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Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. - Culture (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. (19912 Views)

Why Did The Bantu's Migrate From Eastern Nigeria To Central And Southern Africa? / The Bantu people descended from the Igbos of Nigeria: / Origin Of The Bantu Peoples: Eastern Nigeria/Western Cameroun? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:22pm On Dec 18, 2015

Lol,i will leave at the foot of your own stupiidity,ignorance and wrong perception of superiority.
It baffles me that you don't know the difference between Language groups(Bantu,Igbo,yoruba), Countries(Gabon,Nigeria)
Ethnic groups(Igbo,Yoruba, Kikuyi).
Why would a reasonable person compare Guinea with Hausa or Igbo. If you must compare,then pick two related items!
These are just silly jusxatapositions and comparisons, you keep talking about Congo kingdoms. I would assume you have not heard of West African Kingdoms. When you talk about Pan Africans like Mandela,i will assume you haven't heard about his West African contempories.
When you mention Queen Nzinga,i will assume you are ignorant of Dahomney warriors or even Queen Amina etc.
These countries like Equ. Guinea are not only inhabited by Bantus,there are natives like Igbo and other West African groups in it. Moreover, Bantus in South Africa and Equ. Guinea are incapable of ushering in any form of development. The White settlers are to be apperciated for any development you see in these countries.
You can keep living in the 17th century but this is 2015 and Nigerians and Igbos who have been compared to extremely intelligent people like the Jews are way above you all

White settlers and igbo natives in EG? Are you high ?
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:25pm On Dec 18, 2015

Who told you he is smart?
He/She/It behind that username is as stupid as fck....
Bantu isn't even an ethnic group, it is a language group. Someone like Wangari Maathai, Paul Kagame and Jacob Zuma are nothing alike, yet, they are all Bantu language speakers. (speakers of a lost West African language offshoot, looooool)
Stupied will always be stupied.

It is like comparing German and Bengali people and saying , they belong to the Indo-European tribe.....

And Igbo is the name of a language not so?

German is not an ethnic group or a race it is a language , we can go on and in . Bantu is a race .period it is common knowledge that the name of a race is often the name of the language . your analogy doesn't make sense, if we were to follow it, then hausa ,Yoruba igbo etc are only languages

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:30pm On Dec 18, 2015
@Thunderinghooves I am also interested in genetics that was why i asked the Bantu buffon to produce Genetic differences between Bantus and West Africans.
The only thing he could come up with was names of Notable Bantu folks. Lol.

What is west African ? You call alanwemne dumb, yet you are trying to compare a linguistic group according to you and a geographical region ? Does that make sense to you ? What do bamtu share with Mauritanian or Gambian ? Who are in west Africa ? The answer is nothing . I'm q firm believer that Igbo are bantu, but this your Wes af -Bantu connection is nonsense and baseless. Igbo are isolated bantu group in west Africa(which is even subjective) . and like alanmwen said you can't compare Bantu with Igbo , you will only make a fool of yourselves .
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 7:31pm On Dec 18, 2015

And Igbo is the name of a language not so?

German is not an ethnic group or a race it is a language , we can go on and in . Bantu is a race .period it is common knowledge that the name of a race is often the name of the language . your analogy doesn't make sense, if we were to follow it, then hausa ,Yoruba igbo etc are only languages

So what is the Language of the Bantus race?
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:34pm On Dec 18, 2015
I've been in church since morning. Thank you Radoillo and Scholti for holding it down and teaching the Bantu monkey a lesson.

The bantu are monkeys and what are u?
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 7:36pm On Dec 18, 2015

And Igbo is the name of a language not so?

German is not an ethnic group or a race it is a language , we can go on and in . Bantu is a race .period it is common knowledge that the name of a race is often the name of the language . your analogy doesn't make sense, if we were to follow it, then hausa ,Yoruba igbo etc are only languages

Yes German is an Ethnic group of Ethnic Germans and and spoken by them or other groups who speak it for various reasons.
How is Bantu a race? I only know of the Negro race and the Caucasian races in Africa. The San and the Horn Africans can be classified as semi-races.

The Bantu look is the "Guinean" look which begins in Guinea/Liberia/CV and spread all the way to Southern Africa, whith various other modification like mixing with Nilotes in Kenya or mixing with Sans in SA.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:38pm On Dec 18, 2015

So what is the Language of the Bantus race?
I can't not answer you with authority. Buy from my own researches, what I have read, and my own understanding. We used to have a same language and throughout our migrations and us absorbing other groups the language diversified. So zulu,kiswahili, Ewondo, kinyarwanda, lingala etc are Bantu languages/ dialects .
Just like German & Igbo , you will agree with me that there is no central Igbo
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Phut(f): 7:40pm On Dec 18, 2015

Wash your eyes with bleach before commenting.
I wrote ''Osa'' not ose.

Ihuoma, Igbo's also use Ose to mean God (as in Osebuluwa/God who has the world in his hands)

CC: Danrizzle

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 7:45pm On Dec 18, 2015
I can't not answer you with authority. Buy from my own researches, what I have read, and my own understanding. We used to have a same language and throughout our migrations and us absorbing other groups the language diversified. So zulu,kiswahili, Ewondo, kinyarwanda, lingala etc are Bantu languages/ dialects .
Just like German & Igbo , you will agree with me that there is no central Igbo

That is what this thread is about.
That Language that you used to all have developed out of an Unknown language in the East of Nigeria/West of Cameroon , before spreading out and started becoming variated through distance and time.
The areas of East Africa used to be occupied by Nilotes and Cushites and Southern Africa used to be occupied by Sans before Batu language speakers from West Africa expanded due to the one advantageous thing they had in their arsenal (Advanced agricultural techniques) which ade them press further, produce more children and sustain greater populations than the hunter-gatherers and pastoralists that used to occupy these areas.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:49pm On Dec 18, 2015

Yes German is an Ethnic group of Ethnic Germans and and spoken by them or other groups who speak it for various reasons.
How is Bantu a race? I only know of the Negro race and the Caucasian races in Africa. The San and the Horn Africans can be classified as semi-races.

The Bantu look is the "Guinean" look which begins in Guinea/Liberia/CV and spread all the way to Southern Africa, whith various other modification like mixing with Nilotes in Kenya or mixing with Sans in SA.

Term like negro race are outdated and non scientific. What is a negro ? Who is a negro? At least Caucasian directs to a known region .

Again with mixed and baseless analogy , you need to stop reading white supremacists , why San or "horn Africans " qualify for being race and Bantu who are even larger and more homogenous can't? Because the white said so ?

Bantu is a race because. We share the same genes , same phenotype same cultures and languages amid some small variances. Well if German is an ethnic group of ethnic Germans , then Bantu is an ethnic group of ethnic Bantu , with Bantu languages as their languages.

I have already debunked the myth of Bantu mixing with San or nilotes ....some occurrences of some or few Bantu marrying, of having sex with non Bantu is not and will never be the norms ..if the Bantu heavily mixed with San or nilotes as some people loce to say they wouldn't exist anymore .period, which is not the case , Bantu san & co are rare occurrences, just like Bantu pygmies/Baka/twa , we are distinct from them, we don't look alike and dont share the values or culture.

I dont know what is a guinean look maybe you can expantiate on that one , i sure do know that we in cameroon a bantu country or our neighbors, in gabon ,EG etc dont look anything like liberian, senegalese, gambian , the complexion is not even the same,
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 7:57pm On Dec 18, 2015

That is what this thread is about.
That Language that you used to all have developed out of an Unknown language in the East of Nigeria/West of Cameroon , before spreading out and started becoming variated through distance and time.
The areas of East Africa used to be occupied by Nilotes and Cushites and Southern Africa used to be occupied by Sans before Batu language speakers from West Africa expanded due to the one advantageous thing they had in their arsenal (Advanced agricultural techniques) which ade them press further, produce more children and sustain greater populations than the hunter-gatherers and pastoralists that used to occupy these areas.

Unknown as in not being able to name it accurately just like most languages all over Europe , still the languages existed therefore we are ethnic group . in my ethnic alone and in Cameroon there are already variances so you can imagine how much you can find among the whole Bantu nation. Yes this is what this thread was about but the op failed to answer , she just gave us a blank statement Bantu are cousins of west af how? If anything is the igbos that are part of the Bantu family, doesn't she find weird that her similarities are only along the cameroonian border ? Can she find the same similarities with bambara in Mali? Or senoufou in ivory coast ? I don't think so....we know already that Cameroon is the craddle of the Bantu race, however we should not focus on modern Cameroon, by all accounts it is obvious that the craddle included modern Nigerian eastern-southern part precisely. In few words eastern Nigerians are of Bantu stock and not the other way around , Bantu have nothing in common with modern west af minus the groups mentioned. Besides if it wasn't for the colonial border and Germany losing the war Cameroon was bigger
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 7:57pm On Dec 18, 2015

Term like negro race are outdated and non scientific. What is a negro ? Who is a negro? At least Caucasian directs to a known region .

Again with mixed and baseless analogy , you need to stop reading white supremacists , why San or "horn Africans " qualify for being race and Bantu who are even larger and more homogenous can't? Because the white said so ?

Bantu is a race because. We share the same genes , same phenotype same cultures and languages amid some small variances. Well if German is an ethnic group of ethnic Germans , then Bantu is an ethnic group of ethnic Bantu , with Bantu languages as their languages.

I have already debunked the myth of Bantu mixing with San or nilotes ....some occurrences of some or few Bantu marrying, of having sex with non Bantu is not and will never be the norms ..if the Bantu heavily mixed with San or nilotes as some people loce to say they wouldn't exist anymore .period, which is not the case , Bantu san & co are rare occurrences, just like Bantu pygmies/Baka/twa , we are distinct from them, we don't look alike and dont share the values or culture.

I dont know what is a guinean look maybe you can expantiate on that one , i sure do know that we in cameroon a bantu country or our neighbors, in gabon ,EG etc dont look anything like liberian, senegalese, gambian , the complexion is not even the same,

Negroids are people who exhibit Negroid or Negro-like features or a combination of a number of them, such as hair types, skin color Etc. Don't pretend like it does not exist, how many native Russians have you seen with a thick Afro?
If I am to go by your analogy, then all humans are the sae race too, because we basically share 99.9999999% of all our genes, the variation you think you observe in our physical looks account for less than you can even imagine in our genomes.

Yes, Bantus mixed with sans and Nilotes, why are you denying the obvious? go to Uganda and Kenya and see plenty bantu-nilote ethnic groups.
If you go to SA and Botswana, you will see plenty Bantu speaking groups who have obvious Khoi-San admixture.
What are the traits of the Bantu race?
Can you please enumerate them?

The Bantu languages are a subset of a West African language (probably lost). We are all classified as speakers of Niger-Cngo languages for a reason. of which one of the subsets, albeit the widest reaching one, is BANTU.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 8:02pm On Dec 18, 2015

Unknown as in not being able to name it accurately just like most languages all over Europe , still the languages existed therefore we are ethnic group . in my ethnic alone and in Cameroon there are already variances so you can imagine how much you can find among the whole Bantu nation. Yes this is what this thread was about but the op failed to answer , she just gave us a blank statement Bantu are cousins of west af how? If anything is the igbos that are part of the Bantu family, doesn't she find weird that her similarities are only along the cameroonian border ? Can she find the same similarities with bambara in Mali? Or senoufou in ivory coast ? I don't think so....we know already that Cameroon is the craddle of the Bantu race, however we should not focus on modern Cameroon, by all accounts it is obvious that the craddle included modern Nigerian eastern-southern part precisely. In few words eastern Nigerians are of Bantu stock and not the other way around , Bantu have nothing in common with modern west af minus the groups mentioned. Besides if it wasn't for the colonial border and Germany losing the war Cameroon was bigger

You are making sense, but only 50% sense.
Mind you, not all Bantus look the same, so how on earth can you say it is the other way round?
Like I said before, the ancestors of all bantu speaking groups had superior agricultural skills which they developed somewhere in Eastern WA. then they ventures out and spread, displacing or absorbing Nilotes, Bushmen, Pygmies etc in other parts of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.

Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 8:13pm On Dec 18, 2015

Negroids are people who exhibit Negroid or Negro-like features or a combination of a number of them, such as hair types, skin color Etc. Don't pretend like it does not exist, how many native Russians have you seen with a thick Afro?
If I am to go by your analogy, then all humans are the sae race too, because we basically share 99.9999999% of all our genes, the variation you think you observe in ur genetic make-up is less than you can even imagine.

Yes, Bantus mixed with sans and Nilotes, why are you denying the obvious? go to Uganda and Kenya and see plenty bantu-nilote ethnic groups.
If you go to SA and Botswana, you will see plenty Bantu speaking groups who have obvious Khoi-San admixture.
What are the traits of the Bantu race?
Can you please enumerate them?

The Bantu languages are a subset of a West African language (probably lost). We are all classified as speakers of Niger-Cngo languages for a reason. of which one of the subsets, albeit the widest reaching one, is BANTU.

What are negroid like features ? Is Angelina Jolie a negro with her thick lips? Is Jennifer Lopez a negro or mari careh with her thick ass ? What you call afro is scientifically called curly hair, you mean you have never seen white people with curly hair ? While they might b longer than the average africans the texture will most likey b the same especially if the African live or was born in America or Europe our hair seems harder because in Africa the climate is hot and we must retain water evaporation.but curly is curly ..africans have curly hair just like some white people . do that make them negro ?

I'm not denying anything, as it didn't happen on a large scale, it is all rubbish and propaganda, Bantu saw the sans ,as primitives and uncivilized, we pushed them further in the Kalahari desert, same with pygmies , they were pushed further in the forest, till date it is a taboo to marry one , whether in Rwanda or in Cameroon ,so it is very unlikely that your mass mixing ever occurred, what you should say is X or y Bantu married a San and the had some offsprings, but blank statements like Bantu mixed with San or nilotes are blatant lies ...does the average south African look like a San ? Does zuma or thabo mbeki look like a San ? Does museveni look like a nilote ? No and no white people populated America yet not one is talking about heavily mixing with Natives , while we didn't obliterate the sans and pygmies , we only cohabited with separate communities. Just like in America you can find some white with native ancestry, but is not the norm ,it is the exception.

What khoi San admixtures ?
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 8:19pm On Dec 18, 2015

You are making sense, but only 50% sense.
Mind you, not all Bantus look the same, so how on earth can you say it is the other way round?
Like I said before, the ancestors of all bantu speaking groups had superior agricultural skills which they developed somewhere in Eastern WA. then they ventures out and spread, displacing or absorbing Nilotes, Bushmen, Pygmies etc in other parts of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.

What I meant was if it wasn't for colonization and colonial borders which include maps, Igboland or most of Nigeria esp southern and eastern part wouldn't be considered as west Africa and we wouldn't have this conversation. Like i said earlier Cameroon under German protectorate beofre WWI included those parts . but since we were booties of war they exchanged territories to settle other territories dispute . Most of Cameroon was dismantled through such treaties that's how we lose Gabon , equatorial Guinea ,central afria and ultimately northern Nigeria . but back to the topic her similarities are only around cameroonian Bantu and it can't b the other way around because we constitute the bigger family.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 8:21pm On Dec 18, 2015

What are negroid like features ? Is Angelina Jolie a negro with her thick lips? Is Jennifer Lopez a negro or mari careh with her thick ass ? What you call afro is scientifically called curly hair, you mean you have never seen white people with curly hair ? While they might b longer than the average africans the texture will most likey b the same especially if the African live or was born in America or Europe our hair seems harder because in Africa the climate is hot and we must retain water evaporation.but curly is curly ..africans have curly hair just like some white people . do that make them negro ?

You are just saying this for talking sake.
Bring Angelina jolie with her lips and even make her hair curly as a bunus and place her in Lagos or Douala if she will not stand out.
Now bring 10 cameroonians or 10 congolese or 10 Bantu Keyans (Not the Nilotic types) and place them in Abidjan, Lagos or Monrovia if anyone will even notice. My dear stop denying the obvious for the sake of argument

I'm not denying anything, as it didn't happen on a large scale, it is all rubbish and propaganda, Bantu saw the sans ,as primitives and uncivilized, we pushed them further in the Kalahari desert, same with pygmies , they were pushed further in the forest, till date it is a taboo to marry one , whether in Rwanda or in Cameroon ,so it is very unlikely that your mass mixing ever occurred, what you should say is X or y Bantu married a San and the had some offsprings, but blank statements like Bantu mixed with San or nilotes are blatant lies ...does the average south African look like a San ? Does zuma or thabo mbeki look like a San ? Does museveni look like a nilote ? No and no white people populated America yet not one is talking about heavily mixing with Natives , while we didn't obliterate the sans and pygmies , we only cohabited with separate communities. Just like in America you can find some white with native ancestry, but is not the norm ,it is the exception.

What khoi San admixtures ?

Entire ethnic group such as Tswanas are Bantu settler and Khoisan autochtone Hybrids.
a large share of the Cape Coloureds, Xhosa and Tswana is of partial Khoisan descent, by far outnumbering the unassimilated Khoisan population.
Why do you think all these Southern African Bantus have all these weird clicks in their Languages while other bantu languages do not.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 8:29pm On Dec 18, 2015

You are just saying this for talking sake.
Bring Angelina jolie with her lips and even make her hair curly as a bunus and place her in Lagos or Douala if she will not stand out.
Now bring 10 cameroonians or 10 congolese or 10 Bantu Keyans (Not the Nilotic types) and place them in Abidjan, Lagos or Monrovia if anyone will even notice. My dear stop denying the obvious for the sake of argument

Entire ethnic group such as Tswanas are Bantu settler and Khoisan autochtone Hybrids.

Why do you think all these Southern African Bantus have all these weird clicks in their Languages while other bantu languages do not.

You don't need to mix with someone to copy his speech patterns , I will guess the Bantu find hard to communicate with khoi and they had to adapt , I mean the Bantu were in a new environment so anything to gain rapid knowledge from khoi was welcomed. They are people talking with funny white accents in Cameroon yet have never been in a plane.

False Tswana are pure Bantu ....they existed before arriving to modern botswana, + there are still sans in Botswana. They don't look anything like Tswana, look please google tswana don't just make assumptions , even during their king celebration were he picks women , how many sans are among those women ?

The question should b why exactly would Bantu mix with San ?
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 8:33pm On Dec 18, 2015

What I meant was if it wasn't for colonization and colonial borders which include maps, Igboland or most of Nigeria esp southern and eastern part wouldn't be considered as west Africa and we wouldn't have this conversation. Like you said earlier Cameroon under German protectorate beofre WWI included those parts . but since we were booties of war they exchanged territories to settle other territories. Most of Cameroon was dismantled through such treaties that's how we lose Gabon , equatorial Guinea ,central afria and ultimately northern Nigeria . but back to the topic her similarities are only around cameroonian Bantu and it can't b the other way around because we constitute the bigger family.

No part of Southern nigeria was ever part of Cameroons.
This is German Kamerun at its widest extent (Green), and Southern Nigeria was never a part of it.
The only part that would have been voted to join French speaking cameroon in the referendum.

Bantu constitute the bigger family only in Area and number of Speakers, But in terms of number of languages, all the other branches of the Niger -Congo family are in Western Africa, Such as Kwa, Bantoids (Semi-Bantus), Adamawa-Ubangui, West Benue-Congo Etc. Which s the real pointer to where Bantu speakers came from.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 8:41pm On Dec 18, 2015

You don't need to mix with someone to copy his speech patterns , I will guess the Bantu find hard to communicate with khoi and they had to adapt , I mean the Bantu were in a new environment so anything to gain rapid knowledge from khoi was welcomed. They are people talking with funny white accents in Cameroon yet have never been in a plane.

False Tswana are pure Bantu ....they existed before arriving to modern botswana, + there are still sans in Botswana. They don't look anything like Tswana, look please google tswana don't just make assumptions , even during their king celebration were he picks women , how many sans are among those women ?

The question should b why exactly would Bantu mix with San ?

Tswana are not of the Pure Bantu speaking Stock that came from West Africa, Go and read up on Tswana origins and genetics.
And here I was thinking this was common knowledge. Clearly, it is not.

Look at Tswanas below.

And they are clearly San-esque in outlook.
These are Sans

See Bantus below

Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 8:50pm On Dec 18, 2015

Tswana are not of the Pure Bantu speaking Stock that came from West Africa, Go and read up on Tswana origins and genetics.
And here I was thinking this was common knowledge. Clearly, it is not.

Look at Tswanas below.

And they are clearly San-esque in outlook.
These are Sans

The women don't look San to me , maybe the girl in the middle and that's even a stretch ...the girls on the left and the right look like your average market woman in Cameroon and there are no San here ....as for the boys only the dude with the glasses with his chinko eyes same with the girls , then again I know people in Cameroon with the same chinko eyes ..I hope you know there are genetic adaptation, it very likely that Bantu dapated to their new environment
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 8:52pm On Dec 18, 2015

Tswana are not of the Pure Bantu speaking Stock that came from West Africa, Go and read up on Tswana origins and genetics.
And here I was thinking this was common knowledge. Clearly, it is not.

Look at Tswanas below.

And they are clearly San-esque in outlook.
These are Sans

See Bantus below

The attire is zuluesque if anything, you probably know that San were walking unclad when we discovered them
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 8:57pm On Dec 18, 2015

The women don't look San to me , maybe the girl in the middle and that's even a stretch ...the girls on the left and the right look like your average market woman in Cameroon and there are no San here ....as for the boys only the dude with the glasses with his chinko eyes same with the girls , then again I know people in Cameroon with the same chinko eyes ..I hope you know there are genetic adaptation, it very likely that Bantu dapated to their new environment

The Bantu speaking migrants wouldn't adapt to any environment so quickly. You think Adaptation happens in one day.
Infact as at the time Dutch seafarers first reached the cape of good hope, they saw some new wave of Bantu migrants still migrating into Southern Africa, while some had already been there, such as Xhosas who intermarried with san groups of the Cape.

Why are you refuting everything i am telling you, and which are based on facts? You actually think Bantus are a race? grin
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 9:09pm On Dec 18, 2015

The Bantu speaking migrants wouldn't adapt to any environment so quickly. You think Adaptation happens in one day.
Infact as at the time Dutch seafarers first reached the cape of good hope, they saw some new wave of Bantu migrants still migrating into Southern Africa, while some had already been there, such as Xhosas who intermarried with san groups of the Cape.

Why are you refuting everything i am telling you, and which are based on facts? You actually think Bantus are a race? grin

The problem with your thinking process is that you think migration only happens one way ...it is very likely that Bantu moved back and forth , in fact what is the proof to those dutch that it was the first time for Bantu to come there ? No single ...please take a close look at Middle east migration-population ...you will understand that Africans first populated the middle East ,then they moved northward, before coming back as European-white hence the white look of actual middle Easterner despite their hot climates like in Africa ..in fact arabs are white/Europeans . same with Bantu and migrations in Africa ...some say the craddle of humanity is east Africa other say around Chad, what it tells us is that humans or Africans on this case have on the move since inception. Besides the Bantu migrations started 3000 B.C it is very unlikely that they didn't reach southern Africa before the arrival of the dutch here ...what you foget is that we are talking about the first reported , how do we know this wasnt the first time that they migrate?

Well I don't believe, it is a fact that we are a race, you didn't give the the requirements to b considered as race. You said san and horn afrucans(whatever that means ,as there are bantu in the horn) are a race , again i ask why do they qualify to b called such ? What is race ?

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by CAMNEWTON4PRES: 9:14pm On Dec 18, 2015

The Bantu speaking migrants wouldn't adapt to any environment so quickly. You think Adaptation happens in one day.
Infact as at the time Dutch seafarers first reached the cape of good hope, they saw some new wave of Bantu migrants still migrating into Southern Africa, while some had already been there, such as Xhosas who intermarried with san groups of the Cape.

Why are you refuting everything i am telling you, and which are based on facts? You actually think Bantus are a race? grin

I don't buy the dutch account and then again the adaption is not particular to south Africa , anyone in botswana can have the same features as anyone in south Africa without having ever setted foot in SA . by that I simply mean him sseing Bantu entering in SA (modern or not?) does not negate my point don't forget we were talking about Botswana, and the same setup exist all over southern Africa (from Zambia to south Africa)

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Ihuomadinihu: 9:50am On Dec 19, 2015

Ihuoma, Igbo's also use Ose to mean God (as in Osebuluwa/God who has the world in his hands)

CC: Danrizzle
Thanks dear.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Ihuomadinihu: 9:52am On Dec 19, 2015

I don't buy the dutch account and then again the adaption is not particular to south Africa , anyone in botswana can have the same features as anyone in south Africa without having ever setted foot in SA . by that I simply mean him sseing Bantu entering in SA (modern or not?) does not negate my point don't forget we were talking about Botswana, and the same setup exist all over southern Africa (from Zambia to south Africa)
After all said and done, Bantu is still and will keep being a Subgroup of the Niger Congo linguistic family of West Africa. It's not a race or ethnic group.
Take it or find your way out of this thread.

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Ihuomadinihu: 9:55am On Dec 19, 2015

What is west African ? You call alanwemne dumb, yet you are trying to compare a linguistic group according to you and a geographical region ? Does that make sense to you ? What do bamtu share with Mauritanian or Gambian ? Who are in west Africa ? The answer is nothing . I'm q firm believer that Igbo are bantu, but this your Wes af -Bantu connection is nonsense and baseless. Igbo are isolated bantu group in west Africa(which is even subjective) . and like alanmwen said you can't compare Bantu with Igbo , you will only make a fool of yourselves .
When you understand the clear and unbiased meaning of the word 'Bantu',you will understand that Igbo,Yoruba etc are not Bantus. Bantu is only a Linguistic unit of the larger Niger Congo group.

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Nobody: 10:13am On Dec 19, 2015
I didn't know Camerounpride was still arguing against Southern Bantu people having Khoisan admixture, something genetic studies have decisively shown to be a fact.



You didn't even need to poke around the genes to know this. You only needed to look at the eyes, the flat faces and cheekbones (not to mention the complexion and 'ridiculous' butts) of a good number of black Southern Africans (the Nguni, especially) to know this.

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 10:32am On Dec 19, 2015
I didn't know Camerounpride was still arguing against Southern Bantu people having Khoisan admixture, something genetic studies have decisively shown to be a fact.



You didn't even need to poke around the genes to know this. You only needed to look at the eyes, the flat faces and cheekbones (not to mention the complexion and 'ridiculous' butts) of a good number of black Southern Africans (the Nguni, especially) to know this.

Just wait till he comes back.
He will tell you that genetics is a lie.

He thinks all those people in Congo, Angola, Zambia etc are a race.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by Nobody: 11:08am On Dec 19, 2015

Just wait till he comes back.
He will tell you that genetics is a lie.

He thinks all those people in Congo, Angola, Zambia etc are a race.

I know he'll call it a lie. We've been down this Bantu/Khoisan road before.

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Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by wilses: 12:06am On Mar 24, 2016
Its as simple as this. The bantus have always been monotheistic while the igbos/yorubas have lots of gods.
Re: Re: Bantu/benue-congo/igbo Relationship. by scholes0(m): 5:02am On Mar 24, 2016
Its as simple as this. The bantus have always been monotheistic while the igbos/yorubas have lots of gods.

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