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Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building - Business - Nairaland

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BLACK FRIDAY: Amazon's Jeff Bezo Hit $100 Billion Mark / What Some Nigerians Don't Know About A Billion Naira / Blogger Linda Ikeji Bought A New House In Lagos Worth Half A Billion Naira (2) (3) (4)

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Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by jily: 3:29pm On Oct 28, 2015
After posting both the external and internal pictures of her multimillion manssion , the millionaire blogger gave this advice to the young ladies and guys out there:

Now to all the young girls looking at these photos,
please read below..
My name is linda ikeji. I'm a blogger. I'm 35 years
old and I have never...never ever in my life slept with
a man for money. Not only have I never done it, I
have never even considered it...and here I am with a
house that cost me over half a billion naira.
Listen, you are beautiful and you are stronger than
you know. There's absolutely nothing you can't
achieve if you set your mind to it, put your heart and
soul into it.
Up until five years ago, I was a struggling
entrepreneur. I can't tell you how many offices in this
Lagos I sat in for hours waiting to see people who
could support my business...but most times, I never
passed the reception area. But I never gave up and I
never stopped believing and here I am today.
You too can be this..you can be better than this. No
dream is too big, no dream is too small, no mountain
is too high...it's all in your mind. It's all up to you. If
you believe in you, in your God who is guiding you,
then the sky is your starting point.
Please stop waiting around for a man to give to
you...to put food on your table and put clothes on
your back. I promise you, you can do it for yourself.
Start thinking big, believe in yourself, be creative and
start working. Realize that your dreams are
valid...and nobody will make your dreams come true
except you. Find what you are good at. Find
something that you are passionate about. Work hard
at it. Be consistent. Be patient. Start young. Even if
you're not young, it's never too late!
I have been hustling since I left secondary
school..started modeling before I entered university
in 1998. Was running a modeling agency even while I
was a student and made it a full time business after I
left university. I never doubted that I would succeed
one day, because I was determined. And please do
not think this happened over night. I've been blogging
since 2006...November this year will make it exactly 9
years. God, consistency and hard work brought me
here today.
Unfortunately, a lot of our young girls aren't patient
and some are lazy, they want it quick and fast but it
doesn't work like that. Success takes time - takes hard
work - takes passion - takes consistency - but more
than anything else, it takes the Grace of God.
I was a 30 year old broke woman and on my birthday,
a very sad and depressed me turned to God and
begged him. I told Him you promised me, when will
You fulfill Your promise? Am I not Your child? Have I
not lived according to Your teachings? When will You
bless me? Please God help me...and with tears in my
eyes, I begged Him. I cried and I begged and I begged
and I begged. A few months later my life changed.
Never underestimate God's love for you and the
power of prayer.
And never stop working. Listen, I make enough
money to hire so many people to work on this blog
while I go do other things and enjoy myself...but I
don't do that. I'm up while some of you are sleeping,
and already blogging before some of you wake up. I
don't take this for granted. I know to stay on top, I
have to constantly work and nobody will be as
dedicated as I am because this is not their own thing.
It's mine and I have to keep feeding it. So I'm
constantly here!
Young ladies, I promise you...you too can do this. You
don't need to spread your legs for any bladdy man -
because of how much? N200k? That's how much my
shoes cost - so why should you give up your body for
that? Your sacred body? God's temple? N200k that
you can make in a week or even in a day if you
pursue your dreams and still have your dignity
intact? You think people don't see that you're messing
around with all dem old married men and talking
about it? Think ladies, think! When next a man
propositions you...tell him to get lost, that you will get
yours yourself! Abi, aren't you a woman? You know
what they say about women? "A woman is like a tea
bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets
in hot water.". You are so strong, you don't even
Also, if you want God to bless you, you have to have a
clean heart. All these backbiting, hating on others,
trying to bring people down with hateful words/
actions etc - God doesn't like ugly. He has over 6
billion people to look after and you think he will pay
extra attention to you if your heart is ugly? Wish
people well, help people when you can. Be good to
others. But more than anything else be good to
yourself. Believe in yourself. It's very easy to give in
to feelings of self-doubt and back down when things
get tough, but you have to know that God will not give
you anything you can't handle.
I swear to you, you are underestimating yourself. If
you know the power that you have inside. If you know
the things that you are capable of. If you know how
far you can go...how high you can reach but you are
holding yourself back because you're afraid of failing,
because you don't think you have it in you. If only you
know that you're stronger than you think. You are so
powerful, you don't even know it. I'm not more
special than you are. I don't have two heads. We
serve the same God. Why can't you succeed? Think
ladies, think.
Like Barack Obama's sister said, poverty is not an
excuse! I used to sell/market beer at Sheraton hotel,
Lagos when I was in university for N1,000 a day. I
once lived on 'puff puff' and garri for weeks in
UNILAG and I was supposedly a top model but
nobody knew what I was going through.
Trust me, I knew poverty. Did you know I lived in Idi-
oro, Mushin for 15 years? Up until when I was 25?
Did you live in Mushin? Eh, so what's your excuse? I
can't even say some things here for my family's
privacy but here I am today because I never doubted
myself and I never allowed all the doubters to
distract me. I was focused. I was determined. I
worked hard and I knew the God I served won't let
me down. The road was long, sometimes very
frustrating and painful but look at me now. God did it
because he saw that I was willing!
"Because I am a woman, I must make unusual
efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, “She
doesn’t have what it takes.” They will say,
“Women don’t have what it takes.”
Please believe in yourself and watch God use you to
set as an example for others.
May all your dreams come true!

Oh by the way (addressing the argument I read
online this weekend) I don't do anything else. I blog
from 4am till midnight, where do I have time to do
anything else? When God wants to bless you, He will
bless you...even if you're selling toothpick.


Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by dunsman(f): 3:30pm On Oct 28, 2015
mtchewww so she bought 35om house now we no go hear word again, how does that affect the sack of mourinho?
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by debbydee(f): 3:57pm On Oct 28, 2015
ok noted. i go focus on my clothing business well well.

I know God will bless my hustle soon.

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Godmother(f): 7:14pm On Oct 28, 2015
mtchewww so she bought 35om house now we no go hear word again, how does that affect the sack of mourinho?

Instead of you to think of how you can get ur own multi-million naira house you are there hating cheesy
My dear, its not easy to afford that kind of house so if this issue trends for months its well-earned. Abeg carry go, Lin-lin. Don't worry, I'm right behind you. Me I will break the internet with my own news cos my own house will be built on air and with pure glass all through.

The hustle continues


Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by phonesNgadgets: 7:41pm On Oct 28, 2015
Hmmnnn! smiley Godmother! What a moniker.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by SFSNIPER(m): 10:40pm On Oct 28, 2015
mtchewww so she bought 35om house now we no go hear word again, how does that affect the sack of mourinho?

A very BIG ashawo alert!!!!! Your nyash iddiote. Lazy white fowl. Gerrarahia... .


Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by barnabas91: 11:13pm On Oct 28, 2015
I love this
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by ikechukwu354(m): 1:30am On Oct 29, 2015
please nairaland mods do the needful @lalasticlala @seun1
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by ikechukwu354(m): 1:33am On Oct 29, 2015
Cc: @lalasticlala @ishilove @obiniscopy
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by ELGREF(m): 6:28am On Oct 29, 2015
mtchewww so she bought 35om house now we no go hear word again, how does that affect the sack of mourinho?
look @ you,she's a woman like you,look @ her achievements

1 Like

Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by olamibiddy(f): 6:53am On Oct 29, 2015
Yes, this is what I need!!! A great inspirational talk directed @ me. God please, help me 2 be right in ur sight, bless d work of my hands and give me GREAT ideas that will move me 2 that GREATEST height you've prepared 4 me. I've tried my best enough, but dis time I want u 2 be fully involved. I trust you Lord 4 my own elevation. From dis moment, I've decided 2 be a great WOMAN..........

1 Like

Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Godmother(f): 7:14am On Oct 29, 2015
Hmmnnn! smiley Godmother! What a moniker.

I got the name those periods when I was crazy about romance cartoons and used to see a lot of fairy godmothers to the heroine figures in the cartoon cheesy
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by phonesNgadgets: 7:31am On Oct 29, 2015

I got the name those periods when I was crazy about romance cartoons and used to see a lot of fairy godmothers to the heroine figures in the cartoon cheesy
Interestingly, my boss' nickname is godfather cheesy He is a smart and brilliant leader, I think that's what earned him the nick.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Godmother(f): 7:33am On Oct 29, 2015

Interestingly, my boss' nickname is godfather cheesy He is a smart and brilliant leader, I think that's what earned him the nick.

I'm a smart and brilliant leader too grin
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by phonesNgadgets: 7:38am On Oct 29, 2015

I'm a smart and brilliant leader too grin
Wow! You share a lot in common with my boss. He also has a blogging website. cool BTW, you've got lot of nice pieces on your blog.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Godmother(f): 7:54am On Oct 29, 2015

Wow! You share a lot in common with my boss. He also has a blogging website. cool BTW, you've got lot of nice pieces on your blog.

Thanks to both compliments grin
Hope you become a regular on the blog.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by stolenstone: 8:05am On Oct 29, 2015
Looks like i'm the only Nigerian who hasn't visited this lady's blog o! Biko what is in the blog that is rolling out cash on per second basis? Is it adverts alone? And why is other bloggers not smiling to the bank like she is? She could help out by shedding some light on how blogging delivers so much fortune, I seriously wanna learn! I'm not hating or beefing.

1 Like

Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by phonesNgadgets: 8:36am On Oct 29, 2015

Thanks to both compliments grin
Hope you become a regular on the blog.
I hope so grin Probably, if you find time to check on my boss' website and become a regular too. Win-Win. smiley
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by paragon40(m): 8:38am On Oct 29, 2015
ok noted. i go focus on my clothing business well well.

I know God will bless my hustle soon.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Godmother(f): 8:49am On Oct 29, 2015

I hope so grin Probably, if you find time to check on my boss' website and become a regular too. Win-Win. smiley

No problem. I love browsing in my spare time so will just add it to a list of sites I tour. What's the link.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by phonesNgadgets: 9:16am On Oct 29, 2015

No problem. I love browsing in my spare time so will just add it to a list of sites I tour. What's the link.
...the entrepreneurship hub!
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Nobody: 9:41am On Oct 29, 2015
mtchewww so she bought 350m house now we no go hear word again, how does that affect the sack of mourinho?
See as u call 350MILLION without respect.

You are Proud!

As for the post; Very motivational, the best way to learn how to be a millionaire is to learn from a millionaire.
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by pman001(m): 9:52am On Oct 29, 2015
wise words...only God can lift a person
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Nobody: 10:44am On Oct 29, 2015
Encouraging words from a lovely sister.dat reminds me uncle seun should be richer than this babe base on traffic o hope u are going to buy your own island brother
Re: Linda's Advice After Her Half A Billion Building by Contumely: 1:36pm On Oct 29, 2015
Linda Hates sex and is hurt psychologically hence uses every opportunity to describe it in most demeaning ways.

Her case is just serendipity, luck and not just hard work.

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