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13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You - Romance - Nairaland

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13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Riwo11(f): 8:06am On Oct 16, 2015
Do you Love him, yet he doesn't care about u, he doesn't even act like you exist? Relax.. you're not the only one suffering from this kind of situation, and the truth is, it hurts, it depresses, and it makes one feel frustrated. This short write up will help you get over him quickly, and get a much better life.

1. Bear in mind that he is not one in a million, rather he is just one out of a million. Get rid of the idea that if only you can get this man to commit to you, life will suddenly be a bed of roses for you.. Always bear in mind that rejection will happen throughout your life, and you cannot avoid it.. Be strong. When someone rejects you, do not reject yourself. Life goes on.

2. Don't blame yourself. Focusing on the idea that if you change, you can win him over gives you a false sense of control. Many things in this life are completely out of our control, including how other people feel about us.

3. Don't take rejection personally. Know that it wasn't meant to be for a good reason. Rejection helps you learn what is right for you. Please do not harm yourself just because you've fallen out of 'love'. One-sided love is never love.

4. Ask yourself a some questions that can fuel your resolve to get rid of him: Below are some questions you could ask yourself:

*.Why should I waste my time on someone who doesn't care about me?

*.Why should I spend my time on someone who isn't willing to spend his time on me?

*.Why should I squander my emotions on someone who doesn't have emotions towards me?

*.Why should I waste my tears on someone who will never care?

*.Why should I be missing him, thinking about him, caring about him, and loving him when I gain nothing in return?5. Stop stalking him on Social Media. Stalking him through social media will only prolong your agony. But, don't block him on Social Media. He will be able to see how happy you are and that you are strong enough to get through the pain he caused you.

6. If you have decided to forget about him and move on, stand on it. Don't delay. Don't make excuses for you not to move on. Any slight delay, could change your mind, and if that happens, you'd be falling back to square one.

7. Avoid trying to make him feel bad. If you really feel that he owes you an apology, then ask for it. If he apologizes, accept it and move on. If he doesn't, let it go. He'll definitely apologize when he's ready. Trust me, they always realize their mistake in the long run.

8. Cut off all communication with him.

9. Do something that can distract your mind from him, even if it's just for a little while. Go for a jog, clean your room, cook or bake something, just do anything!

10. Pretend like you don't care. If you start to pretend that you don't care and that it doesn't bother you, eventually, you really won't care and it really won't bother you. Live your life, invest in yourself.

11. Don't be harsh towards him even after the rejection. Who knows, there may be another guy in the room who is interested in you. Don't blow that chance because of this guy again.

12. Find a guy who will make you smile, dry your tears, and who is always willing to spend his time. A guy who will shower you with love, concern, and affections, not this guy who has indirectly made you give him all and doesn't appreciate it. He doesn't deserve you at all!

13. Finally, If you've tried all of the above for months, maybe years, and you've tried everything else you can think of, and you're going on two or three years of still obsessing over a lost love, then you should talk with your doctor. Please let us know what you think and share your tips in the comment section below.

Source: www.riseup247.com
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Cutehector(m): 8:08am On Oct 16, 2015
I duno watsup wit dem ladies....
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by vizkiz: 8:09am On Oct 16, 2015
these tricks works for guys too smiley
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by gab264(m): 8:11am On Oct 16, 2015
Riwo" please kindly reverse this post of urs.
The rate which girls are now taken us for granted is quite alarming.
Just do the needful.
"Am a vitcm of dah"embarassedembarassed

In another news,it is nigth here in "Afghanistan"
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by wezegrim: 8:12am On Oct 16, 2015
date his best friend.i can vouch it gives guy nytmares

1 Like

Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Nobody: 8:16am On Oct 16, 2015
grin some men only rejects their partner coz their big goggly eyes cant be satisfied so they keep looking for something better than what they have & end up on cheating & if they r dumped by their other women, they will juz come back n beg...

1 Like

Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Nobody: 8:33am On Oct 16, 2015
Riwo" please kindly reverse this post of urs.
The rate which girls are now taken us for granted is quite alarming.
Just do the needful.
"Am a vitcm of dah"embarassedembarassed

In another news,it is nigth here in "Afghanistan"
huh??wen I just like ur previous post angry
Do u knw the rate at which guys take girls for granted too....guys are complaining girls are doing the same......who's nw at fault??
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Nobody: 8:37am On Oct 16, 2015
What most girls do this days is annoying all in the name of looking for Mr right,no guy is ever going to be perfect for them datz y we get broken hearted and start reading articles on how get over break up's.

1 Like

Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by gab264(m): 8:49am On Oct 16, 2015
huh??wen I just like ur previous post angry
Do u knw the rate at which guys take girls for granted too....guys are complaining girls are doing the same......who's nw at fault??
Yea dear but the way Op puts it looks as if it all guys "fault".
Don't agree with her on that.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by MsBliss(f): 5:08pm On Oct 16, 2015
Nice one
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Youngpo413: 6:18pm On Oct 28, 2015
Do you Love him, yet he doesn't care about u, he doesn't even act like you exist? Relax.. you're not the only one suffering from this kind of situation, and the truth is, it hurts, it depresses, and it makes one feel frustrated. This short write up will help you get over him quickly, and get a much better life.

1. Bear in mind that he is not one in a million, rather he is just one out of a million. Get rid of the idea that if only you can get this man to commit to you, life will suddenly be a bed of roses for you.. Always bear in mind that rejection will happen throughout your life, and you cannot avoid it.. Be strong. When someone rejects you, do not reject yourself. Life goes on.

2. Don't blame yourself. Focusing on the idea that if you change, you can win him over gives you a false sense of control. Many things in this life are completely out of our control, including how other people feel about us.

3. Don't take rejection personally. Know that it wasn't meant to be for a good reason. Rejection helps you learn what is right for you. Please do not harm yourself just because you've fallen out of 'love'. One-sided love is never love.

4. Ask yourself a some questions that can fuel your resolve to get rid of him: Below are some questions you could ask yourself:

*.Why should I waste my time on someone who doesn't care about me?

*.Why should I spend my time on someone who isn't willing to spend his time on me?

*.Why should I squander my emotions on someone who doesn't have emotions towards me?

*.Why should I waste my tears on someone who will never care?

*.Why should I be missing him, thinking about him, caring about him, and loving him when I gain nothing in return?5. Stop stalking him on Social Media. Stalking him through social media will only prolong your agony. But, don't block him on Social Media. He will be able to see how happy you are and that you are strong enough to get through the pain he caused you.

6. If you have decided to forget about him and move on, stand on it. Don't delay. Don't make excuses for you not to move on. Any slight delay, could change your mind, and if that happens, you'd be falling back to square one.

7. Avoid trying to make him feel bad. If you really feel that he owes you an apology, then ask for it. If he apologizes, accept it and move on. If he doesn't, let it go. He'll definitely apologize when he's ready. Trust me, they always realize their mistake in the long run.

8. Cut off all communication with him.

9. Do something that can distract your mind from him, even if it's just for a little while. Go for a jog, clean your room, cook or bake something, just do anything!

10. Pretend like you don't care. If you start to pretend that you don't care and that it doesn't bother you, eventually, you really won't care and it really won't bother you. Live your life, invest in yourself.

11. Don't be harsh towards him even after the rejection. Who knows, there may be another guy in the room who is interested in you. Don't blow that chance because of this guy again.

12. Find a guy who will make you smile, dry your tears, and who is always willing to spend his time. A guy who will shower you with love, concern, and affections, not this guy who has indirectly made you give him all and doesn't appreciate it. He doesn't deserve you at all!

13. Finally, If you've tried all of the above for months, maybe years, and you've tried everything else you can think of, and you're going on two or three years of still obsessing over a lost love, then you should talk with your doctor. Please let us know what you think and share your tips in the comment section below.

Source: www.riseup247.com
all these ontop one dick?na wao...that lady must be very ugly then.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Youngpo413: 6:20pm On Oct 28, 2015
date his best friend.i can vouch it gives guy nytmares
lol,but most guys won't give a fucccck...cos he knows sooner or later his guy will dump you too.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Youngpo413: 6:29pm On Oct 28, 2015
huh??wen I just like ur previous post angry
Do u knw the rate at which guys take girls for granted too....guys are complaining girls are doing the same......who's nw at fault??
This will only stop when people realized that there is nothing like love and quit falling in lust too.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Youngpo413: 6:31pm On Oct 28, 2015
What most girls do this days is annoying all in the name of looking for Mr right,no guy is ever going to be perfect for them datz y we get broken hearted and start reading articles on how get over break up's.
lol,I feel very happy when I see a broken hearted lady.I always pray for more bad guys and players in their life.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Richiy(f): 6:42pm On Oct 28, 2015
All these things will only work during the day...then at night you find yourself in deep thought and sometimes in tears. Happened to me. The best thing to do is to start observing people that love you and love them back. And that guy that loves you that you take for granted, look again. And then, time heals it all. By this time next year, you wouldn't feel this way.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by LadyJul(f): 8:13pm On Oct 28, 2015
All these things will only work during the day...then at night you find yourself in deep thought and sometimes in tears. Happened to me. The best thing to do is to start observing people that love you and love them back. And that guy that loves you that you take for granted, look again. And then, time heals it all. By this time next year, you wouldn't feel this way.
exactly....time heals all pains but it won't be easy tho
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Penboy: 8:44pm On Oct 28, 2015
Can a guy actually love every girl that loves him?

I think love breaks good friendship than anything else.

Look at a girl that is supposed to be on talking terms with the guy; now cutting off all forms of communication with the guy because of one love rubbish.

Guys and ladies; please don't bring love into friendship, it kills it.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by ClassCaptain(m): 8:58pm On Oct 28, 2015
So many relationship advices here and there yet Most are not put into practise.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Nobody: 8:57am On Oct 29, 2015
Can a guy actually love every girl that loves him?

I think love breaks good friendship than anything else.

Look at a girl that is supposed to be on talking terms with the guy; now cutting off all forms of communication with the guy because of one love rubbish.

Guys and ladies; please don't bring love into friendship, it kills it.
I Love this! One can't just be in a r'ship with everyone that loves one. Even some guys make the mistake of thinking they've been friendzoned.
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Legitbaba(m): 10:49am On Oct 29, 2015
I Love this! One can't just be in a r'ship with everyone that loves one. Even some guys make the mistake of thinking they've been friendzoned.
HmmmHmmm lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Nobody: 10:52am On Oct 29, 2015
Lols... What na? Feeling guilty?
HmmmHmmm lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Legitbaba(m): 11:06am On Oct 29, 2015
Lols... What na? Feeling guilty?
Lolz...no feel guilty 4 waht na...do i even knw wah friend zoning is
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by NickiRoman: 12:09pm On Oct 29, 2015
I duno watsup wit dem ladies....
maybe you can tell usundecided
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Dajugba: 1:03pm On Oct 29, 2015
Nice one
Re: 13 Ways To Get Over A Guy Who Does Not Care About You by Cutehector(m): 5:00pm On Oct 29, 2015
maybe you can tell usundecided
tell u wah?

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