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Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants - Education (415) - Nairaland

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FUTMINNA 2015/2016 ASPIRANTS THREAD / 2015 Unilorin: Utme And Direct Entry Applicants / The medical students and aspirants thread (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Nobody: 12:13am On Sep 09, 2015
Fire!! [FTC]
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:14am On Sep 09, 2015
Sir GideonG happy birthday, wish you long life and prosperity. May God give you the birthday gift(admission) you've been asking for. Have fun

So you are officially the first to wish me happy birthday on my actual birthday on Nairaland! Thanks a lot and I claim your prayers.

Unilorin I am waiting wooooooo IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:15am On Sep 09, 2015
Am using this medium to wish GideonG a happy birthday....wishing you a long life and prosperity...

There you go, taking your time off the vigil and wishing me happy birthday, I really appreciate! Thanks
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:17am On Sep 09, 2015
Happy birthday bro..may dis day bring u much hapiness nd joy nd may God grant all ur heart desires..Long life nd prosperity

Oshey!!!!!!!! Thanks wo, I appreciate
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:17am On Sep 09, 2015
Word of exhortation:

The Lord says, you shall be My witness...unto the end of the world. Acts 1:8. Know for sure that the reason God is giving you this admission is just for you to proclaim the Gospel on the BBF land and to succeed. Keep this in mind and it shall be well with you. He said, I will be with you even unto the end of the ages. Mat 28:20. Praise the Lord.
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:18am On Sep 09, 2015

Happy birthday. Enjoy.

Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:18am On Sep 09, 2015
Happy Birthday[Gideon G]

I am so grateful, Thank you!
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:19am On Sep 09, 2015
Now, let the birthday dude give us closing prayer
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:19am On Sep 09, 2015
U shall witness more of it on earth IJN.
Thanks a lot!
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:21am On Sep 09, 2015
People are sleeping while vigil is on. Usherrrrrrrs!!!
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by GideonG(m): 12:22am On Sep 09, 2015
Now, let the birthday dude give us closing prayer


It's not yet time for closing prayers!!!!!!
We have few more hours to go, we are still following the awesome prayer points and we've really been in the spirit with some sweeet choristers voices ministering. VIGIL ON MY BIRTHDAY, WHAT A DAY!
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Nobody: 12:23am On Sep 09, 2015
Now, let the birthday dude give us closing prayer

hahan..na so vigil don finish?
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Nobody: 12:25am On Sep 09, 2015

Oshey!!!!!!!! Thanks wo, I appreciate
U're welcome
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:28am On Sep 09, 2015
Okay. As the spirit leads - we follow.
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:29am On Sep 09, 2015
What's next after exhortation?

Testimony in advance?

Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by matthew80(m): 12:42am On Sep 09, 2015
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God, And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Be with us now and forever more. Amen.

Vigil closed.
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Joshbenji: 1:25am On Sep 09, 2015
[color=#000000][/color]All I know is that by this time next week

status go change from being a bloody jambite to a bona fide UNILORITE

by God's grace

BTW.. Happy birthday Gideon your admission await you.
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Titidi(f): 3:06am On Sep 09, 2015

So you are officially the first to wish me happy birthday on my actual birthday on Nairaland! Thanks a lot and I claim your prayers.

Unilorin I am waiting wooooooo IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
You're highly welcome
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Nobody: 3:55am On Sep 09, 2015
I have a true confession, I am a really big birthday person... I know not everybody is actually a birthday person, some even forget their birthdays until they are remembered.
Every September 9th, I have an indescribable feeling that last the whole day! It comes once in a year and it's the time I reflect and cherish the day the world opens it doors for me.

The very day I took my first breathe, sametime, sometime in the 80s at exactly 4 minutes pass 12 midnight, I can't help it but to continue to celebrate for what the lord has done for me. I am an advancing personality and I will always keep on keeping it real!

Today is my new year that comes with a brand new year resolutions. Today is a veeeeeeeeery special day in my life! Today is so unique 09-09, anytime I see the number 9 I feel attached to it, it's just like my favourite colour skyblue, anywhere I go and see variety of colours I will always pick blue. I LOVE THIS DAY, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT, PLEASE WISH ME WELL

I pray and hope that posterity never forgets this day!

Happy Birthday Bro
wishing you long life and prosperity...
to round things up, may God grant you admission to unilorin this year for your desired course. ..

lemme hear you shout a big amen
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by BIDOO(m): 4:14am On Sep 09, 2015
Hello to everyone out there.
Hey brother if I didn't make mistake, it seems you are a finalist or at least a 300L?
Hello to everyone out there.
Hey brother if I didn't make mistake, it seems you are a finalist or at least a 300L?
Hello to everyone out there.
Hey brother if I didn't make mistake, it seems you are a finalist or at least a 300L?
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by BIDOO(m): 4:21am On Sep 09, 2015
I had 223 in my jamb and 52% in post utme am good to be offered admission in uniilorin
I had 223 in my jamb and 52% in post utme am good to be offered admission in uniilorin
I had 223 in my jamb and 52% in post utme am good to be offered admission in uniilorin
Ur course or admit you never ask this?
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by BIDOO(m): 4:24am On Sep 09, 2015
Viewing this topic: lilmonarch , ElrayKhalifah (m ),
Yustash001 ( m), mrtopeqs( m), duke59 ( m),
Adeshizzy and 1 guest(s)
Viewing this topic: lilmonarch , ElrayKhalifah (m ),
Yustash001 ( m), mrtopeqs( m), duke59 ( m),
Adeshizzy and 1 guest(s)
Viewing this topic: lilmonarch , ElrayKhalifah (m ),
Yustash001 ( m), mrtopeqs( m), duke59 ( m),
Adeshizzy and 1 guest(s)
You done finish when next u do this trash............shit mehn
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by BIDOO(m): 4:25am On Sep 09, 2015
Unilag Admission list is out via Jamb Website.

Why is unilorin thing always exceptional lol

Unilag Admission list is out via Jamb Website.

Why is unilorin thing always exceptional lol

Go ambali office joor
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by BIDOO(m): 4:29am On Sep 09, 2015
how una dey
how una dey
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by harjiyoung(m): 6:20am On Sep 09, 2015
Happy Birthday GideonG.May God grant yur wishes this month and year,most especially ADMISSION coz #Na admission sure pass
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Cairoboy(m): 6:26am On Sep 09, 2015
Morni house, pls I had 231 and 54 in jamb and p-jamb respectively. Is there any hope 4 me
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by yungrashee(m): 6:33am On Sep 09, 2015

I pray and hope that posterity never forgets this day!
happy birthday bro...wullnp+mhr...bigger u I pray...**mak una no vex nd help me manaqe dz one carton of Orijin grin grin **God bless ur hustle spirit bro...btw our admission this year is a done deal by God Grace....
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by klexycole(m): 6:34am On Sep 09, 2015
Morni house, pls I had 231 and 54 in jamb and p-jamb respectively. Is there any hope 4 me

You Didn't State The Course You're Going For.
BTW,Only GOD Is Your Hope,Not MAN.
Commit Your Score To GOD....The Rest Is THANKSGIVING!

1 Like

Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by razor123(m): 6:38am On Sep 09, 2015
Happy Birthday Oga Gideon!!! May this your birthday also give birth to new and "Better By Far" things in your life.
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by klexycole(m): 6:41am On Sep 09, 2015
It's your day to celebrate! It's your day to cheer! Now you can eat more birthday cake Than you could hold last year! Now you can laugh louder And enjoy it even more--'Cause this is a bigger birthday Than you've ever had before!

#NA ADMISSION SURE PASS coolcheesygrin
Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by sylvar02(m): 6:42am On Sep 09, 2015
It's your day to celebrate! It's your day to cheer! Now you can eat more birthday cake Than you could hold last year! Now you can laugh louder And enjoy it even more--'Cause this is a bigger birthday Than you've ever had before!


Re: Unilorin Utme 2015/2016 Aspirants by Nobody: 6:48am On Sep 09, 2015
I have a true confession, I am a really big birthday person... I know not everybody is actually a birthday person, some even forget their birthdays until they are remembered.
Every September 9th, I have an indescribable feeling that last the whole day! It comes once in a year and it's the time I reflect and cherish the day the world opens it doors for me.

The very day I took my first breathe, sametime, sometime in the 80s at exactly 4 minutes pass 12 midnight, I can't help it but to continue to celebrate for what the lord has done for me. I am an advancing personality and I will always keep on keeping it real!

Today is my new year that comes with a brand new year resolutions. Today is a veeeeeeeeery special day in my life! Today is so unique 09-09, anytime I see the number 9 I feel attached to it, it's just like my favourite colour skyblue, anywhere I go and see variety of colours I will always pick blue. I LOVE THIS DAY, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT, PLEASE WISH ME WELL

I pray and hope that posterity never forgets this day!

happy birthday G..........there's much going on in life but the bad side of this life.......I pray you never see it.........

Admission lo sure ju

success is yours.......................if Unilorin no give una admission ehn, dem suppose revoked their accreditation and approval for school.

keep it real.cheesy

one love to my NL peeps, I see yagrin

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UNIBEN STUDENTS ADMISSION THREAD, 2015/2016 / National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) Students

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