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Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? - Religion (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by henroe2k2(m): 8:42am On Dec 27, 2015
have you done a research properly ? If you do you will know why, the book of enoch is devilish
The book of enoch say man wisdom came from DEMON named Penemue .

We read in the Book of Enoch, chapter 69:8-12...
8 ...And the fourth was named
Penemue: he taught the
9 children of men the bitter and
the sweet, and he taught them
all the secrets of their wisdom.
And he instructed mankind in
writing with ink and paper, and
thereby many sinned from
eternity to
10 eternity and until this day.
For men were not created for
such a purpose, to give
11 to their good faith with pen
and ink. For men were created
exactly like the angels, to the
intent that they should continue
pure and righteous, and death,
which destroys everything, could
not have taken hold of them, but
through this their knowledge
they are perishing, and through
this power
12 it is consuming me.

What ... man's wisdom came from a demon named Penemue? That's crazy! Did ink and paper cause the fall of the human race? Whoa ... I'd better through all my fine-point pens away immediately! It was Adam's sin that brought sin into the world (Romans 5:12); not evil literature. Mankind is inherently evil of himself, prone to the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). The Charismatics (Pentecostals) give far too much credit to demons for the sinful actions of men. They believe that every sin a person commits is evidence of
demon-possession. That is absurd! Men and women sin because they are sinners! (Romans 3:10,23).

I have just gone through ur post thoroughly, i cant find a place it is implied that the book of Enoch is devilish. Deductively, ur post gives credit to the fact that sin came to this world through one man, being the devil, just as the bible tells.........
On a comparative basis, there shouldn't be any form of bias studying the bible and the book of enoch side by side....


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by afrika(f): 8:42am On Dec 27, 2015

Check ur mail, let me know when its delivered

Can I get also.

Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Nobody: 8:42am On Dec 27, 2015
Its not only the book of Enoch that was removed, There are so many books that were removed from the bible. Even some parts of the the story of Jesus was removed from the bible. Reason, i don't know.
yes. The teenage years and young adult life of Jesus were removed. All the trials and temptation he went through to be confirmed as "the Christ", including his travel and life in Egypt and other Asian countries.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by MRSALT: 8:44am On Dec 27, 2015
For those who want to know the truth, live, walk and work by it, the bible books are complete. Never a time was a portion of the bible removed by anyone. The book of Noah, Moses and so many of their type were never a part of the holy scriptures. That a book was named after a biblical figure does not make such book scriptural. If someone calls himself Martin Luther. Most the person be related or be the same person with the great German reformer?
All the books of the bible were accepted as scriptural after verifying the authenticity of the authors. For example, the first 5 books of the bible were associated with Moses, the brother of Aaron who handed the books to Joshua the son of Nun to keep in the ark. There was no time Moses gave anyone 7 books of Moses.
The books of the old testament were bound by Ezra after they came back from Persia on exile. God inspired Ezra and other holy men to bind the 39 books of the old testament. So any book written after that was not under the inspiration of the holy spirit. That is why the Jews rejected so many books that bear the name of great bible characters. God did not tell Ezra and his compatriots to wait for more books to be written. All he told them was to look forward to the coming of the saviour.
Now on the issue of Book of Enoch, who knows the Enoch we are talking about? It could not be associated with the bible character because there was no record to show that he lived in a literate society. Which language was it written? There is only one language at time because God has not scattered men with different language. Moses and the jews learn how to read and write in Egypt. That is God sent them to civilized Egypt to learn human civilization. Who taught Enoch how to write? Why did Moses not recommend it to Joshua and others during his hand over notes? Why was is not found with the high priests the custodians of the great Jewish tradition? Why did it resurface only in Persia instead of Jerusalem?

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Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Chukky86: 8:44am On Dec 27, 2015
have you done a research properly ? If you do you will know why, the book of enoch is devilish
The book of enoch say man wisdom came from DEMON named Penemue .

We read in the Book of Enoch, chapter 69:8-12...
8 ...And the fourth was named
Penemue: he taught the
9 children of men the bitter and
the sweet, and he taught them
all the secrets of their wisdom.
And he instructed mankind in
writing with ink and paper, and
thereby many sinned from
eternity to
10 eternity and until this day.
For men were not created for
such a purpose, to give
11 to their good faith with pen
and ink. For men were created
exactly like the angels, to the
intent that they should continue
pure and righteous, and death,
which destroys everything, could
not have taken hold of them, but
through this their knowledge
they are perishing, and through
this power
12 it is consuming me.

What ... man's wisdom came from a demon named Penemue? That's crazy! Did ink and paper cause the fall of the human race? Whoa ... I'd better through all my fine-point pens away immediately! It was Adam's sin that brought sin into the world (Romans 5:12); not evil literature. Mankind is inherently evil of himself, prone to the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). The Charismatics (Pentecostals) give far too much credit to demons for the sinful actions of men. They believe that every sin a person commits is evidence of
demon-possession. That is absurd! Men and women sin because they are sinners! (Romans 3:10,23).

The book was right.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by funshint(m): 8:45am On Dec 27, 2015
very interesting but op what are u trying to insinuate? that the bible as we have today is not complete? but the REVELATION curse those who remove or add to the bible. Alright what would you say about the Book of Barnabas?
there was nothing like a "complete bible" originally... what you hv as bible was born out of a meeting of some pple who decided what books to include and d ones to be left out. there are so many scriptures that u don't even know about. this doesn't mean they are bad but they were only left out due to some unknown interest by some grps of individuals who compiled d final draft of what we call "the bible"

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Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Ddy(m): 8:46am On Dec 27, 2015
Someone said that the book of enoch fraud cos it talked abt human wisdom comes from the devil. Let's follow biblical ways. The bible said that when God created Adam n Eve and put them into the garden of Eden,they were naked n naïve cos their eyes where closed from knowing what is good n evil until satan deceived them into eating the fruit which made their eyes to open and they immediately know what is good n evil. Their knowledge and wisdom increased as they ate the fruit. Can someone tell me what was d fruit? Can u explain what really happened between them and the satan b4 they ate the fruit? God was very angry cos men have known much which he never wanted them to know. Hahahaha


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Stevez32(m): 8:46am On Dec 27, 2015

Sure. But am not sure i can upload upto 9mb here

Pls send it to me stevenmadubuike@yahoo.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by momohmcbrian: 8:46am On Dec 27, 2015
please help too. mine is momohmcbrian@gmail.com thank you

Check ur mail, let me know when its delivered
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by praxs(m): 8:46am On Dec 27, 2015
All these book of Enoch u are sharing #DiarisGodoooo# grin grin
Hahahahha... Unserios person


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by StarFist(m): 8:47am On Dec 27, 2015
Pls make out time and share!
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by oglalasioux(m): 8:47am On Dec 27, 2015
Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the bible?
I did do a little research before posting my question and found out that only the Ethiopian Christians kept it, that Jews rejected it because it......
well the thing is that fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems like an authentic part of the Old Testament and only Ethiopians have...
But even the accepted Genesis which Christians accept says angels from heaven had children with earthly female humans, so the book of Enoch only expands on...
The original book of Enoch is written in a mixture of Ge'ez (or something like that spoken in Ethiopia), Aramaic and Latin. Lets share what we know about it
People who compiled the bible had Jesus Christ as their object of exultation. The book of Enoch would've contradicted a lot of things concerning Jesus. For instance, the book confirmed, just as the Jehovah's Witnesses allege, that Enoch later returned from heaven and died naturally. The second I've deduced is that the book gave the same Jesus divinity to Noah. Enoch wrote that Noah was born of a human mother and an angel.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by praxs(m): 8:47am On Dec 27, 2015

Where they actually removed? No, they were not removed, rather they were not accepted as being(canonical) part of the Bible, when some interest wanted it to be made part of the Bible. When you say it was removed that means it was already part of the Bible, but it was not
Op the topic is miss-leading, change the topic.
Suggest topic sir
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by owummy(m): 8:48am On Dec 27, 2015
Pls prax can I have a copy? This is my e mail. Owummy@yahoo.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Scarface22(m): 8:49am On Dec 27, 2015
Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the bible?
I did do a little research before posting my question and found out that only the Ethiopian Christians kept it, that Jews rejected it because it......
well the thing is that fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems like an authentic part of the Old Testament and only Ethiopians have...
But even the accepted Genesis which Christians accept says angels from heaven had children with earthly female humans, so the book of Enoch only expands on...
The original book of Enoch is written in a mixture of Ge'ez (or something like that spoken in Ethiopia), Aramaic and Latin. Lets share what we know about it

Pls send me the copy you have ,I'm a heavy reader and I'd love to read it pls, this is my email address: foams2009@yahoo.com thank you
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by TPAND(f): 8:50am On Dec 27, 2015
With this thread, you can tell of those with a myopic understanding and those in depth tenacity.

It's unimaginable people call the Books of Moses and Enoch scam, lies and all Without even taking a look at it. God gave man the power of will, it amazes me some persons are just part of a herd. They believe every little thing they hear.

If the Books of Moses were scam, then what is your take on Genesis to Numbers, it was written by the same man.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by TPAND(f): 8:50am On Dec 27, 2015
With this thread, you can tell of those with a myopic understanding and those in depth tenacity.

It's unimaginable people call the Books of Moses and Enoch scam, lies and all Without even taking a look at it. God gave man the power of will, it amazes me some persons are just part of a herd. They believe every little thing they hear.

If the Books of Moses were scam, then what is your take on Genesis to Numbers, it was written by the same man.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by leofab(f): 8:50am On Dec 27, 2015
have you done a research properly ? If you do you will know why, the book of enoch is devilish
The book of enoch say man wisdom came from DEMON named Penemue .

We read in the Book of Enoch, chapter 69:8-12...
8 ...And the fourth was named
Penemue: he taught the
9 children of men the bitter and
the sweet, and he taught them
all the secrets of their wisdom.
And he instructed mankind in
writing with ink and paper, and
thereby many sinned from
eternity to
10 eternity and until this day.
For men were not created for
such a purpose, to give
11 to their good faith with pen
and ink. For men were created
exactly like the angels, to the
intent that they should continue
pure and righteous, and death,
which destroys everything, could
not have taken hold of them, but
through this their knowledge
they are perishing, and through
this power
12 it is consuming me.

What ... man's wisdom came from a demon named Penemue? That's crazy! Did ink and paper cause the fall of the human race? Whoa ... I'd better through all my fine-point pens away immediately! It was Adam's sin that brought sin into the world (Romans 5:12); not evil literature. Mankind is inherently evil of himself, prone to the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). The Charismatics (Pentecostals) give far too much credit to demons for the sinful actions of men. They believe that every sin a person commits is evidence of
demon-possession. That is absurd! Men and women sin because they are sinners! (Romans 3:10,23).
he was right ? God original intent for man was to be naive and limited in knowledge like primitive animals; what is wisdom without consciousness? Adam never knew he was naked until they romanced with the devil who is the chief demon.. Isn't that wisdom?? If you remember quite well the name of the fruit Satan have to eve; you will change your assertions!!!


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Nobody: 8:50am On Dec 27, 2015
Interesting. I really want to know about this book.

You're a lawyer?
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by ggood: 8:50am On Dec 27, 2015
please send it to me thanks bligereal@yahoo.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by superow: 8:51am On Dec 27, 2015
I have download the PDF of the book, But am scared to read
please can U send it to me. Patrickagbala@yahoo.com.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Malocity(m): 8:51am On Dec 27, 2015
Morning and happy last Sunday of the year 2015. Pls send it to me too marlindakolo@live.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by elderstan(m): 8:51am On Dec 27, 2015
Was the book in the bible before?? Anyway I dnt knw y but if u knw tell me grin undecided
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by blacq2009(m): 8:51am On Dec 27, 2015
Perhaps it contradicts Paul's lies of Jesus being God and preaches the unity of Allah, Almighty and glorious.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Bakrabas: 8:52am On Dec 27, 2015
i have the softcopy, too bulky couldnt read it coz of time

pls can i've it too...abasswealth@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by sewuun(m): 8:52am On Dec 27, 2015
Compliment of the season bro please I am intrested in reading the book of Enoch and any other one you have. here is my E-Mail seun23adedeji@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by engrjoshua: 8:52am On Dec 27, 2015

thanks so much. I have seen it
pls can u send me d book of enoch also...
i need it pls...
my email is joshpp2013@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Ezicool9(m): 8:52am On Dec 27, 2015
Pls i will like to av d book dis is my email ezekielabdul9@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by TruthHurts1(m): 8:52am On Dec 27, 2015

Brother good morning, you are really wearing god eyes glass that always prevented you from investigating issues critically than cooking up excuses as if you're the one that wrote the bible and are 100% sure of its contents.

As far as we can tell, this is 20th cum 21st century and not two thousand or three thousand years ago. The farther an event get behind time, the harder it is to investigate the factuality of what really took place. It will always be an exuberant position to doubt events that happened thousands of years, i mean thousands of years considering that the people who propagated or partook in such events are pretty naive to some extent compared to you today. The essence of such doubts is to be in the safe side by making sure we are not under delusion.

This is the reason why scientific investigations and facts of past events and phenomena (like evolution, bigbang etc) are not hold as dogma. we are human with limited knowledge to accurately know absolutely what happened in the past. We can be wrong anytime and somewhere. Despite oceans of evidence supporting any scientific and historical facts, we can't still say for absolute (100%) certainty that it really happened that way.

So you're saying there is a possibility that a book which DIRECTLY contradicts the foundation of Christian doctrine might be right? I'm beginning to think that the anti-christ is going to have it easy deceiving some so called christians. All he has to do is dig up one or two ancient heresies and the gullible ones will abandone sound Christian Doctrine and wander after the beast. The signs are already present.
2nd Corinthians 11:4 Paul chided the Corinthian Chruch for giving heed to deception:

"if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough."

Galatians 1:8

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse

The anti-christ will reap a bountiful harvest of souls from the milk and water christians of today.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by haykay2005: 8:53am On Dec 27, 2015
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by pagorino(m): 8:53am On Dec 27, 2015

Check ur mail, let me know when its delivered
pls I also need d soft copy..
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by myproperty(m): 8:53am On Dec 27, 2015

sorry! don't mind my earlier mistake. read my next post, I explained better.
Yea brother. I have read it. You are very correct. It is important that people know that the book called Enoch was never part of the Bible. When the Bible came to be no part had ever been removed.

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