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‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ - Family - Nairaland

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‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by passionate88: 7:20am On Jun 01, 2015
Not every man a woman meets is meant to be his wife and not every relationship must end up in marriage because there are husband materials and friend materials, but when people end up marrying those who ought to be just friends, they would end up having all manner of marital problems. But when a man marries his real wife, ordained for him by God and a woman marries a man ordained for her by God, even if they encounter problems along the line, they always overcome because God has purposed them to be together.
Ichie Felix Obiakor, his beautiful wife…50 years ago
Today is a day worth celebrating for Ichie Felix Obiakor, his beautiful wife, Rita, their seven children and 21 grandchildren. The couple is celebrating 50 years of married life and that is one celebration many couples in today’s Nigeria cannot afford. Many have tried and failed in the area of marriage and some have lost their spouses and so could not celebrate. Others are victims of broken marriages.
To show appreciation to God, Ichie and Rita have thrown open their doors for friends and relations to come and celebrate with them today, April 5, in their country home, Adazi Nnukwu, Anambra State.
“ All that glitters is not gold. The most beautiful woman is not the most marriageable just like the most handsome man is not. Sometimes what God desires for a man or woman may not be what they desire for themselves and, that is why in Igboland where we come from, we ask questions about the background of the persons we want to marry to know their family history and whether such a marriage will be positive. You do not just meet a man or a woman and jump into marriage and sometimes, too, God approves of our choices for ourselves when the love is too strong.”
Speaking about his wife of 50 years, Ichie said, “ In 1962 while I was working in the Ministry of Justice, Enugu ,l was transferred to Umuahia. Coincidentally, I was living at No 21, Item street with the late Chief Charles Azaka who then worked at P & T, Umuahia. It was at that time that a little angel was visiting the family. l later learnt she was his niece and that she was working at Shell Hospital in Port-Harcourt as a nurse. As God would have it,l was transferred to Port-Harcourt in 1963 and that gave me the opportunity of being closer to her and I found that she was a good wife material.
In 1964, l was transferred back to Umuahia but was in contact with her.
“ Her decency and humility attracted me so much that I made a marriage proposal which she accepted.
I wedded her on the 9th of January, 1965 at St Finbarrs Catholic Church, Umuahia. God has been good to us throughout the years and blessed the marriage with more than half a dozen children and over 20 grandchildren. “ The choice of a good wife is hard but with God, it is easy. My choice fell on Rita (Decency), the queen of peace. God is love and to marry in love means to marry in God. We are ever grateful to God for leading us through these five decades of married life especially in those years when a woman’s place was believed to be in the kitchen but she was educated and had a career. But she didn’t let that get into her head. She was humble and has remained so even all through the years. It was too long ago that she retired and she remained a pillar of strength which is a rare virtue in many relationships.”

Also speaking about her experience, Rita said, “I graduated from the School of Nursing at Holy Rosary, Emekuku Owerri, in 1962. After school of nursing, I took appointment in Shell Hospital in Port Harcourt. I worked there till 1963, and visited my uncle, Charles Azaka, and his family at Umuahia during my vacation. A young man, Felix Obiakor, was also living in the same compound with his brother, Stephen. I did not see him during my trip but he saw me . Then he started making inquiries about me from my sister, Felicia Azaka, who told him everything about me.
“However, after my holiday, I went back to Port Harcourt. One day, he came to my hostel in Port Harcourt with his friend asking of me. When I came out, he introduced himself and said that he was looking for me. I told him I wasn't the type keeping boyfriends, and he said he was looking for a wife, not a girl friend. I told him I could not marry him because he was too handsome, that throughout my life, I did not fight or quarrel with anybody and, as such, could not fight over him. He left and came back after some weeks and continued asking me to marry him. My roommate at that time, Patricia Anyanwu, advised me to accept his proposal and I accepted.
Of all the suitors that came to me, he was the only one I accepted, because I loved him so much.
“We started courting. In 1964, we went to Onitsha to see my uncles: The late Fidelis Azaka, the late Ben Azaka and my senior brother, the late Godwin Azaka, for introduction.


cc: lalasticlala
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by kokolet007(f): 7:31am On Jun 01, 2015
Where is the picture of the handsome husband and d ugly wife?
Op do the needful!


Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by freshdude99(m): 7:33am On Jun 01, 2015
May almighty God bless my heart desires in Jesus name, Amen. kiss

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Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by freshdude99(m): 7:35am On Jun 01, 2015
Where is the picture of the handsome husband and d ugly wife?
Op do the needful!
I couldn't find the man's pic but I saw the wife's ryt in ur profy shocked cheesy

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Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by ijustdey: 7:37am On Jun 01, 2015
The couple is celebrating 50 years of married life and that is one celebration many couples in today’s Nigeria cannot afford.

God bless this couple
This what I want to hear from families and not after two years we are going to divorce which has characterised today's marriage


Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by kokolet007(f): 7:49am On Jun 01, 2015

I couldn't find the man's pic but I saw the wife's ryt in ur profy shocked cheesy
I guess u are joking rite! Cos the last time I read ur post it said d woman husband is too handsome for her which insinuate she's not good looking like her husband is.
Mr freshdude I don't need to add does adjective to define myself!
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by freshdude99(m): 9:26am On Jun 01, 2015

I guess u are joking rite! Cos the last time I read ur post it said d woman husband is too handsome for her which insinuate she's not good looking like her husband is.
Mr freshdude I don't need to add does adjective to define myself!
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by passionate88: 8:47am On Jun 02, 2015

I guess u are joking rite! Cos the last time I read ur post it said d woman husband is too handsome for her which insinuate she's not good looking like her husband is.
Mr freshdude I don't need to add does adjective to define myself!
Then you got it wrong. She meant the guy is too handsome that she got scared if he'd have other girls or some girls might be trying to marry him by fire by force
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by kokolet007(f): 10:53am On Jun 02, 2015
Then you got it wrong. She meant the guy is too handsome that she got scared if he'd have other girls or some girls might be trying to marry him by fire by force

Too handsome for her and she display her insecurity! Anyway Happy for her she won!
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by rossi49ja(m): 2:29pm On Aug 31, 2015
Nice story, may the single ones find their missing ribs at the appointed time...Amen.

passionate88, are you from Adazi-Nnukwu?
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by tpiander: 2:34pm On Aug 31, 2015
Picture of handsome grandpa or nl is more handsome.
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by tpiander: 2:38pm On Aug 31, 2015
Seen the picture, light skinned.

The wife is also pretty though, why did she think she wasn't?
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by kennyman2000(m): 4:38pm On Aug 31, 2015
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by Haywhymido(m): 8:20pm On Aug 31, 2015
Good one, did anyone notice d number of years dey used 4 courting
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by vickkyruby(f): 12:35am On Sep 01, 2015
I just need the picture to confirm.
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by tpiander: 12:36am On Sep 01, 2015
its on google, he was light skinned.
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by jmoore(m): 8:13am On Sep 01, 2015
Here is the picture taken 50 years ago

Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by Chidoks(f): 8:51am On Sep 01, 2015
Here is the picture taken 50 years ago

the man was really handsome! see eyes abeg!!
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by passionate88: 6:15pm On Sep 05, 2015

I guess u are joking rite! Cos the last time I read ur post it said d woman husband is too handsome for her which insinuate she's not good looking like her husband is.
Mr freshdude I don't need to add does adjective to define myself!
That's where you got it wrong, it doesn't insinuate that she's not good looking, it means that the husband was too good looking for her likening. Girls fight over the good looking guys or they think the good looking guys might have numerous girls.
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by passionate88: 6:17pm On Sep 05, 2015
Seen the picture, light skinned.

The wife is also pretty though, why did she think she wasn't?
She NEVER said she wasn't..... Comprehension people.Christ what's so hard in that?.
Re: ‘I Thought My Husband Was Too Handsome To Marry Me’ by tpiah01: 6:29pm On Sep 05, 2015
Where is the picture of the handsome husband and d ugly wife?
Op do the needful!

op show your ishan here.

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