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Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by sobastical: 12:28pm On Dec 20, 2015
I don't know where people are getting this dates from, when Jesus himself said only the father knew the date and time. And besides there are prophecies that needs to be fulfilled before the rapture happens and then the second coming of Christ. These prophecies are happening now. Just get prepared work out your salvation with tremble and fear and if you're yet to be born again, it's time you do that now delay is just dangerous.

Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by 9jatatafo(m): 12:29pm On Dec 20, 2015
The time and date of Christ's second coming no one knows, even Jesus Christ his only son. Who is or are these humans doing some dlDevilish calculations and predicting doom by their evil spirit? Serve GOD in truth and in spirit and make your path straight
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by MichaelChaplain: 12:31pm On Dec 20, 2015
You might be correct... it falls between 2030 - 2035. Bible prophecies have to be fulfilled before the Second coming of CHRIST but the Rapture is imminent, it can happen at anytime. The time is short.. The end of age is very near, maximum is in the next 15 yrs. American scientists are running helter skelter about the EMP blast that might hit the earth in 2022 & end human civilization. And also Ukrainian scientists have envisioned an Asteroid that will hit the earth in 2032, they said its effect will be 5 times the effect of Nuclear bomb. These people are not Christians but they have seen it. What they dont know is that these are all the prophecies that were mentioned in the book of revelation that will come upon the earth during the great tribulation.
so true
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by logica(m): 12:34pm On Dec 20, 2015
End time...prediction.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Otokpa22(m): 12:37pm On Dec 20, 2015
Thank God. Am not just a guest anymore. Now a Nairalander.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Macelliot(m): 12:39pm On Dec 20, 2015
Jesus who you claimed died over 2 billion years ago called you on phone and said "My son, listen carefully, go tell the world I'm coming in 2035 ??

Religion is a big scam
Both you and that dude are big scam...

Jesus himself said "No one knows the day, nor the hour."
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by dhateeboi(m): 12:40pm On Dec 20, 2015
Who wrote the bible ??
When was the exact date Jesus was born ??
Who was his father ?? The holy spirit who impregnated his mum ??
Who founded a religion and called it Christianity ??
Why don't you practice the things written in the Bible where he told Timothy to drink alcohol,
where he told people to kill every person in the whole city Judges 18:27, Jeremaih 50:21, where Solomon had more than 3000 wives, a whole 7 nation was killed because of nothing Deuternomy 7:16, God killed a man because he don't wanna impregnate his brother's wife 38:9-10
I permit no woman to teach or have authority over any man, she is to be silent 1 Timothy 2:12.
I will make you eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters Jeremaih 19:9
God kills all Egyptian first born Exodus 12:29
A tribe killed and their virgin girls raped because the didn't show up for roll call Judges 21: 1-23.
God hepls Samson kill 50, 000 men because he lost a bet Judges 14:11-19

Some people can not use their brain to think.

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Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by CoolUsername: 12:41pm On Dec 20, 2015

Bro's, you gave me a great idea. I'll probably do it next week. grin
Where will you get the blow-up dolls?
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by dhateeboi(m): 12:42pm On Dec 20, 2015
Jesus who is supposed to be a Lord and personal saviour was tempted by the devil.

I mean, Satan tempted God with what he created..

Sister Ruth Ezekiel from The Church of Christ on Stage

Sister Ruth asked, Whose voice was heard in Matthew3:17?

" And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

The answer is "we don't know" because Jesus said,
John 5:37.

"And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape."

If what Jesus said was true, then the voice in Matthew 3:17 was not from God.[color=#770077][/color]
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by CoolUsername: 12:42pm On Dec 20, 2015
End time...prediction.
well, no sh!t
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Otokpa22(m): 12:43pm On Dec 20, 2015
D year, D date, D time, D hour, D minute, D second no one knows not even Jesus. Except the most high God.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Icon4s(m): 12:44pm On Dec 20, 2015
You might be correct... it falls between 2030 - 2035. Bible prophecies have to be fulfilled before the Second coming of CHRIST but the Rapture is imminent, it can happen at anytime. The time is short.. The end of age is very near, maximum is in the next 15 yrs. American scientists are running helter skelter about the EMP blast that might hit the earth in 2022 & end human civilization. And also Ukrainian scientists have envisioned an Asteroid that will hit the earth in 2032, they said its effect will be 5 times the effect of Nuclear bomb. These people are not Christians but they have seen it. What they dont know is that these are all the prophecies that were mentioned in the book of revelation that will come upon the earth during the great tribulation.

I have never heard of any imminent EMP blast predicted at 2022 & Ukrainean scientist saying an asteroid will hit d earth in 2032. There would b such information and some1 like me wont know abt. Pure lies! Ypu people keep predicting d second coming of Christ and each time God shows u he is d only all knowing. Rapture can even take place before that ur 2030-35.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by ATERI(m): 12:44pm On Dec 20, 2015
Anachronistic bullshit
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by mart2k(m): 12:44pm On Dec 20, 2015
No need 2 read dis shit. God is nt lying, d Bible says d coming of Jesus christ wl b like a thief in d 9t. It says further dat nobody knows d time not even d Angels. So how do u expect me to bliv dis shit.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Everest880: 12:47pm On Dec 20, 2015
There is No Jesus.
There is no second coming.
There is No God
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Motherfucker2: 12:47pm On Dec 20, 2015

| You rant Old and Anti-Christ like. Do you ever reason with a clear mind who Jesus Christ is? Guess not. I will help you; He is Love and Grace. Grace; wrote off all the old things you read from the Old Book, And Love; His Agape love made it possible for you to sit there and rant shii without bn striked to death immediately.
Repent Now!

How do you know all these things you just wrote?
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by nervorum: 12:50pm On Dec 20, 2015
Jesus who you claimed died over 2 billion years ago called you on phone and said "My son, listen carefully, go tell the world I'm coming in 2035 ??

Religion is a big scam

Very true sir; religion is, christianity isn't.

You have the right to form and hold on to your beliefs and the freewill to live as you wish..that does not change the word of God the Almighty, nor His plans for humanity.

You doubt it? Refer to history
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by sampu: 12:51pm On Dec 20, 2015
Who wrote the bible ??
When was the exact date Jesus was born ??
Who was his father ?? The holy spirit who impregnated his mum ??
Who founded a religion and called it Christianity ??
Why don't you practice the things written in the Bible where he told Timothy to drink alcohol,
where he told people to kill every person in the whole city Judges 18:27, Jeremaih 50:21, where Solomon had more than 3000 wives, a whole 7 nation was killed because of nothing Deuternomy 7:16, God killed a man because he don't wanna impregnate his brother's wife 38:9-10
I permit no woman to teach or have authority over any man, she is to be silent 1 Timothy 2:12.
I will make you eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters Jeremaih 19:9
God kills all Egyptian first born Exodus 12:29
A tribe killed and their virgin girls raped because the didn't show up for roll call Judges 21: 1-23.
God hepls Samson kill 50, 000 men because he lost a bet Judges 14:11-19

Some people can not use their brain to think.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by victorazy(m): 12:51pm On Dec 20, 2015

Pls brother, try expand ur mind for more knowledge. It will help a great deal. Thanks.

We all have diff views and minds.

The gospel has gone round the world, sun has gone dark (lunar eclipse) The moon had turned blood (Eclipse of the earth) nation rise against nation war on Irag etc. What else do u want, dog to develop horn?
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Nobody: 12:51pm On Dec 20, 2015
Christ himself does not know when he's coming so how can we mortals be the one to know
from Delta?
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by MrImole: 12:51pm On Dec 20, 2015
Apparently God also changed the actual length of the year on earth so the calendars actually did reflect reality. The changes in the annual year have been recorded in the Bible.
Someone should please explain this.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by nervorum: 12:56pm On Dec 20, 2015
There is No Jesus.
There is no second coming.
There is No God

So go ahead; live as you wish, believe what you may..time shall tell.

You really lose nothing by giving your life to Jesus, whether there be a second coming or not, think about it
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Highcuerayte: 12:57pm On Dec 20, 2015
2030 is far.. .what i know is the world will still last a thousand year, meaning: there will be a 3000 date on earth.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Bollinger(m): 12:57pm On Dec 20, 2015
Where will you get the blow-up dolls?

They have it plenty in stores here. Especially in sex shops.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Highcuerayte: 1:02pm On Dec 20, 2015
God's word stands forever, no one can predict the second coming of Christ. We should be ready every moment of our life. Don't allow people decieve u. No one knows the day.
The Bible didn't say what you are saying. Christ said no one knows the day and hour he didn't say the year.

Always pay attention to details
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Highcuerayte: 1:04pm On Dec 20, 2015

So go ahead; live as you wish, believe what you may..time shall tell.

You really lose nothing by giving your life to Jesus, whether there be a second coming or not, think about it
Which Gospel requires one to give his life to Christ?
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Everest880: 1:04pm On Dec 20, 2015

So go ahead; live as you wish, believe what you may..time shall tell.

You really lose nothing by giving your life to Jesus, whether there be a second coming or not, think about it
Typical christains, always resorting to Threats grin
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by kadree(m): 1:04pm On Dec 20, 2015

We all have diff views and minds.

The gospel has gone round the world, sun has gone dark (lunar eclipse) The moon had turned blood (Eclipse of the earth) nation rise against nation war on Irag etc. What else do u want, dog to develop horn?
I still insist u open ur mind. Thanks.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by oluwafemim(m): 1:05pm On Dec 20, 2015
This is an interesting article by a man of God called Don Koenig, he's American. He is taking about the Second Coming of CHRIST here, not the Rapture. He makes so much sense, please read this!!!!! Wow!!!!!

If you do a quick Google study on the Internet on the year that Jesus was crucified you will see that there are those claiming all sorts of proof why they know the correct year of the crucifixion. You can find some very good arguments why their date is correct but the problem is that their dates span every year from 30 AD to 35 AD. They might all have good arguments but they certainly can’t all be correct. If you only read the arguments on one website you might be convinced that this is the year that Jesus was crucified but after you read many of these top sites that talk about the date of the Lord’s crucifixion you probably should come to the conclusion that a conclusive date for the crucifixion is elusive. Scholars can all agree that Jesus was crucified between 30-35 AD but narrowing it down beyond that involves cherry picking facts and subjective reasoning. It is
my view that the dating of the crucifixion with certainty is not possible with the data that we now have available.

The reason I bring this up is because I think the return of Jesus and the millennial rest will begin 2000 years from the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. There are many reasons why I believe this. For example, there is the creation week and the two passages where it says that a day is as a thousand years to the Lord (Ps 90:4, 2 Pet 3:cool
and six times in Revelation it mentions that our reign with Jesus, when Satan is bound, will be for one thousand years (one Sabbath day). So it is obvious to me that the seven-day creation model is still in play and those in Christ will enter
the Lord’s rest or the seventh day. There are “types” or similitude’s in the Bible and it is all by design to show us God’s plan. For example, there is Ho 6:2 passage that talks about the Lord reviving us after two days and raising us up
on the third day. That should not be surprising since Jesus Himself was raised on the third day and we are His spiritual Body.

There also are a number of 6000 year hints such as God’s Spirit striving with man for 120 years (120 Jubilees or 6000 years) – (Gen 6:3) . God’s Spirit would not strive with man in the millennium because His Spirit will have been poured out on all flesh. All will have the knowledge of the Lord in the millennial reign. The seven-day model and prophetic “types” should be rather obvious since the Jewish system was based on six days of work and one day of rest. Even in the New Testament we see it played out in Mr 9:2 when Jesus is shown in His glory to Peter, James, and John after six days. Anyway, there are many such “types” and similitude’s in the Bible that suggest a biblical week of 7000

Therefore, if we know when the Lord was cut off and know that it had to be at the end of fourth day before the lasts days of the week of 7000 years, I think we can know the season of the Lord’s return in glory for the seventh day
millennial reign. It will take place somewhere between 2030 and 2035 AD. So if you believe the Bride will be taken seven years sooner or even before that time like me, the Rapture.would occur no later than 2028 and it is likely that it will occur several years sooner.

No one knows what day Jesus will come as a thief in the night for His Bride because it won’t happen until the Father tells Jesus to go get her. Even so, the Lord will return in Glory to fulfill the fall feasts to Israel just as He fulfilled allnthe spring feasts at His first coming. So the astute can know that Jesus will return in Glory on a fall feast day (probably on the two-day Feast of Trumpets) between 2030 and 2035 AD.

That is about as close as I will ever get to setting dates. I think the Church should know the general season because we are not in darkness that this day should overtake us like a thief (1Th 5:4). I do not know how much clearer Paul could have said that. The Church should be aware of the general time of the Lord’s coming.

Years ago I wrote 25 articles about events taking place on earth that correlate to indicate the general season of the Lord’s physical return to earth. Guess what? If you read those articles and look at these world events, the astute
should come to the conclusion that this downward slide of the world cannot go beyond the 2030’s without the world destroying itself. It is also obvious to me that Christian institutions have become like an out of control weed with
evil birds nesting in their upper branches that are helping corrupt the whole loaf with sin. If you do not have a clue what I am talking about or what Jesus was talking about in those parables read this article, The Parables of Matthew 13 , and also read how the seven parables relate to the
Lord’s seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Jesus was clear that there would be an end of this age. Ages do not go on forever and the Church Age has lasted for nearly two thousand years (two, one-thousand-year
days). God will be consistent and He will fulfill His week timeline seen through the earthly ages and also seen through Israel’s holy convocations and similitude’s or “types” in scripture.

Some might say it has already been more than 6000 years since creation. How would they know? The calendars have changed over time and they are not reliable. For example, the Jews say there has only been 5771 years since
creation. They are wrong but it’s not over 6000 years yet either. Bishop Usher’s dating is also wrong. Jesus was not born 4004 years from creation like he calculated. More likely Jesus died 4000 years from creation at the end the
fourth day and that puts us in the last days (last three days of the week) just like scripture claimed ever since the death of Jesus. (I say Usher was wrong because experts say If Abram was actually born when Terah was 70 as Genesis
11:26 seems to imply, Usher’s dating would be off by 60 years.)
As an aside, We can rule out that the Lord is using Biblical years of 360 days each because if that were true we would already have been in the millennium around the turn of the century. That was much of Grant Jeffery’s theory in his book “ Armageddon Appointment with Destiny” but he was obvious wrong. I think God uses a Gentile solar calendar when we are in the time of the Gentiles and He uses the Jewish moon based calendar when He is dealing with the Jews. Apparently God also changed the actual length of the year on earth so the calendars actually did reflect reality. The changes in the annual year have been recorded in the Bible.

The day that Joshua warred against the armies of the five kings of the Amorites, the sun and moon stood still in the heavens. That was a double day and apparently whatever caused it also changed the 365 day calendar to 360 days.
Then many years later Hezekiah got his life extended by 15 years and the proof that God would do it was that the sun-dial went backward. At that time the calendar changed back to 365 days and shortly after the Kingdom fell to the

You think the change of the length of years is a bit far fetch? Well, all ancient calendars also reflect this change, not just the Jewish. How did this happen? That is beyond the scope of this post but read “ Planets in Collision ” or similar works that talk about the catastrophic earth events of Old Testament times. In short, the orbit around the sun was apparently changed by interaction with some heavenly body. It will happen again in the seven-year tribulation when
we again see 1260 days that also are exactly 42 months and exactly 3.5 years. Now you also know why peoples hearts are failing them from the roaring of the waves and from seeing what is coming upon the earth – it’s not just a
few more earthquakes and floods on the earth that will bring in the tribulation. What will actually happen will be truly earth-shaking).

Maybe the Church has a decade left to work before the Rapture but almost certainly it does not have more than two. The time to work for the Lord grows short.

Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by legaxi(m): 1:06pm On Dec 20, 2015
People have completely forgotten about God but instead eulogies his prophet Isa (A.S) "Jesus" indeed the time is getting close.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by victorazy(m): 1:08pm On Dec 20, 2015

I still insist u open ur mind. Thanks.

I still stand that u lack wisdom to see and comprehend.
Spiritual things are like comedy in the eyes of canal man, go ask Noah how he tried.
Re: Biblical Week Indicates The Second Coming Of Christ To Be Between 2030 - 2035 by Nobody: 1:12pm On Dec 20, 2015
Me to nigeria.

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