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Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? - Religion (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by bensine: 9:04am On Dec 27, 2015
Please send the book to my email: bensonlaurence@yahoo.com.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Nobody: 9:04am On Dec 27, 2015
this is not funny....... word of God removed from Book of...... well let d debate begins.....Who removed it? Why was it removed?
cool down. As you can see, some orthodox christian still use some of the books not found in the revised or summarized versions.

Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by koladata(m): 9:04am On Dec 27, 2015
please I need it too.


Please I beg you guys in the Name of God, I have been looking for this book, please kindly send it to koladata@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by preciousMI1(f): 9:05am On Dec 27, 2015
I have download the PDF of the book, But am scared to read

I see... don't go and read trash that will contradict what your parents thought you from birth till this day...
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by LUMY7: 9:05am On Dec 27, 2015
Pls can u send to my email. lumy7@yahoo.com. thanks
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by daret002(m): 9:05am On Dec 27, 2015

thanks so much. I have seen it

Can you forward it to me too? Daret002@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by horgarzer(m): 9:05am On Dec 27, 2015
Holla me I send it
pls send to ogaza89@gmail.com. Tnx
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by menesheh(m): 9:05am On Dec 27, 2015

Amaechi My Guy How Far

Fine my brother.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by opedaydydx9(m): 9:06am On Dec 27, 2015

Stop reading the new testament..

The real history is in the old testament. Its funny how you're defending a religion that killed over 90% of Ethiopia (present day Africa)..
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by horgarzer(m): 9:07am On Dec 27, 2015
Kindly send me a copy of the book. Ogaza89@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by myproperty(m): 9:07am On Dec 27, 2015

Suggest topic sir
I am not entering into a debate with you. I am only trying to clarify the impression of your chosen topic. The book of Enoch was never part of the bible hence it was not removed. Rather an interest group wanted it to become part of the Bible and it was rejected.


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by W3xy1(m): 9:08am On Dec 27, 2015
please i need a copy as well. Olawumite2009@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by sekzy99(m): 9:10am On Dec 27, 2015

thanks so much. I have seen it
Pls kindly forward it to me
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by preciousMI1(f): 9:12am On Dec 27, 2015




Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by praxs(m): 9:12am On Dec 27, 2015

I am not entering into a debate with you. I am only trying to clarify the impression of your chosen topic. The book of Enoch was never part of the bible hence it was not removed. Rather an interest group wanted it to become part of the Bible and it was rejected.
Bro, by asking u to suggest or creating the thread as a whole wasnt for the wrung reasons. If anytin, its for pple like you who have knowledge to share with us. With all due respect, i wasnt dragging u into any debate with me

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Tobeein(f): 9:12am On Dec 27, 2015
please I need it too.
. Pl send to tochiemenike@gmail.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by lequatee(m): 9:13am On Dec 27, 2015

the book was never in the bible in the first place! church fathers as at that time gathered and examined several scriptures to determine if they were genuinely inspired by the holy spirit. Christianity just became state religion in Rome and there was need to streamline activities and stamp out paganism. many christian sects and scriptures were available then. some were overtly heretical (as in their message did not align with that of the church fathers) while some (like the book of Enoch) were somehow complicated. these books certainly contained biblical truth, but there were passages/chapters/verses in these books that were suspicious. hence these books were described as non-canonical and excluded from what eventually became the bible (as we see it today).

and who made the " church fathers " in Rome the judges over What is right to be in the bible?
isn't it possible they only included what they FELT was necessary and does that discredit the authenticity of the other books?

The truth is ...we will never know What Is 100% correct because we were not there and we were only told.
I wish there was nothing like religion in this world... it sucks! for God sake why Is Christianity filled with different versions and doctris ( before you comment Mr preacher, are you sure yours is the right one? )? why can't there be one version or we all just wake up to find out we' v been dreaming .


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by toyinblue: 9:14am On Dec 27, 2015
Please I will also like to receive a copy: my email is toyinblue2@yahoo.com
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by twosquare(m): 9:14am On Dec 27, 2015

I pirry d people who read these books...
Just don't say I did not warn you.
I started reading these books 5 yes ago n I know how it nearly destroyed me.
I'm interested. How does it nearly destroyed you?
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Kirigidi(m): 9:14am On Dec 27, 2015
Jesus Himself claimed in Revelation 1:8, " I
am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.

It seems dat Christians today do not knw who is GOD ALMIGTHY (JEHOVAH) nd who is JESUS CHRIST (our Savior) d only begotten Son of d ALMIGTHY GOD. Maybe dis is because nowadays pastors focus dia preachings majorly on JESUS to d extent dat many Christians now think JESUS is d same as JEHOVAH GOD ALMIGTHY d Creator of d Universe nd Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if u read d New Testament very well, u wil find out dat d Bible specified who is d ALMIGTHY GOD (who sent His Son to redeem d world) nd who is JESUS CHRIST (who is d Son sent). A closer examinatn of dat Rev 1:8 u quoted shows dat it is rather referrin to d ALMIGTHY GOD (d Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST). Bros, if u read Revelatn thoroughly frm chapter 1 verse 1 to verse 8, u wil understand wat I'm sayin. It is even specified there dat d Revelatn of d last days was not originatd by JESUS, but was given to JESUS by GOD to show us His servants.
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Nobody: 9:15am On Dec 27, 2015
Governor Ambode should be notified about this huge number of nairalanders requesting for this book oo.

I'm talking about expanding YABA LEFT facility to accommodate them 'cos mad men go soon increase for we society. I don already count over 100 hundred potential mad fellas grin

But on a serious note, Christianity has a lot of secrets but e no go stop me from going to church though.undecided
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by fratermathy(m): 9:17am On Dec 27, 2015





I tire o. 80% of the people saying send to me won't even read it. They just want it on their devices. "I have it mentality".
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by ikomB8: 9:17am On Dec 27, 2015
Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the bible?
I did do a little research before posting my question and found out that only the Ethiopian Christians kept it, that Jews rejected it because it......
well the thing is that fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems like an authentic part of the Old Testament and only Ethiopians have...
But even the accepted Genesis which Christians accept says angels from heaven had children with earthly female humans, so the book of Enoch only expands on...
The original book of Enoch is written in a mixture of Ge'ez (or something like that spoken in Ethiopia), Aramaic and Latin. Lets share what we know about it
. Pls send me a copy. tellkess@gmail.com thanks!
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by praxs(m): 9:17am On Dec 27, 2015
Governor Ambode should be notified about this huge number of nairalanders requesting for this book oo.

I'm talking about expanding YABA LEFT facility to accommodate them 'cos mad men go soon increase for we society. I don already count over 100 hundred potential mad fellas grin

But on a serious note, Christianity has a lot of secrets but e no go stop me from going to church though.undecided
My man sir jeffry, u forgot to include urself grin so it should be 101 madfellas tongue
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by irenmwinfo(m): 9:17am On Dec 27, 2015

Check ur mail, let me know when its delivered
plz can i get it as well. i beg of you. my e-mail is danp22002@gmail.com thanks
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Okies27(m): 9:18am On Dec 27, 2015
Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the bible?
I did do a little research before posting my question and found out that only the Ethiopian Christians kept it, that Jews rejected it because it......
well the thing is that fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It seems like an authentic part of the Old Testament and only Ethiopians have...
But even the accepted Genesis which Christians accept says angels from heaven had children with earthly female humans, so the book of Enoch only expands on...
The original book of Enoch is written in a mixture of Ge'ez (or something like that spoken in Ethiopia), Aramaic and Latin. Lets share what we know about it
. You said you made a little research and thought you would shown us a little part of it from your so-called research. Hope this isn't a propaganda of the order of apcenomic?
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by myproperty(m): 9:18am On Dec 27, 2015

Bro, by asking u to suggest or creating the thread as a whole wasnt for the wrung reasons. If anytin, its for pple like you who have knowledge to share with us. With all due respect, i wasnt dragging u into any debate with me
Thanks bro
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by Theodora(f): 9:18am On Dec 27, 2015
Thank you ooooo.

People like him won't let others make up their minds about what to believe. They impose their beliefs of everything being devilish and demonic if it goes against what they hold on to as truths.


Brother good morning, you are really wearing god eyes glass that always prevented you from investigating issues critically than cooking up excuses as if you're the one that wrote the bible and are 100% sure of its contents.

As far as we can tell, this is 20th cum 21st century and not two thousand or three thousand years ago. The farther an event get behind time, the harder it is to investigate the factuality of what really took place. It will always be an exuberant position to doubt events that happened thousands of years, i mean thousands of years considering that the people who propagated or partook in such events are pretty naive to some extent compared to you today. The essence of such doubts is to be in the safe side by making sure we are not under delusion.

This is the reason why scientific investigations and facts of past events and phenomena (like evolution, bigbang etc) are not hold as dogma. we are human with limited knowledge to accurately know absolutely what happened in the past. We can be wrong anytime and somewhere. Despite oceans of evidence supporting any scientific and historical facts, we can't still say for absolute (100%) certainty that it really happened that way.

Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by EMMYLBANKS(m): 9:19am On Dec 27, 2015
pls cn u send d book of enoch nd d ethiopia bible 2 my email pls.....EMMYLBANKS@GMAIL.COM
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by mannyU: 9:19am On Dec 27, 2015

Pls also send 2 dis email below. 10x

Uchenna Duru turned Oluwa Ahmed on nairaland. To whAt end?? KindA confused.. Pls explain

Infact don't bother, its none of my biz really lipsrsealed


Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by aprilwise(m): 9:20am On Dec 27, 2015

Check ur mail, let me know when its delivered
. Pls send it to also. April_wisewealth@yahoo.com. White man said if u wanna hide any thing from d black man put it into to writing. Many truth has been hiding from us .
Re: Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? by joseph1832(m): 9:21am On Dec 27, 2015
Praxs, I guess its the same reason why the gospel according to Mary Magdalene was remove, the gospel according to phillip was removed, the book Tobias was removed and a whole lot of other books.

I'll always say this that the reason why I feel these books were removed is just to sell religion to us and make it seem fallible for the gullible minds to accept its doctored dogmatism.

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