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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) (262309 Views)
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Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 10:51pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
ezeagu:Borrowed what? |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Nobody: 10:51pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy: Some even say that Dahomey was named after the Esan general Isidahomen.. also quite a few Sao Tome people speak a Creolized form of Edo. These people so insecure they can't admit that Benin Kingdom spread through some parts of West Africa. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by tonychristopher: 10:51pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy: Big grammar Answer my questions for posterity sake |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by ezeagu(m): 10:52pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy: There are no hereditary Igwe or Eze in Igboland. Most of the original Eze (priest kings, not 20th century warrant chiefs) were appointed from special families and had little to no military power, also the majority of Igboland before 20th century had no kings at all, especially the south. Media isn't always an accurate source. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by tonychristopher: 10:52pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
aim5: Bunkum 3 Likes |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by ezeagu(m): 10:54pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: See Anioma/Onicha/Obosi/Ekpeye/Oguta history. 1 Like |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by funkiebully: 10:55pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
This OP drink soured kaikai to say that igbos dress like Edo? Imagine the misinformation. What is the population of Edo that igbos will copy Kingship and dressing from U must be a mischievious person. 4 Likes |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 10:55pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:Backoff! Bro,you should backoff not me. Igbo with or without an Igwe or Eze runs a democratic culture. This is as basic as A, B , C and D. If you need answers about Igbos then go make you research instead of projecting falsehood about a diverse group of people. 3 Likes |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 10:55pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
tonychristopher: I am paternally Urhobo and Maternally Igbo! Igbo Kingship is similar to that of Edo from many angles: 1. Hereditary factor which is common place in some Igbo monarchical system. i.e. Onitsha, Agbor, Asaba, etc 2. The Royal Dressing which is usually monochronic and regaled with beads on hands, legs and neck. 3. The use of traditional offices such as that of the prime minister, chief king maker, etc etc 4. The reverence ascribed to the monarch. In Igboland, the Igwe/Eze is adorned by the people. This goes contrary to the Republican theory you proffered. 5. The use of royal insignia, monikers and totems. In classic Nri times, these were not present as there were no use of time. What obtained were titles that pertained to strength, wealth, vitality, etc. Monikers, totemic symbols and allied features of Edo monarchy filtered their way into Igbo land over time. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 10:58pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu:Yet you cant prove what is as basic as "A,B,C and D". Give me the facts! Is it the Dein of Agbor, the Obi of Onitsha, the Eze of Umunze, the Asagba of Asaba? Which one can any freeborn vie for and be crowned king after campaigns, elections and all that? Maybe you dont properly conceive the wholeness of the term democracy. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 10:58pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
ezeagu:I need to see an academic report on this not a colonial assumption and oral records of a confused group of people struggling with identity issues. 1 Like |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by PreciousBro: 10:59pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
[quote author=ezeagu post=38643335] It's not really hegemony, it's more of borrowing.[/quote lol smh Ezeagu, to be honest i dont feel like arguing this can tell by my late replies,i dont quite agree with you but for what its worth,i'll let this slide. Night! |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 10:59pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
funkiebully: Yet another self-preservative egocultural person on the loose. Kindly read the ensuing saga. I wont start it all over again for you. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 11:02pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:Oh my goodness!! What's all this. I have explained igbo leadership severally. These People you are mentioning are not Igbo kings, igbo people are not subject to their authority and influence. Nothing concerns me with the Asagba of Asaba. Igbo leadership and tradition is not modelled after any Edo. Shut the hell up!!! 2 Likes |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:02pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
tonychristopher: Answer to question? Yes, Nri kingdom is archaeologically older than Edo kingdom. This has no bearing in Edo's far more vast and outriching cultural hegemony on Nri land especially those borderline lands. In fact, this hegemony is so strong that some Igbo groups such as Ikwerre, Ndokwa and Ika claim to be Benin people. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:05pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: Gee... I should shut up!. Dont forget that you have appointed yourself as the herald and priestess of Igbo culture today. Anything you do or say will be used to judge how your people behave. That said, if Asaba, Agbor, Onitsha, Enugu, etc, are not Igbo going by what you have said, then where exactly is Igboland? Maybe its your village right? Or are you one of the subscribers to the idea that there are "real igbos" and "fake igbos". Such childish thought! |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:06pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: I am not fighting your typing skills. I am only hinting on your ability to see the obvious. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 11:07pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:It's a pity though! These things you mention are found in all most all African cultures. From the use of beads to noble titles etc. Perhaps,you should learn about the Nri Kingdom and how their kings were crowned way before any mention of Edo whatever! Whooooo! Disillusion is high on this thread. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Nobody: 11:08pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
tonychristopher: Nope. The Isidahomen story may or may not be true but some people from Sao Tome and Principe have Edo words in their Creolized lingua due to the fact that the Portuguese and Edo traded with each other. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 11:11pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:Lol,see how this one is putting words on my mouth! I am teaching you. Those Asaba and Onitsha people don't speak nor stand for the entire Igbo nation unlike the Edo kings. So you can't say that Igbo is modelled after Edo. What trash! |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:13pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: Yes they are found in most African culture but never Nri!!!!!!! Nri never practised monarchy. We have established that before now. Nri never had kings. The closest concept to kinghood was the royal priest. Nri old system was gerontocracy, plutocracy, aristocracy and I daresay, egalitarianism. Now, it is a fact that most Igbo kingdoms have KINGS!!! Where did they come from? Certainly not Yorubaland, Hausaland, Songhai Empire, Mali Empire or Swahililand.!!! The closest monarchy that Igbo's monarchy must have been modelled like is the Edo monarchy. This is simple proximity theory. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by melzabull(f): 11:15pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy: 1 Like |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by ezeagu(m): 11:15pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy: Some of this is untrue, especially point 5. And you can't really say the Obi system is the same as Edo customs because even that was adapted when it was borrowed. What is the same is the imported warrant chiefs who copied Edo style in the 20th century. And point 4 I've already talked about. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:17pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu: The hierophant of Igbo nation has said "What trash" again. That said, if Asaba and Onitsha people cant speak for the entire Igbo nation, then who can? You? or your own community? You can never deny the fact that Monarchy has far more reach in Igboland than any other system you want to mention! When I say Edo kingdom, it has no representational delineation so I do not see why Igbo should be any different. Even in Arochukwu, the heart of Igbo, there is a monarch known as Eze Aro! So what are we saying? |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by PreciousBro: 11:17pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:These four igbo towns you mentioned are situated in the western and northern axis of igboland,a point i have tried to sync into ezeagu's grasp as testament to the strength of whatever influence or borrowed stuff you all are talking has zero impact on the southern igbos. ooh well ...i don taya jare 3 Likes |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by melzabull(f): 11:17pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
Ihuomadinihu:I noticed too! that's why I asked him to shut up in my own way. He is beginning to reveal his evil intentijns 1 Like |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by ezeagu(m): 11:20pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
PreciousBro: Where did the southern Igbo borrow their warrant chief kings from then? 1 Like |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:20pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
ezeagu: I never said the same in both intent and statement. For clarification, they are stylised after the Edo system. It may not even be directly. Most would have been adapted from neighbouring Igbo communities who adapted from each other until the Proto-adapted kingdom which may likely be a close neighbour to Edoland. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:21pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
melzabull: Evil intents! Chei. Igbo Kwenu! I wont even bother myself with you. It's obvious you are just here to be tribalistic. Nothing more. Atleast I have been enjoying my discourses with your brethren. |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by Ihuomadinihu: 11:22pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
fratermathy:Somebody tell this guy that the Kings of Aro, Onitsha and Asaba have no business with my Region and City! |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by fratermathy(m): 11:23pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
PreciousBro: I understand your point bro. No matter how far apart and different southern Igbos are. It still doesnt mean that these places are not Igbo land. If so then my initial statement hold waters because every researcher works with available data. Isn't it? |
Re: Some Nigerian Ethnic Groups And Their Dressing Styles (pictures) by tonychristopher: 11:24pm On Oct 03, 2015 |
aim5: Do you know panya ..there is a place that our Igbo grand father's call panya ..I won't tell you ask any Igbo man Do you know that Igbo is spoken in e Guinea And also we have Igbo creaole in Sierra Leone Pls ask questions Do we say Igbo colonised them ? NO so find another theory 1 Like |
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