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November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. - Dating And Meet-up Zone (4) - Nairaland

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November Born, Let's Meet Here / November Born Meet Up(know Your Birthday Mates!!) / August Born, The Sexiest, Lets Meet Here (2) (3) (4)

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dmcdad: 12:46am On Oct 16, 2015
IF YOU ARE BORN ON NOVEMBER 19, you are probably the person who gives advice to everyone. You have plenty of self-discipline.

You would make an excellent leader. However, you do not seem to be comfortable in a crowd but when you are able to relax, people say that you make them feel special.

Perhaps people get to know you by the work you do helping others. Your family and friends are grateful for you commitment and loyalty. There are times when this Scorpion will make the sacrifice for a good cause.

You do more than people expect from you. This November 19 birthdate personality trait speaks a lot for you in business and domestic life.

The November 19th birthdate meaning also says that you are known to be narrow-minded individuals. However, you give your all when you are working on a project that is important to you. Long hours are a part of this and you do not seem to mind doing what it takes to complete your mission.

As the 19th November birthday zodiac sign is Scorpio, you are creative, temperamental and you have a good ear for listening. You have very little tolerance for stupidity and you try to avoid conflicts. Betrayal is one of the worse things that could hurt someone born on this day.

Let’s talk about what your friends have to say about you. The November 19th birthdate horoscope predicts that you guard your emotions and are cautious about letting people into your lives. Your friends say that you have a way of sending out signals that most people take as being unapproachable. Because of this, you do not have a lot of friends.

If today is your birth day, you find it hard to let people into your life. You only have a few close friends and you have a tendency to worry if you are too dependent on them. November 19 zodiac birthdate people are extremely cautious about letting themselves rely too heavily on a lover or mate. Although you like being by yourself, you can isolate yourself and this could have an adverse reaction on your relationships.

On the other hand, you like to date. Having someone around to be a sounding board has its advantages. A November 19 Scorpio in love is generally one who fell in love quickly. It does not take much for you to get emotionally involved. You are especially attracted to people who have a way with words. However, this can be disappointing as you are likely to get hurt more times than not. You can be extremely jealous and some times without reason. This is not a good look for you, Scorpio.

The November 19 birthdate astrology also predicts that you look for love and marriage mainly because you want to have a large family. When you were small, it was likely a turbulent time for you. This could make parenting difficult because of this. You may have a tendency to relive the past and make decisions based on how you were treated as a child.

Keeping fit comes easy for you as you like to look as good as you feel. Usually, you are deep in the latest information about nutrition and exercise. As a Scorpio born today on November 19, you are constantly looking for better ways to stay healthy, toned and fit. A new routine helps to ward off exercise boredom and the muscles from getting used to certain workouts.

As far as your career is concerned, the November 19 birthday personality are capable of wearing many shoes or hats. You are no stranger to business or dealing with the public. You should be able to combine those skills into a compatible and lucrative occupation.

Additionally, you like to write while you are alone. This too can be incorporated with the ideal job such as journalism. It is not uncommon to find the November 19 Scorpio birthday person successful and have a well thought of reputation. When it comes to your money, you are able to make timely payments and have a hidden stash for emergencies.

Cc: Creamish Andrew114.

Bar some few stuffs that I don't exhibit, the above is mainly about my person.


Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by UgojiC(m): 1:53am On Oct 16, 2015
18th of November. Waiting for someone with similar date.

Nice to know i have a bday mate. Hope you re getting set its just by the corner
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by olasunkanmi136(m): 4:31pm On Oct 16, 2015
Proudly november born"""" I rep nov 3rd.

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Creamish(f): 5:48pm On Oct 19, 2015

Hello birthday mate. How is it going?

Going well thanks. Howdy?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dmcdad: 6:10pm On Oct 19, 2015
Fine fine fine.

You around Lag?

Going well thanks. Howdy?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by ucnwafor(m): 2:36pm On Oct 20, 2015
@creamish birthday mate so happy to celebrate together gurl
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by ucnwafor(m): 2:40pm On Oct 20, 2015
Wow! Proudly november born

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Creamish(f): 5:38pm On Oct 20, 2015
Fine fine fine.

You around Lag?

naa...up north.
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dmcdad: 5:51pm On Oct 20, 2015
Wow... Thats not bad. I just hope you aint seeing these guys, you know.... cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

And I hope they dont see you or cross your path. wink wink wink

naa...up north.


Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by stanuplane(m): 5:19am On Oct 21, 2015
Born on 10th nov. Ma birthday is drawing closer, faster than I imagined. Where re ma bday mates?

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Creamish(f): 7:52am On Oct 22, 2015
Wow... Thats not bad. I just hope you aint seeing these guys, you know.... cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

And I hope they dont see you or cross your path. wink wink wink

Amen oo...Wont ever see them.

Thanks & Enjoy ur day! wink
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dmcdad: 10:27am On Oct 22, 2015
Thank you too. Lovely day to you.

Amen oo...Wont ever see them.

Thanks & Enjoy ur day! wink
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by ZiggyMr(m): 11:29pm On Oct 23, 2015
Finally found where I belong,proud November born,


Proudly Nov 17
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Cikoloko(m): 5:44am On Oct 24, 2015
I rep nov 15th
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by cumz(m): 1:37pm On Oct 29, 2015
Nov 21 oooo
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by christyfresh(m): 10:49pm On Oct 29, 2015
Am nov 7

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Nobody: 9:37am On Oct 31, 2015
[quote author=Cooldude001 post=33717152]
[color=#000099] What are the qualities of people born in November?

Yes, they are secretive. They have to, otherwise they are even more victimized, when in fact, they are very gentle and harmless.

They are greatly misunderstood and therefore they are put to unnecessary trials: they only want to spend their energy helping people around.
They see through people, like with laser beams, and that bothers people a lot. That bothers Scorpios too: they suffer Cassandra's complex, warning people against danger, but not being listened to.

They are extremely loyal to their friends. They are rewarding to the utmost level.
They cannot stand injustice. But they are very grateful for the least kind gesture towards them.

They are sexy. Not their fault. That bothers people too. They can arrive in a room full of people, and there, they are attracting attention like with a magnet, even if they do not want to.
They love sex, they love love, and they love loving sex.

They are hard workers, honest in their work. They do not ask for favors. They provide their work punctually.

Yet, indeed, although they look like an open book, they are never really read by anyone, not even by themselves since a part of themselves remains in the domain of mystery, of the unknown, of the divine realm of darkness. They can call upon this divine energy when they feel threatened by injustice, and they do. They are superb.

I represent 17 Nov. Who s gona be dia with me?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Zehner(f): 10:24am On Oct 31, 2015
Nov 2
my birthday mate grin
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Zehner(f): 10:26am On Oct 31, 2015
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Ayo081(m): 11:19am On Oct 31, 2015
NOV 26
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Nobody: 5:33pm On Oct 31, 2015
reppin nov 9.. hellur howdy?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Nobody: 9:17pm On Oct 31, 2015
my birthday mate grin
wooooow beautiful what's going down were u?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Zehner(f): 9:07am On Nov 01, 2015
wooooow beautiful what's going down were u?
I will be at work cry wish it was a weekend.
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by cuteboy2: 9:29am On Nov 01, 2015
Chinua Achebe and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe are both 16th November.
List other famous November people here

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Nobody: 10:54am On Nov 01, 2015
I will be at work cry wish it was a weekend.
can we chat outside naira land if u don't mind ..smiles

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Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dacuteguy(m): 8:57pm On Nov 01, 2015
My birthday is today, anyone else celebrating his or her birthday today?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by cuteboy2: 9:40pm On Nov 02, 2015
All 16th say "aye". The rest say "nay"
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dmcdad: 9:51pm On Nov 02, 2015
Happy birthday bruv.
My birthday is today, anyone else celebrating his or her birthday today?
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by phlamingboy(m): 11:37pm On Nov 02, 2015
All 16th say "aye". The rest say "nay"
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by dacuteguy(m): 3:10pm On Nov 03, 2015
Happy birthday bruv.
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Nobody: 5:36pm On Nov 03, 2015
Proudly november born"""" I rep nov 3rd.

happy birthday to a birthday mate. nov 3rd

why not show us some love
Re: November-born "The Loyalists" - Let's Meet Here. by Cooldude001: 8:13pm On Nov 04, 2015

Let us all be grateful to the Lord for giving us another opportunity to be alive.

No matter what you are going through, its not the end of the road.

With endurance, faith and determination.

You will make it!!!


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