4:21pm On Aug 23, 2015

Sis how are you doing? How borry? smiley...

Best is relative, but the very good ones are Aveeno, Johnson, Sebamed, Cussons & mother's choice.. I use pure coconut oil & sebamed for LBK, will add Agnesia powder if I can lay my hands on the original.

For diaper, "Little snugglers" is way ahead of snug & dry huggies brand but seems snug & dry is readily available... Prince & princess I heard from a very reliable source is quite good... I intend to test it out...
Am gud,body dey in prepare 4 d d day,tnx.
But pls which diaper does LBK use?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kendlez(f): 4:31pm On Aug 23, 2015
Pls modath and other sabi mamas help me with d brand of baby set(oil,powder,soap etc) dats d best for baby's tender skin.plus d best brand of diaper.TIA

In addition to what Modath said I think Chicco is another very good product and my sister-in-law swears by Ever dry diapers. I bought Johnson baby oil, powder and wipes last week but I was told I got the fake one (the one I got is from S.Africa) that the original ones are US manufactured. Am now thinking of giving them out as am scared LO might react to them. Anyone had experience with the Johnson baby range manufactured in S.Africa?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FINA4804(f): 4:35pm On Aug 23, 2015
undecided embarassed @ FINA4804 read diazepam can cause malformation in first trimester,that is scary.
I also read about it but, Google said it has not being proven, that was why I stopped it,but I was given yesterday again oh I have taken only one dose. I don't take it for too long

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by modath(f): 4:39pm On Aug 23, 2015

Am gud,body dey in prepare 4 d d day,tnx.
But pls which diaper does LBK use?

Hospital started us on Pampers little swaddlers, he has on prince & princess now as a trial (so far so good, cos if we run out, i want something accessible) but we came in wit some packs of little snugglers huggies which is what he will use till we graduate to little movers...

Mamas, lovinam, tchiwinnie,kaffy4bill, kimoni, make una helep ooo, my last missionary journey before LBK was 6yrs ago oooo, hope I'm not misyarning? cheesy

D day will surely be glorious, Allah dey...
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Kimoni: 4:47pm On Aug 23, 2015

Hospital started us on Pampers little swaddlers, he has on prince & princess now as a trial (so far so good, cos if we run out, i want something accessible) but we came in wit some packs of little snugglers huggies which is what he will use till we graduate to little movers...

Mamas, lovinam, tchiwinnie,kaffy4bill, kimoni, make una helep ooo, my last missionary journey before LBK was 6yrs ago oooo, hope I'm not misyarning? cheesy

D day will surely be glorious, Allah dey...

Modath don land? Welcome back dear. Lots of kisses to LBK

Huggies and pampers na only me sabi ooo. I play it safe with kiddies stuff.

But lots of mamas on this thread swear to prince and princesses.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by livelystone(f): 4:50pm On Aug 23, 2015

Actually I used honey and lemon in hot water, you know like tea. It worked well. It was very nice, I actually enjoyed the tea. Just honey and lemon not lime.

Ok ma, I will try that. Thank u very much.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by livelystone(f): 4:52pm On Aug 23, 2015
@ Livelystone someone mentioned honey+lime yestaday.I learnt it works.I've not used it once though

OK. Thank you.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Beryl15: 5:42pm On Aug 23, 2015
I gave birth to my very first LO last week and God has been really faithful. I was so scared of CS and God gave it to me naturally though I was induced during Labour and it was quite painful. the only problem I have now is passing stool. it's even more painful than the Labour pain and I'm still unable to pass the stool. is anyone here in my shoes and how to ease this pain.
Congrats dear.
So you're an August mama and you just dey show face Abi? isorite.
For the stool issue, buy a stool softener ASAP and start taking( colace stool softener or any other brand).
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by lovinam: 6:04pm On Aug 23, 2015
Try dry love. That's what I use. I wonder why u didn't get diapers dia na. Dem get diapers wey no be brand names dem de sell am for outlets. I de buy dem in cartons and spread in my boxes.

Hospital started us on Pampers little swaddlers, he has on prince & princess now as a trial (so far so good, cos if we run out, i want something accessible) but we came in wit some packs of little snugglers huggies which is what he will use till we graduate to little movers...

Mamas, lovinam, tchiwinnie,kaffy4bill, kimoni, make una helep ooo, my last missionary journey before LBK was 6yrs ago oooo, hope I'm not misyarning? cheesy

D day will surely be glorious, Allah dey...

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