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Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 12:29am On Sep 30, 2015
Congratulations to the incoming NYSC otondos ... You should all be proud of yourselves. I just finished my service year in July and I am here to answer any NYsC related questions you might have (to the best of my ability).

Camp confusions
How much you need
How to conduct or not conduct yourself wink
Activities to take up that might be beneficial in determining where you are posted to
Best CDS groups
Etc etc

Are you also a foreign student? Wondering how you will survive those 3 ghastly weeks? You are in the right place then!!!

Ask and it shall be answered!

Disclaimer: I speak from Lagos Camp experiences...other camps in other states and how they function may be different but any answer I provide should give you a general guide. I encourage you to conduct your own research and get a varied source for whatever information you seek.

P.s. Yokiti, how have you been? I've missed you like a fat kid misses cake grin

***New rule
If you want me to respond to your question, it might be advisable to NOT type in shorthand! cheesy ;DD cool

And guys...I have no idea how to access the email links. Im not ignoring you. Just post your message here and i ll try to answer it. smiley

***added 07/02/16 - I am so happy that this thread has actually helped out thousands of people...people commenting, answering and helping each other and those viewing in ghost mode cheesy We have literally gone from just NYSC camp related experiences to JAMB to all sorts..lol... Gives me goosebumps (Err...maybe not...but..) Thanks to everyone that has helped me out. Couldn't have done it without y'all. Remember, if you need me to address any questions just say my NAME and I'll come running (well...not literally)...and hopefully I'll know or help you find out the answer. Cant answer any questions on JAMB though embarassed wink

Update 24/04/17

Wow...we are still here guys. Congratulations to the folks that just finished and those about to enter...Please let us know the experiences you have had...the good, the bad and the ugly. I heard so much has changed since I finished in 2015. Seems like only yesterday though!!! cry


***UPDATE 13/12/2017***

Oh my Goodness guys... this thread is still going and has helped so many people. The information nuggets in this thread as been invaluable to most. Thank you to all the contributors. You guys are the bomb!!! kiss

On a different note...It's 12 DAYS to Christmasssss.

Wishing you all a fantabulous MERRY CHRISTMAS and a fulfilling NEW YEAR

****UPDATE 04/08/2019****

We still here fam! Goodluck to the folks about to start!

****UPDATE 02/01/2020****
Happy New Year Fam.... We are still here. Just checking in on y'all.

So looking to open a whatsapp group so that you guys can get help and answers real time and also easily link up with any Corp members in your state. Eg: if you have just arrived at camp and need a question answered real quick...that type of scenario. If I get 20 or more people show interest, I will open it. Just let me know. Tag me with your number!!! It should be a platform that can help with job opportunites, further education (home and abroad) CV building and mentoring, etc

39 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Nobody: 12:42am On Sep 30, 2015
I have questions O

Bet still typing

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by wtfCode: 12:49am On Sep 30, 2015
is it only teaching job that every nysc candidate will partake in?

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by joefredd006(m): 4:41am On Sep 30, 2015
i would like to say prestisimmo, where were you posted ? that would determine the next question

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Nobody: 8:20am On Sep 30, 2015
Pls ow much does a not rich nd not so poor guy need for camp..

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by badinfluence: 9:46am On Sep 30, 2015
What are the activities that can determine your posting

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by SlickM(m): 10:54am On Sep 30, 2015
questions dey come o
Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by oluwaisaac(m): 11:59am On Sep 30, 2015
please what are the best groups to belong to in camp!

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by oluwaisaac(m): 12:00pm On Sep 30, 2015
Please what are the best groups to belong to in camp?

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:22pm On Sep 30, 2015
is it only teaching job that every nysc candidate will partake in?

No... I believe you can get posted to education, rural infrastructure, health and agriculture. Your area of study also makes a huge difference in where you will eventually be posted to.

I hope this helps smiley

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:23pm On Sep 30, 2015
i would like to say prestisimmo, where were you posted ? that would determine the next question

I served in a Lagos State Ministry


Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:33pm On Sep 30, 2015
Pls ow much does a not rich nd not so poor guy need for camp..

I won't say how much I went with....I probably can't remember exactly anyways but I would advice you to budget as per the following...

Average guy (not so rich not so poor) - 500 per day = average of 11k to 15k... If you want to eat one meal a day at mammi (2 meals at the camp kitchen).

Ballin' - 1500 per day - eat all your meals at mammi with cold drink to go with it = 30k should be ok. If you want to be chasing girls and taking them to shawarma joints every night or treating 'your boys' to a chilled beer every other night, Just double or triple your budget.

Manager (managing yourself) lol - 100naira per day...spend the whole day in the kitchen (you might not even get to spend it so save it and buy 200 Naira suya in Saturdays with chilled Coke) = less than 5k should be ok

Remember you will get your first allowance in camp... Along with your bicycle/transport allowance

You also need money to make alterations to your uniform if needed, to charge your phone if light isn't constant in your camp, to buy bucket, etc etc.

So make allowances for unexpected expenses.

**updated 06/05/17** with inflation and current economy your budget should probably double! grin

29 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:38pm On Sep 30, 2015
What are the activities that can determine your posting

Joining the Band, winning the marching (being the best marcher abi most dedicated marcher,), OBS/Editorial&Publicity (can be very competitive), Red cross, medical team (you obviously have to be a doctor, pharmacist, nurse or something medical...don't go there is you studied fine art Ooo), ...basically any groups that are headed by a platoon inspector or nysc official or groups that facilitate the smooth sailing of camp in general and its activities ... these are the ones I'm sure of. Don't know about any others. Feel free to add to the list if you know.

Joining these groups means that the officials in charge may ask you to write down where you would like to serve and your wish could be granted.

If not, just be ready for a teaching role or have your letter of request ready.

Oluwaisaac, does this answer your question too?

There are also the VSO (if in lagos), Martial arts, drama/social, sports, HIV, Etc... These are all good groups to join.

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:40pm On Sep 30, 2015
I have questions O

Bet still typing

Type quickly then smiley


Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:50pm On Sep 30, 2015
questions dey come o

I eagerly wait for them grin

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by oluwaisaac(m): 3:02pm On Sep 30, 2015
Yea, it did....thankz.

1 Like 3 Shares

Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Meklex(m): 3:41pm On Sep 30, 2015
Darkchocolate, nice work you are doing.... Please is 3 white t-shirts enough for camp
Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by sojax2cool(m): 5:39pm On Sep 30, 2015
Is it advisable to get the rubber tennis after gotten the normal or leather tennis? Cos I don't wanna waste my money or go with unnecessary kits
Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by ubizle(f): 6:10pm On Sep 30, 2015
@Darkchocolate. Is V-neck white tshirt allowed in camp or jus round neck
Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 7:36pm On Sep 30, 2015
@Darkchocolate. Is V-neck white tshirt allowed in camp or jus round neck

The shape of the neck does not matter. As long as you aren't showing cleavage or chest hair (for guys ...and some girls grin)
White t shirt
Short sleeve
No logos (if it has a logo, make sure it is those very small logos that occupy one corner)

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 7:42pm On Sep 30, 2015
Darkchocolate, nice work you are doing.... Please is 3 white t-shirts enough for camp

I don't think 3 is enough. Your week will be so full of activities that you will not have time to be washing (by hand or via mammi market washing machines) everyday (which is what you will have to do if you have 3shirts).

I always advise people to budget for one shirt a day so you go with at least 6 shirts. That way, even if you have to wash every 3days or so...you aren't left stranded. You may lose one or two (mistakenly)...so always have backups. Nobody would lend you a shirt and I wouldn't even want to borrow, if I were you.

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 7:53pm On Sep 30, 2015
Is it advisable to get the rubber tennis after gotten the normal or leather tennis? Cos I don't wanna waste my money or go with unnecessary kits

I didn't quite understand the question.

White rubber shoes is always advisable and a bonus. They often sell them for exorbitant rates in mammi market so if you can buy them outside, good for you.

I had 2 rubber shoes from mammi market. This was in addition to my 'fancy' Adidas ones, etc...nysc also provides you with white shoes but there is no guarantee that it will be the right size (in fact, it probably won't be your size...lol)

Rubber whities are extremely Durable and practical especially if you are going to a muddy place. Easily washable and dries quite quickly compared to the cloth or leather kind...kinda like a wash and wear situation.

It is not the most comfortable as it is made of cheap rubber so it has virtually no sole ... Any activities where you will stand for long periods or do sports (morning PT), you might consider getting an actual sports trainers (white of course). Your poor feet will thank you. after that, you can go back to your rubber whities for the rest of the day...it will never be wasted though...trust me, I wore my rubber ones virtually all the time during CDs and every other uniform day after camp and they really served me well especially during rainy season. I loved them so much I even had to get another pair making it 3pairs.

So feel free to go with your leather ones for mammi outings ....lol...
Rubber ones for everyday bits and bobs
White trainers (you can always manage the nysc issues ones for this purpose) for the sport related activities

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by henrixx(m): 8:07pm On Sep 30, 2015

The shape of the neck does not matter. As long as you aren't showing cleavage or chest hair (for guys ...and some girls grin)
White t shirt
Short sleeve
No logos (if it has a logo, make sure it is those very small logos that occupy one corner)
nice lips 'kissable' grin

BTW how are ppl selected for the streams?
Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 8:16pm On Sep 30, 2015
nice lips 'kissable' grin

BTW how are ppl selected for the streams?

In my days, I feel into stream one. The widely accepted 'rumour' was that Stream 1 Lagos comprised mainly of foreign students and Lagos graduates with a few graduates from other states. Stream 2 was made up of other state graduates. Don't quote me though...for all I know, they put names in a hat and just put out people.

In other states though (those near BH affected areas), their stream 1 is normally those posted directly to their states and stream 2 are ones posted to BH states or their neighbours (but still deemed too risky for nysc campers) so eg...you might get posted to Sambisi State but because Kano State is trouble free and more or else near, Kano can take you in under their stream 2. (for illustration purposes only).

It really doesn't make a difference if stream one or two TBH. With stream 2, you actually get to do one month less overall than those of Stream 1 cos everyone gets their certificate the same day so I would say Stream 2 folks can be at an advantage.


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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Sunnystooth(m): 8:39pm On Sep 30, 2015
I did'nt read previous comments incase someone has asked this question... Ehmm, can i take my laptop to camp, incase i'm posted to a faraway state from mine and i dont plan to come back immediately after camp?

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 8:54pm On Sep 30, 2015
I did'nt read previous comments incase someone has asked this question... Ehmm, can i take my laptop to camp, incase i'm posted to a faraway state from mine and i dont plan to come back immediately after camp?

Sorry but you can't. You can try though...they will probably search you at the gate and they will probably find it and seize it (for "safekeeping" ) for you to collect it back at the end of camp. If you can risk that then go for it. grin ...I do t think the 'safe' in that word means anything to them...they probably won't even tell you that you can collect it sef. You know these soldiers and police people and their wahala so just jejjely avoid them.

Even if you do sneak it in, where will you leave it? Padlocked boxes can be cut open if the theif is really determined and knows there is a valuable laptop on the bag. As a rule of thumb, don't take any valuables you can't fit into your waste pouch.

No electronics are allowed. Cameras, iPads, irons, electric gas, laptops, ext cables...(how will you plug your laptop without an ext cable though).

You can always get a relative to courier the laptop over via ABC or something 2 to 3 days before camp wraps up. That way, you can go pick it up after camp and take it to your temp. Accommodation. You can thank me later for the idea! cheesy

I hope this helps cool

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Sunnystooth(m): 8:58pm On Sep 30, 2015

Sorry but you can't. You can try though...they will probably search you at the gate and they will probably find it and seize it (for "safekeeping"wink for you to collect it back at the end of camp. If you can risk that then go for it. grin

Even if you do sneak it in, where will you leave it? Padlocked boxes can be cut open if the theif is really determined and knows there is a valuable laptop on the bag. As a rule of thumb, don't take any valuables you can't fit into your waste pouch.

No electronics are allowed. Cameras, iPads, irons, electric gas, laptops, ext cables...(how will you plug your laptop without an ext cable though).

You can always get a relative to courier the laptop over via ABC or something 2 to 3 days before camp wraps up. That way, you can go pick it up after camp and take it to your temp. Accommodation. You can thank me later for the idea! cheesy

I hope this helps cool
Lolz, thanks for the info though... Actually it's not like i plan to use the laptop in camp or charge it or something, i just want to know how to deal with the situation incase i'm posted to a far State.
Thanks a lot for your response. I really appreciate.

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 9:01pm On Sep 30, 2015

Lolz, thanks for the info though... Actually it's not like i plan to use the laptop in camp or charge it or something, i just want to know how to deal with the situation incase i'm posted to a far State.
Thanks a lot for your response. I really appreciate.

You are very welcome smiley wink

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by SlickM(m): 9:16pm On Sep 30, 2015
How does one go about washing in camp since clothes get stolen? thanks


Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 9:31pm On Sep 30, 2015
How does one go about washing in camp since clothes get stolen? thanks

Your clothes will hardly get stolen. Lol...only a sad person would steal white shorts and white shirts...but never say never undecided

Use a permanent marker and write your number on the label and/or infold of the cloth, cap, shoes...in fact...do that for all of your belongings (ones you can afford to...don't go and write it on your clean iphone 6s oooo grin )

The folks at mammi market will also write your number for you on your cloths (that is the only way they can differentiate yours from others)...

Once your number and name (if you have enough room) is on your items, it will hardly be stolen and you can wash away. Nobody will want to be caught wearing something that clearly isn't theirs...you will be decamped most likely.

P.s. Go with a few cheap cloths pegs if you plan on washing yourself. That way you can minimise your cloths falling to the dirty ground after you have suffered to wash it.

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Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Lagusta(m): 10:14pm On Sep 30, 2015
Nice work you're doing here.....

I heard doctors are treated differently in camp, how true is that, and how "different" are they really treated??

By the way, nice kissable lips!!!

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