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How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? - Politics - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? (3041 Views)

At This Moment, There’s No Arewa, No IPOB, No ODU’A, Just Nigeria – Lauretta / Biafra: Owerri Grounded By IPOB Protest; Okorocha Devastated! HAPPENINGNOW (pics / BREAKING: ‘No IPOB member shall attend the meeting called by Okorocha’ -Kanu (2) (3) (4)

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How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kosovo(m): 10:40am On Nov 14, 2015
It seems the Biafrans need to go back to the table and understand what they want.

Although the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu by Buhari is totally unacceptable in any sane country. The Igbos need to know what they really want.

In the last few days, there have been a couple of protest in some SE and SS states.

Some guys in Edo have never heard of the name Nnamdi Kanu and it's not clear if IPOB has any member in Edo.

I did some investigation and realised that Biafra was a dead issue to the Edos, though Edo is a SS state.

However, we have equally seen several groups from different SS states openly denouncing and rebuking Biafra..

It's not enough to protest, these guys need to know what they want.

They need to talk with their elders, women and children. Do they really want a break-away or they are angry because the Hausa-Fulani man will never live to see an Igbo man become president.? undecided
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Jeloma: 10:41am On Nov 14, 2015
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by acenazt: 10:43am On Nov 14, 2015
The Igbos Know Edo cant be part of their Madness


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Nobody: 10:45am On Nov 14, 2015
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Favparis(f): 10:46am On Nov 14, 2015
Next week they will be there live
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by BaddieKay(f): 10:48am On Nov 14, 2015
Everyone is now opening thread about IPOB....smh


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kosovo(m): 10:48am On Nov 14, 2015
Next week they will be there live

Really? undecided
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kingdompropty: 10:49am On Nov 14, 2015
Edo can't be Biafra. They have never been from time immemorial.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Nobody: 10:49am On Nov 14, 2015
Next week they will be there live

Hope you will be among them? Awon werey iranu. undecided

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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Trut(m): 10:50am On Nov 14, 2015
From the on-set, Edo is not part of Biafra and Biafrans don't need Edo.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kosovo(m): 10:50am On Nov 14, 2015
Everyone is now opening thread about IPOB....smh

But you clicked to read undecided

You better return to the miserable hole you came out from..
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Energito: 10:54am On Nov 14, 2015
It seems the Biafrans need to go back to the table and understand what they want.

Although the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu by Buhari is totally unacceptable in any sane country. The Igbos need to know what they really want.

In the last few days, there have been a couple of protest in some SE and SS states.

Some guys in Edo have never heard of the name Nnamdi Kanu and it's not clear if IPOB has any member in Edo.

I did some investigation and realised that Biafra was a dead issue to the Edos, though Edo is a SS state.

However, we have equally seen several groups from different SS states openly denouncing and rebuking Biafra..

It's not enough to protest, these guys need to know what they want.

They need to talk with their elders, women and children. Do they really want a break-away or they are angry because the Hausa-Fulani man will never live to see an Igbo man become president.? undecided

we dont need Edo in biafra because we have nothing in common with edo people.edo should go with yrouba.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Nobody: 10:56am On Nov 14, 2015
Biafra again

Let me say this once and for all

No one, I repeat no one, can stop the Biafra breakaway if the Igbos do not take the presidential seat in 2019.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by BaddieKay(f): 10:56am On Nov 14, 2015
Only someone from a miserable hole knows exactly what it looks like...and Nigga stay away from my mention,u dnt subscribe for me neither do u own NL so I still hv d right to click on anything I like


But you clicked to read undecided

You better return to the miserable hole you came out from..
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kosovo(m): 10:58am On Nov 14, 2015
we dont need Edo in biafra because we have nothing in common with edo people.edo should go with yrouba.

From history, it was an Edo man that partly made Biafra loose the war.

Had Ogbemeudia joined Biafra during the war, you won't be agitating today.

I will advise you to stop riding-rough on the Edos.

1 Like

Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kosovo(m): 11:00am On Nov 14, 2015
Only someone from a miserable hole knows exactly what it looks like...and Nigga stay away from my mention,u dnt subscribe for me neither do u own NL so I still hv d right to click on anything I like

Now you see how you are embarrassing yourself and exposing your gross hypocrisy.

When I opened the thread, I never knew you were footing my subscription bills.

What a waste. A typical bae with fish brain..

I will pass. undecided
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by sandraokosun1: 11:05am On Nov 14, 2015
From the on-set, Edo is not part of Biafra and Biafrans don't need Edo.
but you swines call IKA IGBO when it suits u.
Biafra is abt land grabbing frm the oil states


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by kingzizzy: 11:10am On Nov 14, 2015
It seems the Biafrans need to go back to the table and understand what they want.

Although the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu by Buhari is totally unacceptable in any sane country. The Igbos need to know what they really want.

In the last few days, there have been a couple of protest in some SE and SS states.

Some guys in Edo have never heard of the name Nnamdi Kanu and it's not clear if IPOB has any member in Edo.

I did some investigation and realised that Biafra was a dead issue to the Edos, though Edo is a SS state.

However, we have equally seen several groups from different SS states openly denouncing and rebuking Biafra..

It's not enough to protest, these guys need to know what they want.

They need to talk with their elders, women and children. Do they really want a break-away or they are angry because the Hausa-Fulani man will never live to see an Igbo man become president.? undecided

Edo state is not part of Biafra (except Igbanke). Edo is not wanted.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Energito: 11:13am On Nov 14, 2015
Mr man is not by force,we don't need edos.fact

From history, it was an Edo man that partly made Biafra loose the war.

Had Ogbemeudia joined Biafra during the war, you won't be agitating today.

I will advise you to stop riding-rough on the Edos.

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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by HIGHESTPOPORI(m): 11:18am On Nov 14, 2015
I don't know d reason Edo is forcing themselves on Biafra,no be by force,Edo is not part of Biafra,you guys should stop dreaming of joining Biafra!

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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Nobody: 11:19am On Nov 14, 2015
we dont need Edo in biafra because we have nothing in common with edo people.edo should go with yrouba.
tell them ooo. there is no provision for Edos. Next thread would be: when Will there be Biafra protest in ondo


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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Trut(m): 11:28am On Nov 14, 2015
but you swines call IKA IGBO when it suits u.
Biafra is abt land grabbing frm the oil states

Edo state is not part of Biafra (except Igbanke). Edo is not wanted.


Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Favparis(f): 12:03pm On Nov 14, 2015

Hope you will be among them? Awon werey iranu. undecided

Am not Biafran!
Proudly South-South
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by blueandbirds(m): 12:14pm On Nov 14, 2015
We don't need you guys as well, who Una biafra help? Goodluck on you guys adventure buh pls don't even involve us cus we don't have any similarities together.. thank u..
we done need Edo in biafra because we have nothing in common with edo people.edo should go with yrouba.

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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by blueandbirds(m): 12:17pm On Nov 14, 2015
Nigga do u kno the meaning of forcing to start with? I think you need help man, goodluck on your biafra but pls leave edo out of it thanks..
I don't know d reason Edo is forcing themselves on Biafra,no be by force,Edo is not part of Biafra,you guys should stop dreaming of joining Biafra!

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Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Armaggedon: 12:18pm On Nov 14, 2015
but you swines call IKA IGBO when it suits u.
Biafra is abt land grabbing frm the oil states
is ika edo? Get your facts right. Ika is the igbo area which consists of Agbor, igbanke (in edo state) etc . Yes it is part of biafra but edo is not
edo is not in any biafran map
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by blueandbirds(m): 12:20pm On Nov 14, 2015
Like we care dude..

Edo state is not part of Biafra (except Igbanke). Edo is not wanted.
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by blueandbirds(m): 12:24pm On Nov 14, 2015
God bless u for dat bro..
The Igbos Know Edo cant be part of their Madness
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Energito: 1:00pm On Nov 14, 2015
Hahaha mr man stop crying.we dont need edo people.
We don't need you guys as well, who Una biafra help? Goodluck on you guys adventure buh pls don't even involve us cus we don't have any similarities together.. thank u..
Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by Obiagu1(m): 1:11pm On Nov 14, 2015
Those of you pushing Edo out of Biafra should stop.
We will need their votes when the time comes.
They are a part of Biafra if you understand history and international politics.

This is the only Biafra map we have and Edo is firmly in it.

Nnamdi Kanu will understand this too with time.

Re: How Come No IPOB Protest In Edo? by blueandbirds(m): 6:19pm On Nov 14, 2015
Wen the time is right we will kno who will cry Mumu guy..
Hahaha mr man stop crying.we dont need edo people.

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