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Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 3:48pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Hi, Seasons greetings to every one that reads this. This is actually the very first time I'm creating a thread ![]() So, I want to use this medium to openly renounce my Christian faith. I've been a Christian since the day I was born. Maybe not fully devoted, but I spend quality time praying, fasting and reading the bible on my own. For the past 3yrs, i've experienced unimaginable pain, nothing has worked out for me, and my life seems to be going in circles. I've been praying to God, but havnt got results. Nothing appeals to me anymore. All I think about is suicide and I already got poison. My parents are the reason I haven't taken my life. They would be devastated cause I'm the last child. Money isn't the problem cuz I've tasted money that some working class people have never seen. Before I joined NL, I never doubted God, but seeing all the hate and negative comments from NL atheists has made me question God. The pain in my heart is too much and I wonder why an omnipotent God would let me or anyone suffer. I dont know why God remembers everyone else but ignores me. For the past one week, I've not prayed because I figured why pray when it won't be answered. So yeah, I've officially dropped Christianity today. Thanks for your time!! 8 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by CallMeMadMan: 3:51pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by vooks: 3:55pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
So trapQ apart from being a serial m0ron and a certified board SCOANITE is a cheeky attention seeker? Gal, you need counseling 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by fromnigeria(m): 4:00pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Gooo so we know how many true believers left. Lol 1 Like |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by ifenes(m): 4:00pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
I know that feeling. But do ignore the urge for suicide. Life can really be beautiful if you make it beautiful. What ever is is you are going through,do know you are always in control no matter how the illusion may bend the reality. Ignore the negative comments from the Christians. Just like their Islamic counterpart, they are never tolerant. You will become a wise man in the land of the fools pretty much soon. 7 Likes |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by PastorOluT(m): 4:15pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz: Have so many things to say to u but dont know where to start from. First and foremost, stay clear athiest threads cos u aint strong enough and their confusions seem to be getting to u. Also get to know God urself cos from ur post I see u really need that, fasting, prayers n all that are good n necessary 4 spiritual exercise bt u have to know the reason u do it. Many get it wrong by praying n fasting to get things from God n when they do not get what they want they get frustrated n quit many at times. We fast n pray for spiritual nourishment n growth not cos we want something for u can get whatsoever even without fasting. Another mistake we mk is that we think God is obligated to us, tho He is but not as we always think. Belonging to Him doesnt mean ur life will be free of trials, in fact the closer u get to Him the more the trials for the devil's hatred of u increases. Though we have promises in Him in this world n the one to come, we need to really understand ow He works in us and this can only come as we move closer to Him.. We should understand that we only see a fraction of the big picture while He sees the full n thus make decisions in that regard. So if what u going thru right now isnt palatable, this is the best time u move closer to Him and trust Him more cos His word holds promises for u both in this world and the one to come. Have u ever consider the scripture, "count it all joy when you fall into varous trial James 1:2?" I tell u the mind cant wrap itself around that save the spirit. So my bro what I suggest is move closer to Him n take ur mind off the stage u going thru now cos life is in stages, n see Him turning things around as He turns ur story to glory. Do not be weary in well doing for in due season you shalll reap if u faint not Galatian 6:9 Stay blessed and remain rapturable 25 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by CoolUsername: 4:31pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
First thing, safely dispose of the poison. When you do that, think about where you want to go in life. Things may be difficult but that's just how life is; there'll always be someone better and someone worse. What you have to do is accept your situation and find ways to get out of it. I'm sure you have loved one, don't you want to see them again? Don't you want to show them that you're strong enough to struggle through troubling times? 1 Like |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 4:35pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Such is life bro.............. |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by vooks: 4:48pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Extreme Pentecostalism such as SCOAN or MFM is for the mentally unstable. Millerz is a perfect example This Millerz: Millerz: Millerz: Versus this; Millerz: Let the kid alone, she will grow up some day and mature spiritually enough to steer clear of attacking Igbos 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by kevoh(m): 5:14pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz, I think I'm more concerned about the poison and suicide option. Suicide is never the way bro. There's always a better way out. Can you talk more about this 'unimaginable pain'? I'm sure some good hearted fella here can provide some realistic solution. |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 5:16pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Vooks your hypocrisy is alarming you know. Last time i checked, you left Christianity for new age only to go back again. Who seems to be more confused now? Your contributions are clearly not needed on this thread. if you're gonna bitch about serious issues such as this one then kindly exit the thread. Even Jesus went through trials and tribulations, so if you're taking pride in demeaning people because of their struggles it goes to say you're immature. 5 Likes |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 5:19pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
YOU have a problem. SUICIDE is not a SOLUTION, IT is CHEATING. Face life, you motherfucker!! ![]() ![]() ![]() So what if there is no God? You have family and friends. You have a lot to be grateful for even by your own admission. Isn't life worth living for them? Why put them through unnecessary pains and stress? Do they deserve that from you? Yes, life can be tough. Life can make no sense sometimes. But still we breathe, still we live, still we push on, stand straight and stare into the eyes of Gods both dead and living, demons both evil and sweet, then scream a big "WAKAAA, YA PAPA THERE" I WILL SURVIVE. I WILL BEAT THE ODDS. NO ONE CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SO get off your ass and stop feeling sad for yourself, go out and have fun. There are a lot beautiful things to enjoy, lots of books to read, lots of stuff you still have to offer society. Find your place, you're not a reject. Even my moniker has led people to CHrist ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 10 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by johnydon22(m): 5:43pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
vooks:How do you know that's TrapQ? |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 5:54pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
I've tried getting close to God all this while but I kept going back and forth. How else do I get closer to God if not studying the bible and praying... I've done that consistently for years but it seems like the more I pray, the farther he is from me. How come people who live wayward lives are the ones God hears earlier? PastorOluT: |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by johnydon22(m): 5:55pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Why do people really want to live life only on the positive light and cry foul when they experience negativity.. Seems more likely that your belief in God or deities is about gaining favours from the sky and as such dwindles if those expected favours are not forth coming.. That's quite shallow i must say. I don't know if what you wrote up there is true about the suicide thingy but one thing is certain suicide is never an answer to any problem. Your life will play out one way or the other, either for good or bad but if you die now how are you going to find out how it goes. I'd stick around and see the end if that was me.. I have always told people that the victims mindset dilutes the potential of a human in the face of an unfavourable circumstance, do not see yourself as a victim of your circumstances or conditions because you are not the victim. If there was no YOU there wouldn't be those problems facing you affirms you are in charge of your circumstance. You need to accept that these circumstances and conditions are your responsibilities and yours alone and stop playing the victim and seeking help from abstract things like deities you can only diminish your ability to solve your problems. If you don't own up and move that cup nothing will move it for you.. Not jesus, satan or allah. Good and bad can happen to anyone, these negating factors in this random world we live in keeps both us and the world in balance in my own opinion. How can we live and hope not to feel pain, sadness and tears. then why live at all? there is no up without a down so too is the relationship between pain and joy.. Forget suicide my friend it solves nothing but betrays abject cowardice... When life rages around you stand your ground and say to it "Do your worse cus i will do mine after you are done" find meaning in your suffering. someone once said "if life throws bricks at you use it to build".. You call these negative circumstances "Problems" i simply call it "Life" and i live it and enjoy every bit of it. Lastly, Atheists do not spew hate for any God concept, you can't hate what you don't believe exists. they just argue on what they find to be implausible.. You probably had that misplaced 9 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by realdee44(f): 6:02pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz:dropping Christianity will not make you feel better. The problem is you, check yourself very well. Do you have a free heart cuz that may be one of your problem. |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by PastorOluT(m): 6:05pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz: Hmm, u seem not to be getting my point though. Ok lets take it bit by bit, have encountered Christ, whats ur salvation experience? NB Perdon my questions, just oblige me as U will get to understand better. |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 6:16pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Johnydon22 Everything you read up there is true. I'd gain nothing by falsifying stories and playing victim in a faceless forum. I was never in Christianity to gain favours from God neither is my leaving christianity based on expected favours that aren't in sight. I liked your contribution tho... thanks a lot. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Nobody: 6:21pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
I've never encountered Christ. I have no experience in that regards. PastorOluT: |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by vooks: 6:47pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz: Get real people to stand by you, either you are a high school kid or an overgrown baby, who else throws a pity bash online? PS Add SARCASM to your vocabulary |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by vooks: 6:48pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
johnydon22:Why do you care negro? |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by sonofthunder: 9:02pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
ifenes:you know that feeling? you used to be a Christian also? |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by sonofthunder: 9:10pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz:your profile says you Muslim. is this your new faith? |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by quickly: 9:57pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz: Some Pol want God to clean there yansh for them. No amount of prayers would make God clean u r yansh. You use u r hand and tissue or watever. So also other problems, God has given u brain to meditate and think Also know a problem shared is a problem solved. Wish u good luck 1 Like |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by malvisguy212: 10:10pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Millerz:God is not bound to keep your time, the reason you worship God is because of miracle ? And when you feel like God is not hearing you, you give up? I believe this is not the reason you want to give up on God. Longsuffering is associated with mercy ( 1 Peter 3:20) and hope (1 Thessalonians 1:4). It does not surrender to circumstances or succumb to trial. In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul referred to our human nature as the "work of the flesh" These include “hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders”! We cannot overcome this with our sinful nature, we need the antidote of this which is the holy spirit. Paul went on to say, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,LONGSUFFERING kindness , goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control ” ( Galatians 5:22-23, 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by CHARLOE(m): 10:20pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
@ op, don't get wat ur problem is; do u have a medical Condition of d heart n expecting a miracle. dat is not forthcoming or u feel god does not care bout u? my advice: a lot of d miracles u hear/c in churches are arranged, so don't feel bad cos u ain't experienced any. also, good n bad tins happen to people of all religions n race: xtians fail, fall sick, lose jobs, die, get jobs/contracts, get married, have kids, succeed etc just like. Muslims, Buddhists etc forget all d stories of divine favour dey tell u in churches, only d pastors get 'divine favour' from d gullible members 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by PastorAIO: 10:24pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
vooks: quickly: malvisguy212: Why are you all so heartless? And you're supposed to be christians. I don't know, but someone here is reaching out in honest need, and it is attitudes like the above that probably a big part of the problem. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by PastorAIO: 10:43pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
@Millerz I cannot pretend to know what you're going through because I'm not you. But everybody goes through ups and downs in life and I can try to share my own understanding of Life with you. Maybe it will help, maybe not. But I'll try anyway. I personally believe that there is a plan for every life and when you are in touch with that plan you experience of life is full of meaning. Yet there are times when we all lose sight of the plan and it seems that nothing makes sense and our life is just a meaningless blowing in the wind. I would call this plan the Logos seed. There is a seed within everyone as Jesus said in the Parable of the sower. When the seed falls on rocks the birds come and chop it, others try to grow amongst bushes and the weeds strangle it. But when it falls on fertile soil and it is nurtured and watered it will sprout and grow and yield abundantly. This Seed is within you. It is not in any church, or in any pastor or in any bible. You have to find it and guard it preciously and nurture it so it can grow. It is not outside you. Many are falsely taught to worship God that is out there, outside of yourself but actually divinity is manifest within you. It is not in the bible. The bible is a useful guide but without that inner connection and spiritual awakening the bible studying is useless, just words yielding clever doctrines and empty rhetorics. There is a light within you. It is there! I believe that and I think it is worth your while to try and look within. When we have no idea of this Seed/Logos within we get seduced by flashy rhetorics from charismatic demagogues. We start to chase other dreams that are not ours. We can pray all we want and pursue these false dreams all we want but it is probably quite fortunate that we don't achieve these fake goals. Try to chill out more and enjoy your life from moment to moment. And trust that there is a masterplan for you. It does not require any inordinate striving. Like Jesus said about the birds and the flowers, they don't toil but God provides for them. Enjoy your life. Do the job that is at hand and don't worry yourself about any fake assed ambitions that some fake assed pastors have tried to plant in you. Face the days problems. If you have a job just try to do it well and enjoy it and don't punish yourself that you deserve a better job. If you don't have a job, get up and start looking for one. Try to enjoy the experience. network with other jobseekers. Learn about the job market, what the possibilities are. People that are hustling, how do they do it? How do they make ends meet? Revel in the ingenuity of the various ways human beings hustle and put food on the table. Meditate and trust that a path will be revealed to you too. Let me not write too much. I'll add more later if needed. 1 Like |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by Ymodulus: 10:50pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
... |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by vooks: 11:33pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
PastorAIO: Crybabies are addicted to attention, they live for it. If you believe the bullsh*t on NL you probably need to have whatever little that is between your head recalibrated |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by sonmvayina(m): 12:33am On Dec 19, 2015 |
Millerz: are you married?...your husband holds the key, it is called a twin flame...your blessing can only be released when you get married...when you do, all your problems will disappear like morning dew. |
Re: Renouncing My Christian Faith by malvisguy212: 12:41am On Dec 19, 2015 |
PastorAIO:point out the heartless coment in what I say. |
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